1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Can Law Appear To Be A Solidarity Type Of Social Organization?

INTRODUCTION The French sociologist, Emile Durkheim, was primarily concerned with the order, consensus, social solidarity, social morality and systems of religion (Young, 1962). Social solidarity is an inherently broad concept, and may be identified in varying structures which exist across different societies (Czarnota & Brown, 1994). He came up with a theory that suggests that social structures have a strong influence on action. There are two types of Durkheim believes there two types of solidarity in societies, namely mechanical solidarity...
4 Pages 1947 Words

Assembly Line Workers: Peculiarities Of Job

Many high schools students are unsure of what careers they want to do after high school. Many jobs today require a degree however there are plenty of jobs for those do not want to go to college, the assembly line worker being one of them. Beginning in 1913, the assembly line worker has been one of the most available jobs in America and essentially created the American middle class. This paper will provide an intro in to the field as...
4 Pages 1885 Words

To What Extent Are Electrical Vehicles Better Than Hydrogen-Powered Cars?

Electric or Hydrogen? Both sound like exemplary options, however, looks can be deceiving. Electric vehicles are vehicles that use electric motors as a source of propulsion, while hydrogen-powered vehicles use a fuel cell that uses hydrogen and oxygen molecules which react and form electricity. This electricity is used to run the electric motors. While both hydrogen and electric-powered cars have little to no local carbon emissions, they still have some cons that overshadow them. According to the US Environmental Protection...
4 Pages 1925 Words

Reparations for African Americans: A Long Overdue Debt

Beginning in 1619 and ending in 1865, the United States of America practiced slavery on African/African American individuals. Slavery is a system where property law is applied to human beings, meaning one person can buy, sell, and own another person. Slavery has been a dark part of American history, a great wrong committed by the US government. From a young age, we Americans are taught by our parents and teachers the importance of doing what is right, and when we...
4 Pages 1875 Words

The Peculiarities Of Pepsin, The Proteolytic Enzyme

Abstract Digestive enzymes play a very important role in providing the energy and proteins that the body needs to survive from the food that is ingested. One important digestive enzyme is pepsin. This enzyme survives the acidic pH of the stomach and is not denatured by it as some enzymes might. Pepsin has a precursor, pepsinogen, which is the inactive form of pepsin. Pepsinogen is structurally different than pepsin because it has an extra peptide chain. Pepsin is in charge...
4 Pages 1852 Words

Female School Teachers' First Aid Knowledge in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Introduction First aid is immediate help provided to a sick or injured person until professional help arrives. It is concerned not only with physical injury or illness but also with other initial care which includes psychosocial support for people suffering emotional distress caused by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event [1]. In another word, first aid is a timely response to emergencies and provides immediate care to injured people. Historical background: On 24 June 1859, Henry Dunant, a young Geneva...
4 Pages 1859 Words

Japanese Vaccination Methods to Boost US Child Vaccine Efficacy

Executive Summary Unfortunately, the United States has a mediocre child vaccination rate, especially when compared to Japan, a country which has one of the highest rates of child vaccination in the world. An analysis is required to understand the reasons behind high child vaccination rates in Japan. Once an analysis is done, key methods utilized by the Japanese government in increasing child vaccination rates should be highlighted, then subsequently modified plus adapted in a way that can be implemented within...
4 Pages 1907 Words

The Impact And Consequences Of Authoritative Parenting

In this paper, I will be discussing the parenting style I was raised on. The individual I will be continuously mentioning in this paper is my mother, Monica. She was my primary caregiver when I was growing up. The parenting style that was primarily used was authoritative, and this method stayed fairly consistent over the course of my childhood and adolescence. This particular parenting style has benefited not only my mother, but myself as well. Especially today, now that I...
4 Pages 1894 Words

The Soul On The Matter To Be Or Not To Be

The matter of the soul has been a controversial topic for years and Aristotle and Immanuel Kant have different theories on the subject. What is the soul? What is the relation between the body and the soul? Does it survive after the death of the body, if so what becomes of it? Aristotle and Kant have their theories about what the soul is and what happens to it after death. What is a soul? The philosophical argument rests on the...
4 Pages 1861 Words

Traditions And Rituals Of The Mormon Religion

Religion traditions are of extreme importance for humanity since our early origins. Since the Neolithic revolution, when humans created agriculture and transitioned from small scattered groups to organized groups, it is already possible to notice the first forms of religion. “As hunters-gatherers made the transition to a complex social structure, depictions of humans-or gods- began to appear”(Musi). One of the earliest examples is the temple of Gobleki Tepe in Turkey, which is way older than the great pyramids and suggests...
4 Pages 1945 Words

Empathy: Definition, Features And Examples

Introduction Among some of the best ways of increasing our understanding is trying to explain phenomena that we already know and questioning why these phenomena are happening . A curious mind is an essential tool that helps the bearer increase their learning and understanding of various occurrences to the best of their capabilities. Although there is no rational explanation for some observations such as why a cow may eat green grass but still produce white milk? Or why are the...
4 Pages 1858 Words

The Groups And Streams In Judaism Religion

Intro Certain patterns congregated in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth during the late 17th century that led to the emergence of Hasidic Judaism. Including the spread of mysticism in Jewish belief, such as Kabbalah, and the decline of authority figures in mainstream Judaism, with noblemen having such a sway over the power of a rabbi that many mainstream Jews lost trust in their ability to act unbiased in acts of arbitration, so turning to Hasidic charismatic leaders filled the gap left from...
4 Pages 1928 Words

Hospitality And Guest Service Management

INTRODUCTION Hospitality and guest service management are responsibilities for managing and handling customers and other hotel operations. He ensures that all tasks are executed in a proper way. There is major role of this person to increase customer engagement and satisfaction. The responsibilities of the manager involve an essential part in outcome of the hotel. The hospitality organisation considered in this report is Marriott organisation. This is an American multinational diversified company that manages and franchises a large portfolio of...
4 Pages 1872 Words

Does Job Contradict Wisdom Literature?

The challenge of the wisdom writings is that they seemingly express doubts about the validity of the affirmations of the other wisom literatre within the bible. However this is the exact theological purpose of the material, they acknowledge the presence of doubts we cannot dismiss as well as questions we cannot necessarily answer. The Hebrew Bible contains three books known collectively as the Wisdom Literature, Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Wisdom Literature features vastly different themes than those characteristic of the...
4 Pages 1931 Words

Life Chances Of Children in Modern Society

In modern western society, individuals strive to achieve different things, e.g. wealth, social status etc. these are all known as commodities. Yet reality shows that these commodities are rarely distributed and are hard to achieve. (Stroud, 2011) In light with this, the ability or opportunity has to achieve these commodities are known as ‘life-chance'. The word life-chance was first introduced by Max Weber, he mentioned that 'the wealthier you are, the higher your status and the greater your power, the...
4 Pages 1941 Words

Combination Of Enzyme-Assisted And Other Techniques To Extract Bioactives

With the rising importance of enzyme-assisted extraction of essential oil from plant and microbial sources, researchers are now interested in studying the effect of combination of enzyme-assisted extraction and other non-conventional extraction techniques on the extraction of essential oil. Non-conventional techniques such as three-phase partitioning, microwave-assisted extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction, and supercritical fluid extraction (Gupta et al. 2012). The combination of enzyme-assisted extraction and these techniques can be considered economical as well as an efficient method to extract essential oil. Enzyme-Assisted...
4 Pages 1943 Words

How Does Soap Function In The Lives Of Human Beings?

Soap comes in many varieties and forms that vary to serve its different purposes such as disinfecting the hands through proper Handwashing with proper duration and friction as skin is always exposed to different foreign influences that allow diverse communities of microorganisms to inhabit and remain in contact to humans that can be very detrimental to health. It is also used in cleaning the hair, and faces to a variety of household chores, such as doing the laundry to remove...
4 Pages 1857 Words

Men Who Contributed To The Islamic Era

Abstract In this research, I chose to write about Abu Bakr because of his outstanding work during his life and his contributions to Islam. Abu Bakr Abdullah ibn Uthman was a close friend to the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as the primary of the Rashidun Caliphs. Initially a wealthy and regarded businessman. Abu Bakr afterward got to be one of the essential changes over to Islam and broadly contributed his riches in support of Muhammad's work. He was among...
4 Pages 1856 Words

Positive And Negative Impacts Of Narcissism

INTRODUCTION Aims and objective The main objective of the project is to make a research report on narcissism. The report will explain the methodology used by researchers on the bright and dark side of narcissism. However, the research will contain an estimation of the methods chosen the background of the research report, a discussion of the discoveries, and the conclusion reached through the project. The project will demonstrate the positive impact of narcissism and the reflection of narcissistic personality through...
4 Pages 1854 Words

Principles Of Natural Justice: Reasoned Decision

INTRODUCTION Adam Smith's economic theory Laissez-Faire had support from numerous classical economists, but this individualistic theory had devasting outcomes. Then all the industrial relations were administered by the management. Over time, society was shifting gears from laissez-faire to social welfare society. Administrative law was expanding its horizon, and therefore socio-economic justice obliged the executives to implement a statutory safeguard to its employees. The entire process of disciplinary action is a challenging responsibility. A manager cannot slack an unproductive employee on...
4 Pages 1898 Words

Critical And Political Discourse Analysis Strategies

Introduction Language is an important means of communication. Human beings tend to express their feelings using their words and expressions which are an intermediate for the understanding between the speaker and the listener. In addition to that, the use of speech serves as a tool to communicate feelings, thoughts and ideology, especially in political and social contexts. South Africa’s Prime Minister Cyril Ramaphosa delivered a speech concerning the issue of Xenophobia, mainly tackling the discriminatory attitude of citizens towards foreigners...
4 Pages 1882 Words

One Titanic Uprightness For Mankind: The Moon Landing And Neil Armstrong

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” said Neil Armstrong. There is still uncertainty prevailing around the ‘supposed’ moon landing in 1969. The moon landing took place when Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins made history as the first humans to land on another celestial body on July 20, 1969. It marks a substantial leap in the technological advancement of humanity. Yet according to some conspiracy theorists, the moon landing never took place and it...
4 Pages 1924 Words

The Great Vaccination Debate

Imagine going to Disneyland with your kids to have fun and then returning home to learn your child has measles. There have been outbreaks of preventable diseases spreading throughout the United States due to citizens not receiving suggested vaccinations. When there is not enough evidence to convince parents that the vaccines actually work, the more people will continue to become sick. Americans who have not received the protection provided by vaccinations contribute to the spread of preventable diseases. As suggested...
4 Pages 1918 Words

Facilities And Management Of Mygoma Orphanage Centre

INTRODUCTION UNICEF and global partners define an orphan as a child less than 18 years of age who has lost one or both parents to any cause of death. By this definition, there were nearly 140 million orphans globally in 2015 of whom around 40% residing in Africa [1]. In Sudan, about 15 million population are children or under the age of 18 years old that is according to the second Sudan Household Health Survey (SHHS2) conducted by Sudan’s Federal...
4 Pages 1943 Words

Trait and Demography of Khaya Grandifoliola Populations in Forests

Abstract In the context of climate change, the conservation and management of tropical forests are the main priorities worldwide. Or climate change and anthropogenic pressures lead to changes in biodiversity and to the resilience of certain species in the face of extreme climatic and anthropogenic events. However, quantifying the resilience of species and their ecosystems is an important challenge for biodiversity conservationists and managers. The resilience of a species being the capacity of plants to persist or maintain their function...
4 Pages 1917 Words

The Meaning Of Baptism And What It Signifies

The issue of infant baptism has been debated among Christians for centuries. This is because the Bible does not give any explicit instruction for what the church should do for the case of infants and whether they are baptised or not. Therefore, any drawn conclusions on the issue have been based off texts written for other situations. A few of the key issues surrounding it are firstly, what baptism signifies; secondly, the biblical background of Old Covenant promises and the...
4 Pages 1931 Words

In What Sorts Of Situations Can Language Be Considered An Action?

Language, commonly seen as a particular psychological or behavioural phenomenon, with a conceptual status comparable to other phenomena, such as learning and thinking. Subsequently, this essay will argue that language avoids the psychological condition and represents the functional aspects in which behaviour emerges and becomes action. This paper elucidates the foundations of this pragmatic speech act theory as formulated by its leading figures, philosopher and linguist J. L Austin and John Searle. The first section of this essay explores Austin’s...
4 Pages 1945 Words

Marketing Management: Bec & Bridge

Executive Summary The organisation chosen for report is Bec & Bridge which is fashion brand and dealing in women segment. This report will discuss about external and internal analysis that has performed to know about situation of market and make plan and strategy accordingly to gain best outcomes. The main purpose of this report is to know about environmental factors along with recommendations which are required for making strategy to be achievable in net five years. Introduction Marketing management is...
4 Pages 1867 Words

The Peculiarities Of Venus Exploration

Introduction Venus, ‘the morning/evening star’ is an extraordinary planet with many similar characteristics to Earth such that it is often called Earth’s twin. Located next to Earth, despite the similar mass and composition, the two planets are also very different. Examples of this include, Venus being the only planet in the solar system that spins clockwise rather than anti-clockwise, its day being longer than its orbital period and is covered entirely in toxic, perpetual clouds preventing us from viewing the...
4 Pages 1930 Words

Online And Offline Shopping

Abstract We test the hypothesis that in the University of Adelaide College, consumers tend to online than offline shopping. We investigated 50 examiners about their gender, age, preferences and supporting reasons for their choices. Introduction With the advent of technology era, the Internet has penetrated into almost every nook of daily life. Several reports have found that consumers prefer online than traditional stores. If this is proved, it might be resulted from the merits of online shopping such as flexibility,...
4 Pages 1928 Words
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