1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Billie Holiday: The Queen of Jazz

Considered by many to be the greatest jazz vocalist of all time, Billie Holiday lived a difficult and hard life. Her singing expressed an incredible depth of emotion that spoke of hard times and injustice. Although her career was short, she left behind a body of work that is still touching people today. Holiday rose to fame in the 1930’s with her unique style that would change modern singing and performance. More than 80 years after her first recording her...
4 Pages 1932 Words

Comparing Human Body to Fine-Tuned Machine

The human body can be seen as a machine made up of several different parts that enable movement. These movements occur in the many joints formed by the specific components of the body's musculoskeletal system. The joints in the human body, connect various segments together and often allow for movement between the two pieces. The design of the joint shall represent their demands. Joints are designed to allow various degrees and types of movement and are classified by both structural...
4 Pages 1901 Words

Why Southerners Thought They Could Win Civil War

In 1865, General Lee surrendered to the Union after the Confederate army’s ambush at the Battle of Appomattox, effectively ending the bloodshed that made up the Civil War. The South’s loss contributed to several blunders led by the Confederate leaders, causing the demise of their government, economic ruin, weak infrastructure, and an unstable army. The pain of their loss inspired Southerners to reimagine the events of the war that fit into an alternate history, where the efforts of the Confederacy...
4 Pages 1917 Words

What Were Some Reactions to the Assassination of Lincoln

Why was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?—The question has plagued historians for many years. Abraham Lincoln, one of the most memorable presidents of the United States of America, was shot in the back of the head with a .44 caliber Derringer revolver and later presumed dead. The assassin was John Wilkes Booth. This unforgettable crime took place on April 14, 1865, shortly after 10 p.m, in Ford’s Theatre in Washington D.C. John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln because he had emotional instability,...
4 Pages 1860 Words

Stand Your Ground Law Debate Pros and Cons: Argumentative Essay

The debate over whether or not Stand Your Ground laws are necessary is a hefty topic. These laws, which give people the ability to defend themselves if threatened, spark lots of controversy over whether or not they are necessary. They have helped out the general people as well as involved big names and politicians in the topic. Some of the stories of such victims also put another view into the world. Stand Your Ground laws are defined as a law...
4 Pages 1877 Words

Romantic Renaissance Art: Synthesis Essay

Widely known as the “man who lived among the cannibals,” Herman Melville was one of the most famous Dark Romantic writers of the 19th century. As was typical of the Dark Romantics, Melville often criticized Reform writers from the earlier part of the century. Melville still believed that change was needed in American culture, and he viewed America at the time in a much more pessimistic manner than the Reform writers and Transcendentalists. Though he wasn’t as staunch of an...
4 Pages 1931 Words

Reflective Essay on Global Perspectives

What could possibly lead to dissociation among families? For my individual Global Perspective project, I deepened my understanding of Family. The sub-topic that I would be focusing on is avoidance and communication failures. Deeply with the thought of preventing families who are going through separations and are dealing with family issues, I want to use my knowledge and research to find out in what ways we can prevent it, so families could have a stronger bond. I chose this particular...
4 Pages 1928 Words

National Geographic Water Footprint: Informative Essay

Abstract Water Footprint has evolved as a new integrative field of research, which focuses on the examination of water use, scarcity, and pollution, in the context of production, consumption, and trade of water-intensive goods and services. It includes the examination of how different methods of conservation, proficiency and practices, policy schemes, and governance can contribute to increasing the overall sustainability, economy, and balance of water footprints, and the study of how different roles can contribute, from governments and companies to...
4 Pages 1873 Words

Informative Essay about Converse as an International Brand of Shoes

Introduction Converse is an international brand of shoes that needs to be introduced. While this brand is not as popular as Adidas and Nike, it still has its own fanatic fan base. After successfully working for a shoe company, a 47-year-old quit his job and started his own business. Marquis Mill Converse resigned as a respected manager and opened another small company in Malden, Massachusettes. Started in 1908, the Converse Rubber Shoe Company is a retail business by making rubber...
4 Pages 1922 Words

Important Experience in My Life: Reflective Essay

Reflective report : The process leading to my choosing the placement I wanted to work on was very simple and easy. I originally was very excited to work on the client brief for the organization Dancing Cubs Ltd- a mobile play hire company that specializes in bringing children’s soft play equipment to parties and events in London- based on the project description which calls for an increase in Dancing Cubs’s social media presence. My interest was mainly picked by the...
4 Pages 1938 Words

Impact of Internet on Our Life: Analytical Essay

Internet usage has become a far greater part of society in the past 2 decades. It is used for, virtually, anything one can imagine. Everything is connected to the web for example; if you want to order something from a shop, you don’t need to call the store and ask for it, you just have to fill out a form with what you want and it will arrive at your doorstep. Furthermore, another element the internet has brought to the...
4 Pages 1869 Words

Of Mice and Men': Analysis of Quotes about Friendship

I agree that Steinbeck presents loneliness as an inescapable part of the characters` lives in Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck presents the concepts of loneliness and isolation in the novel in various ways. He uses the characters, action, and setting as devices to demonstrate the loneliness in the novel. Steinbeck uses the setting of the book to show the theme of isolation and loneliness in the book. I believe that Steinbeck`s whole purpose in writing the book is to spread...
4 Pages 1856 Words

What Is Life: Definition Essay

What differentiates a strand test or a mechanized system from something that is living biologically? How about when considered from the Aristotelian point of view what differentiates something living from dead, can the definition of life be defined then? Is there a correct way to define what is living versus what is not? What would be the best agreed-upon answer? When one begins to analyze the true definition of life, one must consider both the biological and philosophical aspects through...
4 Pages 1888 Words

The Love of My Life Cheryl Strayed: Biography Essay

Many individuals in society are dissatisfied with their lives but refuse to make any changes. Cheryl Nyland is among the small number who decide to take action and alter her lifestyle. Nyland, a writer, who was born September 17, 1968, in Spangler, Pennsylvania, had a very difficult childhood which ultimately shaped her into the person she is today. Her parents, Bobbi Lambrecht, and her abusive husband, divorced when she was five years old. After moving the family to Minnesota, her...
4 Pages 1904 Words

Is an Epic That Attempts to Justify God's Work to Man: Critical Essay

Definition of Epic: The word epic has been derived from the Greek word 'epikos', it means a speech, song, or word. Epic is defined as a grand long narrative poem in verse that revolves around an important theme in a very elegant style as well as language. It deals with the heroic characters and their heroic deeds. According to Webster's New World Dictionary, an epic is a long narrative poem in a dignified style about the deeds of a traditional...
4 Pages 1920 Words

Meursault's Girlfriend: Character Analysis Essay

In Albert Camus’ The Outsider the central protagonist, Meursault, could be seen as an icon of the absurd in that his refusal to take action in his life leads him to his death. I disagree. I contend that his refusal to act is an action in itself and that Meursault’s acceptance of his fate, even his being able to find some pleasure in his incarceration, shows an awareness of his actions and his willingness to take responsibility for them. Therefore,...
4 Pages 1921 Words

Critical Essay on Juveniles Being Tried as Adults

Age is just a number. This is a saying that has transpired through time, taking on new meanings every time it is used. It has gone from describing an age difference in a relationship to justifying actions where age is involved. But for some things, age is not just a number. In fact, age may be the biggest ally someone has against the death penalty. But how does one decide how age is used within our systems? In the juvenile...
4 Pages 1854 Words

War Essays

War has been a constant presence throughout human history, leaving permanent impacts on communities, civilizations, and individuals alike. It has stirred a plethora of emotions, stimulated philosophical discussions, and offered fertile ground for contemplation as one of the most profound and momentous human experiences. Essays on war, as windows into the human condition, provide a chance to investigate the many facets of armed conflict. The subject of war has continually altered, from ancient battles engraved on stone tablets to modern...
4 Pages 1869 Words

Critical Essay on Hero in 'Paradise Lost'

If one was to describe the hero, he or she would say that hero may be a person of action and not of thought. They possess extraordinary skills and skills and sometimes surpass their peers in intelligence, strength, wittiness, and bravado. they typically affect wars or other dangerous ventures and are therefore ruled by the code of honor which makes them just, but their pride makes them deadly to their enemies. These characteristics, overconfidence, and therefore the need for the...
4 Pages 1851 Words

Critical Essay on Foundation of Army Leadership

Leadership in Army is one of the most important qualities required. According to Storey (2016), there are a number of different leadership styles which can be utilized to maximize the performance of a team. They highlight that for leadership to be profitable, motivational and influential qualities should be characteristics of a successful leader. The Army (ND) highlights in its Army Leadership Doctrine the importance of a quality leader and defines leadership as a combination of character, knowledge, and action that...
4 Pages 1935 Words

Critical Essay on Custom Law in South Africa

Legal pluralism in South Africa is NOT a necessity for our time The 1996 Constitution gave legal power to both the State and customary law, making South Africa a legal pluralist state.[footnoteRef:1] Customary law is derived from social practices that the community accepts as obligatory.[footnoteRef:2] While many South Africans live according to customary law, the law regulating the lives of people will vary across communities, ethnicities, religions, cultures, and provinces. The precise number of people who live according to customary...
4 Pages 1861 Words

Critical Essay on Body Image and the Media

“Investigating the effects that the fashion industry and its promotional materials has on body image in female consumers of different ages” Background and Rationale This particular subject has been explored and researched in many different books and journal articles, all of which find links between how different aspects of the fashion industry, such as fashion advertising and social media, tend to affect the body image of a woman and create body dissatisfaction. The most recognized cause for this is the...
4 Pages 1876 Words

Criminal Law Foundations: Evaluation Essay

A fundamental prerequisite for conviction in criminal law is blameworthiness, meaning that a defendant must have sufficient capacity to be held criminally responsible for their actions. While men's rea accredits blameworthiness to the actus reus, there can occasionally be barriers to criminal responsibility that may make a defendant less culpable for their actions, an example being, intoxication. In this sense, blameworthiness calls into question the principle of fair labeling, which should 'represent fairly the nature and magnitude of the law-breaking',...
4 Pages 1945 Words

Contextual Analysis Essay on 'Ordinary Design'

The 'Ordinary Design' contextual analysis exhibits how a leadership team can impact solid preparation and execution activities inside their association. A few associations neglect to be bigger than what they are possible in light of the fact that their leadership team doesn't have the right administration abilities required for their workers (Ely, Ibarra, and Kolb, 2011). Hierarchical achievement depends on solid administration aptitudes to upgrade efficiency, development, and accomplishment in their association (Bruce, 2011). This contextual investigation gives a chance...
4 Pages 1920 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why Lab Rules Are Important

Introduction: Laboratory safety includes all the precautionary measures and important guidelines that are used and obeyed in a laboratory. These safety guidelines bring responsibilities to both the employer and employee to adhere to them. Each lab's efficiency will depend on the way its employees follow and respect the rules and instructions given to them for their own safety. Aims and objectives of a safety report: A safety report aims to reduce injury or illness risks for lab workers. This can...
4 Pages 1913 Words

How Could Churches Afford New Art in The Renaissance

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, designed by Arnolfo di Cambio, is one of the most important and influential landmarks in Florence, being the third-largest church in the world (after St. Peter's in Rome and St. Paul's in London) its influence on not only Italian architecture but western Europe cannot be denied. Taking nearly 150 years to complete, it built the bridge between the 13th-century Gothic norm and the new humanistic reality of the early Renaissance. In this study,...
4 Pages 1911 Words

How Can a Criminal Record Affect Your Future: Critical Essay

When people commit a criminal offense, many don't know the never-ending implications of that offense. Once people become offenders, it seems impossible to get rid of that label. After release, ex-offenders have many challenges ahead. Unfortunately, once someone has a criminal record, they have to live with the burden of expectations associated with it (Quinn, 2017, cited in Moore, 2017). First, this essay will analyze the collateral consequences of punishment, especially when it comes to employing ex-offenders. It will then...
4 Pages 1896 Words

Health Is Wealth: Persuasive Essay

The world health organization reveals global life expectancy at birth is 72 years, ranging from 61.2 years in the WHO African Region to 77.5 years in the WHO European Region, giving a ratio of 1.3 between the two regions. These inequalities are prevalent throughout the globe, as shown in the large difference in statistics between the average length of life in third-world countries and in many Western countries today. In England alone, people in richer areas have approximately 19 more...
4 Pages 1865 Words

Getting to Know You: Narrative Essay

All over society, values, and ethics surround us and build on our way of living with one another. The three core values I believe play a very meaningful role in my life are family, respect, and long-lasting happiness. These three important values are the principles of a person’s standards of behavior to determine what actions are best to do or what way is best to live. What is Ethics? Ethics is simply the moral principle or values that deals with...
4 Pages 1938 Words

Critical Essay on the Impact of the Renaissance

Renaissance or “rebirth” is an artistic movement that started in Italy during the late 14th century and expanded to the early 17th century. It resulted in many impacts, but the greatest impact of the Renaissance is technological advancements. Advancements such as the steam engine, the printing press, telescope, mechanical cloth, rocket launching tubes, magnetic compass, microscope, flush toilets, matches, eyeglasses, thermoscope, and barometer. These items were not necessary to human life but improved and made the quality of everyday life...
4 Pages 1906 Words
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