1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Role of Election in Democracy

In this essay, I will be supporting the argument that states that there is lack of diversity information in Canada and how it is a threat to democracy. I will begin this paper by defining diversity of information, then provide different examples to justify my argument, and towards the end of this paper I will state few advantages of how diversity of information, is substantial for democracy in Canada. Diversity of information from my perspective, is defined as a way...
4 Pages 1832 Words

Essay on Overpopulation and Deforestation

Overpopulation is a root problem of all the environmental issues. If you can control the population, you can control almost anything. Never before has there been such a large magnitude of humans on the face of our planet. With our numbers crossing the 8 billion mark, humans have surpassed every other large animal to become the most populous mammal on earth. It is this very figure that becomes the basis of the modern world problem of overpopulation. The United Nations...
4 Pages 1790 Words

Animal Extinction Due to Human Actions

The Growing Crisis of Animal Extinction and Human Impact Have you ever considered how many extinct animals would be alive if only humanity had done multiple projects differently without harming the environment and its creatures? What would be the impact on the animals? The importance of animal extinction is to inform our community due to the fact multiple creatures are dying per decade. Our ecosystem is failing, therefore, the number of endangered and extinct creatures is increasing massively and at...
4 Pages 1818 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ecotourism in the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is located in 9 different countries and is a home to 350 ethnic groups, and 10 million species such as animals, plants and insects. In 2019, the Amazon rainforest fires have raised global awareness on how we can take action to protect our precious yet fragile planet. As a result, ecotourism is growing to be a new tourism trend due to the increase of sensitivity and awareness of ecological issues. An upsurge can be seen in the...
4 Pages 1772 Words

Countries' Power Imbalance: Exploitation of Weaker Nations

The phenomenon of trading with and aiding foreign countries has been around for centuries. Trade is defined as the buying and selling of goods and services, and aid as a source of help or assistance. As of 2019, it can be seen that the countries that trade and provide the most aid are amongst some of the countries with high Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers, and Human Development Indexes (HDI). These include the US (with a trade value of $2.5...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Class and Status by Karl Marx and Max Weber

Marx and Engels expected the progressive overthrow of capitalism more than a century ago. Marx assumed a culture that was tailored to the nation-state and the dynamics of a capitalist economy would eliminate all social distinctions that impede the development; capitalists and workers would become nationwide groups. The analysis of England's emerging working class revealed the power of vast and increasing numbers. Workers emerged as a significant agent of historical change as a result of massive deprivations. Under capitalism, Marx...
4 Pages 1762 Words

Factors of Russia's Successful Involvement in Ukraine and Syria

President Vladimir Putin would have spent twenty-five years at the height of Russia's power by the end of his term as president. His actions have defined post-Soviet Russia perhaps more than any since the end of communism in 1991. Russia with the assistance of Putin has defined its new role in the world, although not in a way that the West has welcomed. He has achieved this with a backdrop of sanctions, economic decline and ruptured relations between Russia and...
4 Pages 1817 Words

Urban Modernization of Japan in the Meiji Period

Japan is one of the developed countries in the world, it has an unique urban form which is very different from other developed and Asian countries. Japan started its modernization since the Meiji period. At that time, Japan learned a lot of urban design experience from western countries, but it did not use those principles directly. The planners in Japan applied them based on Japanese culture and situations. During the process of the urban development, Japan created its new planning...
4 Pages 1768 Words

Descriptive Essay on London as a Global City

London is the capital city of United Kingdom. This country is part of the world thanks to the globalization. It’s a process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade (hard power) and cultural exchange (soft power). Globalization has increased the production of goods and services. The biggest companies are multinational corporations with subsidiaries in many countries. Globalization has speeded up over the last half- century. However, being part of a global country...
4 Pages 1816 Words

Canada's Gun Laws Vs US Laws

Gun Incidents and Laws in the U.S. and Canada During the year 2018, there has been over 47,000 gun incidents in the United States. With such a significant number of deaths resulting from gun use, this has sparked controversy around the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which grants people the right to bear arms and whether it should be upheld. Comparatively, Canada has only endured 208 shootings. It is no surprise that Canadians pride themselves on having more gun control...
4 Pages 1802 Words

Can You Make Real Friends on the Internet? Essay

Everyone needs friends but the question is why do we need friends? Whether we realize it or not, friends play a very important role in our lives. A friend is your support system away from your family. They are there through your sadness and happiness; they make the good times better and ease hard times. They are someone you can share your troubles, secrets, and joys with, who can understand your thoughts, feelings and help you when you need it...
4 Pages 1752 Words

Wi-Fi and Its Importance for Modern Society

Wi-Fi is the name of a popular wireless networking technology. It uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. There is a common misconception is that the term Wi-Fi is short for 'wireless fidelity', however this is not this is not true. Wi-Fi is a trademarked phrase which means IEEE 802.11x. Dr. O'Sullivan and his friends are credited for inventing Wi-Fi. The technology was instrumental in the invention of Wi-Fi, where Dr. O'Sullivan, and his team of...
4 Pages 1777 Words

2008 Financial Crisis Essay

The global economic crisis affects many countries worldwide. It's a period of severe difficulties which financial institutions, markets and consumers experience simultaneously. It started in 2007, the full impact of the crisis wasn’t felt until the bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers an investment bank in September 2008. Juneja mentioned that in the years to come they were many jobs lost and a decline in GDP of many countries was witnessed. What started as the subprime mortgage crisis quickly morphed into...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Essay on the Negative Effects of Technology on Teenagers

Introduction to Technology's Double-Edged Sword Christian Lous Lange stated: “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master”. Because technology has declined social interaction and caused major addictions, it has changed the way people live out their day to day lives. Technology is a growing addiction for teens and can have many negative effects on society as a whole. The use of social media can cause a rapid decline in mental and physical health. Technology is one of the main...
4 Pages 1751 Words

The Trip That Made New York My Favorite City: An Essay

My mom and I have always been super close. We do almost everything together, from going to the movies, out to eat, and to the gym. One of my favorite memories of us, however, was on her 50th birthday, when we spent an entire day exploring one of her favorite places together: New York City. Most people would consider us lucky, being that we’re from Long Island and that we live only two hours away from one of the most...
4 Pages 1765 Words

Athenian Democracy Vs Present-Day Democracy

Ancient Athens created democracy to a larger amount than some other state before modern-day times. We can call the ancient Athens as the main cultural innovator of its age. Ancient Athens is appropriately honored for its political and cultural accomplishments. Ancient Athens is well known for its direct majority rule government (democracy) and for its cultural transformation that served to establish framework for the literatures and arts of the ancient and current worlds. By the 450s the population had developed...
4 Pages 1759 Words

The Six Flags Over Texas and How They Shaped Texas Today

What type of history has happened in Texas? What countries have held Texas before Texas turned to a state? How long have they had Texas? In what order have these flags held Texas? Why is Texas molded into the way it is today? These questions are what I will be going to explain in this research paper. The research I will be conducting will be about the six flags over Texas. Also, how multiculturalism and revolution have molded Texas. Then...
4 Pages 1796 Words

Pros and Cons of NAFTA for Canada

Over the years many Canadians believed that free trade was not the best answer but as time went on these trade agreements showed that free trade is a positive outcome for a country. The North American Free Trade Agreement which is also known as NAFTA is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States of American that came into effect on January 1st, 1994. This agreement established the world’s largest free-trade region involving over 400 million people and...
4 Pages 1798 Words

Development of Americanness after War of Independence

Prior to the War of Independence, America was not yet a set of united states. Everyone had different aims and there was not one cohesive group. But what is Americanness? There can be no answer to the question until this has been defined. I believe that Americanness relates to a large group of people having a sense of belonging to an area and being prepared to fight for their country. This feeling should be shared among populations. In relation to...
4 Pages 1836 Words

Sanitation Crisis in India: An Essay

Basic sanitation is recognized by the United Nations as a human right which allows for the proper development of human capital (NewSun, 2015). India is currently categorized as the ‘fastest-growing major economy’ in the world (V, 2018), yet is also labelled as a country with an ‘out-of-control rape epidemic’ (Khan, 2016). Reasons for this can be directly linked to the fact that massive portions of its population, notably, the 70% living in rural villages (The Associated Press, 2015), a majority...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Is America Ready for a Female President? Essay

Introduction to Gender and Presidency When candidates are running for the position of the president of the United States, in addition to their central ideas they present, citizens who are voting also focus on the things that candidates can’t change about themselves, such as gender, race, or sexual orientation. One of the most controversial topics of the United States today, and always throughout history, is the argument on if the United States should have a female president. Is today's America...
4 Pages 1839 Words

Essay on the Importance of Internet in Today's World

Born in the late 20th century, the Internet's influence undeniably caused the rapid advancement of a new era that of which is ours today. It assisted with the significant shift of technologies based on industrialization to that of information. The influence of the Internet has changed daily life around the world, making it one of the most important modern inventions, and some even proclaim it the greatest of our time. Not to mention, that its development is continuous, making it...
4 Pages 1795 Words

Public Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities: How to Protect Yourself

Public Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) used to be a beacon for smartphone and laptop users who may want to pinch their Internet service expenses a little, or just because anything free seems like a treat. When malls in our area started providing free public Wi-Fi, I used to think, “Wow. Free service as you shop or do errands at the mall”. That was neat then, but how times have changed. The word ‘public’ is now equated to insecure servers and unsecured...
4 Pages 1765 Words

Main Causes and Effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis

The issue of liquidity is going to be my main focus point when looking at the 2008 financial crisis and it will constantly crop up. Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset, or security can be turned into cash without affecting its market price. In the period leading up to the Great Recession there was a massive increase in the availability of credit for banks and loan providers which in addition lead to an increase for consumers, in...
4 Pages 1818 Words

Impact of Northern Ireland Conflict on Mental Health

In this essay, I aim to explore the long-term impact of the conflict in Northern Ireland on people. I will focus mainly on the impact of the Troubles on mental health and how these effects how these effects escalated into more serious problems leading to extremely disadvantaged people. What Are ‘The Troubles’? Before getting into the effect the Troubles had on the North of Ireland, it is important to firstly, outline what is meant by the term, ‘The Troubles’. ‘The...
4 Pages 1771 Words

Reasons why Asians Prefer to Have Sons than Daughters

According to the World Health Organisation, the natural sex ratio at birth is considered to be 1.05. This means that on average there are 105 males for every 100 females born. China and India are immensely exceeding this rate. The CIA’s World Factbook exposes the harsh reality of China’s sex ratio at birth averaging to be a staggering 1.19, and India’s 1.08, however population levels between the ages of 0 and 14 have a ratio of 1.12, suggesting the practise...
4 Pages 1840 Words

Description of Childhood Residency Essay

Introduction Before this class, I like most Americans, was under the impression that there were only three classes in our system. Learning that six parts were interesting because I could see the true distinction immediately. Throughout my life, I have lived in various homes in an assortment of environments and I realized that I have had the opportunity to live a lifestyle in each part of the diamond, except of course upper class. I also found it interesting that I...
4 Pages 1772 Words

Advancement of Technology Essay

Introduction to Emerging Technologies in the 21st Century Technology is all around us and part of our daily lives. We use a variety of technology from cell phones, computers, smart TVs, radio, etc, and in various fields such as healthcare, education, and productivity. Technology has transitioned from 1 year ago to even 5 years ago with advancement from 2G which launched in 1991 to 5G in 2019. WIth the everyday use of technology is the advancement of new and improved...
4 Pages 1798 Words

Are Leaders Born or Made Essay

Introduction A leader is somebody who has followers. It is broadly acknowledged that leaders are not born but made. In arrange to be a good leader, one must have the experience, knowledge, commitment, persistence and importantly the expertise to arrange and work with others to attain objectives. Great leadership is developed through a never finishing process of self-study, instruction, preparing and the accumulation of significant experience (Bass&Bass,2008). Great leaders are in this way made, not born. Leadership includes a sort...
4 Pages 1790 Words

Our Friend Essay

I said this whole school year of 2015-16, elementary going to middle school but the elementary kids and middle school kids were in the same building. I said this school year has been one of the most fun but craziest school years I had in my life. It was a lot of fun things we did and a lot of bad things happen throughout the year. Throughout September of 2015-June, and 2016 there have been a few feuds between my...
4 Pages 1825 Words
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