1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Should College Students Pay Much For Colleges: Persuasive Essay

All across the United States every year, parents prepare their kids for taking that big milestone to get into a college institution. They have to apply for financial aid, get their dorm room, and necessities, and make sure their kid is in a good environment. That’s beside the point, however, college/universities cost a lot of money; it could be 4-year college, private, or liberal arts school. Almost 370,000 students wanting to attend HBCUs are eligible for new plus loans. Common...
4 Pages 1665 Words

Nursing Shortage as a Serious Problem in Canada: Critical Essay

The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) has highlighted an impending shortage of nurses who have the skills and knowledge to meet the healthcare needs of the Canadian population, a lack, according to the CNA, that has been unequaled in past decades (McDonald, C. and McIntyre, M., 2019, p.317). Economic analysts and political analysts have voiced a lot of views and opinions on the reasons for this issue. From a financial perspective, the shortage is mostly driven more by the supply. McIntyre...
4 Pages 1715 Words

Protein synthesis of haemoglobin and its impact on the body

Hemoglobin is a protein produced in the bone marrow that is stored in erythrocytes which carry oxygen throughout the body. The main function of erythrocytes is the transportation of oxygen to the body's cells to enable cellular respiration to occur. 97% of the oxygen carried by the blood from the lungs is carried through hemoglobin, whilst the remaining 3% is dissolved in the plasma. Hemoglobin allows blood to move 30 to 100 times more oxygen than that dissolved in the...
4 Pages 1654 Words

Analytical Essay on How to Improve Our Education System

Americans without a high school diploma compared to college graduates are three times more likely to be unemployed, and even those with high school diplomas average 50% less in annual incomes than those with college degrees. Additionally, the gap between the educational haves and have-nots is only growing wider. Is education supposed to be the great equalizer, right? We’re all told if you work hard and do well in school, you can be anything you want to be when you...
4 Pages 1748 Words

Montaigne's 'Of the Cannibals' and 'The Tempest': Compare/Contrast

Elizabethan play or theatre, also known as English Renaissance theatre, is referred to as the plays written and performed during the reign of Elizabeth I of England from 1558 to 1603 CE. The actors of the play were generally touring troupes and the plays were written in blank verse. The plays, more often than not, are based on non-religious themes. The first permanent theatre ever built in England was in London, in the year 1576 CE. The Queen herself was...
4 Pages 1683 Words

Sexual Harassment Vs Sexual Assault: Critical Essay

One in five women and one in 71 men will be raped during their lives. (National Sexual Violence Resource Center). Sexual harassment/assault becomes a problem when it is a common event that occurs daily. If you were to turn on the television to the news, you would more than likely hear about a case that must deal with sexual harassment/ assault. It happens too often that the world just brushes it off and acts as if it isn’t important. This...
4 Pages 1704 Words

Sexism in 'Of Mice and Men': Critical Analysis Essay

Representations are constructed through the use of language features by the author to enable readers to identify the different social groups. John Steinbeck's “Of Mice and Men” (1937) follows the story of George and Lennie who share a dream of owning their own land during the Great Depression, facing many difficulties as a result of Lennie’s disability. By using the combination of different language features, Steinbeck represents the different social groups of women as hypersexualized and a possession, African Americans...
4 Pages 1699 Words

Essay on First Amendment: Freedom in Public Schools

Nowadays, it is common for people to have the right to free speech with the progress of societies. People can speak out about what they want to express in public and contribute their thoughts to the community. Thus, the community can create a healthy environment by listening to these efficient suggestions. The definition of free speech is that people can use their right to express information or opinions that do not cause violence to society. In the article “Student sues...
4 Pages 1702 Words

Persuasive Essay about Deforestation

Why Deforestation Needs Further Reformation As humans have evolved mechanically, their dependency on trees’ utility has evolved in a parallel manner. While at first, deforestation was simply cutting down a few trees here and there to build small settlements, it has now become a global practice and has grown to a massive scale that is endangering the entire planet. Over the course of history, deforestation has directly increased alongside the development of technology and the human population (Cohen). Deforestation at...
4 Pages 1654 Words

Deforestation of Amazon Rainforest: Essay Paper Thesis

The amazon region is basically known by its continuous tropical forest and water basin extending in most regions of the South American continent. Currently, human activities involve cutting the primary forest together with the biomass release, interregional diversity, institutional and social drivers are contributing to adverse effects to Amazon climate change. During the 2009 conference that discussed climate change, Brazil volunteered to control and reduces global heating gas by reducing the deforestation act in Amazon tropical forest by 80% before...
4 Pages 1684 Words

Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural Address Summary

On March 4, 1865, Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office for the second time. The setting itself reflected how much had changed in the past four years. When Lincoln delivered his First Inaugural Address, the new Capitol dome, which replaced the original wooden one, was only half-complete. Now the Statue of Freedom crowned the finished edifice, symbolizing the reconstitution of the nation on the basis of universal liberty. For the first time in American history, companies of black soldiers...
4 Pages 1686 Words

Hamlet And Claudius: Critical Essay

Both Claudius and Hamlet are very clever, intelligent, charming, and skilled manipulators. What separates the two into villain and protagonist are their motivations and beliefs. Throughout the play, it is a back-and-forth battle between Claudius and Hamlet as they struggle to achieve their own causes. In this essay I will show how, despite failing to eliminate Hamlet as planned, he is still a master manipulator and puppet master who gracefully orchestrates the end. Before we delve into the specifics of...
4 Pages 1741 Words

Critical Essay on Quotes from 'The Glass Castle'

Within the novel Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, the father-daughter relationship displayed between Rex and Jeannette Walls is a complex one. A large portion of Jeanette’s childhood is represented throughout the novel. During her childhood, Jeanette experiences constant wondering about her father’s presence and accountability. Additionally, a large sum of tragic events is also present. After these tragic events occur, Rex seems to use something such as a positive action or remark in order to counteract them. At these points...
4 Pages 1716 Words

Child Abuse: Definition Essay

Child abuse is not a new phenomenon in the history of man. Child abuse is not a new thing in the world. Child abuse has become an alarming issue in Nigeria. Recent reports have proven that child abuse varies from one region to another. Child abuse can be found in almost every work activity and organization worldwide. In the context of work activities street hawking, child trafficking, street begging, agriculture and mines among others can be covered. Owolabi (2012) and...
4 Pages 1660 Words

Positives of Human Trafficking

Wikipedia defines human trafficking as the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for traffickers or others. We define it as modern-day slavery. The existence of human trafficking in the world today demonstrates that slavery is far from being eliminated. Slavery is no longer about race or specific cultural domination, it is a worldwide phenomenon. It is a complex issue that deals with poverty, human rights, international crime, and thousands of victims....
4 Pages 1682 Words

The Death Penalty Is a Step Back: Persuasive Essay

The straps tighten against you as you draw your final breath. There is blood to pay for the price of the crime, but this fictitious murderer has been wrongfully accused. You are painfully innocent. The pressure of all the people holding you down is suffocating. The needle is injected; this is not justice neither is it mercy. This is cruelty. The death penalty is not the way to give redemption to those of lost loved ones, this is because it...
4 Pages 1696 Words

Speech about Racism

The issue of race in the 21st century is a touchy subject, but one that needs to be talked about. Racism is a cultural creation that continues to wreak havoc on multiple countries, one of which includes the United States, which has a long history of racism. The issue of race has not gone away but has rather taken another form. Racism looks different today than it did 100 years ago, but it is still an issue that needs to...
4 Pages 1673 Words

Social Media Theories Essay

In this essay I will be critically analyzing a traditional theory of the self; the theory of Erving Goffman. I will start by describing this theory, by applying it to some of Goffman’s studies of the Island situated in Scotland, that individuals are social “actors”. I will further consider the strengths and weaknesses of Goffman’s idea. For instance, I will argue that Goffman’s micro-sociological approach would be best suited to studying society because he considers individual interactions and how we...
4 Pages 1664 Words

Concept of Heroism in Mary Shelley’s Novel ‘Frankenstein’

In this essay I aim to discuss and analyze the concept of heroism in Mary Shelley’s gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’. I will also discuss the way in which both Frankenstein and his monster are heroes. Furthermore, I will explore the different archetypes of heroes, e.g., the romantic hero, the tragic hero, the Byronic hero and the anti-hero. Additionally, I will discuss the features of romanticism Shelly uses throughout the novel. To conclude, I will evaluate whether Frankenstein or his monster is...
4 Pages 1748 Words

Critical Essay on Illegal Immigrants and Stereotypes about Them

Illegal immigration has been an issue that the United State has been dealing since the early 1800s. In recent years, there has been a surge in the amount of attention that illegal immigration is receiving in the media. This attention is mainly because of the massive increase of Hispanic immigrants crossing the border illegally and disobeying U.S. laws. Another contributing factor is that President Trump is aiming to build a higher border wall between the United State and Mexico border....
4 Pages 1734 Words

Argumentative Essay about the Death Penalty

Capital punishment, known also as the death penalty, is a subject that is been present in human history for a long time and remains today. Throughout the years' many people have been arguing about whether if it should be completely abolished, why should be abolished, or why should not, either in the United States or other countries around the world, and the answer for that is complete yes. There are many reasons why the death penalty should not be allowed,...
4 Pages 1702 Words

Professional Identity in Nursing: Exemplification Essay

During the medical ward round in ICU which is led by a Consultant, opinions of all the practitioners having input in the care of the patients are always sought, and I took the opportunity to advise a repeat surgical review of Mr. X. Initially I was told that the surgical team has no interest as Mr. X would not survive surgical intervention. But a surgical review was arranged and I participated in the discussion. In the review, based on the...
4 Pages 1652 Words

Tupac Shakur, Kendrick Lamar, Eminem and the Key Messages of Their Songs

For the last 30 years, rap music has become a medium for artists to use powerful lyrics to send secure messages through self-expression. The rap genre has become a means of expressing themes of solidarity, freedom of speech, tolerance, and outrage against social injustices. Rap music is a source of self-expression that artists use to deliver meaningful messages through tone, artistic style, experience, and powerful lyrics. Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Alright’ shows that although he has become a well-known and highly respected...
4 Pages 1676 Words

Presence of Hunger in America

You might think that America with a highly developed economy would have no issue with hunger, but you will be shocked by lots of findings. The myth of hunger, stating that ‘there’s a hunger crisis in other parts of the world – not in America’ should be shattered because of the statistical evidence of the presence of hunger in America and anecdotal experiences of families facing hunger in the United States. Even if the media has failed to help disseminate...
4 Pages 1670 Words

Dark Side of the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church has been corrupted since it has been established, but more recently has the secrets of the church surfaced. They have been faced with sexual assault allegations, corrupted leaders and hierarchy, and many other disturbing things that should not go on inside a church. The authority inside the church do not help the reputation of it either. They hire and do things that a person of that title should not do. The leaders in the church do not...
4 Pages 1726 Words

The Shining: Kubrick's Greatest Horror Film

Throughout many years films have taught audiences what domestic violence looks like. Big movie stars have taken action upon this situation to bring awareness to show what it looks like, and show the importance to what an audience witnesses onscreen. Many believe that in the movie ‘The Shining’, directed by Stanley Kubrick, silently conveys domestic violence within it. The movie begins with Jack Torrance, played by Jack Nicholson, who is a novelist and receives a job as a caretaker at...
4 Pages 1725 Words

Religious Tolerance in American History

Religion played an important role in the history of the United States. In some way, it can be said that it helped to shape America into what it is today. However, the belief that some religions are better than others created conflicts between their members. The aim of this paper is to show how different religions were perceived and tolerated (if they even were) throughout the history of America, and what is the situation of tolerance and freedom of religion...
4 Pages 1661 Words

Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPR) in Mongolia

Mongolia, the birthplace of Genghis Khan, the Land of the Eternal Blue Sky, and home to the world’s last nomads, reigns as a country rooted in tradition. In many ways, life in Mongolia continues to mirror ancient times. Approximately 40% of modern Mongols follow a nomadic, pastoral lifestyle on the steppe. As of year-end of last year, there were 209.8 thousand households with animals, 145.3 thousand of whom are herding households (FOA.org, 2019). Following their livestock, nomadic families move their...
4 Pages 1718 Words

Health Promotion Related to Sexual Health

Taking care of our health is important as it is the center of our whole life. Our life is made up of different parts which relies on having good health, this includes physical, environmental, spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual and mental health. It is crucial for individuals to understand how to control and improve their health as well as gain knowledge of why it is important to do so, and this is delivered to the public through health promotion. This essay...
4 Pages 1711 Words

Cupping Therapy – Science or Pseudoscience?

Cupping therapy is an ancient Chinese form of medicine that is still used to this day to cure many different conditions. Some people believe that anything practiced medically must be scientific, however that is not always correct. Whether cupping therapy is a science, or a pseudoscience, is not yet proven. Cupping has been depicted as a special therapeutic method, but the evidence provided is controversial. Causation and correlation are a major factor of the medical method which often gets confused...
4 Pages 1667 Words
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