Subculture has the most ancient roots. In one of the Egyptian tombs, a papyrus was found 2,000 years ago, in which someone complained that young people began to wear strange clothes and sing other hymns. Subculture, therefore, is an ancient component of human society. The term “subculture” itself was introduced into sociology by the American sociologist David Reisman in 1950. Most often, the subculture come up from the common tastes and preferences. Fandom - fanaticism - in music, hobbies, sports....
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1851 Words
Introduction In this social media age, almost every entity depends on social media for marketing purposes. People buy and sell things on social media, get information about anything and also remain connected with distant relatives and friends through social media platforms. But there is one thing that makes me curious is – finding love through social media. There are many online dating apps as well sites which help people find someone according to their requirements. In earlier times, people used...
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1870 Words
Alice Walker once said, “the most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any”. The main character in The Colour Purple is made to believe by men that she has no power, so she feels as if she has none. She gives up her power because she believes she has none, but the women around her help her to reclaim that power. Alice Walker’s The Colour Purple implies that females empower each other when...
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1932 Words
African Americans had firm religious beliefs that dated back to their native African cultures before becoming slaves in America. They maintained these beliefs and practices after moving to America, though they faced numerous challenges at first. Firstly, the slave owners bought slaves based on their health and physiques without considering the specific part of Africa that they came from. This condition meant that many slaves met from different dialects, thus making communication amongst themselves a problem. As a result, they...
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1947 Words
Introduction to Feminist Criticism and The Color Purple Feminism in a layman language is giving equal rights and status to women. Unfortunately, women across the world are deprived of their basic rights. The woman is always considered as a “Secondary Sex”. (Quyoom 2017) “As a social movement, feminist criticism highlights the various ways in particular women have been suppressed, oppressed, and repressed …” (Bressler 2001). However, according to (Tyson 2008) feminist criticisms occurred in three main phases, firstly the feminine...
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1873 Words
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Introduction Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most critically acclaimed contemporary writers, and also, there is no doubt that he’s one of the icons of the police genre and horror stories. He was born and died in the nineteenth century, and surprisingly, published his only novel in 1838, for the rest, he remained a journalist and writer of short stories. This time we’re going to analyze one of Poe's short stories that despite its clean and perfect narrative that...
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1940 Words
Introduction This essay will talk about negotiation and its importance. It will include one of the negotiation elements, Reciprocity and using a personal experience to explain how the ability to reciprocate can affect the outcomes of the negotiation. Definition of negotiation Negotiation is an important process and can occur in many situations in our daily lives as well. People negotiate when there are differences, as it is a process where people engage in discussions to resolve the dispute over the...
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1865 Words
Throughout all of the videos, there were three major concepts that played a major role in the students learning, how they learned as well as the environment in which learning took place. With this in mind, behaviourist views on learning, cognitive explanations on learning and the humanistic approach to education and learning are the three pillars that make up a good foundation for students to learn at their full potential. These three concepts have underlying theories that contribute to learning...
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1884 Words
Of Mice and Men was published in 1937. At this time it was the beginning of the end of the age of modernism in literature. Modernism focuses more on the progression of characters rather than religious, political, and social views like Victorian literature did. However, Steinbeck is thought to have been influenced by sexism and racism that were both heavily apparent in history during the time he was writing Of Mice and Men. The protagonist of Of Mice and Men...
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1935 Words
Introduction: The Gendered Narratives in Fairytales The portrayal of men and women in fairytales has always served as a representation of societal gender roles for centuries. Gender roles in popular fairytales such as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty invigorate controversy and conversation for critic and reader alike. The role of women in such tales reflect the society of the time period in which they were written. In the eighteenth century when these tales were first written, women were ghosts of society...
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1878 Words
INTRODUCTION The topic of research moves around the detail analysis of correlation between Irrational belief, Aggression and Big five personality traits. Whenever irrational believes comes in spotlight of discussion, attention draws toward the consequences after thinking irrationally thus aggression comes as one of its consequences whereas irrational thinking is found to be a dominant trait of personality thus it is also an interesting thing to find out if any personality trait is correlated with either irrational belief or aggression. This...
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1941 Words
Introduction to Utopian Societies in Literature Utopia is an imaginary world of ideal perfection ('Utopia Definition'). This definition portrays the societies created by the two authors Ursula Le Guin and N.K Jemisin in 'The ones Who Walk Away from Omelas' and 'The Ones Who Stay and Fight' respectively. Le Guin portrays a utopia made possible by the transference of all misery to a young child who is locked in a cellar. Citizens of Omelas thrive in happiness at the anguish...
4 Pages
1875 Words
In response to a request by NorthWest Consultants Ltd., I have made recommendations for the use of Artificial Intelligence at Peterson Center on Healthcare. AI already has widespread ramifications that have changed the healthcare sector and Peterson Center on Healthcare want to be part of it. Nonetheless, as AI transforms patient experience and healthcare professional’s routines and workload, Peterson Center on Healthcare must address the emerging dilemmas. The major issues identified include interfering with the patients’ private and confidential data...
4 Pages
1940 Words
The debate over the base nature of humanity has lasted centuries, creating many theories and counterpoints to those theories, yet none have been definitively established as the correct essence of humanity in a state of nature nor has a correct reason been pinpointed for why humanity decides to enter into social contracts. Are humans predisposed to violence and it is only for our benefit that we give up our freedom to preserve our own lives? Or is our nature closer...
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1925 Words
Introduction Shakespeare’s Hamlet has become a story for the ages. The play, written sometime between 1599 and 1601, has been produced thousands of times on stage and adapted into countless musicals, films, ballets, and the past four centuries. The story behind Shakespeare’s Hamlet has been around for longer than the play, predating it by more than 500years. The purpose of this essay is to discuss if Hamlet is truly mad or is just merely acting to be mad. In this...
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1931 Words
'Unconverted men walk over the pit of hell on a rotten covering'(Edwards,2). It is this kind of language that Jonathan Edwards used to persuade many early American settlers. This line comes from the famous sermon, 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God', which was delivered July 8,1741 in the state of Connecticut. Many people believe that Edwards was able to allure his listeners into believing his preaching and was even able to influence the listener's very way of life...
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1853 Words
Introduction to the Symbolism of the River Bennett explains in his article that Siddhartha “focuses most specifically on three principal themes, the nature of the self, the nature of knowledge, and the essential unity of all things.” This novel is important because Siddhartha “follows his own personal path instead of just following the Buddha's or anyone else’s doctrines,” (Bennet 1). While Hesse’s novel mostly focuses “on various Hindu or Buddhist principles,” it also focuses on “symbolic lyricism,” (...) (what’s missing...
4 Pages
1947 Words
Why do we need to understand ethics in finance? The ethical issues in the financial industry affect almost everyone. People's lives are inseparable from the financial industry, so the moral issues of the financial industry are also the focus of attention. Many people even think that the financial services industry has more ethical issues than other industries. The ethics in the financial industry are different from the ethics in our daily lives. What you think is ethical behavior in life...
4 Pages
1917 Words
The teaching staff of an early childhood program determines its quality and guides the experiences of the children in its care. High quality staff are effectively able to address the social, emotional, and cognitive developmental needs of the child, which is essential in any early childhood program. In effect, these teachers lay the “foundation for children’s future success.” (Freeman, Decker, & Decker, 2017) While the benefits of quality early childhood educators are numerous, they do not often receive the recognition...
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1925 Words
Introduction to Mulan's Feminist Journey Feminism women’s social theory and political movement is based on the Disney movie Mulan because it shows gender stereotypes and fights against them. Mulan shows that a real woman can do anything that man can do. Also, shows how strong she is and she can fight. Women’s experience of struggle in society and trying to be equal to men. The men stereotype is the belief that men have to go to war or go to...
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1892 Words
This essay focuses on the novel The Great Gatsby and how the American Dream is portrayed in Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby through the three aspects: beliefs from the “Lost Generation”, social-economic classes, and values towards romantic relationships. Through contrasting the American Dream of the two characters, how Fitzgerald contrives the outlook of the American dream in the specific cultural context displays. It establishes the American Dream’s transformation and influence throughout 1930s American history. Therefore it displays its significance as...
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1928 Words
Penelope's Dual Role as Wife and Mother Homer's Odyssey is a story of the homecoming of Odysseus after the Trojan War. Odysseus left his wife, Penelope, and their young son, Telemachos, almost twenty years before the telling of this story to fight in the Trojan War. His absence places Penelope in a rather precarious position. Faced with many different circumstances, both good and bad, Penelope is on her own to decide the path she wishes to take. Depending on her...
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1881 Words
Introduction to asian cultures and customs Asia is the largest continent on the Earth which is occupying almost 9% of the surface, which includes 50 countries. Asia is the most populated continent with 60% of the total world’s population. Asia is home for many traditions, Customs, Philosophies and Religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Jainism, and Sikhism which is obeyed by 80% of the world. Economical wise as well, Asia has been a major contributor to the world’s GDP. Some countries...
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1850 Words
Abstract Student-centered education through appropriate methodologies facilitates effective learning as teaching-learning modalities of the higher education institution are considered to be relevant for the learner group. Although it is true that diversity of students in respect of their background, abilities and other personal attributes will influence the pace and extent of learning, learner-centered education calls for appropriate methodologies that can be used by professors’ to provide a variety of learning experiences, including individual and coordinative learning. In this paper, we...
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1931 Words
Animal cruelty has been around and innumerable of innocent animals are killed each single day simply to serve us in ways like food.In my opinion, this topic has gotten several attention however it has not gained the sympathy from many people. I for one understand it ,however, i have not taken action upon it, therefore, I have chosen this topic, to be more knowledgeable of the problems in this topic. ‘Animal cruelty is described typically as any act or omission...
4 Pages
1937 Words
Globalization is when different nations come together through international trade, investments and technology as a way to interact with each other, forming allies as a way to enhance their resources including the economic rates. This way businesses all around the world can communicate with each other easily and also by doing this they are trying to help undeveloped territories by giving them a platform to showcase their goods and services in the market. From this, you can see that globalisation...
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1939 Words
Introduction Sexuality differing from the ‘hetero-norm’ has a complicated socio-legal history within the UK, with legal developments key to LGBT acceptance. The first act of equality was the 1967 Sexual Offences Act in which (private) homosexual acts were legalised for those over the age of 21 in England and Wales (Scotland following suit in 1981 and Northern Ireland in 1982). The age of consent in homosexual activity was then reduced to 16 in 2000 and homosexuality was legally made equal...
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1874 Words
If we look around at the whole universe today, there are tons and millions of cultures centered everywhere around the globe. With this much cultures in the universe, people are bound to believe that they’re all divergent. Even though they are dissimilar in some aspects, all of them are similar to each other in some way. So if this is the scenario, do we as human beings have the right to judge these cultures as ethically wrong or just a...
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1881 Words
The Enduring Influence of Shakespeare's Hamlet Although written over 400 years ago, William Shakespeare’s Hamlet has remained one of the most imitated and relevant plays in contemporary society. Interpretations of Shakespeare’s classic tale of revenge have popped up in some surprising places: children’s television programs and films, a beloved Sunday comic strip, a popular television series about a corrupt motorcycle gang, and other well-known shows, motion pictures, and best-selling contemporary novels. William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet around the year 1600, telling...
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1855 Words
INTRODUCTION Robert Frost is most well known for his poems 'The Road Not Taken' and 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.' Both of these poems have messages that can be compared to actions taken in the first World War. In 'The Road Not Taken' The idea of making decisions and how they could affect the rest of your life and the lives of others is seen throughout the entire poem. In war, choices can determine who the victor and...
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1861 Words