1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Differences Between The Great Gatsby Movie and Book

Introduction to the American Dream and the Great Gatsby The American Dream is the nation’s overall aspiration for America, and at America’s conception, the birth of the aspiration “rags to riches” was cultivated. America was founded by Puritans fleeing from the Western world desiring religious and governmental freedom, and wealth. This pattern that the Puritans set continued throughout America through Westward Expansion, a search for economic benefits and assets, which was exemplified by historical occurrences like The Gold Rush of...
4 Pages 1772 Words

The Significance Of Family In A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol is a didactic text in which Dickens presents family as incredibly important. Dickens’ own father was put in prison when he was a child, which had a profound effect on him. Scrooge’s personality at the start of the allegorical novella juxtaposes other characters as he rejects the possibility of having a family and gives prime importance to money and wealth. Throughout the novella, we also see the joy in the Cratchit family despite their poverty and Fred’s...
4 Pages 1789 Words

Management Responsibilities In Problem Solving

Introduction Problem is the deviation of target and actual result which is identified by a good sensible person in a company. Contemporary business world are admitting many problems. Perceiving problems in right time is a relevant skill for business which helps an entrepreneur to reach a perfect solution. Business problem needs a systematic approach to solve to gain long term benefit reducing the maximum risk. Encountering new problem involves finding root cause of problem and probable solution to continue a...
4 Pages 1801 Words

To the Lighthouse Summary Essay

There is no shore of Time, no port of Man. It flows, and we go on. Literature introduces various conceptions of time depending on the literary genres. For instance, romantic poets like Alphonse de Lamartine and John Keats take into account the eternity of time by focusing on the ephemerality of men in order to share their melancholy. On the contrary, in response to Romanticism, realist novelist like Émile Zola and Charles Dickens set their feelings aside and tend to...
4 Pages 1828 Words

Cloud Accounting Software: Types And Methods

Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to see whether the firm would be better off switching to cloud accounting software instead of staying with the traditional accounting methods. It includes a comparison of both cloud and traditional software and various cloud options. Different research was done to find out which accounting software was the better of the two. Different types of cloud accounting software were researched online to find out about what they included and prices. SWOT analysis...
4 Pages 1785 Words

Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction Of Nurses

Critical care unit is considered as a very hectic workplace in the hospital and the shortage of specialized nurses are the common issue at the international as well as at the national level. Level of job-satisfaction among critical-care units is directly associated with productivity and positive outcomes. A number of studies have been conducted in different countries but, limited studies are available in the Pakistani context. The purpose of selection this topic is; being a critical-care practitioner I myself observe...
4 Pages 1783 Words

Stephen King's Biography And His Most Frightening Book Pet Sematary

“Sometimes, dead is better.” (King, XV) The novel intersects between both life and death which can be crossed but brings fatal consequences. King presents death in a horrifying matter and implies that if grief is avoided it can be worse. Death must be accepted because if we fail to cope with death then we will not be able to function with the present. In the novel, Pet Sematary, the events reflect off Stephen King’s personal experiences but distorts these experiences...
4 Pages 1806 Words

Mcdonalds Organisational Structure Peculiarities

McDonald's, the most eminent cheap food chain of the world, began in 1955 by a visionary named Raymond Kroc Kroc assumed a huge job in altering the inexpensive food industry in America and as of now McDonalds is serving more than 60 million clients in more than 117 nations consistently The organization has a worldwide brand esteem and overall acknowledgment. It is a standout amongst the most generally perceived symbols of the world in the drive-through joint industry. By achieving...
4 Pages 1778 Words

Free Will and Fate in Medea and Oedipus the King: Essay

In the entirety of both Medea and Oedipus the existence of Gods are shown as dominant throughout. In Modern time, Theorists and dramatists are turning the pages every day to find answers to the questions at hand, are the characters of these plays in control of their own destiny? Or is their fate already inevitable? Ancient Greek people believed that Gods set the destinies for some people as its what they were born to do and there is a level...
4 Pages 1830 Words

Problems, Reasons And Results Of Urbanization In India And The UK

Introduction The topic I have chosen for my Individual Report is Changing communities, where I focus on my main research question “How far has urbanization changed our lives”. I will be highlighting the positives and negatives of urbanization and analyzing its causes and what effects it has on some major countries. I will also be stating some major issues and their sources of information to support my arguments. Finally, I will include my own reflection and a personal perspective of...
4 Pages 1754 Words

The Role Of Physics In Civil Engineering

Introduction Physics is one of the broadest, most profound and most closely related human sciences to nature. It has went with human considering since antiquated civilizations, where knowledge have attempted to clarify characteristic marvels seen and attempt to know their causes and laws. The definition of material science has shifted from the Greeks to the cutting edge period, but it is by and large related to normal marvels and the levelheaded translation of the physical universe. The subject of material...
4 Pages 1766 Words

Global Epidemic: Understanding About Type 2 Diabetes

The rate of people who has type 2 diabetes all over the globe is increasing rapidly. As discussed by Wallerstein (2017), an imbalance of the sugar level in the body is the leading cause of diabetes. In the case of type 2 diabetes, the human body cannot respond to insulin, which is referred to as insulin resistance. High blood sugar is one of the major causes of severe health-related issues such as heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease. The...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Promoting Pharmacy Based Smoking Cessation Service

Introduction Tobacco smoking is the major cause of morbidity and avoidable death worldwide.1 Globally, there are over a billion smokers and approximately 80% are in low-and-middle-income countries.2 More than 6 million of the deaths resulted from direct tobacco consumption while estimated 900,000 mortality records were due to exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke.2 It is estimated that by 2030, the death toll could rise to over 8 million yearly.3 Non-infectious diseases account for about 80% of preventable deaths in Nigeria...
4 Pages 1803 Words

Dreams in Crime and Punishment

Introduction: The Interplay of Dreams and Guilt in "Crime and Punishment" What are the true meaning of dreams? Why do people experience them? An Austrian neurologist from the nineteenth and twentieth century, Sigmund Freud, is the father of the Theory of Dreams. In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel, Freud’s Theory of Dreams is highlighted throughout the book by revealing the characters inner secrets, desires, and problems that might have been burdening the character subconsciously; however, each of the character’s dreams tie back...
4 Pages 1822 Words

Health Promotion: Full Mental And Physical Well-Being Of People In Society

Health promotion is a process that aims at attaining the full mental, physical and well-being of people in society. It enables people to have total control of their health and as a result of this improved their life. Health promotion enables people to increase control over their own health. Currently, within health, there are six different health promotion models. The medical approach focuses on activity that aims to reduce morbidity and premature mortality. This activity is targeted towards whole populations...
4 Pages 1845 Words

ADHD: Relationship And Drugs Problems

Sexual arousal activates endorphins and mobilizes neurotransmitters within the brain. This gives a sense of calmness which reduces the restlessness that is often triggered by ADHD. Nevertheless, promiscuity and pornography consumption may be sources of controversy regarding relationships. It is necessary to note the use of promiscuity or pornography is not part of the criteria for diagnosing ADHD. Many people with ADHD can become involved in risky sexual activities due to impulsivity issues. People with ADHD may also be at...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Life And Contributions Of John Dewey

There are so many legendary people who have contributed to the education process over the past 150 years. However, John Dewey has been a major contributor and tried to change the curriculum to better the students and their adulthood. There will be a few areas that will be discussed in this research paper. The first is will be the background of John Dewey. The second area will be the work that John Dewey contributed to the education system and social...
4 Pages 1750 Words

The Peculiarities Of Montessori Classroom Management

Introduction to Montessori Classroom Management When people hear of children going to a Montessori school, they wonder if the children are given too much freedom in their own education. They speculate that if the child gets to make their own decisions about their day, rather then choosing to learn, they’d choose to engage in non-academic activities. They would also assume, that with all the freedom that the children have, chaos reigns in the classroom because too much freedom is never...
4 Pages 1766 Words

Dating Apps & Social Media: Are They Building Or Breaking Relationships?

Here we are again. The season of love, gifts, chocolates and tears. Yes tears, not everyone is as happy you’d expect. But that’s just it. There comes a time when you are either in a relationship or as Emma Watson (Hermione from Harry Potter) would put it, ‘self-partnered’. It’s Valentines and like it or not, love is in the air. It’s during Valentines that some want to show that extra bit of love. This is the time when being single...
4 Pages 1842 Words

Obesity In The World: Sauses And Effects

Obesity is one of the frequent and serious disorders in the world. There have to be cases of obesity no count number in city or rural area, as it is a tremendous and escalating concern. It does now not simply show up in adults as adolescents also can also have the possibility because they are less subject about their fitness nowadays. Obesity is certainly a condition whereby bizarre or immoderate fats accumulation that may impair health and additionally the genetic...
4 Pages 1752 Words

The Peculiarities Of Behavioral Economics

Behavioral economics, a subfield of economics, offers a view of human behavior that is more subtle, complex, and potentially more realistic than any found in conventional economic theory. By including insights from psychology in the study of economic issues, behavioral economics sheds light on the choices that people make in their lives. Traditional economists often ignore the influence of emotions on people’s decision-making behavior and assume that economic agents are rational wealth maximizers. Behavioral economists observe what people actually do....
4 Pages 1827 Words

The American Dream in the Great Gatsby

Introduction: The Illusion of the American Dream Modern American youth are seemingly often delusional about a life filled with promise and self-satisfaction to of which they see suitable for themselves; however, this mere illusion has the capacity to tempt people to advocate towards their aspirations in life and lead them to what is believed to be the American Dream. The American Dream in the modern American youth is generally portrayed as having luxuries such as a high ranked social status,...
4 Pages 1779 Words

Is Machiavelli a Teacher of Evil

Introduction: Machiavelli's Controversial Legacy Niccolò Machiavelli was a political thinker, philosopher and diplomat in Renaissance Italy. His most famous text, The Prince, was controversial; leading to him being labelled an immoralist and a teacher of evil. Machiavelli's Departure from Traditional Morality Machiavelli’s ideologies held in The Prince were an outlandish step in political thought; disregarding a large proportion of the beliefs that were held in the texts of antiquity which had seen a revival in the Renaissance period. In The...
4 Pages 1798 Words

Cultural Believe Within African American Family

Introduction Being an African American lady from the South who had been brought up by her grandparents. I have been deeply introduced into African American world views since my grandparents followed African American cultural beliefs loyally. As a result, they profoundly impacted the African American worldviews in me and other family members, correspondingly to other African American families who resided in the South. Although there are numerous African-American families in the South, many of them have unrelated worldviews due to...
4 Pages 1796 Words

Monopolistic Competition in the Clothing Industry

Understanding Monopolistic Competition in Fashion Monopolistic competition, by definition, is when an industry has many firms that offer similar products and services but not completely identical or the perfect substitute. In monopolistic competition, there are not many barriers to exit or enter— making it easy for many firms to sweep into the market and offer similar products. The perfect example of monopolistic competition is the retail and fashion industry— specifically fast fashion. The fashion industry is one of the biggest...
4 Pages 1767 Words

Concept Of Conversation Cafe: A Catalyst For Diverse Learners In Education

Brief History According to V. Robin and J. Pogue et. al. (2001), the concept of Conversation Café was first propounded by three Seattle friends- Susan Partnow, Habib Rose and Vicki Robin. It all started with an experiment. They believed that more spontaneous and drop-in public dialogue would serve democracy, critical thinking and neighbourliness. So, each sat in a different café once a week and invited whoever was there, plus friends, to dialogue about things that really mattered. Thus, the Conversation...
4 Pages 1768 Words

Immigrants' Struggles with American Dream in The Jungle

“The Jungle”, written by Upton Sinclair, is a novel which exploited immigrants lives that were affected while living and working in industrialized cities in Chicago during the early 1900’s. The novel is based around the lives of characters who each had their own experiences and struggles that they faced while being immigrants from Lithuania going into the Meat-Packing Industry, also known as Packingtown. The main character that Sinclair made one of the more important and was considered to be a...
4 Pages 1780 Words

Gender Equality In 21 Century

Although gender equality can be measured in many ways, we must question what the possibilities are. Women can be discriminated against in the work place by not being allowed to perform the same duties as men, and if they do these jobs, they do not always receive the same pay. Women have long been trying to earn their place in the political world, whether it is a city council seat, state senate or vice president position. Yet society uses various...
4 Pages 1833 Words

The Morals And Importance Of Wife Of Bath’s Tale In The Canterbury Tales

Introduction: Unveiling the Wife of Bath Every “Abril” in fourteenth century England, everyone from the aristocrats to the peasant class, excluding the royals and serfs, was required by the Church to make a pilgrimage to a holy destination. In Georffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, rife with satire, thirty pilgrims journey together to Saint Thomas Becket's shrine in Canterbury, England. To begin their adventure, the group meet in Southwark outside London. In an attempt to prevent boredom and make the journey...
4 Pages 1817 Words
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