1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

What Mental Illness Did Howard Hughes Have: Critical Essay

Cinema shows us the fragility of masculinity Cinema is a platform on which many subjects, emotions, problems, and eras can be displayed. It is a creative output and lets us have a glimpse into the minds of great film directors and has done so for many decades. One such director is Martin Scorsese who has graced the world with his cinematic creations for over five decades and is continuing to do so with his latest film, The Irishman only having...
4 Pages 1895 Words

The Battle of Antietam in the Civil War: Critical Essay

Abstract During the American Civil War on September 17, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, and Antietam Creek, General Robert E. Lee and General George B. McClellan’s armies faced off in what many call a top 10 influencing battles of all times and the most bloody day of the Civil War. General McClellan, despite flaws, was victorious, which is exactly what President Lincoln needed to deliver the Emancipation Proclamation (US National Park Service, 1998). The American Civil War was ruthless and lengthy....
4 Pages 1891 Words

Should Teachers Carry Guns: Argumentative Essay

The legalization and portability of guns has been a controversial topic in America, many massacres have been happening throughout our nation, and our citizens want to protect themselves with guns. There’s nothing wrong with protein in your Second Amendment right, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. But now imagine teachers taking their second amendment right and bringing it to school in order to protect themselves and their students in case of any...
4 Pages 1865 Words

Essay on Mental Health Care Issues in Prisons

Before attempting to understand how the standard of mental health care is tied to larger issues within the prison system, it is important to establish how mental health care is insufficient in a broad sense. When looking at the rates of mental illness within the incarcerated population, it becomes clear that a strong system of mental health care is absolutely vital. As of 2014, 73% of women and 55% of men in state prisons, 61% of women and 44% of...
4 Pages 1937 Words

My Cultural Plunge Experience: Narrative Essay

Trying to choose an event to attend was not a simple task, at least not for me, because I wanted it to be meaningful and something I remember for many years to come, also something that is absolutely unlike American society, and also an event that is unlike anything I have attended. After much research and consideration, I chose to attend the 23rd Annual Wildhorse Pow Wow Leuzinger High School in Lawndale, California. According to the Crazy Crow Trading Post,...
4 Pages 1854 Words

Nepali Culture: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Maternity

Nepalese culture is one that highly values family, tradition, and custom. Nepalese beliefs about pregnancy, childbearing, and general medicine are strongly influenced by religious beliefs and cultural practices. It is important to understand these influences when providing medical care so that the individual’s beliefs are respected while also promoting the health and safety of mother and baby with evidence-based medicine. While other religions are also practiced, Hinduism is the primary religion in Nepal. Hinduism is considered as much a social...
4 Pages 1947 Words

Thematic Essay about the Ideal Political System

Regarding this thematical essay, the discussion being covered regards the ‘ideal political system’, in which I will analyze, as well as investigate, the ideal political system with the support of real-life examples from real-world political systems, in addition, to support my arguments, the use of academic debates and literature on the topic will be prominent in aiding whether, for example, a parliamentary system is more practical and efficient compared to a semi-presidential. The four key areas discussed are the following:...
4 Pages 1887 Words

Anselm's Ontological Argument as an Example of Indirect Proof

Over the course of history, many proofs have been created by great philosophers. Three kinds of proofs can be made: direct, indirect, or inductive. A direct proof is the most convincing in that there is no flaw in the logic. Each step in the proof is justified. An indirect proof is one that can be questioned. This is when you assume the opposite of what you want to prove and come up with a contradiction to it. Therefore, what you...
4 Pages 1907 Words

John Gibbs's Contribution to Mise-en-Scene

‘Mise-en-scene’, translated from French, means ‘placing on stage’; it refers to the surroundings in the frame of a film or the arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production. Professor and author, John Gibbs, has contributed a large amount of comprehension and ideas in the world of film and media, specifically with his insightful book ‘Film, Style and Interpretation’ (2002). Gibbs defines mise-en-scene as “the contents of the frame and the way that they are organized”...
4 Pages 1910 Words

Paediatric Bipolar Disorder: Analytical Essay

Mental health is a major challenge in the contemporary society. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 25% of the global population has mental health problems. In 2001, WHO noted that depressive disorders are one of the leading causes of the global disease burden, outlining that approximately 40% of the countries do not have mental health policies, while 25% of the countries lack mental health legislation (WHO n.d.). In the United States, mental health is a major challenge with...
4 Pages 1939 Words

Analysis of Affirmative Action: Sociological Perspective Essay

Today’s society is becoming increasingly aware of the elements of “diversity” and “equity” and to ensure their implementation, the government as well as employers are dependent on affirmative action legislature. These policies are set by the government to provide a platform for the minorities in the community, who are discriminated against in almost all aspects of their daily lives. In one sense these affirmative action laws are a blessing for the people who fall prey to victimization based on their...
4 Pages 1924 Words

Thesis Statement on Global Warming Controversy

Abstract This paper will discuss a controversial reason why some people refuse to believe in global warming. The main topic will cover the political point of view of why some don’t believe in global warming. The question being answered is, “Why don’t some people believe in global warming?” Before that, an important distinction in believing global warming is that some people think it's happening but refuse to believe it’s human-caused. For this paper, only people who don’t believe in global...
4 Pages 1877 Words

Stress Reduction Programs: Critical Essay

Stress Assignment As the semester draws to a close, many college students often find themselves in a state of distress. Students can be found juggling a variety of tasks such as studying for upcoming finals, maintaining a decent grade point average, completing assignments with fast-approaching deadlines, and catering to responsibilities outside of school. Students must learn to deal with the pressures applied by academia as well as many other obligations that can cause a great deal of stress. Situation and...
4 Pages 1878 Words

Othello Literary Criticism: Critical Essay

Shakespeare’s Othello presents to its audience the tragic story of a doomed interracial marriage in which Othello, the titular ‘Moor of Venice’ becomes entangled in the schemings of his malevolent ensign Iago, who convinces him of his wife Desdemona’s infidelity. By the end, Othello has murdered Desdemona and taken his own life out of grief and guilt. That Othello succumbs to manipulation and loses his reputation, marriage, and life makes him tragic enough. Unique to this character, though, is the...
4 Pages 1943 Words

Analysis of Racism Quotes in 'To Kill a Mockingbird': Critical Essay

To Kill a Mockingbird was written in 1960 but takes place in the early 1930s. Harper Lee would’ve been in her early teens in this time period, as the 30s was a particularly racist time in the southern states towards black people who were considered second-class citizens. In fact, segregation was still a big thing and you see this when the black people have a separate church from the white people. The black inhabitants of Maycomb live in their own...
4 Pages 1884 Words

Police Brutality Pros and Cons: Critical Essay

On August 9, 2014, Unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown's life was taken by cops. He was shot multiple times, the last shot to the back of his head is the thing that took this youngster's life. He was a youthful unarmed dark male. Just in 2014, more than 1,000 individuals were murdered on account of cops. Be that as it may, despite the fact that police say they are simply carrying out their responsibility, police ought not to have the option...
4 Pages 1871 Words

Economic Principles and Indicators of Childhood Obesity

1. Introduction Childhood obesity is a global issue, and an increasing number of children are becoming overweight and obese. There are approximately 216 million children worldwide who are classed as overweight. All countries are seeing a rise in childhood obesity including low- and middle-income settings. (1) There is also an economic burden; the NHS spent £5.1 billion on illnesses attributed to obesity in 201415. (2) Obese children are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and low self-esteem which can affect...
4 Pages 1881 Words

Freedom and Opportunity in America: Thesis Statement

The controversial question of whether immigration is a threat to the U.S. or not has plagued American Society ever since a huge influx of immigrants came during the 1900s. Some Americans then and now called “Nativists” who are considered to be “the most outspoken critics of immigration, feared that the American way of life and even the republic itself, was in danger from the constant stream of newcomers” (Damms and Jensen par.1). In simple terms, Nativists’ seen immigrants as a...
4 Pages 1892 Words

Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere: Thesis Statement

Smoking marijuana has become common since legalization, with public usage commonplace in many places. According to Harvard Health Publishing, Marijuana is legal in 29 states; about 85% of people support legalization, and several million people use it. ('Medical marijuana - Harvard Health,' 2022). It is not a small number. The question is, is Marijuana an addictive substance or not? How do we keep it out of the hands of teenagers? What benefits does it have? Or should Marijuana be legalized?...
4 Pages 1889 Words

Informative Essay on What Is Bullying

Many children and adults of all ages are victims of bullying. When bullying occurs, there is always two people involved, the one doing the bullying and the one getting bullied. Bullying is aggressive behavior among children, that is repeated over and over throughout school, social media and work. Aggressive behavior involves mistreating or harassing someone. It is now a common feature that has become an international issue. A serious issue, which causes negative high effect on the victims. In the...
4 Pages 1855 Words

Creon in 'Antigone': Not Machiavelli's Ideal Prince

What makes a good leader? Is a good leader one that is virtuous or one that can do whatsoever is necessary to protect their territory? Niccolò Machiavelli in ‘The Prince’ provides a thorough guideline as to the qualities of a good leader (i.e., prince). I will be analyzing the behaviors and decisions made by Creon in Sophocles’ play ‘Antigone’ to determine whether Creon fits Machiavelli’s description of a good prince. Creon is the King of Thebes and an uncle to...
4 Pages 1942 Words

Comparison of Health Care Systems in Iran and England

“Give people what they need: food, medicine, clean air, pure water, trees and grass, pleasant homes to live in, some hours of work, more hours of leisure. Don't ask who deserves it. Every human being deserves it” (Howard Zinn, ‘Marx in Soho: A Play on History’). Health is considered as one of the major rights of humans and thus all people should have access to resources needed for health care. “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social...
4 Pages 1906 Words

College Essay on Divorced Parents and Their Effects on Adolescents

I did not grow up in a stereotypical family home with loving parents and siblings. At five years old, my parents separated to get divorced. My mother received full custody. We moved to a neighboring city to remain close to my father. Although they were getting divorced, she wanted to ensure that he and I maintained contact for a father-daughter relationship. As I got older weekend visits became more and more infrequent. It was due to schedule conflicts from his...
4 Pages 1890 Words

Argumentative Essay on Illegal Immigration

Did you know that the number of immigrants in the United States exceeded forty-three million in 2016? This is 13.5 percent of the population in America (Amadeo). Of the forty-three million, around eleven million immigrants are undocumented, which means they are immigrants who entered the country while violating government immigration laws. Does it seem plausible that millions of people are somehow entering into the United States under unfair and immoral circumstances? Illegal immigration into America can be prevented because the...
4 Pages 1872 Words

Harding's Impact: Critical Analysis Essay

With nearly 250 years since its foundation, the United States currently has had 45 presidents, but not every president is exemplary and left legacies for America. Some presidents even had a negative reputation. Due to a presidential appearance, Warren G. Harding was actively encouraged by his relatives and helped by them to become the 29th President of the United States (Pecquet). However, during two years of his tenure, he did almost nothing remarkable. Mentioning this president, people only remember his...
4 Pages 1852 Words

Using Big Data to Reduce Dropout in Schools

Dropouts in school is a big issue, because there is always a reason behind it that can be solved, if even we manage to identify this reason, and that’s precisely the challenging part. Education is very important, in any society. It enables to learn and develop our skills and competencies, to have a better job, it makes us self-dependent, helps to be socially integrated, enhance one’s confidence, and it makes the world a safer and better place. So, managing to...
4 Pages 1920 Words

Ethics of Eating Meat

The ethics of eating meat has gained a lot of attention, but when people talk about the ethics of eating meat, they either know how to answer or don’t. But most people are now becoming more aware of the inhumane nature of meat industries. Books like ‘On Eating Meat’ made by Matthew Evans, TV networks such as SBS made a show about animals and meat and it is called ‘For the Love of Meat’, and this TV show teaches us...
4 Pages 1905 Words

Controversial Issue of Abortion

In today’s generation there seems to always be differing legal and/or ethical views between healthcare professionals. However, the topic I will focus on in this paper is a woman’s right to abortion. “‘Abortion’ means the termination of human pregnancy with an intention other than to produce a live birth or to remove a dead fetus” (The Florida Legislature, 2020). I chose to discuss the topic of abortion because I feel I am easily able to give my opinion related to...
4 Pages 1885 Words

Organic Farming: Environmental Impact and Benefits

By 2050 the total population is projected to be around 9 billion people (FAO, 2017). The challenge the world’s population will face in the future is to guarantee food security for everyone. This means, to provide produced nutritious food, that is accessible for all people (Campbell, et al., 2016). As agriculture uses large parts of the scarce sources land and water, food production needs to become more sustainable in the future in order to preserve the worlds recourses and ecosystems...
4 Pages 1859 Words

Climate Change as a Threat to National Security

We are at a pivotal moment in history, climate change is indeed a major threat to the stability and security of countries worldwide. It is a clear and present danger for our planet, that is being daily debated by scientists, argued by politicians, and we are also aware of it, but we do not know how tackle it. Regardless of this, climate change is real, it’s happening and it’s taking place dangerously. The Earth is warming up, and it is...
4 Pages 1860 Words
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