1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Muscles Needed For The Arm Wrestling Victory

INTRODUCTION In order for animals to be able to perform any type of movement, its body requires the use of muscles. The human body is composed of around six hundred muscles while only around forty through fifty percent of those muscles are skeletal muscles. In order to make the body move, it uses skeletal muscles and bones as a lever. The muscle provides a force on the bone that moves the bone. The muscle is also able to contract, extend,...
4 Pages 1736 Words

Eugenics And The Forced Sterilization Of Women In The Early 20th Century

INTRODUCTION For this topic, I plan to discuss eugenics and the forced sterilization of women in the early 20th century. I plan to explain how mostly the disabled, immigrants, and minorities were targeted as well as the implications of that. I will explain the racist and ableist roots of this era of American history, and how it’s tied with the vision of “perfecting the human race”. Essentially to protect society to those deemed “inferior”. I also plan to discuss briefly...
4 Pages 1744 Words

Parents And Children Essay

Historically North American households have been characterized by a male breadwinner and a housewife. However, this pattern is becoming increasingly more rare as two-parent working households are three times more likely than they were just twenty years ago (Daniel, 2018 ). For many, this shift stems from the high standard of living or the expenses of necessities, food, clothing, transportation, and shelter, that require more than what most single-income households can provide. Other explanations suggest a large factor is the...
4 Pages 1733 Words

Measuring The Effects Of Environmental Conditions On Plant Growth

INTRODUCTION The light from the Sun and the presence of carbon dioxide is crucial in propelling the process of photosynthesis. It is these main factors that plants can grow and expand. However, the threat of climate change will dramatically alter the conditions in which flora can thrive in. Hence forth this experiment is to model and investigate the impacts of climate change on plants via a combination of light intensity and carbon dioxide presence. Climate change is heavily linked to...
4 Pages 1662 Words

Emerson: Every heart vibrates to self-reliance

Introduction to Emerson's Convictions “Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.” This quote is towards the beginning of Emerson’s “Self-Reliance,” and it is the basis of Emerson’s convictions. “Trust thyself,” begins the quotation. The semicolon separates this idiom from the rest of the quote, because it has the power to stand alone. Emerson believed that to rely on others is cowardly, so to trust ourselves is what we can rely on. “Every heart vibrates to that iron string,”...
4 Pages 1718 Words

The Divergence Of Eastern And Western European Jews

Though Europe stands as one continent, the extreme variance in the way Jews were treated, lived, and worshipped up to the 1870’s casts a division between the East and the West. Western Jews ultimately were acculturated into society, rising from poverty into the middle class and pursuing more rational thought through the Haskalah, while Eastern Jews remained steadfast in placing the importance on their Jewish identity above all else. However, Jews in Eastern Europe suffered economically and legally to a...
4 Pages 1738 Words

Immanuel Kant: Ethics And Morality

Beyond the phenomenological understanding of the world, human ethics and morals are as fermented in human reason as our need for oxygen to breathe. Most discussions about ethics and morals seem synonymous with one association in particular: God. Divine Command Theory argues that what’s good, and what’s not, are determined by a deity, whether that’s the God of Abraham, or a plethora of gods with their own ethical rules. In the theory of Natural Law, Thomas Aquinas, says that morality...
4 Pages 1745 Words

Does The Human Soul Exist?

Is there a soul? This is a question I have been mulling over for the past eight or so weeks and I’ve come to the realise that there is no definite answer, no ‘Eureka!’ moment. But that the answer lies in your own opinions and belief system, it depends on what you want the answer to be. Firstly, let’s define the soul; what exactly is it? The online oxford dictionary describes it as 'the spiritual or immaterial part of a...
4 Pages 1697 Words

Teamwork In Nursing Examples

Introduction This essay will discuss communication and teamwork, by choosing these two essential skills in not just health care but all aspects of life, I aim to enhance my knowledge and understanding which I hope will improve my professional competence. These two valuable skills are closely linked as effective communication, mutual support and team leadership all contribute to successful teamwork (Baker et al, 2012). In fact effective communication may be seen as one of the most important components of teamwork...
4 Pages 1689 Words

The Features Of Personality Concept

With thousands of self-help books published under ‘personality’ each year, and with thousands of psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists and psuedo-scientists identifying a nondescript number of personality types and the traits which fall into them, the idea of the personality is something of a modern phenomenon. Particularly in modern history, the contemporary understanding of the ‘personality’ finds its origins in ‘the long era’ (1955 to 1974) with political movements becoming centred around notions of identity: race, gender and sexuality, rather than simply...
4 Pages 1729 Words

The Characteristics Of Language Attitudes

As it has been claimed by Agheyisi and Fishman (1970), language attitudes have been the most indispensable concept in sociolinguistics. Ryan (1982) has defined attitude as “a learned disposition to think, feel and behave toward a person or a class of objects in a particular way”. This interpretation emphasizes the positive and negative emotional responses that attitude embodies, and thus, language attitudes consist of an affective component, and extend to thought and behavior as well. In addition to this, Oppenheim...
4 Pages 1697 Words

The Influence Of Christianity On Anglo-Saxons

Christianity remains the most followed religion in the world today making up nearly a third of the world’s population. In 2011, Christianity was the largest religion in England and Wales with 33.2 million people, equating to 59.3% of the population. Christianity has an enriched heritage and profound history, but one may be interested to know where the origins of Christianity began? Or what the history of conversion in the UK and, in particular, the English was? Conversion is the notion...
4 Pages 1742 Words

Is Deviant Behaviour In Society Linked To Family Dynamics?

Man is a social animal and our behaviour in society affects everyone around us. Families raise children that grow up becoming a part of society and therefore nurturing right behaviour is important for a healthy and positive society. I chose this topic as I come from a very family-oriented home, and I occasionally wonder about the behaviour of ill-mannered or badly brought up children, and the reason why they are that way. I often conclude that the cause of the...
4 Pages 1725 Words

Drivers Of Environmental Leadership In Corporate Organizations

“Climate change is no longer a far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now” (Barack Obama). The world has finally woken up to address the disastrous consequences of mankind’s activities. Measures are being taken all around the world to reduce the impact of climate change and prevent further harm. Industries have played a key role in contributing to global warming along with many other sources. Majority of them have also voluntarily shouldered the responsibility of taking steps towards...
4 Pages 1744 Words

Child Labor Trafficking In The U.S.: Political And Ethical Implications

Introduction In the U.S., the prevalence of child labor trafficking is increasing at a substantial rate every year, with little being done about it. According to the International Labor Organization, between the years of 2005 and 2012, the amount of reported human trafficking victims increased from 21.0 million to 40.3 million victims worldwide. Of those 40.3 million, 24.9 million were victims of labor, and approximately ⅓ of those labor workers were children (Sweileh). Child labor trafficking can be defined as...
4 Pages 1650 Words

Childhood Vaccination Should Be Mandatory

Introduction to the Importance of Childhood Vaccination Vaccination was one of the greatest health inventions of the 20th century. Vaccines have saved millions of lives for more than 50 years. Most childhood vaccines are 90% to 99% effective in preventing disease (Vaccine Safety). The problem here is that some people are concerned about how safe vaccines are and doubt that they are effective therefore do not vaccinate their children. The main concern parents have is the false rumors that autism...
4 Pages 1691 Words

The March On Washington And Martin Luther King

Before Martin Luther King Junior, the African American civil rights movement was just another injust idea in the U.S. Segregation was the practice of requiring different housing, education, and other services for people of color. It was made law several times in the 18th and 19th century America. At the time in 1862 President Lincoln entertained the idea of opening channels for colonization in ex-slave countries such as Liberia and Haiti with $600,000 to help. “The first steps toward official...
4 Pages 1739 Words

Insights into Second Language Learning Via Virtual Environment

Abstract There are attempts to incorporate virtual learning environment (VLE) into second-language learning, given the highly engaging character of VLE. However, the lack of expertise of both tutors and learners often compromise the effectiveness of VLE as a language learning tool. This article seeks to identify the prominent weakness present in existing VLE systems and suggest possible solutions to enhance L2-learners’ learning experience. Introduction Born in a digital age, millennials harness the unprecedented benefits brought about by technology. One prominent...
4 Pages 1738 Words

Students And Control

No rules, no homework, no curriculum: is this an ideal learning environment or a detrimental one? Students often find school boring or unnecessary, especially when learning about topics that don’t interest them. When students are taught subjects which they enjoy, they’re more engaged, and more eager to learn. In order for students to receive the rich benefits of true learning, teachers should allow students to have more influence over their education. One way teachers could do this, is to set...
4 Pages 1681 Words

The Yips And Its Impact On Athletes

Abstract Athletes have struggled over the years with the pressure of having to deliver results in competition during crunch time. Many have succeeded, and many have failed. It is not uncommon for superstar athletes to fail and continue to see success during the course of their career. Take Michael Jordan for example, he missed over 12,000 shots over the course of his career yet he is considered the greatest basketball player of all time. On the other hand, there are...
4 Pages 1697 Words

IB Program As A Tool For Content-based Language Instruction

ABSTRACT As we all know we don’t see the use of English language in other classes apart from English class. But if students have a chance to expose English in most of the classes, they can improve their language skills better. For this reason, we decided to handle it as ‘’content-based language instruction’’. So, we found a school named as Atatürk Türk Telekom Social Sciences High School which uses ‘’content based language instruction’’ in the classroom area. In the article...
4 Pages 1693 Words

Traditional Vs. Reform Judaism

Traditional and Reformed Judaism was becoming a definite battle in the 19th century. Both sides fighting over who is right. Many Jews started converting to Protestantism and many assimilated men and women considered conversion. As was the case for Weininger. “The conflicting pressures on sensitive young men and women invariably caused much bitterness. Among some of the most privileged or gifted it produced a reaction later known as “Jewish self-hatred”.4 This was a direct response to the times; as things...
4 Pages 1675 Words

Negative And Positive Implications Of Faith Based Organization

Religion is an institutionalized system of beliefs and practices concerning the supernatural realm, whereas spirituality refers to the personal beliefs by which an individual relates to, and experiences the supernatural realm (Lunn, 2009). These terms give us a concrete background on the key notion that my essay will be focused on; Faith based organizations and the implications they come with on development, both negative and positive. The concept of ‘faith,’ which refers to the human trust or belief in a...
4 Pages 1716 Words

How Does Ibsen Present Traditional Gender Roles In A Doll’s House?

Introduction to Ibsen's Critique of Gender Roles Henrik Ibsen, a prominent Norwegian playwright, is proclaimed to be the “Father of Modern Drama” for writing plays that exposed and challenged the social ideologies within the nineteenth-century Norwegian society through the illustration of everyday life. His naturalistic play, A Doll’s House, written in 1879, is no exception. Through his central characters and their function, Ibsen criticises the traditional gender roles both men and women are confronted with, in a society more concerned...
4 Pages 1695 Words

Attitudes Towards Homosexuality And Dalai Lama

Many turn to their faith for guidance when it comes to sexual relationships, and Buddhists are no exception. A Buddhists ultimate aim is to escape suffering, and they believe that sex, homosexual or otherwise, should be approached with the Right Intention (BBC Bitesize 2020). A Buddhists perspective of Homosexuality is very flexible. Buddhism is considered incredibly diverse (more so than Christianity) and therefore, can be hard to come to conclusions on particular topics. The sociocultural factors that allow the expansion...
4 Pages 1701 Words

Unlocking The Mitochondrial DNA Code To Lockdown Illegal Shark Fishing

Abstract The exploitation of shark species to satisfy the high market demand is now becoming a worldwide concern since the numbers for many species of these apex predators are now declining at an alarming rate. Shark DNA extracted from shark samples collected from the Australian fisheries management, amplified and used for identification. Although there are different methods of identifying a species, they proved to be insignificant at times of need. A dire need for species identification method that is both...
4 Pages 1702 Words

The Peculiarities Of Societal Bilingualism

Societal bilingualism can be accounted to movement of people and to movement of national borders, but there are also other reasons that lead to bilingual societies such as exogamous marriages and expansion, colonization and conquest. For example in the British Isles, speakers of Welsh, Scotish, Gaelic Irish Gaelic, Manx and Cornish became bilingual under pressure from England (Sebba, 2010). When we talk about the movement of national borders this not only implies expansion but also a division of territories that...
4 Pages 1721 Words

Identification Of Slip Of Tongue In Language Of The Businessmen

ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to discover the slips of the tongue in language of the businessmen in their dealings with their customers and to find out the frequency of these errors. Slips of the tongue is an unintentional speech error that occur sometimes in our communication most likely due to the unconsciousness of our mind in situations like nervousness, stress, excitement etc. The method used to collect data is recordings of the businessmen of the Liberty Market...
4 Pages 1663 Words

How Is Marine Biodiversity Affected As A Result Of Nitrate Concentration?

Rationale The nitrogen cycle (Figure 1.0.1) is complex and involves chemical, geological and biological processes. Flora, fauna and various bacteria are involved. Air is approximately 79% nitrogen but nitrogen gas cannot be used by most living organisms. Instead, plants must obtain their nitrogen from the soil as nitrate and animals obtain their nitrogen from plants or other animals. Nitrogen is an essential component of proteins and nucleic acids, so all organisms require a supply of it. Humans cannot fix nitrogen...
4 Pages 1660 Words

How Does Discipline Influence Academic Performance?

Discipline is the key to attain and achieved our goal's in life. We as a future educator's, discipline and academic performance are the core in today's education. While in student's learning, discipline has a ver important role in the life of every individual, by being well-disciplined we can encourage everyone to be disciplined as well. Discipline also helps us to become a better version of our selves and it can help us to be a better person in this world....
4 Pages 1737 Words
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