1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

My Personal Ethical Theory and Justifiable Killing

In this paper I will attempt to answer the question: 'Is there ever a time when killing in justifiable?'. I will also explain my views and apply metaethical theories to a real-life situation to conclude on the topic. My personal ethical theory includes a hybrid of virtue ethics, revelation Christian ethics, and divine nature theory. I will first describe my personal ethical theory and the application process. Then, I will apply the theories to the real-life scenario of the question...
4 Pages 1759 Words

The Role of White Hat Hackers in Computer Security

Hacking usually refers to intrusion into a computer or network, which is not always legal. The person doing the hacking is identified as a hacker. These attackers can modify software and security features to achieve a goal that is different from the system's true purpose. Hacking can be verified by non-malicious operations, usually associated with unusual or unauthorized devices and machine settings. Hackers use a variety of hacking methods, including: 1) vulnerability scanner (checks network computers for known weaknesses); 2)...
4 Pages 1834 Words

Camilo Cienfuegos' Significant Contribution During the Cuban Revolution

The Cuban revolution tore through Cuba from July 1953 until January 1959. This movement was powered by Fidel Castro's revolutionary rise against the military dictatorship of the Cuban President Fulgencio Batista. The rebellion was led by three key figures: Fidel Castro, Che Guavara and Camilo Cienfuegos. Although he is the lesser known of the three, Cienfuegos’ contributions to the rebellion during the revolution left a lasting impact on modern Cuba. After joining the rebellion, Cienfuegos quickly became a powerful and...
4 Pages 1757 Words

Augustus' Use of Built Forms to Ascend and Maintain His Power

Augustus, a renowned leader of the Roman Empire during the 27 BC, initiated the use of built forms for the ascension and preservation of power. The development of Rome under his rule inaugurated a highly influential style of architecture, establishing a new standard subsequent to the fall of the Roman Empire. His supremacy over the Roman Empire ensued a substantial shift in the urban environment, marking Rome as a prosperous and affluent city. This paper will argue that he used...
4 Pages 1791 Words

The Overview of the Most Common Immune-Related Diseases

There are many conditions that are faced by the population across the lifespan. At times, it may be difficult to cope with being diagnosed with a condition in the early stages, especially the conditions that are diagnosed at an early age between 18-25. It is extremely important to be aware of some of the common conditions and their manifestations to obtain a better understanding of them. Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus (SLE) is an inflammatory condition where the body’s own immune system...
4 Pages 1776 Words

The Watergate Scandal and the Resignation of President Richard Nixon

On April 30, 1973, President Richard Nixon addressed the nation not three months after his second inauguration, stating that he had fired two of his White House aides for their participation in what was to be known as the Watergate scandal. Those that were let go were Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman. Nixon said that he was in Florida when he first heard the news reports on the break-in at the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate...
4 Pages 1754 Words

Prepare Teachers for Poverty and Education

Imagine that you are a new teacher. This has always been a dream of yours and finally you have reached it. You have spent years in college getting the degree you need in order to be someone who helps shape the young minds of the future. You received all the certificates you needed, and spent countless hours putting together the perfect curriculum. This was the job you were meant to do. What if all the schooling, all the degrees and...
4 Pages 1830 Words

Aesthetic Judgment of Kant

When an object is perceived as ‘beautiful’ by an individual, to use as an example, “This rose is beautiful” then that statement must then have a predetermined judgement on something that is universally ‘agreeable’. This reasoning that the rose must be beautiful is, as Kant would describe it, an individual’s subjective feeling towards the rose and as stated before must in turn be universally validified. Our aesthetic judgments interact with the world around us in the way that beauty is...
4 Pages 1800 Words

Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Essay

Technology has made a huge impact on our society over the years. Numerous inventions have reformed how we work, live and interact with others but at what cost? Before cell phones came into existence many could testify that their social lives were more delightful. One might find it hysterical that a gadget which was supposed to foster communication between individuals from several part of the world only ended up putting more distance between people? Not only did it affect people’s...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Police Brutality and Justifiable Violence

American police brutality and use of excessive force in the 1990s was a major problem, primarily because of the racial prejudice that has come with it. By definition, excessive force refers to force in excess of what a police officer reasonably believes is necessary (Legal Information Institute). Officers of the law would attempt to justify these immoral actions by claiming that they might have feared for their safety or something of the sort. It has occurred many times throughout the...
4 Pages 1771 Words

The Issue of the Racial Wealth Gap in Chicago

Disparities in education may provide some explanation for the racial wealth gap that exists in Chicago. Specifically, the process in which resources are allocated to different neighborhoods across the city widens the gap in educational achievement that may impact economic outcomes later in life. In Peter Hancock’s article, ‘Money Matters: How School Funding Inequities Affect Students, Taxpayers’, he states that in Chicago, “school districts with large amounts of property wealth were better funded than their property-poor counterparts, enabling them to...
4 Pages 1843 Words

Biopsychosocial Factors in PTSD: Interactions

Introduction Charlie is the high school student that will be assessed and there will be a hypothesized diagnosis for him. There are many things that will be described about his behavior, social interactions, and previous mental health issues. When initially looking at Charlie, he seems as though he does not have any signs of mental health issues but as everything progresses, there are accounts from family and Charlie himself that brings light to what is actually going on. Hypothesized Diagnosis...
4 Pages 1836 Words

Attitudes to WWI: Haig, Sassoon, Kipling

The outbreak of the Great War in 1914 ensued a feeling of euphoria in Britain. Many Britain’s felt it was their moral duty to participate in the war because of ‘its pledge to Belgium and its duty to destroy Prussianism in a war to end war’. The declaration of the war was greeted with enthusiasm and jingoism. Streets filled with celebration and national pride, many with the belief of ‘it’ll be all over by Christmas’. The reason for excitement and...
4 Pages 1767 Words

Analytical Essay on Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights

Introduction The revolutionary process that was developed in North America (on the Atlantic Ocean coast) towards the second half of the 18th century was led by the inhabitants of the 13 English colonies, in response to the political and economic measures imposed by Jorge III , king of England. After various rejection actions by the English government, the settlers, led by characters such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and others, decided to declare their independence on July 4,...
4 Pages 1826 Words

Digital Marketing's Impact on McDonald's Position in Society

I will be researching the different methods of digital marketing and how it affects Mcdonald's status in society, as many of their customers react differently to each product and service. Within the research, I will be focusing on the concept of marketing, methods including social media, famous adverts and the use of cross-collaboration with other entities in the international markets. In addition to this, I will be analyzing the chosen product, which will be the McChicken Sandwich and will be...
4 Pages 1777 Words

Henry David Thoreau and Emerson: Analytical Essay on Walden

Due to Emerson and his direct sucessor Thoreau, millions of Americans have touched and felt India since the mid-nineteenth century. In Boston the seaport was bustling with texts from abroad, including travel logs of India, and stories derived from ancient scriptures. Like Indian spices and mercantile goods, translations of the Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures were welcomed to the new world with much enthusiasm and interest. Emerson’s mind was deepily influenced by Hindu texts and Indian philosophy as seen in...
4 Pages 1762 Words

Critical Analysis: Rizal - Father of Hitler? Jack The Ripper?

The article was about the issue of the fatherhood of Rizal to Adolf Hitler. The former was a dictator and leader of a group known as Nazi Party in Germany. It explained the possibilities of father and son relationship of the two. The writer also made mention of Jack the Ripper, the mysterious notorious serial killer of the 19th century in London. It pinpointed Rizal as one of the suspects of the Whitechapel killings in 1888. There were several arguments...
4 Pages 1815 Words

Childhood Leukemia: Proximity to Industrial Sites

Abstract The current trend is residential proximity of industrial and urban sites being a risk factor in causing leukemia. Although there are many risk factors that cause leukemia, the role of industrial and urban pollution needs to be assessed. People need to be aware of every possible risk factor in causing cancer. The study done is a population-based control study. The goal of this study was to analyze the effects of exposure to industrial and urban areas on childhood leukemia....
4 Pages 1820 Words

Courageous Love and Loss in Dreaming in Cuban and Other Works

Courageous Love, Courageous Loss “ You cannot love without the risk of loss.” -Charlie Day. In Dreaming in Cuban, In the Time of the Butterflies, and Breath, Eyes, Memory, love and loss intertwine so that one element can not exist without the other. It is by love, courage, and perseverance that the protagonists of the story are able to face the devastation of losing family, innocence, and love. Love creates unbreakable family bonds in Breath, Eyes, Memory and In the...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Innocence in “Little Red Cap” and ' Little Red Riding Hood'

“Little red cap,” and “The World’s Wife,” as a whole confronts the subordinate role of women in traditional tales. Within the collection we see a series of underdeveloped and discarded literary figures take an active role in their texts and often rebuttal the marginalisation which is thrust upon them by the original male leads of the original stories. The title of the collection “the world’s wife,” is possessive and reminds the reader that even in the late 90s the world...
4 Pages 1844 Words

LSD: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion

Introduction Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was first synthesized in 1938 by Albert Hofmann (Passie, Halpern, Stichtenoth, Emrich, & Hintzen, 2008). It is a prototypical hallucinogen and has one of the most potent hallucinogenic effects (Wacker et al., 2017). LSD is derived from lysergic acid and there are four optically-active isomers known (Passie et al., 2008). Out of four isomers, d- and l-LSD and d-l and l-isolysergic acid diethylamide, only d-LSD isomer has psychoactive properties (Passie et al., 2008). There are...
4 Pages 1760 Words

Dystrophin's Role in Muscular Dystrophy: Treatments Analyzed

Introduction Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic disorders characterized by muscle weakness. Under normal conditions, muscle requires a precise equilibrium of strength and stability: strength for resistance to mechanical stress and internal tension caused by muscle contraction, and muscular stability for preserving shape, content, and function. Dystrophin, an intracellular protein, maintains muscle integrity. In skeletal muscle, the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex links the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton and coordinates the mechanical signaling necessary for muscle repair in response to injury....
4 Pages 1772 Words

Salem Witch Trials & Pueblo Revolt: Analyzing American Society

Before countries began to colonize the New World in 1492, there were many groups of Native Americans in the Americas. They had developed their own cultures, religions, and ways of life. Eventually, in search of the west indies, Christopher Columbus found south America. Spain had more advanced weaponry and fast-spreading diseases that allowed them to quickly take over South America. Their oppression of the natives' culture, religion, and rights created high tensions and lead to revolts, such as the pueblo...
4 Pages 1826 Words

Common Themes in Service Marketing for Most Companies

Introduction It is globally accepted that services make up the largest section of many economies not only in the developed nations but also in developing nations. From statistics, service sectors make up close to 80 percent of all employment opportunities in the western nations while agriculture, mining and manufacturing record a decline in growth concerning employment. This is true based on the rate at which technological advancements, globalization, and changes in consumer preferences are taking place. In the same line,...
4 Pages 1751 Words

Human Resources Manager: Job Requirements, Qualifications, Duties

Introduction Refers to the Cambridge dictionary, human resources manager is a person who in charge of the department that deals with the employment, training, support, records of a company’s employees. In order to complete this assignment of the subject “English for management”, we are managed to conduct an interview regarding one of the business professions. This report aims to investigate the English language use in the workplace. In additional, we need to find out the job requirement and qualification, main...
4 Pages 1805 Words

Academic Interest & Achievements: Problem & Background

Introduction Classroom has been the second homeroom of our students. It is a place where they stayed for more than 12 years of their lives, shared experiences, met new friends, and many others. Hence, it plays a significant part to who they will become in the future. In the same manner, it is a learning space in which students are being taught. It is room where they gain knowledge and understanding on the different aspects of life. This is where...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Impact of Roaring Twenties on American Music

Julie Andrews is host of the video and source for this paper. She begins with “The lights of Broadway have always been irresistible.” She is so right! She takes us from the start and what is so excellent about her commentary; she had a front row seat not just as a spectator, but as an entertainer and as a superstar! The American Broadway Musical invites everyone to step outside of themselves and bask in the magic that come with the...
4 Pages 1768 Words

Research Paper on Causes and Consequences of Attack on Pearl Harbor

The United States was never gonna join the war, America’s job was to only supply Great Britain with money and equipment to fight Hilter and his Blitzkrieg. When the war started on September 1, 1939, it sent the world into chaos, the United States was safe from Hiter’s army and was not going to get involved, but that all changed on December 7, 1941, when the Empire of Japan surprise bombed U.S. ships at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. The...
4 Pages 1762 Words

Essay on Auditing and Corporate Governance: The Bernie Madoff Scandal

Introduction There are many in this world who are gifted, who excel beyond the rest. They are leaders, visionaries and pioneers. A mystic all-knowing confidence surrounds their image. Bernie Madoff was one of these people. He was one of the best traders in wall street, he was wall street. His consistent investment returns made him one of the best fund managers in the world. One couldn’t just invest with Madoff, one had to know someone, be vouched for, earn the...
4 Pages 1794 Words

Smallpox Essay: Overview and Global Impact

Yearly we are told to go receive our annual flu shot, and when we are cut by metal or bitten by a dog we are sent to get a tetanus shot or a rabies shot. When you are born you are given a vaccination for Hepatitis B, but what evoked the idea of such practices? Vaccines were created to help fight viruses, also known as viral diseases that attack the human body. Viruses are very complicated parasites and they are...
4 Pages 1830 Words
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