2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Progressive Movement: Anthony, Wells, Washington, Du Bois

The Progressive Movement, dated between 1890 to 1920, was a period of social activism and political reform throughout the United States. The point of the Progressive Movement was to eliminate problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption. Did the Progressive Movement have more victories than failures? One of the many groups in the Progressive movement was women. Many women fought for equality and whoever participated called themselves the suffragists. Woman suffrage supporters worked to educate the public about...
4 Pages 2023 Words

Essay on Professionalism in Teaching

Abstract This paper critically reviews the concept of professionalism. Despite the best efforts by theorists to define the concept, there is no singular definition. This paper considers political and policy contexts, by reviewing the concepts of, traditional, managerial, and democratic professionalism. I shape my own perspective of professionalism emerging from literature and my school experience to conceptualize a working definition of professionalism. I conclude that my professional identity is shaped by conforming to standards. What does it mean to be...
4 Pages 1977 Words

Views of Historiography on Slavery in the Colonies: Critical Essay

Slavery in the colonies relied on the notion that the mother passed down the legal condition of enslavement. From the beginning of the colonization of the Caribbean sometime in the 15th century, it was expected that enslaved women gave birth to enslaved children. This was later cemented into the common law of the roman code Partus Sequitur Ventrem, a Latin translation of ‘offspring follows belly,’ that legally stated any child born to an enslaved woman was born into slavery, regardless...
5 Pages 2204 Words

What Is History: Book Summary

Introduction In this document, we are going to study the work of EH Carr on history in the book what is history? The document is divided into 5 parts to give the reader a flexible experience in the reading. Some points, paragraphs, and lines are taken from historical sources given by E.H Carr in his book what is history. The document is created by Kumar Anantashish a student in 1st year BA LLB from Bennett University. The reason to write...
4 Pages 1967 Words

Impact of the CSI Effect on the Forensic Sector

The CSI Effect on Jury Expectations The CSI effect is a significant issue in Forensics because the jury is formed of members of the public who most likely do not have experience in the field of forensics, so their expectations are based on what they see in television programs and in the media. The jury has a lot of influence over the outcome of a trial so therefore, the expectations they have about forensics compared to reality may have a...
5 Pages 2071 Words

Public Health Risks Associated with Cat Faeces in Public Places 

As the Veterinary Officer in Dublin City Council, you are asked to explain to the general public, the public health risks associated with cat feces in public places Introduction The Litter Pollution Act 1997, Section 22, enforces the law regarding dog soiling in public areas. These laws are enforced by Dublin City Council’s Litter Warden and failure of compliance can lead to hefty fines and a possible court summons. In conjunction, various campaigns such as the ‘Anti-dog fouling awareness campaign’...
4 Pages 2032 Words

Why Vaccines Are Important: Argumentative Essay

Vaccines have been questioned for a substantial amount of time by both parents and certain health professionals in the media regarding their effects on a maturing child; however, these claims are quick to be proven incorrect as vaccines are deemed necessary considering they are the true reason that diseases, such as polio, no longer exist in the United States. The simple role of vaccines is to teach the body how to defend itself from diseases, sicknesses, and infections. Blatantly, many...
4 Pages 2003 Words

Why Is Armstrong Considered Influential in the History of Jazz: Essay

The research conducted focuses on the compositional aspects of Dixieland Jazz as well as the structure of its music. The music itself gained popularity in the early 20th century due to some iconic musicians that not only performed them but created the fundamental composition of Dixieland Jazz. This research also includes the origins of how this came to be and additional information from books, scholarly articles, and audio recordings that help support this argument. Introduction The purpose of this research...
4 Pages 2117 Words

Why Celebrities Are Bad Role Models: Argumentative Essay

Teenage drug and alcohol use in America is on the rise. This use of drugs and alcohol is dangerous and needs to be put to an end. But what factors influence teenagers to start using? Is it family issues? Peer Pressure? Or is it the constant parade of celebrity “role models” going in and out of rehab or the enormous amount of drug and alcohol references found on television and in music lyrics? Many celebrities, like musical artists, actors and...
5 Pages 2147 Words

Marvel Studios: Iron Man Top SF Company

Iron Man is a fictional superhero appearing in American Comic books published by Marvel Comics. Based on this character, Iron Man (2008 film) is an American superhero film produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The summary Iron Man is a billionaire Tony Stark, a CEO who led the world’s most powerful weapons makers with genius brains and talents, and a brilliant life that is not just a celebrity with innate charm. He returned from his successful development...
4 Pages 2014 Words

Vietnamese Culture Vs Western Culture: Analytical Essay

Vietnam: Does the Domino Fall? For centuries, the world has been dominated by enduring Western influence. A particular country that has been part of the tumultuous upheaval of Western culture is Vietnam. Once an ancient civilization, stemming back to the ways of the Chinese Feudal System, Vietnam first met Western incursion in the form of French colonialism in 1887. From this point forward, the nation of Vietnam has continuously fought for the sovereignty of boundaries and rule. However, despite their...
4 Pages 2092 Words

Thesis about Recycling

Realizing that other countries point at Canada in the nose because it throws garbage in others’ backyards might sound astonishing. Unfortunately, this absurdity is a reality. In this hot May, the Philippines has put on a parade about sending back Canada’s garbage. The plastic wastes from “developed countries” are piled up to a height as high as a two-floor building and it takes up an area the same as two football fields. We exported household wastes to the Philippines and...
5 Pages 2244 Words

The Tale in Homer's Epic Poem the Odyssey: Essay

The Odyssey, written by Homer, is one of two ancient Greek epic poems and was written near the end of the eighth century BC. The Odyssey tells the tale of the Greek hero Odysseus who has been missing for 10 years and is trying to return to his kingdom in Ithaca. Everyone, including Penelope (Odysseus’ wife) and Telemachus (Odysseus’ son), believes that Odysseus died during the fall of Troy. Based on that, suitors from all around have come to Odysseus’...
5 Pages 2176 Words

Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe: Movie Analysis

Introduction The 2015 film, The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe, portrays Marilyn Monroe’s family, work, social, and everyday life. The movie does a great job portraying the struggles she faced. It tells her story as it shows her growing up and how she got the jobs she did. During the entirety of the film, Marilyn is talking to her therapist about what her life has been like. The movie begins by showing young Marilyn talking about how she wants to...
5 Pages 2112 Words

Summers Meaning in 'The Lottery': Analytical Essay

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is a frightening illustration of a society that has only two classes, specifically a working class and an oppressive wealthy class. Looking at the text through a Marxist lens makes the distinction between classes even more apparent. The bourgeoisie, or the wealthy upper class, are those who hold power over the lower class using oppression. This lower class, also known as the proletariat, is composed of downtrodden workers who are not allowed to think for sheer...
4 Pages 1963 Words

Reducing Obesity in Youth Act of 2018: Healthcare Policy and Eating Habits

An epidemic plaguing the United States currently is childhood obesity. The problem is extremely significant and it continues to increase at an alarming rate. (Childhood Obesity Facts, 2019), found that 13.9% of children between the ages of 2-5, 18.4% of children 6-11, and 20.6% of adolescent children are obese. If these rates continue to climb in this direction the United States children will enter their adulthood obese. (Finkelstein, et al., 2012), has a prediction of 51% of Americans becoming obese...
4 Pages 1999 Words

Comparing Narrative and Experiential Family Therapy

Narrative family therapy Proponents of narrative family therapy believe personal experience is ambiguous and reality is shaped by language--the reality is a subjective, socially constructed truth. Narrative therapy focuses on the effects of the client’s problem, not the cause, and dissects how the problem impacts the family at large. Narrative therapists view the client’s problem as the focal problem and view the client as secondary to the problem--the person is not the problem. (Gehart, 2014). Core concepts. Dominant Narrative--a person’s...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Legislation Proposal on Healthcare: Affordable Care Act and Medicaid

Abstract This proposal is focused on healthcare legislation and how to allow equal and unbiased access to healthcare coverage for everyone. It will explain a variety of issues that are currently in our healthcare system today and will give ideas on how some changes need to be made for this healthcare system not to fail in the future. Issues that will be discussed and outlined in this proposal are, Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid, fair enrollment, insurance and healthcare providers,...
5 Pages 2154 Words

Influence of Kanye West on Rap Culture

Introduction to Kanye West's Influence on Rap The main reason I decided to choose this topic is that rap makes up the majority of what I listen to. I listen to rap almost everywhere, whether it be in the car driving around, working out, or even just doing homework for my classes. If I was going to research and write about something related to music, picking a topic that I would be interested in learning more about, enjoy writing about,...
5 Pages 2112 Words

Impact of Metagenomics on the Discovery of Microbial Natural Products

The advent of microbiology in the 19th Century is arguably the biggest factor shaping modern medicine today. While understanding infectious disease is often toted as the biggest benefit of this, the discovery of microbial natural products is arguably a much more impactful one. Much like the industrial revolution brought about products that were never imaginable, the “golden age of discovery” of microbial natural products provided access to hitherto untapped biosynthetic machinery and consequently a whole new era of natural products....
5 Pages 2196 Words

Gods in 'Epic of Gilgamesh' and Their Relationship with Humans

Throughout history, there have been many men and women who have been influential in keeping records so that their customs and traditions may be passed on and made known to modern people and cultures. Some ancient historians were able to observe other civilizations and how they differed from their own. Herodotus studying the Persians, Tacitus studying the Germanics, and Sima Qian studying the Xiongnu are all examples of such men studying their neighboring civilizations. Through their writings on different civilizations,...
5 Pages 2120 Words

Gender Differences in Self-Esteem of College Students

Abstract According to previous studies, gender differences are associated with self-esteem level (e.g., Aidman & Carroll, 2003; Buswell, Hyde, Kling, &Shower, 1999; Trzesniewski, Donnellan, &Robins, 2003). But few studies have examined whether males are associated with higher self-esteem levels or lower self-esteem levels. In addition, studies that examined the relationship between self-esteem level and gender differences have not examined participants who are college students. Therefore, the researcher conducted this study to examine the relations between years in college, gender, and...
5 Pages 2064 Words

Female Voices in Media: Essay on Me Too Movement

Introduction America has been a patriarchal society since its founding of the country. The founding fathers of the government were all men. Even the Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal”, leaving women completely out of the text. While women are slowly fighting for more freedoms and rights, men in America hold most of the power in society. Along with patriarchy, comes toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity is certain masculine social norms that harm society. Toxic Masculinity is...
5 Pages 2090 Words

Exploring the Experiences of the Latinx Community in West Side Story

Hollywood has always had a problem with the way it portrays marginalized communities. This is especially prevalent in the way that people of color are often underrepresented or misrepresented. According to a study by the Media, Diversity and Social Change Initiative conducted at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, ‘Latinos are among the least represented speaking roles in film and TV, even though they make up about 17.4 percent of the U.S. population. Out of more than 11,000...
4 Pages 1996 Words

Gender Differences, Parental Attachment & Self-Esteem Relationships

As self-esteem plays an important role in individuals' development studies have always presented interest in how an individual’s self-esteem is influenced by early parental attachment. Many of the studies present that a positive and close relationship with carers leads to higher levels of self-esteem and confidence. However, it is still debatable if gender differences and self-esteem are in one way or another associated, as a distinct result has been found. Therefore, this study is aiming to explore gender’s parental attachment...
4 Pages 2045 Words

Essay on Negative Effect of Rap Music

Contrary to popular belief, rap is not a negative influence on teenagers. Rap music gives teenagers freedom of expression as well as hope, rap also unifies a diverse population all around the world. In order to grasp this idea that rap is actually a positive reinforcement for teenagers, one must know how rap was first used in a constructive way since the beginning of the genre’s emergence. The first known trace of rap music was done by none other than...
5 Pages 2220 Words

Essay on Natural Resources and Living Conditions

Introduction There are two conflicting ideas about the Earth’s resources- the pessimists and the optimists. The pessimist is usually the ecologist and other scientists who believed that the Earth cannot forever provide the same resources that it supplies now (Mensah & Luciano, 2004). On the contrary, the optimists, such as the economists who considered Earth will be able to supply and support the necessary needs of the Earth’s population due to development of new technologies, governmental policies, market substitution, and...
5 Pages 2132 Words

Essay on Land and Wildlife Conservation

Land management is essential to preserving the ecosystem and all of the resources that come from it. Sources like food, shelter, and economic development are part of the land and must be managed for future generations to come. Land management reduces air and water pollution, and soil quality, and preserves wildlife habitats. Land management provides environmental, economic, and social opportunities for future generations. Land use is critical for agriculture which provides food for the world. Proper land management is important...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Essay on Global Warming Cons

To what extent is global warming affecting today’s world? Within recent years, climate change has become an important topic of discussion. More specifically, global warming. Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. The consequences of global warming affect our planet in many ways. Environmentally speaking, the temperature of Earth has risen 2 degrees. According to NASA, “Glaciers have shrunk, ice...
5 Pages 2108 Words

Essay on Gender Differences in the Use of Language Tools

Women or men, which group is more likely to learn a new language and what effect does gender have on the new language learning process? Are women more inclined to learn a new language or men? Is there a connection between bilingualism and gender? What gender characteristics affect the mastery and learning of a new language? These questions have always occupied the minds of language learners. Is language and gender-related at all? Language and gender refer to the relationship between...
4 Pages 1990 Words
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