2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Significance of Music, Soundtracks and Sound Effects in Animation

The silent film of the ā€˜golden eraā€™ was the classic entertainment during 20th and early 21st century, this made the world to astonished by moving image in the screen using the innovative technology. Silent films were ones in which the scenes and other aspects of the film take precedence over the dialogue between the characters and where the music is exceptionally particular, slow, moving, and nearly always playing in the background. Classical music like popular song would put into the...
5 Pages 2138 Words

Rock and Roll Musical Genre and Its History

Rock and roll is a popular genre of music, which was formed in the United States in the 1940s and 50s from the musical styles like jump blues, jazz, boogie woogie, country music, etc. ā€˜Rockā€™ is derived from the Old English ā€˜roccainā€™, which means to pull, tear or to move. Similarly, ā€˜rollā€™ is derived from the Latin ā€˜rotulaā€™, meaning ā€˜small wheelā€™. Later on, a metaphor slipped into popular discourse and by 1920s rock and roll became double entendre referring to...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Registration of Innovative Medicinal Product in the US

The Food and Drug Administration is in charge of making sure: the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, biological products, and medical equipment are safe for use. To protect public health and limit tobacco use by minors, the FDA is also responsible for regulating the manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of tobacco products. FDA is responsible for advancing public health by assisting in the development of medical products that are more effective, safer, and affordable, as well as...
4 Pages 1983 Words

Essay about Piano Learning and Motivation

Without a doubt, all arts manifest most precious qualities in humanity. It enriches our lives and elevates individuals to explore spiritual and aesthetic aspects of the world and ourselves. Music as one form of arts is extremely connected to our everyday life yet learning music faces many obstacles and difficulties. Therefore, my interpretation of being a musical educator essentially is to make the learning process as easy and enjoyable as possible for students. Through my teaching experience, I have seen...
4 Pages 1959 Words

Pharmaceutical Medicine Vs Herbal Remedies

Illness and disease have been around ever since the beginning of time. In the world of modern medicine, we do not think much about alternative remedies. In the ancient times, they did not have modern medicine, they would have used herbal or natural remedies to cure whatever was wrong with them. Also, they did not have medical science to test what would work and what did not, so they would have had to just use trial and error. Because of...
5 Pages 2222 Words

Essay about Minimum Wage in America

The minimum wage in America has been an ongoing issue for many underpaid workers across the country for years. The debate of the minimum wage raise has been around since the raise in 2007 when it was raised from $5.85 to $7.25, which is where it currently stands. Recently, there have been suggestions in Congress to raise the minimum to $15 per hour, this would be a significant change compared to the current $7.25. There has been no documentation or...
5 Pages 2045 Words

Lack of Gender Equality in the Music Industry

The purpose of this work is to analyze the differences between the genders in the music industry and to analyze the lack of equality between them. Is the music industry improving the balance between men and women in the workplace? First, the music industry has always been very creative and soulful. However, at the same time, it happens to be very provocative, perverted and extremely money focused. In the music industry, as a performer, you do not have an average...
5 Pages 2166 Words

Impact of Rock and Roll on American Culture by Glenn C Altschuler

Music endures being a significant role in history since the beginning of times. The appearance of rock and roll between 1945 and 1965, became one of the most shifting points in American culture. The development of rock and roll shattered a firestorm of argument across America. The impact that this genre of music brought to America remained evident till to date and had a great influence on people lives. During the 1950s, this music genre faced a lot of cultural...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Informative Essay on Disc Jockeys and Copyright

The term ā€˜disc jockeyā€™, now commonly abbreviated as DJ, was coined in 1935 by the American radio commentator Walter Winchell. They were originally the operators of machines that played phonograph or gramophone records (now known as vinyl records), but, with the technological advancement in the modern era, DJs have largely shifted from vinyl discs to compact discs and now to computer media files which are more portable and accessible. Copyright, itself is an already complex topic, but for DJs who...
5 Pages 2187 Words

Consumerism in American Contemporary Art

'What is the function of art?' is an age-old question we must consider before attempting to understand any subgenre or political context present in the artistic world, with the next step being to share the answers to the function's determination. The genres in the arts are dictated mainly by the achieved style, technique or social message communicated by the work, with the popularity of contemporary art being specifically its diverse parley and lack of restraint. Hence, what is the role...
4 Pages 2059 Words

Essay about Chris Kyle: American Sniper Who Will Never Be Forgotten

Chris Kyleā€™s most notable accomplishmentsļ¼2 silver stars, 5 bronze stars, and 160 confirmed kills as an American sniperļ¼demonstrate his hard work and dedication to the United States Military and Armed Forces. All of these achievements stood possible for Chris through many years of tireless hard work and dedication. He was denied entry into the United States Marines due to medical reasons, but he pushed even harder to better himself. Soon, he gained admittance into the elite force known as the...
4 Pages 1952 Words

Analysis of the Main Economic Indicators of Australia

This report will detail the current trends in three key economic indicators within Australia, and the impacts of these if they are too high, or too low. Economic indicators are a piece of economic data, that is used by analysts to interpret current or future investment possibilities. This report uses three economic indicators: inflation, unemployment and income/wealth distribution. It has been seen that there is: an above average unemployment, a highly unequal wealth distribution and a below normal inflation. The...
4 Pages 1988 Words

Why Did Marjane Satrapi Write ā€˜Persepolisā€™: Essay

Persepolis, Marjane Satrapiā€™s graphic novel, sheds light on a perspective of middle eastern women not explored previously by western audiences. Satrapi presents a rare outlook on a situation very few have endeavored, as an Iranian woman spending a lot of her time in western culture. Dissatisfied with how Iranian women were portrayed in western cultures, Satrapi challenges these stereotypes by offering a new perspective. In her words, ā€œFrom the time I came to France in 1994, I was always telling...
4 Pages 2043 Words

What Does It Mean to Be Educated: Opinion Essay

It goes without saying that nowadays education plays a vital role in the life of everyone living in a developed society, thus it had been and still covers many aspects of the life of humanity. The fields of economics, politics, and social-related dimensions are directly associated with 'education' and tightly dependent on one another by having a certain impact. As a matter of fact, the word 'Education' is interpreted distinctly, and still communities of many countries hold a wrong view...
4 Pages 1989 Words

Trolley Problem Essay

Technological advancements often bring many changes to our society and it often challenges and forces us to adapt to new ethics, morality, and social constructs. This paper intends to explore one of the emerging technologies ā€“ self-driving cars, and its application to one of the ethical dilemmas ā€“ the trolley problem. This paper/ I will start with background information on the trolley problem and self-driving cars. Then, I will provide justifications as to why it is potentially necessary to implement...
5 Pages 2096 Words

Theoretical and Practical Issues of Crime Prevention in Malaysia

Introduction The Royal Malaysian Police (RMP; Malay: Polis Diraja Malaysia, PDRM) is a branch of Malaysia's security forces. The force is a centralized organization charged with the task of everything from traffic control to intelligence gathering. Its main headquarters are in Kuala Lumpur's Bukit Aman district. The RMP collaborates collaboratively with police forces all across the world, including those of the four neighboring countries. Malaysia is bordered by the Indonesian National Police, the Royal Brunei Police Force, the Royal Thai...
4 Pages 2031 Words

The Joy Luck Clubā€™: Critical Analysis Essay

Through the novel, The Joy Luck Club, the author Amy Tan conveys the importance of finding joy and luck in the darkest of times. As mentioned in ā€œFeathers From A Thousand Li Away,ā€ the four mothers, who experienced their own trials and went through much pain, came together in Kwelin and held parties to try to escape from their harsh realities. At these parties, they would have extravagant feasts, play numerous games, and tell glorious stories. These parties came to...
5 Pages 2108 Words

Critical Analysis of Symbolism in ā€˜Macbethā€™

Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare and published in 1673 during the reign of King James I. Macbeth is thought to be the play that most closely relates to his relationship with the king. Macbeth is a General who receives a prophecy from three witches saying, ā€œall hail Macbeth, he shalt be king hereafter!ā€ prophesying his becoming King of Scotland. This and his wifeā€™s drive for power leads to him killing King Duncan and committing regicide to take the Scottish...
5 Pages 2207 Words

Essay on Study Abroad Experience

I am Kurt Video T. Ocampos, 32 years old and single. I earned my bachelor's degree of Bachelor in Business Administration majoring in Management from Silliman University College of Business Administration in Dumaguete City Philippines in October 2008. I chose this course as I felt that this field was in strong demand in different industries which requires a business graduate that can understand and handle the finance section of the companies. After graduating in October 2008, In my eagerness to...
5 Pages 2210 Words

Sex Image Essay

Introduction Emotion, sex, and humor can generally be attributed as three tried and tested (and arguably done to death as well) formulas of advertising communications. A quick search on any advertising portal would show almost all communications have tried to make their way to effectiveness with a mix of emotion, sex, and humor. As this reportā€™s scope of research has been set to be with academic theories published between 2016 and 2020, the absence of widely accepted communication theories between...
4 Pages 2046 Words

Self Assessment Essay

My Self-Assessment in the Nursing Profession and How this Helped in the Improvement of Attention to Detail and Compassion Self-assessment, in the nursing context, is moment-to-moment self-monitoring. This directly refers to oneā€™s ability to observe his or her own actions and correctly judge the effects of those actions (Epstein, Siegel, and Silberman 2012). Brown and Harris (2013) also gave their definition of self-assessment as an evaluative and descriptive act that is carried out by a nurse as relates to their...
4 Pages 1975 Words

Essay about Princess Diana

Early Life and Education of Princess Diana Our society is built of women and men. This includes women and men from all over the world. Our country's founding fathers to our presidents. Normally, women didnā€™t get recognition in history as we do now. Women; Myself included are expected to cook, clean the house and have children. But we are more than that. Women are an essential factor in our world. Yes, Women have always been powerful but we are always...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Essay about Physical Fitness

The Importance of Staying Physically Fit While Pursuing a Career in Law Enforcement When an individual decides to pursue a career in law enforcement, they must meet all the requirements and needs of not only their department but also the people they serve. Within the public's eye, police officers every day are held to a higher expectation than most people. Every individual that becomes a law enforcement officer takes an oath to serve and protect their community. With that, officers...
4 Pages 1952 Words

Essay about Personality Test

Introduction For this paper, I will be going to talk about my key personality features and the results I got from two tests called the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator and the Big 5 personality test. Another topic that will be covered in this paper will be my future career plans and aspiration. I will also go over my personal strengths and weaknesses to help me better understand the right career pick for myself. I will explain how those strengths and...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Personal Marketing Plan: Essay

Executive Summary Despite the fact that peopleā€™s ambitions and dreams are different; and driven by diverse backgrounds and cultures, there is always a dream in everyoneā€™s life to hold a key position or own a business or be somewhere in a better place in the future. This is the main driver to pursue your dreams as a student or a professional. However, good planning is the master key to reaching where your dreams are. This personal marketing plan aims to...
4 Pages 2023 Words

Personal Leadership Development Plan

Introduction In the multifaceted field of social work, leadership competencies are necessary at all levels of the organization to uphold vision-mission, operate effectively, and survive. Yet, the importance of leadership has been generally overlooked in social work research, education programs, and professional practice (Regehr et al., 2002, (cited in Bernotavicz et al.). Several studies (Elpers & Westhuis, 2008; Preston, 2005) have demonstrated that a unifying leadership model associated with a well-defined set of leadership skills has not existed in the...
5 Pages 2149 Words

Offences of Art: Irreligion in Andres Serrano and Francis Bacon

The origins of art are as perplexing as the inception of language itself. Once upon a time, writes James Elkins in On the Strange Place of Religion in Contemporary Art, in every place, and in every time, art was religious; for about eight thousand years ago, Asia, Africa, and Europe were full of sculpted deities and totemic representations: ā€œAccording to various accountsā€¦ people left offerings, built altars, and chipped at rocks and bones to make images of godsā€ (5). It...
5 Pages 2084 Words

Narrative Essay about Nursing

The Importance of Caring: My Journey Into Nursing Nursing is more than treating an illness; rather it is focused on delivering quality patient care that is individualized to the needs of each patient. The purpose of this paper is to describe my personal philosophies of nursing along with the philosophy of a nursing theorist and a comparison. This paper also discusses my experiences in my journey of nursing along with my ideas on improving healthcare in the future. Philosophy Personal...
5 Pages 2200 Words

Narrative Essay About Friendship

The Beginning of a Cherished Friendship Our friendship was the type of friendship that everybody coveted. We always balanced each other out perfectly-- if she was in, then I was yang. Nothing could ever come between us, or so I thought. If you had told me last year that our friendship would end, I would have laughed in your face. Well jokes on me, I guess, because now Iā€™m sitting here writing about the end of our friendship. Our roller...
5 Pages 2232 Words

Narrative Essay about Basketball

When Dr. James Naismith invented basketball in 1891, the game had a built-in deterrent to dunking: the peach baskets used as goals had bottomed, and if the ball fell out of the basket, the field goal was nullified. Now, the slam dunk is a critical part of gameplay. Chris Broussard, an NBA analyst, aims to figure out just how the game got to the point of being played vastly above the rim. In speaking on the slam dunkā€™s impact on...
5 Pages 2232 Words
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