Introduction Globally, in approximately four decades between 1970 and 2008, the divorce rate has been doubled, from 2.6 divorces for every 1,000 married people to 5.5. Those results are averaged across all the regions of the world that they studied (DePaulo, 2019). Unemployment is defined as a situation where someone of working age is not able to get a job but would like to be in a full time job (Pettinger, 2019) Unemployment is crucial economic indicator because it alarms...
4 Pages
1939 Words
INTRODUCTION Globalisation as a 'Concept' has become a worldwide approach to development. Although it is not a new phenomenon as we are in the third arena of globalisation. Firstly, it was Authority dominance and military power, second one was Industrial Revolution and third is basically Cyber revolution. According to Thomas L. Friedman carved up the history of globalisation into three periods and that's to say,, Globalisation 1.0 (1491–1800), Globalisation 2.0 (1800–2000) and Globalisation 3.0 (2000–present). He gave voice that Globalisation...
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1929 Words
“I covered the kitchen table with books. They had to be bang up to date. If there was a week’s homework missing, or any work that was less than half a page, or if there was a single page without a green pen on it – mostly mine, but some of theirs to show Peer Assessment – I was dead.” (The Secret Teacher, p. 73) The Secret Teacher highlights the overwhelming fear that is felt in the run up to...
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1897 Words
During late antiquity and early middle ages, the Christian faith emerged first as a sect of Judaism that distinguished itself from other Jewish communities, like the Essenes, the Sadducees and Pharisees, by recognition of Jesus as the arrival of the Messiah. The morality proposed by the Christians was not new, but an extension of the moral precepts, which had been practised by the philosophers and Jews; the monotheistic stance of the group was also an extension of the Jewish basis...
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1926 Words
Introduction An ergogenic aid is an external influence, both legal and illegal which positively affects sporting performance. The legality of ergogenic aids is controlled by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) (Kayser et al, 2007). Buck et al (2013) stated that a legal ergogenic aid in sport can provide athletes with additional opportunity to enhance their performance beyond training alone. There is therefore growing interest for both coaching staff and performers themselves in foods and other legal aids which have a...
4 Pages
1908 Words
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Counselling is an opportunity that offers a chance for clients to talk individual and privately to a counsellor, bringing forth their issues with relationships, emotions that are unknown as well as personal problems. A councillor will then be allowed to have a look at your point of view and support you without being judgmental. Counselling techniques are there to assist people in gaining awareness, comprehension and discover solutions and ways of solving their problems. Counselling tools can prove to be...
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1859 Words
Introduction During the medieval period, the development of individuals was strongly conditioned by their immediate relationships. This included relationships with parents, siblings, kin, friends, lovers, spouses and children. In the Middle Ages, getting married was easy for Christians living in western Europe. According to the church, which created and enforced marriage law, couples didn’t need the permission of their families or a priest to officiate. Medieval marriage practice continues to influence ceremonies today – from banns [the reading three times...
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1928 Words
Both Americanah and The lost continent are novels where the main protagonists travel to America and tell anecdotes of their separate experiences while there and the struggles they have at times with their identities. It also shows the very contrasting experiences both have when navigating America due to factors like gender and race. In this essay, I will be analysing the similarities and differences in the rekindling of their identities as they return home reminiscing on their past at times...
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1898 Words
In Sanatan Dharma, each individual creation needs to function as per their characteristics (the basic properties given by the creator) and code of conduct. For example - fire should burn and give heat to function- according to its dharma, and water in rivers needs to flow into the oceans. Dharma upholds the created universe, supports it and sustains it, without which the universe just falls apart. The reverse of dharma is adharma – when the fire stops burning and rivers...
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1923 Words
This assignment will analyse the history of childhood concept including the social construction of the family. This assignment will begin firstly by describing the concept of childhood with different views, arguments and definitions from various historians and authors throughout time. The next section will give different development stages of acts, policies and laws introduced for the education and working conditions of a child from centuries ago to present times with the latter giving a closer to date information on the...
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1869 Words
The subject of British Abolitionism has long been controversial, complex, and even baffling. Britain moved quickly from being the world’s leading purchaser and transporter of African slaves to the total outlawing of its slave trade in 1807. In 1823, the Nation took steps to protect and ameliorate the condition of slaves in its colonies. An act of Parliament in 1833 peacefully emancipated nearly eight hundred thousand slaves providing the then staggering sum of twenty million pounds sterling as compensation to...
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1931 Words
In cancer research, viability tests are immensely significant. These tests are used to observe the characteristics of different kinds of cancer. In drug development, viability of hostile cells are tested against chemical substances to evaluate the potential of those substances in pharmaceutical use. Additionally, the adequate dosage for those drugs are also studied in vitro. Established in 1977 from a patient with acute myeloid lymphoma in the National Cancer Institute in the United States, human Caucasian promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells...
4 Pages
1888 Words
Introduction In this essay, I will be examining whether the Hadith can be trusted as a historical source. The Hadith contains traditions that Muslims consider to be the sayings and doings of the Prophet Muhammad, establishing it as a very important source within Islam. My aim is to show that the Hadith cannot be trusted as a historical source because of what I believe to be two convincing arguments of why it should not. I will do this by first...
4 Pages
1906 Words
Large scale and mega events often have effects on whole economies and they resonate in worldwide media. These include major sporting events, such as the Olympic Games, World Cups, the Commonwealth Games, some world championships, but international exhibitions, such as World Expo, Special Expo, also belong to this group. These events constantly grow in size, whether it is the number of attendees or the financial capital involved that is being considered. They stimulate tourism activities, play part in a host...
4 Pages
1895 Words
Youth drug usage High school drug usage has affected the youth throughout history. Through analyzing what type of drug usage high schoolers today are using, and the lasting effects it has on their bodies, astonishing statistics support the popularity of alcohol, marijuana and nicotine usage in today’s youth. Through awareness via mental health focused classes, educating our youth beginning at a young age and continue throughout their academic career and organizations such as D.A.R.E., drug usage can be combatted and...
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1903 Words
Being raised in the upper class is an amazing privilege that some people only dream of. Some individuals work hard to achieve this goal, and some are luckily born into it. Hedda Gabler is one of these people. Hedda is the daughter of General Gabler. She is very spoiled as a child, and she has the opportunity to have luxury items, such as extravagant clothing. Hedda assumed that she would always be a wealthy person living an extremely opulent life,...
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1916 Words
Introduction to Restorative Justice This essay will focus on the various advantages and disadvantages of using restorative justice principles to handle cases of low-level offenses. The principles, processes, methods, and challenges of restorative justice will be discussed and evaluated as well. Historical Context and Definitions In the 1970s, restorative justice was first practiced as a form of intervention or settlement among offenders and their victims. Restorative justice has several definitions, alongside dissimilar opinions about which practices are suitably linked to...
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1901 Words
If it came down to it, would it make sense for one to steal something for their survival? What if it was only for the betterment of oneself? How about if one did not care or even fully realize what they were doing? Would all of these still be considered thievery? Questions like these have the power to shroud opinions about what is defined as right and wrong. These certain questions are able to challenge people on their take of...
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1902 Words
Review SCM utilizes a synchronized system that controls purchasing, inventory and shipping goods and services of businesses. SCM incorporates control of processes required that manages control with a centralized approach. This allows for the attaining of a robust and efficient system that manages not only the distribution of the goods and services, but also does so in a more economical manner. (Kokemuller, 2019) Supply chain management (SCM) processes are controlled and monitored in such a way that the products and...
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1891 Words
The Purpose of Education: John Dewey’s Perspective For John Dewey, a philosopher that contributed a large portion of his works to education, the purpose of education was essentially social reform whereby a democratic education would ensure that children became citizens who were culturally aware, open-minded people who positively contributed to society. Dewey believed that the traditional system of boring, rote learning was not productive or conducive to the children’s learning and that the sharing of information and knowledge through experiential...
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1944 Words
For centuries, celebrity focused magazines otherwise known as ‘tabloids’ lining grocery stores stands and newsstand racks all over the country, have been used as the source of celebrity gossip since Americans seemed to be so much invested in such topics (Davies,2005). The 21st century saw the growth of many of these tabloids that they crowded the industry, but they still had so many sales giving so much profit. In the beginning of the year 2005, there was a sudden change...
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1943 Words
Praised as a multi-talented superstar, Maya Angelou is often depicted in his pictures as a strong-willed individualist who in most cases is referred to as a feminist writer. She is a woman who has been described by innumerable adjectives since her job description supersedes the usual feminist writers. Maya Angelou is an American from the African descent; who was also a spirited historian, a knowledgeable lecturer, inquisitive journalist, a skilled filmmaker, a creative poet, a creative actress, and a narrator....
4 Pages
1882 Words
Intersectionality, coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 19891, draws analytic attention to the fact that no social identity category exists in isolation of others. Rather, we are all simultaneously positioned within multiple social categories including gender, social class, sexuality, disability and racialisation among others. These categories reciprocally construct each other when they intersect, forming qualitatively different meanings and experiences that are situated in different contexts, times and power relations. Hence, intersectionality alerts us to the fact that we cannot understand a...
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1919 Words
Abstract This research essay provides insight into an argumentative factor of if a mandatory opt-in and opt-out system would be beneficial when it comes to human organ donation. Through in-depth research and academic source’s, it is clear that there are multiple aspects to consider when it comes to the organ donation system. These aspects will be discussed throughout this research paper which, include the increase in demand for organs, the next of kin and families role in the process of...
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1866 Words
Teenage adolescence can be a callous time for parents and guardians. With raging hormones comes voice adjustments, rebellious attitudes, and puberty. Educating teenagers about sex is a distressing conversation for most parents. Some parents briefly cover the topic with their children, while a portion of parents and guardians do not initiate any conversations regarding sex, risks, or contraceptives at all. Meanwhile, other parents view it as inappropriate for their children to be exposed to sex topics within the classroom at...
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1899 Words
In the novel, A Lesson Before Dying, written by Ernest J. Gaines, a African-American who goes by the name, Jefferson is being convicted for a murder he “committed”. With the day in age Gaines sets his book in, it is easily identified with how the work of his book is going to play out. From beginning to end we a change in both Grant and Jefferson that define this story as it is known today. Sometimes it takes death to...
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1862 Words
What are leaders and what are managers? Leadership is having the ability to influence, inspire, motivate and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization. Therefore, leadership is an important and necessary skill for managers. It is an essential ability to create change and It plays an important role in affecting change and promoting development and consequently the achievement of good quality care for patients. (Gopee, N. 2014) A Manager is someone that has the responsibility...
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1871 Words
In the UK in 2018, 30,829 patients were treated during an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA), with 29.4% admitted to hospital with a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and 9.3% surviving to discharge (Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes Registry Epidemiology Report, 2018 p.18). The current RCUK guidance state ‘Provide artificial ventilation as soon as possible in any patient in whom spontaneous ventilation is inadequate or absent’(Resuscitation Council UK ,2015 p.7) but it has been said that the standard ‘Airway Breathing...
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1895 Words
Introduction Background Nestle is a company that was founded in 1867 by Henri Nestle in Switzerland. In 1905, Nestlé & Anglo-Swiss have more than 20 factories and have started using overseas subsidiaries to establish a sales network that spans towards Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia (Nestle, n.d.). In today’s modern society, Nestle is known as the world's largest food processing company with a total sales of 88,785 million Swiss F in 2015 with a total of 435 production factories...
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1897 Words
News happens every day everywhere, from continents to regions, from states to people, which has proximity to our everyday life. As the era evolves, news has combined with the developed technology, transform itself from the old printed newspaper to the convenience online newspaper, which alters the way people engage with it through media convergence. The following will explain the topic in several aspects. To commence with, with the developed technology, information nowadays can be accessed easily. In other words, news...
4 Pages
1938 Words