1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Reflective Essay on Religious Studies

The Shabbat and its implication of human’s prospects History Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world, existing upon the basis that there is one and only one God. The Jews believe that they are “God’s ‘Chosen People’” (Karesh and Mitchell). They follow the principles of the Hebrew Bible, also called Tanakh. Just like every other peoples, throughout their history, the Jews have their highs and lows. They have some periods of extension, but they have suffered some...
4 Pages 1789 Words

Persepolis' Social Class Essay

In Iran, there are different regulations and laws for women living in the country. Iran has different policies that men and women have to follow. The rules for women can restrict their freedom. In the book Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi shows an upper-middle-class woman growing up in Iran and the different restrictions that even women of her class have to endure. The gender norms in Iran have negatively affected the women in Iran. The culture, religion, and gender norms in Iran...
4 Pages 1778 Words

Pride and Prejudice' Literary Analysis Essay

'We are at a point in our work when we can no longer ignore empires and the imperial context in our studies.' Edward W. Said The themes of empire and imperial exploitation are scarcely touched upon in Pride and Prejudice; they are ignored to create an idyllic painting of rural in the Georgian era. These great paintings of a hearty and lush have been secured in the minds of many, not only through Jane Austen's writing but also through film...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Critical Essay about Helmet Laws Discrimination

Does the compulsory wearing of helmets reduce the number of fatalities associated with motorcycling and pedal cycling accidents? Provide evidence in support of and against the following statements and state whether you agree with the statements and why. 'Wearing a motorcycle helmet increases the chances of having an accident.' 'Legislation requiring the wearing of motorcycle helmets is a breach of an individual's civil liberties.' 'It is negligent for parents to permit their children to ride a bicycle without wearing a...
4 Pages 1834 Words

Essay on Was Manifest Destiny Justified

How, and with what success, has the United States justified political interventions in Latin America? (1500 words) “Latin America was rich with raw materials, opportunities, land, and trade routes to link certain parts of the world together.” (Livingstone,2013)Thus, making Latin America somewhere the US could greatly benefit from. This essay will discuss and analyze how US political interventions have been successful throughout history and how US ambition and self-interest have negatively influenced Latin American countries. This will be done through...
4 Pages 1846 Words

Theory on Sociological Imagination Essay

In this essay, I will outline the concept of sociology and discuss how sociologists understand social phenomena. I will then identify and apply the key features and concepts of sociology such as social imagination, public issues and personal troubles, historical contextualization, structure, and agency, amongst others, in order to discuss how these help us to understand the challenges of accessing higher education as well as how these challenges can be overcome. Sociology is about the scientific relationship between human interaction...
4 Pages 1823 Words

Essay on Teenage Pregnancy in South Africa

Teenagers are important to focus on since they are at a stage of growth marked by physical, psychological, and emotional changes, as well as social changes (Erikson, 1963). Adolescence is marked by abstract, conceptual, and future-oriented thinking positions (Piaget, 1958). Erik Erikson claims in his developmental theory that adolescence is the most important stage of life from childhood to maturity and that a teenager's goal is to build their own identity. Teenage parents, on the other hand, may lack the...
4 Pages 1783 Words

Essay Thesis Statement on Teenage Pregnancy

Introduction 1.1 Background Although it has declined substantially over the past two decades, the pregnancy rate among girls and women 15 to 19 years of age remains a stubborn public health problem. Each year, more than 600,000 teens become pregnant and 3 in 10 teens will become pregnant before they reach 20 years of age. According to community studies, 10%-40% of young girls have had unintended pregnancies and 14 million children worldwide are born every year to young married and...
4 Pages 1840 Words

Philosophy of Leadership in Education: Essay

Abstract It is difficult, to sum up, effective leadership with mere words; it is highly essential in an educational setting, yet it can be highly difficult to achieve. Many components make up an effective leader, some of which include: personality traits, ability, skill, behavior, relationships, and process (Northouse, 2018). It takes a balance of each of these to enable a person to lead well. The skills and traits of leaders are extremely important, just as leaders’ ability to form meaningful...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Synthesis Essay on Illegal Immigration

For as long as President Trump has been president, immigration to this country has absurdly increased and has become a controversy amongst many politicians and citizens. A state of emergency was placed because the United States was threatened by the invasion of illegal immigrants. The president used this threat as a way to make more tariffs on Mexico if they didn’t act out and come up with a solution to stop this border crisis. According to President Donald Trump’s statement...
4 Pages 1794 Words

Synthesis Essay on Gender Roles

Introduction: The concept of gender is more culturally defined and performative, rather than biologically determined. A confusing synonym for sex, gender though by definition is based on biology, historically has been used as a term to describe the performative appearance and behavior expected from an individual from either biological sex to conform to. Power dynamics that are played into a poststructuralist view, showcase how heavily male-led societies affect respective gender roles, along with the reinforcement of language in those performances....
4 Pages 1788 Words

Expository Essay on Animal Characteristics in Human Life

Abstract Human Animal interaction is a wider concept then it sounds. There are many behavioural aspects that can be learned from animals or which are shaped in the presence of animals like Patience, caring and protecting behaviour towards others, loving others before self. Animals presence help out in coping with many unfavourable situations like low mood or bad mood, low self-esteem panic situations. Corona Virus disease made many changes in animals’ as well as human behaviours. Studies conducted on different...
4 Pages 1810 Words

Definition Essay about Peer Pressure

The neuroscience working on the development of the adolescent brain has existed for some time now and will progress much more in the near future (Steinberg, 2010). It’s a period of an individual’s lifetime, somewhere between childhood and adulthood that includes major changes socially, psychologically, and physically (Ernst, Hardin & Pine, 2006). Some studies show that adolescents should experience a linear development of their way of thinking and an increase in their maturity due to the development of their prefrontal...
4 Pages 1820 Words

Langston Hughes Biography Essay

What inspires a person to write? Whether it be poetry or lyrics to a song, people always have a personal motive for writing that particular piece. Some people write to pass the time, but in many cases, writings have a deepened meaning intended to depict a story or circumstance that a person has experienced within their own life. Take the music industry for example, where modern-day artists such as Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole tell their stories of growing up...
4 Pages 1810 Words

Self Reflection Essay on Psychology

How I Can Apply Psychology to My Future Based on My New Learning The academic curriculum of a psychology course covers several disciplines aimed at educating and analyzing our human nature, and psychology is among them. It is the study of the human mind and behavior (Leslie & O'Reilly, 1999). According to the definition, psychology is a comprehensive study that deals with human development, health, and clinical matters (Leslie & O'Reilly, 1999). Additionally, the discipline is composed of sub-topics that...
4 Pages 1757 Words

Conflicting Motivations in O'Brien's 'On the Rainy River'

In their lifetime, people can expect to make several choices and decisions. Some decisions may be small, simple, and to a degree, minor. However, there comes a time in one's life in which a decision must be made, significantly impacting their life. Often individuals will turn to a source of motivation that is personal, regarding their individual beliefs, perspectives, and ideologies to guide them in a certain direction. However, an individual may turn to society and find motivation there, one...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Thesis Statement on Ted Bundy Essay

Witness testimony: 4 people suggested Ted Bundy’s name to the police after hearing a description of the suspect for the murders. This included his girlfriend Elizabeth Kloepfer who called the police twice with concern about Bundy, also a close friend of his, a co-worker, and an old psychology professor from university. This was the primary evidence Several witnesses gave eyewitness accounts claiming to have seen a man (Ted Bundy) who matched the description of their suspect and drove a Volkswagen...
4 Pages 1773 Words

Reflective Essay on Silence

According to Senanayake (2011) and Ando (2011), Gender-based violence (GBV) encompasses physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological violence that is directed at an individual based on his or her biological sex or preferred gender identity. Although anyone can be a victim of GBV regardless of their location, social status, religion, etc. most GBV cases reported today mostly highlight the suffering women and girls have from this type of violence (Ando, 2011). Gender-based violence occurs in all parts of the world,...
4 Pages 1755 Words

Reflective Essay on Group Project

Personal Reflection Completing Group Project 3 has allowed me to improve and enhance my transversal skills and act upon identified areas from Group Project 2. (See Personal Development Plan, Appendix 1-2). As with all aspects of life when working in a group a key skill required for success is communication. Within the industry, the use of BIM and other sharing platforms has allowed this skill to become easier to share ideas and communicate. Platforms such as OneDrive and group messenger...
4 Pages 1764 Words

Poverty in America: Persuasive Essay

Does international Aid have a long-term negative effect on poverty-stricken countries, if so, how does this affect those who live in poverty and aim to grow their economies? America exporting rice to Haiti is an example of International Aid having a detrimental effect on the economy of Haiti in the long term. The local farmers of Haiti were forced to decrease their rice prices as the supply outweighed the demand. This harmed the farming industry in Haiti, as rice production...
4 Pages 1757 Words

Essay on Why Is Martin Luther King a Hero

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” (Martin, National Conference on Christian Education). Martin Luther King Junior was an influential black American because of his motivation to end racial injustices. His desire to create fairness and racial equality among black Americans helped shape the world as we know it today. He fought hard to “earn” African American freedom and equality,...
4 Pages 1766 Words

Reflective Essay about High School Experience

Reflection 1 – Cleveland District State High School. Responding/Reporting High school students are constantly being told to think about what they want to be by their teachers and parents. However, not everyone knows what pathway they want to take at the age of sixteen. Programs like Deforest Action take students who want to know more about the world they live in into places where communities are fighting for their lives (Henkel, 2012). Students are given the opportunity to experience first-hand...
4 Pages 1783 Words

Importance of Abortion Essay

Throughout the semester I had the opportunity to learn about different religions and the cultures that our society here and around the world experience and live in. Although I do not consider myself a religious person who goes to church every Sunday, reads the bible, or abides by each and every step of my religion I do believe in God and I have a lot of faith in him and many of the aspects that follow the religion I do....
4 Pages 1837 Words

Marijuana: Compare and Contrast Essay

Marijuana is one of the most common drugs used on a day-to-day basis in our society. Marijuana is cannabis, it is also often known as weed, herb, pot, grass, and ganja. It is no secret that our society is loving this drug, in fact, people are not ashamed of it. It is now regularly referenced in rap songs, clothing items, and photographs, as it is seen everywhere peer pressure seems to be affecting all ages. People have very good reasons...
4 Pages 1763 Words

Life of Pi' Animals Essay

Emotions, reasons, and beliefs are three important tools of the human mind. They all operate in the human mind but in different ways. Mohandas Gandhi once said, “Faith must be enforced by reason, when faith becomes blind it dies,” (Seshagiri 59). This quote shows that reason is more important than belief. Without reason, humans will never have faith and belief. The novel Life of Pi written by Yann Martel portrays how reason helps the main character, Pi to survive in...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Japan's Health Care System Vs. the US: Comparative Essay

It is an obvious fact that healthcare systems in different countries differ. For this comparative essay, I chose the country of Japan, with the intention of comparing its healthcare system with ours, America. Access Japan has a universal, public statutory health insurance system (SHIS) that provides coverage regulated by the government. It is mandatory for all citizens of all ages and anyone who will be living in Japan for more than 90 days to enroll in a SHIS plan. 98.3%...
4 Pages 1839 Words

Why Is Diversity Important: Persuasive Essay

Culture is a wide term that surrounds beliefs, values, social norms, social behaviors, and overall can be understood as our way of existence. When you step out into the world, you will come to see people from different backgrounds and all different walks of life. It is in the best essence to honor cultural diversity with your best phrases and the best course of action. The beauty and importance of learning new cultures and their customs are that firstly they...
4 Pages 1814 Words

Essay on My Trip to the Amusement Park Where I Realized My Fear

In the summer of 2018, I had the terrifying experience of my life. I planned to go out with my friends on a beautiful sunny day. We went on a trip to Michigan's Adventure. I thought it would be an exciting day for me, but everything was out of my control. I had never felt so scared in my life. After coming back from my extended summer vacation in Vietnam, I was planning to travel to Chicago with my friends....
4 Pages 1761 Words

What It Means to Be Inclusive: Inductive Essay

In today’s day and age, the terms “Inclusive” and “Inclusion” are used interchangeably, in the education world and in today’s society. Novak (2018) has defined Inclusion as “involving all children in class regardless of their capabilities and variability” while defining Inclusive as the actual practice wherein children are given opportunities to learn through cooperative and adaptive learning. These approaches serve to challenge and support individuals in their interactions with others. Renowned psychologist and Early Childhood theorist Lev Vygotsky emphasized the...
4 Pages 1797 Words

Exploratory Essay on Psychological Outcome

Introduction Being a young adult can be a confusing moment. Not only is it a period of physical and psychological growth and development but also marks transition from puberty to adulthood. Adolescents face multiple demands from their parents, peers, school work, and social media life, and try to meet all these demands while still trying to maintain their autonomy. During this period, adolescents can battle a number of emotions which when coupled with their lack of knowledge, and identity crisis...
4 Pages 1841 Words
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