Though only nine works of art are signed to be his, the most famous of which he is even secretly drawn into, Jan van Eyck captures the hearts of his audiences with his creation of superb pieces of art that inspire all. Jan van Eyck, a prominent artist in the Renaissance, altered the course of art, by paving the way for future artists who copied his unique use of oil painting, perspective, and realism in their works. Van Eyck’s works,...
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As part of this assignment, I am going to reflect on the extent to which engaging in philosophy has led me to ‘rethink’ my understanding of the nature and purpose of early childhood education and my role as a childcare practitioner in it. Early Childhood Education has a huge role to play in the life of children and society, it is an ongoing journey to obtain knowledge, skills, and the ability to be social and be part of society. Because...
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The movie bucket list is a Hollywood movie released in the year 2007. The movie was directed by Rob Reiner and was written by Justin Zackham. The lead characters of the movie are Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) who’s a blue-collar mechanic and Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson), who’s a billionaire hospital magnate. Edward and Carter meet each other in a hospital room when they are diagnosed with lung cancer. Edward had all money in the world but he never had a...
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Women’s rights are filled with explorers fighting for equal rights in the U.S. According to 'Spartacus-Educational'(1997-2017), women did not see fit to start supporting the quality of women passing in the state of politics until the 16th century. It began with a nun named Elizabeth Barton in 1526, she started making public speeches. Due to 'Spartacus-Educational'(1997-2017), Edward Thwaites claimed that about 3,000 people witnessed one of her speeches where she told her visions. By the 1st of October in 1528...
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In this day of age, everyone is on their phone texting each other. Human interaction is being limited and texting is the new way to have a conversation. But is texting the best way to interact with someone? In the story “Cat Person” by Kristen Roupenian, Cat Person tells the story of a college student, Margot, and the relationship she has with an older man, Robert. It is through Margot and Robert’s relationship that the effects that texting can have...
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1682 Words
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Introduction The understanding of what professions come under what we as a social class as professionals have been under a lot of discussions. Whitty, (2000) stated that a profession could be whatever our society deems it could be and therefore this could mean that we must begin to consider professionalism on a personal level. The term professionalism can make people think of certain occupations and it can have different meanings to a variety of people. My research has brought four...
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Collingwood (1993) argues, if we take the word ‘science’ to mean ‘any organized body of knowledge’, then it is clear that history is a science but a special kind: whose business is to study events inaccessible to our observation, and to study these events inferentially, arguing to them from something else which is accessible to our observation, and which the historian calls factual ‘evidence’ for the events in which he is interested. One of the key features of histories, Jenkins...
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1666 Words
After the Civil War, woman suffrage supporters looked after the American Equal Rights Association (AERA) in 1866. By 1870, this gathering had chipped because of divisions over strategies, points, and characters. Two gatherings developed: the National Woman Suffrage Association, (NWSA) drove through Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, idea approximately the greater excessive gathering, upheld a Federal Amendment to liberate ladies. The American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA), considered the greater widespread gathering, driven with the aid of Lucy Stone...
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Our perception of a fictional character derives from our understanding of character to be a set of beliefs, values, moral fiber, and personal traits that within a work of fiction transcend beyond the plot to communicate the complexities of the internal self. However, beyond this definitional understanding, Kristen Roupenian’s contemporary short fiction, ‘Cat Person’, explores how third-person omniscient narration, the use of colloquial language and free indirect speech within the piece’s digital media context, omission of the antagonist’s perspective, and...
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Fate is often a heavily debated topic as some believe that humans can deviate from one’s predetermined fate and make it their own. However, others, especially those who have strong religious beliefs, may argue that fate is set in stone by a higher power beginning from one’s birth to their death. The ancient Greeks were highly dependent on the ideology of gods, goddesses, and fate. Thus play writers much like Sophocles often write tragic plays that revolve around the theme...
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In the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, a group of young women in Salem, Massachusetts falsely accuse other villagers of witchcraft. The trials and accusations put the village into a frenzy that results in the death of nineteen individuals and the arrest of two hundred others. Arthur Miller wrote this play to create an allegory between McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials. Throughout the play, there are many characters who play key roles that lead up to the deaths...
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1712 Words
There is nothing wrong with one community learning the cultural styles originated by another (Forman). However, it is not okay for the dominant community to take over, strip these cultural forms and meanings from their origins, and popularize them (Forman). The commercialization and globalization of hip-hop did just that, leaving the oppressed black community back to their misrepresented social, economic, and political struggles which hip-hop was created to neglect (Flores). Hip-hop originated in the South Bronx of New York City...
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This European synthesis, in his view, was the basis for providing a secular state with a secular moral authority guided by reason through philosophical arguments that could be agreed on by all (Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, 2017). Engelhardt rejected this whole-heartedly and cautioned the readers to be aware of the fact that, “there still remain powerful, but unfounded philosophical expectations regarding the existence of a generally secularly justifiable morality, bioethics, and political authority that persist as remnants from the via antiqua...
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Alternative Food and Feed Products Globally, the demand for traditional protein sources (livestock and fish) is expected to grow by 76% from 2007 to 2050 (Alexandratos and Bruinsma, 2012). This increase is due to not only a growing population but also changing diets in developing countries compared to developed nations (Rosegrant et al., 2012). Land that is not suitable cultivation of crops can often efficiently be used to graze livestock. However, overgrazing and the creation of new pastures at the...
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In 2015, all the member states of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, as a collective call for action to end hunger, protect the world, and ensure that all people enjoy prosperity and peace by 2030. By pledging to leave no one behind, the countries committed themselves to make rapid progress for those farthest behind first. That is why the SDGs are built to get the world to a variety of...
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The widely accepted style of rock music was first established in the United States in the late 1940s. Since then the genre has been reinvented and is constantly being redefined to fit the message of the musicians. Traditionally Rock music would be played with an electric guitar, drums, some sort of base, and a vocalist to tie it all together. In other sub-genres of rock, there could be a piano being played or a saxophone in order to shift the...
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The story of Gilgamesh reveals some aspects which were displayed during the time of Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia was the first city-state in southern Mesopotamia. They had so many achievements such as the development of writing. The story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu is known to be, “the story of their becoming human together.” The story shares how two friends from different social classes get together and show the real meaning of love of friendship. Gilgamesh was a king of Uruk, “a city...
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When looking back on history, it’s easy to forget that real people lived through the periods you’re looking at. Real people, with real feelings and emotions, just like people alive today. That’s why looking at LIFE magazines is such a good idea. It gives you a little peek into the lives of real Americans throughout history. The issue that I’ll be writing about is from October 29th, 1945. This is around a month and a half after the official end...
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September 11th, 2001 would be remembered as the worst tragedy to ever happen to the United States. On the morning of 9/11, four planes would be hijacked in hopes of crippling the American economy. Two of the four planes would then crash into the World Trade Center in New York City leaving the twin towers destroyed. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in or around the World Trade Center (Samantha& Epatko, 2018). This soon would be recognized as one of...
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1664 Words
Thank you, Your Honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, thank you for your time as all the evidence was carefully presented. So, all the facts and evidence have been presented to you today and with that, I’d like to say the fate of Oedipus’ life now is within your hands. Oedipus has been convicted of committing an inhumane crime and letting his anger get the best of him, resulting in grave damage therefore we request that you determine a...
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1710 Words
There are Mexicans who believe there's 'real Mexican food' and 'fake Mexican food.' But the idea of authenticity has driven the popularity of Mexican food among Americans for 100 years. This brought up the idea of installing American-formed ‘Mexican’ stores all around the U.S. But that does not give off a negative input necessarily. It can also provide easier access for native Mexicans in the U.S. to gather their products closer than having them imported. Now there seems to be...
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The Boston Massacre in March 1770 occurred a year on from the Townshend duties, and the colonies were growing increasingly unstable. The government of Massachusetts was asking other colonies to resist and boycott their goods at the same time that riots were occurring in Boston. These riots were over the ironically named boat liberty which was seized for smuggling. Before the Boston Massacre, the colonists were discontent but there were no real intentions to fight the occupation, action here created...
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Gilgamesh of Uruk and Odysseus of Ithaca: two heroic characters from two different worlds. Odysseus inherited the right to the throne and ruled Ithaca; complemented by his impartiality, ruthlessness, and diplomatic skills. These men lived in two different time frames, yet they both strived to reach one goal: to find the meaning of life. Gilgamesh, a character from The Epic of Gilgamesh, is a demi-god; the son of the goddess Ninsun and the hero Lugalbana. He grew up living a...
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You won't discover it in any official guide, and in case you're cruising in the Atlantic, you're likely not to try and notice when you cross its unclear limits. All things considered, the Bermuda Triangle — additionally at times known as the Devil's Triangle — for quite a long time has been the subject of various books, TV projects, paper and magazine articles, and sites, and enlivened a lot of fear and interest. To devotees to the Triangle, which lies...
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1666 Words
A Grasp For Free Will “We must believe in free will because we have no choice.” This event was one of the most profound statements that have ever been spoken to me, and I heard it from my grandfather, Grandpa Bob, days before he passed away. This moment and the readings from our class have led me to believe that the “The Matrix” philosophy coupled with Plato’s allegory of the cave is the most compelling argument for how we can...
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“Suicide as a deviant way of success: A study of Psychosocial approach in the Death of a Salesmen” Arthur Miller’s ”Death of a Salesman” portrays the miserable conditions inflicting the lives between lower-class people and upper-class people during the 1940s in America. The story setting takes back to the ‘financial depression’ when the USA is held between the great world wars, by that time most Americans were optimistic about a renewed vision of the ‘American Dream’ meaning that anyone can...
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Alfieri is a key component in Arthur Miller`s 'A View from the Bridge'. This is because he is the narrator, he comments on the action that happens throughout the play which gives the audience an understanding of the social complexities in Red Hook. He is also the champion of the law, as he is the man who guides the characters in the play when it comes to the law as he is a lawyer, and this is important as many...
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1719 Words
Everyday people wake up and get ready for the day. One step in doing this is deciding on an outfit that they should wear for the day. Some people strategically pick out their outfits for the day, making sure they look stylish and well put together. Others just go into their closet and pick a random outfit. When you look around at people in public, everybody is wearing different outfits. From dresses, suits, shorts and tee shirts, and jeans to...
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1724 Words
The 1950s was referred to as the ‘Golden Age’, during this time America was trying to rebuild society because of the war. This was a time for people to unite and come up with ideas that would recover society. Then came the 50s which was significant because it introduced rock and roll and television. Baby boomers around this time period were a big part because they were the audience to rock and roll and television. Rock and roll was a...
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Centuries of anthropological evolution has led to the piano manufacturing and design seen to this day. Prior to the industrial revolution and the increasing technological advancements since then, the evident influence of technology and modern manufacturing has paved the way for the development of instruments. Bartolomeo Cristofori’s piano became the leading instrument of Western art music towards the end of the eighteenth century. This versatile instrument creates all musical styles, sustaining melodies in a lyrical fashion and contains enough volume...
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