1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Examples Of Power In The Crucible

Introduction to Fear and Power in "The Crucible" and "Stranger Things" Fear is a very potent emotion, an extreme force of nature, in which lies the power to destroy many lives. Arthur Millerā€™s allegorical play, The Crucible and the sci-fi horror series Stranger Things by the Duffer Brothers enable us to see that those in power often manipulate peopleā€™s fear to maintain power and disempower others. Synonymously they explore how institutions of power use the fears of their followers to...
3 Pages 1730 Words

Meningococcal Meningitis Outbreak During The Hajj

Bacterial Meningococcal Meningitis is a rare and potentially fatal infection if not treated early on2. It is caused by the meningococcus bacterium and affects various individuals-mainly those who are of the ages zero to four and fifteen to twenty-five2. Bacterial Meningococcal Meningitis is a serious bacterial infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord called the meninges. It causes the meninges to inflame and trigger symptoms such as headaches, high fevers, stiff neck, confusion, and light sensitivity. For...
4 Pages 1679 Words

The Principles Of Equity

Many have classified our current geological epoch as the Anthropocene, an era in which humans now act as the primary creators of geological change (Allen et al., 2018). This concept is captured in human-induced climate change; since the invention of agriculture and rapidly following the industrial revolution, we have altered our planet, and the consequences are presenting themselves more clearly now than ever. Therefore, the greatest humanitarian and existential threat to our societies has brought about ethical issues when it...
4 Pages 1667 Words

Challenges, Benefits And Drawbacks Of Mission To Mars

There is a proverbial space race going on around us, but instead of a race to the moon or into earth orbit it is a race to Mars, a new world. Unlike the space race of the Cold War with two nations going head to head, we have 1000s of companies, start-ups and government agencies competing to be the first feet on the red planet. Unsurprisingly, many have garnered media attention from Elon Muskā€™s ambitious goals to the bankrupt Mars...
4 Pages 1743 Words

Studying stars with helioseismology and solar neutrinos

The Sun, the centre of our solar system, an object in which without life on Earth would cease to exist. The Sun provides energy to Earth which allows many important chemical reactions to take place in order to facilitate life. Our Sun is relatively hot and immense, conducting physical investigations to obtain information is impossible, therefore safe and long-distance techniques have been developed in order to study our Sun and then extend these techniques further to study other stars in...
4 Pages 1730 Words

Mars Parameters for Plant Growth: Sustainability?

Within the 2015 film, The Martian, the main protagonist is able to grow food sources on Mars when he is left after complications in a NASA mission. The capability of sustainable plant growth, to the quality seen on Earth, is questionable. This is where the question, ā€˜Are the parameters of Mars suitable for sustainable plant growth and survival?ā€™ was asked. To come to a conclusive answer for this question, it would need to be testable. The testability of this question...
4 Pages 1668 Words

Masculinity Norms And Menā€™s Attitude Towards Help Seeking

Abstract To investigate the role of masculine norms on attitude towards seeking professional help, three hundred and twenty-one heterosexual Australian males participated in an online study. The measures were Male role gender inventory scale and the Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Help Scale, which were designed to see how participants would score on each scale. It was hypothesized that the specific subscales restrictive emotionality, self-reliance and dominance obtained from the inventory will each have a negative relationship with attitude towards help...
4 Pages 1728 Words

Determining The Concentration Of Glucose In Drinks Using Spectrophotometry

Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine the concentration of glucose in an assortment of drinks ā€“ Coke, Gatorade, and a sucrose solution. This was achieved through the use of a spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of NADPH, which is directly linked to the glucose content, produced via a multistep enzymatic reaction. The results indicated a directly proportional relationship between glucose concentration and absorbance that followed a positive linear model, which was then used to determine the glucose...
4 Pages 1679 Words

The Analysis Of Child Language

From as early as our time spent in the womb, our ears are already adjusting to the sounds of the exterior world. This marks the beginning of a life full of language acquisition and development. Going from a child aged 0-6 months of age, turning their heads to listen to sounds (Cox, 2011) to a child of 4-5 years with a vocabulary of 3000- 5000 words, truly represents the complexity of a childā€™s mind in language learning. Subsequently, as adults...
4 Pages 1652 Words

How The Developments In Medicine Has Advanced Biological Understanding

From ancient biotechnology to modern, biotechnology has evolved profoundly and has gained exceptional importance and significance during recent years, which is just unprecedented. From vaccinations to mapping human DNA to agricultural impacts, medical biotechnology is creating major advancements and helping countless individuals. The intricacy of biotechnology is augmented due to enhancements and the developments of new technologies, as these are based on the technological advancements with a more improved comprehending the conventions of fundamental science. Biotechnology is technology based on...
3 Pages 1677 Words

Evaluation Of Coaching Practices And Junior Football Coach

This report will intentionally explore the connection (if any) between Junior Football Coach practices and Coaching best practices. A current junior coach has been assessed by assisting to a training session and a ā€˜game dayā€™, as well as been interviewed. The analysis of his character and actions versus the concept of ā€˜best practicesā€™ showed a positive result in the goal to archive to comply with the definition. Route of this exploration helped by an evaluation model applied from the sports...
4 Pages 1728 Words

Surfing: History, Effects And Environment

Introduction Surfing is something that effects millions worldwide itā€™s considered and associated with being one with mother nature meaning it must be eco-friendly to the point of being environmentally pleasing? However, some of the equipment used is quit polluting to the environment and this is something surfers and manufactures are trying to stop because the environment is something theyā€™re trying to preserve so they can continue doing what they love. People are trying to find ways of fixing this environmental...
4 Pages 1653 Words

Sociological Effects Of Vaccinations

Introduction Vaccination is one of the few ways you can protect yourself and others from infectious diseases. If you vaccinate it limits the spread of disease and could potentially wipe it out all together and it foregoing into the future. To make sure you and your family are up to date and fully vaccinated there is a National Immunisation Program schedule that is set by the Australian Government ('Why immunisation is important', 2019). By getting vaccinated you are not only...
4 Pages 1686 Words

Commercial Law And Agreements

Hire purchase agreements are agreements whereby an owner of goods allows a person, the hirer, to hire goods from him for a specified time while paying the owner in scheduled instalments. The hirer has an option to buy the goods at the end of the agreement if all installments are being paid. Hire Purchase Agreements however, are not contracts of sale but contracts of bailment as the hirer merely has an option to buy the goods. The hirer has the...
4 Pages 1718 Words

Usage Of Plant Extracts In Treating Obesity

Abstract Obesity represents one of the major health emergencies in developed countries. India is now behind US and China in this international list of top 10 countries with elevated amount of obese people. Obesity has been attributed in the causation of a number of metabolic disorders together with diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, cardiovascular disease and cancers that enhance the mortality and morbidity hazard in adulthood. Alterations in thyroid functions were reported roughly in each obese patient. There is substantiation that an...
4 Pages 1734 Words

Hybrid Machine Learning for Disease Detection in Plant Leaves

Abstract Disease detection is crucial to scale back the losses in agricultural product yield and amount.Plant disease analyses include the study of variations found on the farm. Monitoring the security and identification of infections on plants is incredibly vital for organic farming. Manually, plant diseases can not be tracked simply in farms that contain completely different crops. This wants an enormous quantity of labor, expertise in plant diseases, and additionally needs substantial time interval. As a result, image processing is...
4 Pages 1714 Words

Prebiotics impact folate in milk fermentation

INTRODUCTION Folate is a water-soluble B- vitamin which has an essential nutritional function in the human body, especially very important for pregnant women and lactating mothers. The major sources of folate are green leafy vegetables, liver, legumes, egg yolk, wheat germ, milk and milk products, and yeast (Lin & Young, 2000). Folate deficiency is a global issue especially from developing countries, where the low folate intake has been linked with health disorders such as cancer, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, or neural...
4 Pages 1658 Words

Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection And Messaging System

ABSTRACT In Today's life the use of vehicle and advance technology is growing very fastly because of this there is both the advantages and the disadvantages. The advancing technology has increased lot of vehicle accident which is resulting in lot of life loss. The main purpose of the project is to mainly focus on detecting the vehicle accident and help in tracking the exact location of vehicle and the position where accident occured. Location parameters such as longitude and latitude...
4 Pages 1663 Words

What Threat Does Soumaoro Make to Sundiata?

Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali and Macbeth both provided readers with an inside look at how prophecies and the role of fate help determine the outcomes of oneā€™s action. Alongside the prophecies exist magic and sorcery that further influenceā€™s oneā€™s decision to be good or evil. In Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali, a king named Soumaoro abandons his morals in order to instill fear into his people. In Macbeth, a soldier turned king also relies on black magic...
4 Pages 1718 Words

Problems For Essential Workers During The Covid-19 Crisis

Recently, many different parts of the world have been affected by the pandemic of the coronavirus. Because this virus spread so quickly across the world, the safe measure that would help slow the spread of the virus was to shelter in place and close all businesses except for the essential workers. This now has many American workforces working from home and students are now relying on technology to help them complete the rest of the school year in order to...
4 Pages 1661 Words

Design And Analysis Of GTEM Cell Using CST Studio Simulation

Abstract This paper presents the design of Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic (GTEM) cell with a dimension of 2.1m x 1.2m x 0.81m over a frequency range from DC up to 1 GHz using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method in computer simulation technology (CST) microwave studio. Different design parameters such as tapering length of central conductor (septum), transition in the apex, septum height etc. were taken into consideration before finalizing the dimensions of the cell. The field uniformity inside the cell and volume...
4 Pages 1670 Words

The Hindu Culture Of India

Hinduism is a culture that is rich in history and tradition. There are almost one billion followers of Hinduism around the world and the majority reside in India (Roots, 2020). Not only is Hinduism one of the largest world religions, it is also one the oldest. It is believed that Hinduism dates back 4,000 years (Hinduism, 2020). To those that practice Hinduism, they consider it much more than just a religion. For them, it is a culture, way of life...
4 Pages 1742 Words

The Peculiarities Of Boxing As A Sport

Imagine showing up to school, ready to sign up for boxing. Boxing has been practiced since ancient times even the Egyptians used to play it. For decades, the topic of whether boxing should be banned has been in constant debate. But now, the topic about whether boxing should be a school sport has been brought to the table to be argued. Opponents defy this proposal by arguing that boxing will encourage violence, and cause nothing but harm among the students....
4 Pages 1738 Words

Structuralism And Semiotics In The Matrix

The Matrix, as a movie, is a perfect representative for an analysis of Structuralism presenting a reality that is torn between the two ideologies, The Matrix: the movie or the artificial world, the double life of the main character or the red and blue pill. Films create meaning by using structures (codes and conventions) as a language we can understand. In this essay we will analyse how films convey meaning through the use their structures of codes and conventions (narrative,...
4 Pages 1678 Words

Gender Inequalities In Sports And Physical Activity

The social cultural factor of focus will be gender ideologies in society, including the participation in physical activity and sport. Due to the negative connotations and judgments with women and girls participating in sport or being physically active, there is a low number compared to boys and men. The reasons as to why there is a significant gender gap with participation of sport and physical activity is due to the gender ideologies society has placed on the certain roles and...
4 Pages 1667 Words

Core Fitness & Fitness Retreads

Core Fitness is a well-established company in United States of America providing fitness solutions and healthcare to the communities around the states. The company has been operating for nearly 35 years and has grown to a level where they are confident and solid towards further expansions. As a partnership of three colleagues, Core Fitness has been performing well in the industry thus far successfully. Terry Edward, the in-charge of procurements has made a worthy savings to the company by using...
4 Pages 1738 Words

IoT Based Sign Language Translator Device

ABSTRACT Sign languages are natural languages that deaf people use to speak with other ordinary human beings in the community. Although it is believed that the signal language for people with hearing problems due to its considerable use among them, it is not widely known by other normal humans. In this project, we have developed a sign language recognition device for those who now do not understand sign language, to communicate effortlessly with people with hearing problems. Conversion of sign...
4 Pages 1659 Words

Impact of Temp & Concentration on Membrane Diffusion

Introduction Biology may be a scientific study of life within which we examine the essential components to living things and their key habits to survival. to grasp this process, we first have a look at the organismā€™s cell. The cell was discovered and derived because the basic unit of life by British scientist, scientist. From his study, he concocted the thought that everything an organism has to survive is found, processed, and utilized within the cell. He then realized that...
4 Pages 1705 Words

Muslim Americans in US post-9/11: Life & experience

The most tragic event to occur on US soil was the September 11 attacks in 2001 by the terrorist organization, al-Qaeda. Pamela Engel and Ellen Loanes from Business Insider describe the tragedy as ā€œthe most deadliest attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor,ā€ claiming the lives of 2,977 innocent civilians, 19 hijackers and injuring more than 6,000 others. Two weeks after the September 11 attacks, the Federal Bureau of Investigation connected the hijackers to al-Qaeda, a global, decentralized terrorist network....
4 Pages 1730 Words

The Importance Of DNA In Science And Technology

Introduction to DNA's Role in Biological Systems DNA is of pivotal importance to science and technology as it holds the genetic information required to guide the life of every organism and the survival of every species. It contains the instructions needed to make proteins and coordinate internal processes throughout an organismā€™s entire lifespan. Without DNA, individuals would not be able to progress through stages of development or reproduce to pass on this hereditary information to new generations and allow the...
4 Pages 1669 Words
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