1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Peculiarities Of Malnutrition Among Children In India

Introduction Malnutrition means deficiency of proper nutrition in diet due to not having enough food. It mainly involves calories, protein, vitamins and carbohydrates. It has also divided into different types of under nutrition such as stunting, wasting, underweight and no proper vitamins and minerals (Pathak & Singh., 2011). My essay topic area is malnutrition among children of India. In India, there is highest number of children at world level suffering from malnutrition (Pathak & Singh., 2011). Poverty is the main...
4 Pages 1846 Words

Human Experience in 1984 and The Brave New World

Texts such as 1984 by George Orwell and the film The Brave New World (TBNW) directed by Larry Williams clearly illuminate how an intoxication of power leads to the loss of freedom, individualism and relationships, all which are vital aspects of the individual and collective human experience. The human necessity for freedom is eradicated in both texts through the oppressive use of power. This is achieved in ‘1984’ through the constant use of surveillance on citizens. In contrast a drug...
4 Pages 1764 Words

Emotional Intelligence And Leadership

To be able to properly define the leadership styles and their application, it is important to look at the theory of emotional intelligence (EI). Although there are differences in the various EI models proposed and the method used by researchers to determine it (Cherniss, 2010), the fundamental concept of emotional intelligence is based on three principles: first that emotions are important in people lives, second that people differ in how they perceive, understand and manage emotions, third that individuals are...
4 Pages 1754 Words

The Handmaids Tale And Fahrenheit 451: A Peek Into The Future

“Live in the present, make the most of it, it’s all you’ve got” – Offred. It is from chilling thoughts like this, that dystopian literature is created. Authors, such as ‘Margrett Atwood’ and ‘Ray Bradbury’ who write for young audiences are reluctant to leave individuals without hope. Hopeful literature is achieved through dystopian works, where the audience is presented with a dysfunctional future society portraying the degradation of civil society and the bitter inheritance left for younger generations. It is...
4 Pages 1756 Words

The Elements of Literacy Canon in To Kill a Mockingbird

Although most classics seem extremely outdated and what many people think to be no longer relevant in today’s vastly modern world, they demonstration society what we have developed from. How far we have come from those times of which the classic was written. How are we to know our progress if there is nothing to reflect and compare it with. The future generations learning of the world’s past views and mistakes will hopefully lead to them to never happen again...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Theme of Existence in Waiting for Godot and The Goat

“Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett and “The Goat” by Edward Albee are plays characterised by their genre-bending approach to storytelling. In the tradition of tragedy and comedy, both authors focalise on producing an emotional response in their audiences in a manner that recalls Barthes' “Death of the Author”. Beckett’s play seeks to expose reality to be in perpetuum, “a random continuum of phenomena, devoid of any meaningful design” (Counsell, 112). Within the theatre of the absurd that Waiting for...
4 Pages 1758 Words

Comparing Goat (Who is Sylvia?) and Catcher In The Rye

The controversial elements that are laced within the The Goat (Who is Sylvia?) and Catcher in the Rye is what allows the texts to transcend the literary sphere and pave a new way of thinking. It is the obscene imagery and vulgar language that many take at face-value, disregarding the prime purpose of its use; to depict a flawed main character who struggles with the social taboos that creates a bounded world for them. Although taboo concepts of bestiality, incest...
4 Pages 1818 Words

Psychosomatic Illnesses And The Serial Killers They Create

By dissecting the factors and similarities found in the psychological illnesses of the most dangerous serial killers of our time, this essay will assert that all serial killers are in some way the same when it comes to the cognitive processes of the brain. Using our discernment of crime causation and the intertwining crime theories related to mass murder will better our understanding of how and why serial killers are created. The most prominent theories we will be looking at...
4 Pages 1835 Words

The Causes Of The Crohn Disease And Malnutrition As A Result

Introduction Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory idiopathic chronic disease. The disease mostly affects a part of the gastrointestinal tract beginning from the mouth to the anus. Crohn disease brings about complications in the digestive system of a human being. The disease is thought to be caused by bacteria that live in the intestines. The disease also could be associated with genes of particular people. The interaction between intestinal bacteria and the environment causes an immune response, which is not normal....
4 Pages 1782 Words

Service Analysis at Starbucks Company

ntroduction The service industry is key to most economies in the world. Several theories have been used to analyze the service industry. Based on the different challenges in management, a process matrix alongside empirical data would form the classification rather than simple observation. Despite empirical data forming the basis for classification in the service industry, misconceptions may occur (HSPH, 2014). A misconception in classification may occur when service industries share similar characteristics, as evidenced by the process matrix. This paper...
4 Pages 1771 Words

Professional Development And Ethics

Introduction Creative thinking is the ability to look into something in a new and broader way. It can be also said as thinking something out of the box. Creative thinking is the sense, which involves what is called lateral thinking or the ability in perceiving the patterns, which are not obvious (Paul 2018). Creative people have the ability to carry out tasks, solve the existing problems, and bring fresh ideas in a new way. The basic difference between skills and...
4 Pages 1831 Words

The Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm And An Inspector Calls

Social privilege and battles for equality are commonly discussed topics by twentieth century writers, who tried to denounce the popular uneasiness through their books. Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. The fable reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union. An Inspector Calls is a morality play written by English dramatist J. B. Priestley published in...
4 Pages 1758 Words

The Aspects of Australia's Refugee Crisis

Refugees and asylum seekers attempting to get into Australia are confronted with a challenge. Prior to arriving they have faced persecution, disease and violence, and yet many of the people whom control their apparent destiny strongly oppose letting them in. This inhumane approach to the issue must be addressed. Initially, the process for the application for a protection visa will be discussed, as well as the terrible conditions inside the detention centers. The difficulty and complications involved will be highlighted....
4 Pages 1780 Words

Freedom of Press as an Attribute of Democratic Society

Media and the press play a big role in the society, as citizens depend on it to know what goes on in the country. Freedom of expression is the major element for a democratic society to function marvelously. Thomas Jefferson the third president of the United States argue that “the only security of all is in a free press”. Author of the Declaration of Independence, the founding text of American democracy and one of the most important documents in the...
4 Pages 1788 Words

The Peculiarities of Schizophrenia Symptoms: Shutter Island

Introduction: Schizophrenia and Its Complexities Schizophrenia is a disorder that causes the patient to experience psychosis, which is a loss of contact with reality. The amount of people who suffer from schizophrenia is estimate to be around 21 million in the world, with 3.6 million being from the US (Comer, 2018. para. 422). It is important to note that a big portion of people with schizophrenia attempt suicide and have higher risks of experiencing fatal illnesses. This leads to a...
4 Pages 1818 Words

Exposing Historical Messages in To Kill a Mockingbird

Students are more likely to retain knowledge if they obtain it through something they enjoy. Reading an interesting book, for example, is a more effective way of learning than simply sitting in a classroom and taking notes about concepts and events from decades ago. I believe that it is for this reason that many teachers choose to include Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird in their classrooms. The novel, which spans a few years in the 1930s in the prejudiced...
4 Pages 1840 Words

Effects of Childhood Abuse on Cognitive Development and Function

Over the years, there have been a lot of controversies and several different theories on how we function, learn, comprehend. Why some people have or where disabilities stem from, and speculation on if abuse in any of its forms causes issues with trust, love, instability mentally, physically, and emotionally. There have been significant amounts of progress throughout the years, enabling us to study the brain and help those affected to have fulfilling, productive lives. To change our negative perspective of...
4 Pages 1750 Words

Writing Style Of Jane Austen's Emma

Austen’s satire is most subtle in Emma, where it is the heroine herself who is the greatest snob. Emma begins the novel confident that she knows who are ‘the chosen and the best’ in Highbury (to be treated as equals) who are the ‘second set’ (characters like Miss Bates, to be summoned at will to divert Emma’s father) and who are beyond the pale (like the farmer, Mr Robert Martin) (ch. 3). By the end of the novel she has...
4 Pages 1843 Words

The Correlation Of Music And Curing Mental Illness

Music takes on several different roles in our society today. Whether it be accompanying you on your daily commute, setting the scene for what is about to happen in a movie, or providing motivation to power through a workout, music can be found virtually anywhere for various reasons. Aside from these simple, everyday situations that music is a part of, it is also responsible for altering one’s state of mind. Listening to an upbeat, cheery song on the way to...
4 Pages 1830 Words

The Effects of Roe V Wade Case on Abortion Rights

Imagine you’re a 17-year-old girl in Alabama. You had a little mishap and ended up pregnant, but you can’t keep the baby, so you decide you want an abortion. However, laws passed in your state don’t allow you to get an abortion-under any circumstances, even in the case of rape or incest. The nearest abortion clinic is over 100 miles away, and you’re afraid if you leave the state to get one you may be arrested. You barely even know...
4 Pages 1835 Words

To what Extent is Police Brutality Related to Crime?

Introduction To start with, police brutality and crime are widely known as political issues that have a huge impact on the societies. Police brutality is when police members act and use an unnecessary excessive force towards either a group or an individual (1). This eventually leads to the violation of their civil rights. In addition to that, the misuse of police legitimacy in the society will lead to a deficiency or a defected society where people will not turn to...
4 Pages 1766 Words

How Dystopia Is Portrayed In Utopia, 1984 And Fahrenheit 451

Throughout history, many have imagined a world without war, poverty, or crime. Plato imagined an enlightened commonwealth ruled by philosopher kings, many religions profess bliss in the afterlife, and various groups have tried to create paradise on Earth. Thomas More's 1516 book 'utopia' gave this concept a name, derived from the Greek word 'no place.' Though the direct translation means “impossible”, modern scientific and political progress has changed its meaning. However, time and time again, the concept of 'utopia' has...
4 Pages 1793 Words

How The Internet Affects Human Trafficking

There are many social issues faced by the criminal justice system in today's society. One of those issues is the evolution of the internet and how its helped create more crimes. Throughout the years the internet has evolved into something we use on a daily basis. It's no longer just something we use for research, but it's a way of life. The internet and social media have turned into a tool for criminals to help them commit crimes. It's also...
4 Pages 1797 Words

Marijuana: A Weed for a Cure

What is marijuana? Or in generic term, it is referred to as ‘Cannabis’. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Cannabis is by far the most widely cultivated, trafficked and abused illicit drug. Half of all drug seizures worldwide are cannabis seizures. The geographical spread of those seizures is also global, covering practically every country of the world. Simply, this only state that marijuana or cannabis is illegal and used for unethical works not only in certain areas around the...
4 Pages 1760 Words

Gender And Crime: Serial Killers

Introduction Within this end of course assessment, I am going to be talking about Gender and Crime. A brief explanation into the differences in male and female criminals, criminological theories including the chivalry thesis. Crime & media in popular culture also falls into the category for this assessment which talks about cultural criminology and representations. The main body of this assessment will fall around the infamous serial killer Aileen Wuornos and how she was represented by the media, popular culture,...
4 Pages 1752 Words

Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML)

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are related, often present in the same context and sometimes used interchangeably. From just being a figment of someone’s imagination in sci-fi movies and novels, they have come a long way to augmenting human potential in doing tasks faster, more accurate and with greater precision each time, driven by technology, automation and innovation. The father of artificial intelligence, John McCarthy, in the 1990s, defined the term as “artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of...
4 Pages 1816 Words

Research Essay: Case Study On Domestic Violence Against Women

I. Introduction Violence against women as defined by the United Nations is any act that troubles and violates women making them endure pain physically, emotionally, psychologically and mentally. It is linked with the unequal power relationship between men and a woman resulting from society’s misinformed views on gender and sexuality according to the Philippine Commission of Women (PCW). Based on the preliminary findings of the 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), one in four (26%) ever-married women aged 15-49...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Intertextuality in Taming of the Shrew and 10 things I Hate About You

The topic in this year’s festival is intertextuality between different texts. Intertextuality allows us to draw on existing ideas to create interesting new works and these texts are strongly influenced by society and culture. Shakespeare’s plays are some of the most well-known and adapted texts. His play Taming of the Shrew written in 1590 was adapted in 1999 into the film directed by Gil Junger, 10 Things I Hate About You. In adapting Taming of the Shrew into a modern...
4 Pages 1805 Words

Mark Twain: Way of Life

Some of the best authors are those who use experiences to write their stories. Mark Twain is one of those authors. He traveled to the different regions of the world and used those travels to grow as a person. Mark Twain lived an adventurous life, defending his faith, and using his humor to make his writings unique from others. His love for adventure, God, and his unique sense of humor makes Mark Twain a great author. Like most writers, Mark...
4 Pages 1810 Words

General Overview Of Corporate Social Responsibility

Abstract: Institutions in India had a long tradition of being engaged in social activities beyond the financial objectives. Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) activities had gained increasing its importance in the corporate world since the nineties. This study is made to understand the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and the challenges faced during implementation. Introduction The concept Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means companies integrate social, environmental and health concerns in their business strategy (policy) and operations. Corporate Social Responsibility can be...
4 Pages 1765 Words
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