1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analytical Essay on Adaptation Effects

In daily life, human beings meet different people every day so there is a need for individuals to identify and make a judgment of the people they encountered to interact with them. Much research suggested that faces are a major source of information about individuals and function as crucial communication cues for people to interact with others (Rhodes et al., 2015; Todorov, Mandisodza, Goren, & Hall, 2005). Faces also play a crucial role in shaping the way people perceive others...
5 Pages 1939 Words

Pros and Cons of Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is an approach that became notable around 1990 and was devised by Martin Seligman (Scorsolini-comin' et al. 2013). It is deemed a scientific approach that is used to study human experiences such as happiness, well-being, and the development of significant relationships (Carr, 2011). Pentti et al. (2019) discussed how they believe there are five core components of Positive Psychology, and suggested they are the fundamental building blocks of health and happiness; these are engagement, relationships, positive emotions, meaning,...
4 Pages 1944 Words

Analysis of Marxist Historiography

Into History is mutable; all historians are, despite attempts to avoid it, a product of their own historical contexts. So since the beginning of the study of history, there have always been different theories and methods used to approach it. Moreover, as social and cultural beliefs have changed, these theories and methodologies have changed as well. The last two hundred years especially have seen a significant increase in changing ideas, views of history, and techniques used to approach it, which...
4 Pages 1852 Words

Issues of Diversity in Law Enforcement in the USA

United States law enforcement has been intertwined with many topics throughout its history. One of those topics is diversity within law enforcement. Diversity has had an extensive history with law enforcement and its status has changed over time to what is now the present-day United States. With many focused on the importance of diversity in law enforcement, organizations have started attempting to encourage diversity. Importance of Diversity in Law Enforcement Diversity within law enforcement is currently a crucial goal that...
4 Pages 1858 Words

Analysis of Feral Cats Population in the United States

There are an estimated 60-100 million feral cats in the United States (Coleman et al. 1997, Jessup 2004). Feral cats continue to be a growing concern due to homeowners being concerned for their welfare since they live outdoors. Concerns also include their own animals since these cats have the ability to pass the diseases or even fight these homeowners' pets. (Crooks and Soule 1999, Pimental et al. 2000, Lepczyk et al. 2003, Jessup 2004, Kays and DeWan 2004). Ornithologists and...
4 Pages 1925 Words

Woolf's Ideas on Why Don't We Know about Shakespeare's Sister: Essay

Through an exploration of gender thinkers considering femininity as a lived experience of endemic repression in the first-wave concerns of Woolf to the struggle for objective representation without repercussion as delineated by Gilbert and Gubar, this essay will analyze the effects of a historically patriarchal literary landscape in reproducing a damaging hegemonic subjectivity. Adopting an Althusserian lens which recognizes ideal subject creation through dominant institutions realizes the difficulty of attaining an individual agency and producing against anon as a supposedly...
4 Pages 1874 Words

What Was Oedipus Tragic Flaw: Essay

Why do Greek figures suffer punishment from the gods? Gods had a very benevolent attitude to life. They were not constrained by family relationships, which is why brothers could marry their sisters and could kill their fathers with children or a son. Many moral rules deities can commit would not apply to us, one could say the gods are amoral. The sentence for humans is severe for breaking a moral or divine law. These same laws didn’t apply to deities,...
4 Pages 1910 Words

Was Lincoln a Democratic or Autocratic President: Argumentative Essay

The great 16th President's beginnings are rather humble. Lincoln is a unique national precious treasure, a legend that best depicts the democratic ideal. The great Lincoln wanted to gain skills to proceed with his position in society. Lincoln had bright ideas to change America for the better. Abraham Lincoln came from a necessitous family in Kentucky. Lincoln was considered a powerful president for making many equality changes in America. Lincoln had bright ideas for America Lincoln wanted to share them...
4 Pages 1913 Words

Research Paper on Deforestation

What are the impacts of deforestation on a sustainable future? Deforestation is the process of removing trees and forests from a landscape. This may be done for many reasons including making space for other land uses such as to harvest for wood resources or for agriculture. Although it might not be something that we see or hear about every day, deforestation is a widespread problem, which exists all across the globe and has been there for many years. It is...
4 Pages 1917 Words

Purpose and Characteristics of Satire in Pope's 'The Rape of the Lock'

Written by Alexander Pope in the 18th century, The Rape of the Lock is a narrative poem renowned for its satirical depiction of traditionally epic conventions and characters in addressing the frivolous reality of vanity. Although the inspirations that lead to the creation of the poem are highly debated, with some speculating that the poem was written as a commentary on a real-life event involving a family feud caused by the cutting of a woman’s hair, the interpretations regarding the...
4 Pages 1884 Words

Production Process at Hard Rock Cafe

Introduction The Hard Rock Cafe started off as a local business with one pub in London in 1971. Now, it has grown to have more than 129 restaurants in more than 40 countries. The mission and route of the Hard Rock Cafe’s success is the experience that they market. “Our brand plants the roots of its global soul in every place we live. Hard Rock founders, Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton were two young Americans who brought together American food...
4 Pages 1893 Words

Impact of Growing Season on Population Dynamics: Analytical Essay

Introduction Population dynamics can be a challenging topic of study for a variety of reasons. In any given ecosystem, there is a variety of density-dependent and independent factors at play (Peterson 1977). It can be difficult to analyze the relationship between only two variables, because the confounding effects of other factors in the ecosystem may influence the relationship. For example, birth, death, immigration, and emigration are four of the most significant influences on population size (Peterson 1977). However, immigration and...
4 Pages 1916 Words

How Is 'The Crucible' an Allegory: Analytical Essay

Introduction: The crucible, By Arthur Miller, has been relevant to many different groups across the world, throughout history. The conception of corruption prevailing and the truth being disregarded are the main focuses of the text. They relate to the major human experience that shapes our responses and reactions to heavy-weight world conflicts. That in the face of conflict true human motivations are unveiled for the world to see. This is seen in both The crucible and to kill a mockingbird...
4 Pages 1855 Words

How Are the Moon and Earth Similar: Analytical Essay

Introduction The aim and reasoning of this report relate to and is to determine whether life can be held on the moon by research and knowledge. It will discuss the necessary information that evolves around the topic (can we live on the moon). This assignment will focus on the essentials of life as well. We would consider living on the moon for many reasons. There are six main essentials that living organisms require for life. Earth is the only sustainable...
4 Pages 1899 Words

Historiography as the Result of Democratisation of History

History, [is] a distillation of rumor”, a concoction diluted by the distortionist propensity of politics. Contemporary efforts in historiography reflect the growing democratization of history as it is propelled from the exclusivity of academia to the untamed depths of the public domain. Compounded by the already vague and multi-faceted nature of the historical discipline, the entwinement of politics and historiography has inexorably undermined the modern historian’s quest for truth and veracity. Thus, it seems that objectivity and non-partisanship are no...
4 Pages 1865 Words

Gender Differences in Personality, Communication, and Brain Research

Before explaining variances between genders, it is essential to differentiate between the terms gender and sex. The terms sex and gender had been used interchangeably for centuries. In 1949 a French author, Simone de Beauvoir in her book (The second sex) defined the terms sex and gender differences. She mentioned, “One is not born, but becomes a woman” (as cited in Butler, 1986, p.35). Generally, a person’s sex is determined by his/her biological and genetic state. Males and females are...
4 Pages 1853 Words

Essay on Taylor Swift and Her Management Team

Sam Smith and Liam Gallagher maintain and develop a traditional marketing and publicity campaign (Music Week). By using an innovative marketing campaign on her most recent album drop “Reputation” in conjunction with the accouncement of her “Reputation World Tour” through revolutionary Partnerships, Social Media changes, and the Development of “Taylor Tix”. As Chris Ming states Taylor Swift's “Reputation” marketing campaign was a “second-to-none marketing machine” (Chris Ming. The Reputation album was a drastic change in her “core sound” (PR Daily)....
4 Pages 1873 Words

Impact of Terror Threats on Political Polarization

Introduction Terrorism has been a concerning threat across the world for many years, the United States has especially focused on it since the attacks on 9/11. Threats about terrorism, or rather perceived threats, have deeply affected culture and impacted domestic and international politics for years to come. Furthermore, the United States has seen a widening gap between the Left and the Right since 9/11. Although there might not be a direct correlation, the impact of the perceived threat of terrorism...
4 Pages 1870 Words

Essay on Plato's Phaedo: The Immortality of The Soul

In Plato's dialogue Phaedo, the title character recounts the events of the day Socrates drank the hemlock ending his life. The dialogue is mainly about the immortality of the soul. In this essay, we will explore the three arguments for the immortality of the soul, Simmias' and Cebes' objections, and their respective responses from Socrates. Phaedo himself states that Plato was not in the prison cell during the events described, so this might be a hint to us that Plato...
4 Pages 1947 Words

Essay on Hurricane Irma

On August 30th, 2017 just off the West African Coast, Hurricane Irma started off as a weak wave that was followed by showers and thunderstorms. At this time there were favorable conditions for a tropical cyclone to form, in the Atlantic. As it moved through the Atlantic, it became a tropical storm on August 30th, near the Cape Verde Islands. The hurricane continued to intensify, while it moved over warm water and moist air. On September 6th, Irma finally made...
4 Pages 1893 Words

Essay on Chlorofluorocarbons and Ozone Depletion

The Receding Ozone Layer The ozone layer above the Earth is in fact disappearing and has been thinning since 1970. The ozone layer is a layer above the Earth that protects us from ultraviolet rays which cause cancer, and could potentially kill a human. Ultraviolet rays also affect animal and plant kingdoms. According to National Geographic, ”The ozone layer is a thin part of the Earth’s atmosphere that absorbs almost all of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.' The ozone hole was...
4 Pages 1880 Words

Essay on Application of Political Ideology to Climate Change

Introduction Using the political ideology behind climate change as a cultural element, this essay will explore how globalization, cultural diffusion, adaptation, and adoption have consequences for the future cultural geography of places and their species. I will explore the definition and history of cultural geography and show how climate change has moved from a science-based concept to a cultural phenomenon. The impact of culture on climate change is more prevalent than ever before and the need to change political ideology...
4 Pages 1920 Words

Importance of Environment Protection and Sustainability

Environment protection is the process to conserve the natural environment by Society which includes individuals, different organizations, and laws and acts. The main purpose of environmental protection firstly does not to interfere with the natural environment, to keep it as it is, and conserve natural resources of water, air, and energy. Moreover, to repair and protect against damages that human activities have done to the environment. As we know that overuse of sources and the increase in population and technology...
4 Pages 1898 Words

Coming of Age in 'Love Simon' and 'Perks of Being a Wallflower'

Stephen Chbosky, the director of the film The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Becky Albertalli, the author of Love Simon teaches the audience the process of coming of age. Chbosky’s film follows Charlie’s journey as he enters his first year of high school and encounters his first experiences with relationships, drugs and alcohol, bullying, and love while also discovering his sexuality. In a similar way, Albert al li’s novel follows sixteen-year-old Simon through all his high school struggles, particularly...
4 Pages 1917 Words

Are Natural Resources a Curse: Argumentative Essay

Introduction A natural resource is “materials from the Earth that are used to support life and meet people's and animal’s needs”(DHEC’s office of solid waste reduction and recycling). Any natural substance that humans use can be considered a natural resource. Some Natural resources are also renewable, which means they can be used and used and used again. Examples of natural resources that are renewable would be solar energy, water, wind energy, and biomass energy. Examples of natural resources that are...
4 Pages 1895 Words

You Are How You Act, Eat and Live: How Real Is Reality Television?

The proposal that reality television helps structure reality is connected with aspects of the representation of ordinary people on screens. The purpose of this report is to investigate how extreme versions of reality are represented through ordinary people and how these promote preferable lifestyle choices. While it is argued that reality television is a construct of reality, it can also be understood that it is produced to promote social change. How do reality television programs help structure reality? Reality television...
4 Pages 1887 Words

Emergence of Captivity Narratives in American Literature

History is not everything that happened in the past, just the important events which happened in the past. Written form of history is known as literature. Drama, poetry, and novels are the different forms of literature. The literature during the different eras portrayed the common problems that existed within the society during that particular time. Therefore, literature is a kind of reflector which reflects the society, and the captivity narrative is a genre within American literature which commonly refers to...
4 Pages 1900 Words

Representation of Reality in Art

Although there remain philosophical questions about the nature of reality, it can be defined as the sum of all that is true or existent and to date, the relationship between art and reality is still one of the most widely discussed subjects in the history of aesthetics. This is even more so in the works of Renaissance painters, realists and impressionists, who each strived to portray the reality of their own times. While some argue that no art can truly...
4 Pages 1909 Words

Freedom Writers Review: Current Issues of Education

There are various interesting aspects within the teaching world that are reflected in ‘Freedom Writers’. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie not only for the story and the depiction of a multi-cultural, racially, emotionally and behaviorally challenged students, but also for the positive outcome. I guess that everybody enjoys such an ending to a story. But the scenario depicted in the movie is one we are all familiar with or have been in touch with, in our days at school....
4 Pages 1864 Words

Racial Segregation in Montgomery

A harmonious urban society is dependent on basic civil rights. If these rights are severely compromised, then urban progression will only drive a further divide between the have and have nots. Those above the gaze of discrimination will remain untouched while the others will be submerged in an unjust and prejudiced city. Housing for non-white citizens in Montgomery, Alabama was severely inferior in both value and amenities. In 1950, Montgomery was heavily segregated; there were distinctive wards that housed white...
4 Pages 1880 Words
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