1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Racism in Modern Society

Many minor communities are subjected to racism and discrimination but what exactly does racism refer to? Racism is the discrimination in order to add categories and show superiority among people of different phenotypic traits or believes and social standings. To understand about racism, one first has to divulge in the nature of racism. It is usually assumed that racism has been a part of civilization since civilization started, that it is embedded into how people work and no matter what,...
4 Pages 1748 Words

Oprah Winfrey and Her Leadership Style

Throughout history we have seen many leaders come before us. These are people that strive to bring out the qualities of the individual and guide them in the appropriate direction. They lead by example to create an environment that is healthy and positive. There are several definitions of leadership because of how many styles it holds. Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. Roberts describes it this way: ā€œLeadership is the privilege to have...
4 Pages 1715 Words

Artificial Intelligence in Hollywood

Production time on massive-scale films varies, and the level of detail varies because of scene precedence, film precedence, last-minute changes, and plenty of different elements. Time is the primary factor in the difference among stunning 4k digital pix that appear like filmed scenes (James Cameronā€™s ā€˜Avatarā€™) and things that donā€™t look all that first-rate, like the fight scene in ā€˜Black Panther ā€˜wherein the protagonist and antagonist careen into a mine near the end of the film. An AI could be...
4 Pages 1706 Words

Analysis of the Musical Work of the Movie 'Blade Runner'

Music surrounds us, no matter where we travel or what we do it is impossible to not be exposed to two notes that create a musical tone. People use music to sometimes cope with emotions, relive certain moments where they felt euphoric either by relating to the lyrics or even just through hearing certain sounds of music. In ā€˜Blade Runnerā€™, the sound design of the movie helps us, viewers, tremendously in understanding and depicting the emotions and the environment each...
4 Pages 1731 Words

What Does It Mean to Be Free: Opinion Essay

ā€œto hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature: to show virtue her feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressureā€ (Hamlet 3:2). This quote from Shakespeare's infamous play Hamlet seems to be echoing to us a message of power. Specifically the power of not just his own play, but of texts as a whole in holding up a mirror up to us, a mirror which reflects our values, virtues,...
4 Pages 1680 Words

Web Analysis Essay

Website Analysis Introduction Since the rise of the age of the internet, it has become crucial for institutions and businesses to invest in their image across online platforms as well as improve their website structures among other social network platforms. This report will be analyzing two websites that are based on marketing and the retailer industry. From this study, a clear-cut report will be developed on the findings made over the two sites through a comparison of the websites as...
4 Pages 1721 Words

Was the American Revolution Justified: Argumentative Essay

On the 19th of April 1775, fighting between colonial militiamen and troops marked the outbreak of the revolutionary war, which eventually saw the thirteen colonies gain independence. This essay will assess the importance and relevance of ideology among colonists, the role of government, and economic factors as elements that caused enough strain in the Anglo-American relationship for the surge in military activity. Howard Zinn argues that ideology was a faƃĀ§ade for the greed and wealth of upper-class colonists, which is...
4 Pages 1729 Words

Violence in Video Games: Essay Outline

Do video games cause violence? Whenever a new form of entertainment rises in popularity, the mostly good remarks made are always mixed with a few disgruntled people worried about the potential harm a medium can inflict. This can be seen in television, cinema, YA novels, and even comic books in the early 20th century. The same can be said for video games. There is a long-standing stigma against video games, and it comes in many forms. They are said to...
4 Pages 1738 Words

The Shawshank Redemptionā€™: Critical Analysis Essay

Introduction to Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption (1994), carries a theme of isolation and imprisonment throughout the film. The film centers around the character Andy Dufresne. Andy is a prosperous banker that is found guilty of murdering his wife and her lover. He is given a life sentence to be served in Shawshank Prison. Andyā€™s life will never be the same. Shawshank prison, like most prisons, is a version of society, on a much smaller and isolated scale. Citizens have...
4 Pages 1674 Words

The Importance of Studying Humanities: Argumentative Essay

Humanities studies human culture through academic disciplines. However, there is a lot more to the arts and humanities than just academic disciplines that study human culture. The arts teach us the past we had and guide us to a better tomorrow. Humanities allow us to 'relate why things are the way they are, get to critically think, and build a solid base for creativity.' Humanities courses encourage imaginative and critical thinking and question assumptions about yourself and the world in...
4 Pages 1652 Words

Essay about Ted Talk

The Unspoken Jay Heinrichs is known across the world. He is a New York Times bestseller and his book, Thank You for Arguing, is published in 14 languages and has three editions. In this well-known book, he talks about the work of rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art to persuade. The book is divided into four parts. The first part is the offense, then the defense, advanced offense, and lastly advanced agreement. In the first section, he specifies that before you...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Similarities Between Silk Road and Indian Ocean Trade

Long-distance trade made a pronounced, long-term impact on the economic, social, and cultural landscapes of the classical empires. Without trade routes, the large-scale exchange of goods and ideas responsible for this impact would not have been possible. The Silk Road of the Han dynasty and the trade routes of the Persian empire served as facilitators of social, cultural, political, and religious exchanges between peoples of the classical empires. Both the Silk Road of the Han dynasty and the trade routes...
4 Pages 1747 Words

Essay about Ruby Bridges

I am going to be telling my experience of what school was like when I was growing up and what the community was like in New Orleans at the time. In 1960 I started kindergarten with 29 other classmates. In November 1960 (two months after I started kindergarten), I can vividly remember protests outside the school grounds as we arrived to start the day. The reason behind these protests from people in the community was because an African American girl...
4 Pages 1687 Words

Role of Feminism in Development of the American Musical 'Hamilton'

Introduction The use of theatre is to communicate important issues from either the past or current, in one way or another. This essay will examine the role of feminism in Hamilton, an American musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda, and how the link to feminism creates an interesting look at the female characters within the performance. Feminism has become more ingrained in theatre in the last century and the music can be seen to show parts of that, even with the circumstances...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Essay on Personal Branding

Who am I? Elizabeth Ogabi is an expert in communication, having thorough experience in digital, external, and internal communications throughout several industries. She has operated with certain leading organizations such as Unilever and provided immense contributions to ensure a successful partnership between Save the Children (West Africa) and The Unilever Foundation. However, her strong focus on gender equality, inclusion, and diversity has led her to develop a unique platform called ā€œFor Working Ladiesā€ which helps women throughout the world to...
4 Pages 1696 Words

Narrative Essay about a Lesson Learned

You have not taken the time to discover how to truly make yourself, simply put, yourself. If any of what was mentioned above is you, then I am so glad that you have this book at your fingertips. I am your typical small-town girl. Who found her way onto a huge college campus at just eighteen years old. Who found herself changing her major three different times, joining a well-known sorority on campus, and quickly realizing that there are so...
4 Pages 1700 Words

History of The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art first originated as an idea back in Paris, France in the year 1866. It all began when a group of fellow Americans who were in France at the time decided that America needed a diverse educational background in Art and its history. One man in particular known as John Jay who was an attorney at the time proposed the idea during his time in Europe. Shortly after it was agreed on the project began of...
4 Pages 1684 Words

Critical Analysis of 'Hunger Games'

The Gladiatorial Combats were arguably the most anticipated form of entertainment within the Ancient Roman era and were greatly favored amongst the majority. However, it would be inaccurate to state that the Roman form of entertainment was liked by all when in reality it received a significant amount of criticism from individuals such as Ancient writers and the Stoics. The Ancient Criticism of the Roman Arena was often focused on the negative behaviors of the arena crowd specifically. These individuals...
4 Pages 1723 Words

Essay on Skin Colour Discrimination

Introduction to Colorism and Its Roots in Colonialism India has a history of colorism. Women who have dark skin tones have been contrived as inferior to their fair-skinned counterparts. This could be an issue of constant deprecation from the media or it could be a factor of Indian culture where colorism is deeply rooted. When I visited India, I saw many advertisements that promote skin-whitening creams that are considered demeaning to dark-skinned women. Colorism became a profound issue when people...
4 Pages 1734 Words

Essay on Parental Consent for Abortion

According to the 1973 court case Roe v. Wade, abortion was made legal throughout the United States. This case was reformed in 1975 by H.L. v. Matheson, which allowed states to decide requirements for minors. Since then, states have required either parental consent, advanced notification, or even no form of parental involvement for minors seeking abortions. As of today, twelve states in the US do not require any form of parental involvement. An article published in 2017 about parental consent...
4 Pages 1748 Words

Differences between the Help Movie and Book

Book Review The book The Help written by Kathryn Stockett is a wonderfully written book that is worthy of being read. Some people who have read The Help do not like it because they believe it is racist and shallow (Maslin). Many more people consider it to be an important work of fiction. Filled with accurate historical information, it deals with important issues past and present. The Help is a brilliantly written novel that gives the reader a deeper understanding...
4 Pages 1687 Words

Cyber Security Thesis Statement Example

Executive Summary: Cyber security has its unique role in securing information in every sector. Protecting information from hackers has become more challenging. The first thing that strikes in mind with the word hacker is cyber threats which is a major concern for every data handling organization. Various policies and regulation acts were being implemented by organizations and governments to prevent cybercrimes. The world is facing and required techniques and technologies to prevent them. Over the years, the term Cyber Security...
4 Pages 1718 Words

Analysis of Travis Hirschiā€™s Theory of Social Control

Approaching school security from a new perspective, that being Social Control Theory, is essential to promoting the safety of students. In an analysis of school violence and threat assessments, the United States Secret Service details several key findings to prevent a targeted attack (2019). Among their discoveries are four that closely align with the four social bonds of Hirschiā€™s Theory of Social Control. They also provide recommendations for addressing these influences in schools before they reach catastrophic levels. The first...
4 Pages 1680 Words

Analysis of Symbolism in Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck from 1434

Renaissance was a great era of innovation and ideas that followed the Medieval period or the Dark Ages of ignorance and uncivilization. Renaissance can be defined as ā€œRebirthā€ in French because it was the rebirth and rediscovery of great ancient art styles, Greek and Roman, which can be seen in many art pieces from this period, for instance, David sculpture by Michelangelo and Venus of Urbino by Titian. Moreover, Renaissance was the efflorescence of Arts (CrashCourse, 2012). This new era...
4 Pages 1662 Words

Analysis of Worldviews of Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism

The way an individual perceives natural environments can be dependent on personal experiences, which can shape how they see the world and develop their connection with nature. In relation to Peter Martinā€™s nature continuum (1996), I will be discussing the worldviews of deep ecology and ecofeminism, and how they contrast and compare to each other. Mckenzie (1987) defines a worldview as an interpretation of life or a reflection of the biosphere. Depending on the specific views and education of the...
4 Pages 1655 Words

Representation of African Americans in Animation

Animation, which can be defined as ā€œa way of making a movie by using a series of drawings, computer graphics, or photographs of objects (such as puppets or models) that are slightly different from one another and that when viewed quickly one after another create the appearance of movementā€, according to Merriam Webster. Such an example of animation, as we know it today, are animated movies, cartoons and television shows that utilize different animation, photo, and editing techniques to create...
4 Pages 1677 Words

Inequality of Female Roles in Disney Films

The media plays a significant role in our daily lives by providing us with cultural, educational, and supplemental information that cultivates our knowledge while also shaping our political aspects and framing our cultural guidelines in society. It has the role of being an effective educator, by informing us of anything newsworthy, which is quite true, but what most people donā€™t know is the canny and manipulative ways on how they are doing it. They hinder with our public opinion through...
4 Pages 1737 Words

Eyewitness Testimony: Definition, Importance and Influencing Factors

In this paper, I am going to talk about eyewitness statements. I will discuss what they are and why they are important, as well as analyzing and evaluating two different influences on eyewitness testimonies. The two influences which I will discuss are misleading information and anxiety. Firstly, what are eyewitness testimonies? Well, an eyewitness testimony is evidence that is provided in a police investigation or in court. The information is provided by someone who has witnessed a crime or an...
4 Pages 1659 Words

Climate Change Risk and Mitigation for Italy

We are facing an exceptional and challenging problem in this era, which requires necessary, difficult and costly measures in order to reduce its impacts. This threat is climate change. Climate change will affect many countries and cause a lot of damage both monetary and non-monetary. Some of these impacts can be the changes in precipitation patterns, sea levels, and wind patterns. However, these impacts will affect different countries in different ways. One of the countries that will be affected from...
4 Pages 1685 Words

Can Obedience Lead to Corruption and Evil Actions?

Obedience, the idea that one should comply to the rules or wishes of another person or idea, along with its counterpart discipline, has been thought of throughout history to be the foundation of harmony and cooperation between individuals and society. According to Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and philosopher who studied Freud and Marx, ā€œobedience is a virtue, while disobedience is a viceā€ (Behrens & Rosen, 574). In more recent times, psychologists have been asking if obedience can lead to corruption...
4 Pages 1689 Words
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