1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ethical And Legal Issues Regarding Influenza Patients

Influenza, commonly known as flu, is an infectious disease of the respiratory tracts caused by influenza viruses which can be potentially life threateneing (Australian Government, Department of Health, 2014). An influenza pandemic occurs where a new subtype of the influenza virus emerges to which most people are not immune, therefore causing illnesses and deaths to large numbers of people worldwide and resulting in social and economic disruptions (Australian Government, Department of Health, 2014; Kotalik, 2005). This essay will introduce key...
4 Pages 1771 Words

Racial Profiling In America: Past Present And Future

Is racial profiling happening in America today? Do certain ethnic groups get targeted more than others? These are some of the many controversial yet frequently asked questions today. It is often the topic on our nightly newscasts and debated by politicians. Merriam Webster’s definition of profiling is “the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on known traits or tendencies”. Their definition of racial profiling is “the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone...
4 Pages 1760 Words

Mental And Physical Effects Of Stroke In Australia

Stroke is considered as a leading cause for acquired brain injury among Australians causing morbidity and mortality, while being a leading cause for disability among adults worldwide(AIHW, 2018). Several resources highlight(AIHW, 2018; Urden, Stacy, & Lough, 2017), although there is a decrease in number of deaths related to stroke worldwide within last few decades, more than 65% of stroke survivors suffered disability which affected their quality of life in several ways. Stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain cells...
4 Pages 1771 Words

The Second Immune System

Circulating around the planet is a variety of viruses that are constantly evolving and infecting individuals everyday. The most well known virus that is adamant about coming each and every winter is influenza, or also called flu for short. It is advised every year, by every physician, that individuals receive their flu shot between the months of August and September to help prevent infection from the flu in the colder months. It is important to receive the vaccination again every...
4 Pages 1782 Words

Vietnam War Trauma in The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

The warriors that fought in the Vietnam War were forced to bear numerous extraordinarily shocking encounters. It was these occasions that prompted incredible human feelings, those sentiments that were the things they carried inside. All that they carried impacted them whether it was physical or mental. Everything they carried could in one way or another be the reason for them to physically separate. Agony, misfortune, a feeling of wellbeing, and dread were likely the most testing enthusiastic, and mental affections...
4 Pages 1768 Words

Skin Cancer Classification with Deep Neural Networks

Introduction The research paper 'Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks” proposes that mobile devices combined with artificial intelligence have the potential of providing “low-cost universal access to vital diagnostic care.” This means that there is a rise in technology to enable medical diagnosis in an effective and inexpensive way. To support their claim, the authors utilized a single convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict skin cancer diagnosis by classifying skin lesion images into different skin diseases. The...
4 Pages 1763 Words

Alice in Wonderland Vs Through the Looking Glass

Introduction: The Intersection of Literature and Cinema Over the past few decades, the motion picture industry has interwoven with literature, so much so that film adaptations of great literary works have become a popular thread in the fabric of the seventh art, becoming a main branch in the field of interdisciplinary studies. Although the two mediums have their own unique structures, the process by which a literary work finds itself transformed into its visual counterpart can be quite thought-provoking if...
4 Pages 1789 Words

Archetypal Characters And Ancient Myths In A Midsummer Night's Dream

Introduction to Archetypes and Myths in Shakespeare's Comedy “The course of true love never did run smooth” (Crowther, ed., 2005). Nor do dreams; a series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. A Midsummer Night’s Dream gives us a conscious fantasy, a doubting reality. The plot revolves around the desire for well-matched love and the struggle to achieve it, with love and marriage being two fundamental points which make up the beginning and the end...
4 Pages 1801 Words

Cognitive And Moral Aspects Of The Criminal Responsibility Age

“At some age the stage of a child’s moral and intellectual development would be reached, such that at and above that age the child could be treated as a responsible agent (for purposes of the criminal law), and below that age the child could not be so treated.” (G Maher, 2005) A recent account by the Australian Broadcasting Commission’s (ABC) 4 Corners program of young children in detention has reignited debate both domestically and internationally around the seemingly arbitrary minimum...
4 Pages 1816 Words

The Impact Of Stephen King On American Culture

“And the most terrifying question of all may be just how much horror the human mind can stand and still maintain a wakeful, staring, unrelenting sanity” (Stephen King). The late twentieth century was a time of racism and bigotry as the civil rights movement was coming to a close, yet many Americans still refused to integrate African Americans into regular society. As stated in Memmott’s article, American author Stephen King grew up during this time in Portland, Maine, taking care...
4 Pages 1820 Words

The Concept Of Culture Lost In The Novels The Namesake And Native Speaker

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and Native Speaker by Chang-rae Lee are novels about Asian immigrants who came to America in hopes of giving their Asian-American children a life better than what they had in their own countries. In The Namesake, the main characters are originally from India, but move to America where they have their son, Gogol and daughter Sonia and raise them as American children, but still with their Indian values. In Native Speaker, the main characters are...
4 Pages 1751 Words

Apple Supply Chain: Planning, Challenges, Strategies And Contributions

Executive Summary This report detailed examine of Apple Inc. in contest of managing strategy like how Apple company produce its products, from where they buy their raw materials, how their supply chain works, and finally what will be its sustainability in the future. Introduction Apple Inc., once in the past Apple Computer, Inc. was established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. (Terrell E. 2008). By the mid-year of 1976, Ronald Wayne had left the...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Colonialism's Impact in The God of Small Things

With Roy deriving the reference of India as the ‘Heart of Darkness’ from Joseph Conrad’s novel titled as such, it is apparent that the God of Small Things mirrors Conrad’s criticism on the detrimental and lasting impacts of colonialism. Sophie Mol, a clear metaphor of British powers, arrives at Ayemenem with the obsession of ‘taming’ the east, which is portrayed as inferior and backward. Her drowning and subsequent death are thus symbolic of the British Empire’s eventual failure to exert...
4 Pages 1835 Words

Behind The Wheel: Stopping Distracted Driving

When you think of distracted driving, texting, or talking on the phone are likely the first things to come to mind. But, according to the article “Distracted Driving”, author Bruce Law says that some of the less obvious factors may be eating while driving, talking to other people in the car, and even driving while you are tired. Distracted driving can be anything that causes you to focus on something else instead of giving your full attention to the road....
4 Pages 1755 Words

Financial Accounting And Reporting Policies: Impacts And Consequences

Executive Summary This report undertakes analysing the effects of the changes in retail industry on the operations of Shopping Centres Australia Property Group (SCP). This report sheds light on the requirements of AASB 140 related to the investment properties. The discussion on management flexibility is another major aim of the report. Analysis shows that these changes in retail industry have certain negative impact and economic consequences on the financial statements of these two companies. Introduction The presence of certain changes...
4 Pages 1762 Words

The Morality Development In Kohlberg’s Heinz And The Drug

Today, it seems that people live as puppets to society. While most agree that this issue deserves attention, consensus dissolves on how to tackle the problem and how a common ground can be found. Using logic, an entity attempts on how moral values could help determine what is right and what is wrong in a personal situation or any situation for that matter. Morality impacts people's interactions with the environment because of moral obligations and environmental ethics. People could also...
4 Pages 1764 Words

Gender Roles In Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (​1847)​, written by Charlotte Bronte explores gender issues that are centred around females that are considered as the second sex under the domination of men. Woman autonomy is part of gender troubles which turns into a challenge of feminist. During the mid-1800s women were socially and finally deemed as depended on males, as well as being ‘property’ of man useful for marriage and family life; Bonte depicts Jane Eyre as the feminist figure of the 19th Century. Jane...
4 Pages 1762 Words

The Philosophical Concept Of Free Will In Confucianism

Free will, responsibility, and choice, are noted to be some of the few important concepts that Confucianism seem to lack as Herbett Fingarette claims. Although, Kyung-sig Hwang argues that these same concepts are actually present in Confucianism through soft determinism or compatibilism. It may not necessarily be the exact same general understanding that we have of free will as a whole because it is interpreted differently. Therefore, Hwang argues that free will is present in Confucianism and that there is...
4 Pages 1750 Words

Types, Causes And Effects Of Aggressive Behavior

What is meant by aggressive behavior? Aggressive behavior is reactionary and impulsive behavior that often results in causing both physical and psychological harm to ourselves, others, or objects in the environment. It can be any offensive action, attack or procedure that is most of the times the expression of pent-up anger. Aggressive behavior can be intentional and goal-oriented or spontaneous. It can be direct or indirect, overt or covert. Aggressive behavior can be either verbal such as screaming, shouting and...
4 Pages 1767 Words

Lord of The Flies Characters: Description & Significance

To begin, William Golding portrays Jack as being very evil in the novel in several ways. Jack is very rude and disrespectful to most of the boys on the island. Jack is described by Willam Golding as tall, thin, and bony, his hair is red, his face is crumpled and freckled, and is silly. He has light blue eyes, that are inclined to turn to rage. He is the preeminent advocate of chaos on the island. Jack becomes a weak...
4 Pages 1779 Words

The Peculiarities Of Immigration Policy In The USA

The United States of America is often seen as a melting pot. A metaphor that describes the many different nationalities, cultures, and ethnicities that make up this country. This all started when Europeans and many others fled their countries because of crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine. America was seen as a land of economic opportunity and they were looking for a better life. It was the best choice for anyone seeking political asylum, jobs, or...
4 Pages 1757 Words

Physical Activity for Concussion Recovery in High School Athletes

The human brain is a complex bundle of nerves and muscles that is the nucleus for all human functions. The ability to breathe, move, think, and live are direct results of the underlying function of the brain. Therefore, based upon the overall significance of the brain, it becomes imperative to protect it from all damage. A concussion, is an injury that at its simplest form is a contusion of the brain, is the main mechanism of injury to avoid. However,...
4 Pages 1772 Words

Cultural Values And Western Social Orders In Interpreter Of Maladies

Jhumpa Lahiri was born in London, Britain in 1967. She is the girl of parents who emigrated from India. “Jhumpa Lahiri’s books deal with issues that show up banal and each day but raise questions about culture, identity, the position and condition of the subject in an Americanized neocolonial world. All the stories within the collection, Interpreter of Maladies deal with simple ordinary occasions but are subtly concerned almost much genuine viewpoints of relationships. Lahiri’s complex composition of brief stories...
4 Pages 1750 Words

The Idea Of Autonomy In Rousseau And Nietzsche

Rousseau and Nietzsche are both prominent figures of modern Western political philosophy, even though they lived over one hundred years apart from one another. In this essay I will try to compare and contrast the idea of autonomy in Rousseau’s and Nietzsche’s political theories through their discussion of the state of nature, general will, slave morality and the will to power. Ultimately, I will come to the conclusion that Rousseau and Nietzsche view autonomy very different in human society. Autonomy...
4 Pages 1811 Words

The Importance Of Immigration Laws In The USA (DAXA, TPS And DED)

I recall boarding an airplane when I was only four years of age in the year nineteen eighty-nine. I had little knowledge as to what was going on. As well as little to no knowledge of any other country other than Cuba. And now I was on my way to the United States through a 45-minute flight. My mother was married to a political prisoner and we were granted a visa to travel to and live in America. The U.S....
4 Pages 1771 Words

Multidimensional Perspective Of The Etiology Of Psychological Disorders

Psychological disorder or an abnormal behavior refers to “a psychological dysfunction within an individual that is associated with distress or impairment in functioning and a response that is typical or culturally not expected” (Barlow et al., 2018). The causes of mental disorders are often unclear and an attempt towards etiology results in emergence of new models of abnormality (Hooley et al., 2017). Etiology refers to the study of causes or reasons that lead to the development of psychological disorders. It...
4 Pages 1811 Words

The Factors Leading To Success In The Book Outliers

It is safe to say that success is everyone’s goal in life. Throughout the book Outliers written by Malcolm Gladwell, there were different factors stated that would lead to success. Many of those will be stated and discussed throughout this essay. Some of the factors that contribute to success are the 10,000 rule, properly coping with failure, the idea that head start leads to more, and especially access to resources. Each of these concepts allowed many people like The Beatles,...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Effects of Obesity on Health and Wellbeing

The aim of this essay is to focus on obesity in adults and this essay will be exploring the physiological and socioeconomic effects of obesity on the health and wellbeing of individuals as well as its influence on the wider society. The essay will further identify and evaluate one current health promotion strategy/policy from the UK which will be Obesity in adults; Prevention and Lifestyle weight management programs NICE (2016)this is to prevent and manage obesity in the society, in...
4 Pages 1830 Words

Pythagoras' Contributions To The Numerology

Pythagoras made a lot of mathematical and mystical contribution to the modern numerology. But after his death, people’s interest in mathematical mysticism and all his teachings on numbers waned. Most of his teachings were now restricted to secret use. Sometime after his death however, a group of neo-Pythagoreans emerged and brought up his teachings again. But eventually the non-mathematical works and theories Pythagoras faded away. In addition to the death of Pythagoras, the ruling of the first council of Nicaea...
4 Pages 1829 Words

The Effects Of Media On Human Trafficking

“It was something like a movie you would see that you didn’t think was real, but that was her life and that of so many others who haven’t come to our office.” These are the words of a Catholic Charities caseworker, Rosa Alamo, regarding her newfound friend, Flor Turcio, a human trafficking survivor who lived through two decades of abuse, two kidnappings, one escape and almost getting killed. According to the Human Trafficking Hotline, since 2007, more than 49,000 cases...
4 Pages 1789 Words
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