2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Breast Cancer Risk Factors Essay

Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) defined genomics as ‘the study of genes and their functions, and related techniques (WHO, n .d.). The completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP) in 2003 marked a new era of the genome in medicine and health. Although our knowledge of human genomes is far from complete, genomics is making a huge impact on health and disease. The advances in genome sequencing technology and analysis are opening up a new window on cancer progression,...
4 Pages 1984 Words

Rogerian Argument Essay on the Death Penalty

The question as to whether whole life sentences with no possibility of parole are morally superior to The Death Penalty is relatively new but of the utmost importance. For most of human history, almost all punishments for crimes didn’t involve prison but instead mutilation and/or death, especially the sort of crimes that we now give out whole life sentences for; however now that The Death Penalty has been abolished in the UK, life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (which...
5 Pages 2221 Words

Animal Testing Rogerian Argument Essay

Should animals still be used for research purposes? University of California, Davis, a primate research laboratory is one of the largest in the US with around 4,200 primates the majority being rhesus macaques. The primates in the laboratory are used for researching diseases such as HIV/AIDS, zika virus, Alzheimer’s, respiratory disease, and reproductive health. Recently 8 young baby macaques have died after being exposed to toxic dyes. This was a result of them being exposed to dyes which was used...
4 Pages 2030 Words

Essay on 'In Cold Blood' Literary Devices

When comparing two books written by the same author, it is expected that you will be able to pick up on the authors' special technique to make each of their books as intriguing as possible. This cannot be said about Truman Capote and his books “In Cold Blood,” and “Breakfast at Tiffanys.” When writing these books Capote was not just able to make each of them unique and special, but he also was able to affect many people and help...
4 Pages 1958 Words

Essay on Childhood Obesity in America

Introduction At present, kids in America are more overweight than at any time in recent history. This is coming at a tremendous expense to the economy and government. The majority of these kids at the present age barely take an interest in open-air exercises as they indulge more in computer games, PC applications, and internet-based life. It is thought that this generation might be the first to live shorter lives than their folks. The older generation spent most of their...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Essay on 'The Tell Tale Heart' Vulture Eye

The Tell-Tale Heart is a story that indicates that one man’s fear and guilt can drive him insane. This is a story about a caretaker who has had enough of an old man’s eye. His diseased mind thinks that the old man’s eye, which he likens to that of a “vulture eye; it was pale blue with a thick film over it (666),” with this description, we can determine that the old man had a medical issue which caused him...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Essay on Solar Energy Solutions

India's abundant solar energy potential provides a clean and sustainable energy that can replace the extremely harmful, polluting and rapidly depleting conventional sources of energy. The development of policies and promotion of renewable energy will help India meet the solar target. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the current scenario of solar energy in India along with the challenges and trends of solar energy. A brief overview of developments taking place globally and how they can improve our future....
5 Pages 2138 Words

Rogerian Argument Essay on Trump's Wall

After declaring that he would keep running for the United States presidency in June 2015, Donald Trump made a statement that he would build a wall on the southern border. According to CBC News (2018), he said 'I will build a great wall on our southern border and I'll have Mexico pay for that wall' (Mahboob, 2018). As per a report in Forbes, the idea behind Trump making this statement comes from political consultation to gain more public influence (...
5 Pages 2248 Words

Love and Forgiveness Essay

Once a Hindu friend of mine asked me a question. Why do you follow Jesus who was born and belongs to another community and is 5000 miles away from our country? We have good leaders to follow why Jesus? When there are so many gods in India why do you have to follow a foreign God? What is special about that God whom you are following? The answer I gave was Jesus loves everyone and he loves me and you...
5 Pages 2101 Words

Essay on 'Never Let Me Go' Themes

Tennessee Williams and Kazuo Ishiguro both depict the theme of ' loss and damage ' and the idea of the past not being perceived but rather alive. Repetivlety throughout their novels. Perhaps both authors foreshadow their damage. past through the central characters, Kathy and Tom. Kevin Catchpole states Tom is the personification of Williams himself. [1]Similarly, both novels loiter around the motif of the past, however, share two perspectives on the idea of the 'past', on one side we see...
4 Pages 2046 Words

Essay on Court Observation

The proceeding I observed was a continuation of a trial. It was on November 1st, the courthouse was Robert S.K. Welch Court House and the trial was for the case R. v R.C., which occurred in room number 5. The judge in charge of the trial was Justice Huge K. Atwood. The trial was about a youth who was charged with assault for punching and throwing street signs at his father because he was trying to protect his younger brother...
5 Pages 2118 Words

World Hunger Thesis Statement Essay

Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva, the President of Brazil once said, “Hunger is actually the worst weapon of mass destruction. It claims millions of victims each year.” This quote is eye-opening and explains what world hunger truly does to individuals and how some people view it. We should be able to end it today with all the money being spent in this country but ever since the fall of man, this world we are living in is broken and torn...
4 Pages 2000 Words

Essay on Virgin Australia Case Study

1 Executive Summary Virgin Australia is an airline company established in November 1999.Before it was named as “Virgin Blue”,and its central office was in Brisbane.It was renamed as “Virgin Australia”,in 2011.It is the second largest airline company after Qantas having around 10,000 staffs.The total revenue of the company in 2017 was around A$5 billion,by purchasing around 100 aeroplanes and carried over 23 million passengers around the world(virgin.com,2017).Virgin Australia achieved a profit before tax in 2015 was A$41 million and A$90.1...
5 Pages 2135 Words

Essay on the Dangers of Drunk Driving

A spate of recent fatal drunk driver accidents has triggered a series of reactions from many parties who are urging the government to enforce stricter laws and stern punishments to reduce or eliminate the problem. It seems like our laws are weak, with punishments that are too lenient, which causes people to take this issue lightly. But do stricter rules work in combating drunk drivers? The issue of drunk drivers has its causes, effects, and solutions. Here, we will discuss...
5 Pages 2138 Words

Essay on Net Widening Criminal Justice

Since as early as the 1820s, it is a well-known fact that the sentence of imprisonment and prison system as a whole fails to meet any of its legitimate penological objectives (Garland 1986, p. 863). It is neither an effective form of punishment nor a correction treatment, with no influence on reducing crime or recidivism rates in society. And yet, all over the world, the criminal justice system is adamant in their use of imprisonment as a response to crime,...
5 Pages 2176 Words

Essay on Cultural Appropriation Today

Methodology I was interested in finding out people’s perspectives on cultural appropriation and if they recognized it. Using Perry’s (2002) and Rodriquez's (2006) methods as an example, I observed as a participant and jotted down field notes of their expressions. Qualitative methods were used to conduct this semi-structured in-depth interview with 4 heterogeneous candidates all aged heterogeneously, ranging from thirty to sixty minutes in length. I interviewed each candidate one by one at my university in a quiet room. I...
5 Pages 2074 Words

Essay on History of Physical Education

The class Foundation of School Wellness Education is a course that is used to inform and teach students about the different models used in health and physical education throughout the years. Health and physical education began back in 368 B.C.E. with Plato (Stayer, slide 2). Plato was the whole reason health and physical education are around today. When the World War came, many recruits were not fit enough or prepared for combat. Over the last hundred years, physical education has...
4 Pages 2021 Words

Essay on 'Never Let Me Go' Setting

It could suggest that the past is not ‘dead’, due to its emphasis and depth of portrayal, as well as its common reoccurrence throughout both texts. Ishiguro and Williams both use their first-person narratives to explore themes and central character depictions, by creating a retrospective, backward-looking tone, reflecting the strong emotional attachment characters have to their past. ‘Never Let Me Go’ a dystopian novel was largely influenced by the events of violence that occurred in Britain, following the major cutbacks...
5 Pages 2082 Words

Essay on Capitol Symbol in 'Hunger Games'

A dystopia is a futuristic society, usually fictional, that is unpleasant and terrifying. the characteristics of a dystopian society are the use of propaganda to control, a person or concept worshipped by the citizens, the restriction of independent thought, information, and freedom, Citizens under constant surveillance, and dehumanization, and the citizen's fear of the outside world. The novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins shows the apocalyptic version of what used to be North America now called Panem, a nation divided...
4 Pages 2017 Words

Essay on 'Never Let Me Go' Meaning

Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go” is an enthralling dystopian story whose appalling end contains an underwhelming surprise. When we discover, along with the narrator and other characters, the reality of the society they live in, we may or may not be surprised, depending on how carefully we have been reading the story and keeping track of details such as how Kathy H’s impeccable memory helps her uncover the truth about Norfolk and the rest of society. Probably most readers...
4 Pages 1950 Words

Essay on 'Never Let Me Go' Humanity

Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go is centered around the fleeting nature of life as it is cherished through memories of the past. In a setting that imitates human existence, the characters exist awaiting their end. The novel depicts the ultimate submission of love, art, and other human endeavors to mortality. The euphemistic nature of the clones' lives serves a dual function by showcasing the naturalized cloning industry while hinting at the predetermined and inevitable end that the clones face....
5 Pages 2131 Words

Essay on Is Solar Energy Expensive

The current year 2019, could be considered a breakthrough year in the field of renewable energies. Solar energy, in particular, has seen a lot of advancement as a whole, since it’s now easier than ever to acquire solar panels, set them up, and harness electricity from the sunlight. But just how beneficial is using this type of energy, not just for the planet, but for ourselves? And most importantly, can it become a replacement for fossil fuels altogether? The short...
4 Pages 2000 Words

Essay on Conformity in the 1960s

Rod Serling’s 1960 ‘Eye of The Beholder’ from the series The Twilight Zone, and Charlie Brooker’s 2016 ‘Nosedive’ from Black Mirror, both respectively highlight how the science fiction genre emerged out of the 1960 American society and the modern technological society and projects into the future. Both films are set in a future dystopian society, exploring the dehumanizing effects of conformity and societal values. Serling depicts the strength of conformity during the 1960s American society, where society ostracized those who...
4 Pages 2022 Words

Why I Chose Criminal Justice as My Major Essay

Double majoring is the form of completing two sets of degree requirements and you get one bachelor's degree when you graduate. You can pursue two fields to study in college to help you in the future. The majority use two majors that relate to each other in a certain field and it’s more helpful because it makes you a stronger and more reliable candidate for your dream job. Although some double major in two fields of subjects that are different...
5 Pages 2066 Words

Essay on Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 6, 1945, during World War 2, an American B-29 bomber aircraft dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The initial explosion and radiation wiped out almost 90 p.c of the city and 80,000 innocent people or more were killed immediately or within minutes of the impact (History1); many thousands more would later die due to radiation exposure. Exactly three days after the bombing of Hiroshima the second B-29 bomber dropped another atomic bomb...
5 Pages 2219 Words

Essay on Figurative Language in 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

During the late 1800s women and men were not equal, they lived in a society where women were defined as housewives and were expected to take care of their children and husbands for the rest of their lives. The issue connects with the experience of the narrator in the short story The Yellow Wallpaper, written in 1892 by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, focuses on. Gilman’s main reason for creating this story was to make individuals understand the roles in society during...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Essay on Juxtaposition in 'The Bluest Eye'

The importance of the symbol that Marigold portrays? The marigold symbolizes the idea that although Pecola, Frieda, and Claudia may work very hard in their community to grow and prosper, it may never happen. The marigold had good seeds, was cared for, and was planted with good intentions, but because of the location where the marigold was planted, it never grew. Ultimately, the marigold symbolizes black suppression, indicating that no matter how hard they try to change things, even against...
4 Pages 2010 Words

The Call of the Wild' Theme Essay

The novel The Call of the Wild, written by Jack London, begins with a portrayal of Buck's happy life. He resides in the Santa Clara Valley with his owner, Judge Miller, but difficulties arose for the innocent dog when gold was discovered up north. Buck, a muscular dog, was in high demand among gold-rushers. Buck was walking through an orchard near his house one day when he was kidnapped. He'd learned to trust individuals who understood more than he did,...
4 Pages 2024 Words

Essay on 'The Fat Black Woman Goes Shopping'

Cultural Identity is an important point of focus in Sam Selvon's 'The Lonely Londoners' and Grace Nichols's' 'The Fat Black Woman's Poems' as both explore the experiences of West Indian Migrants in Postcolonial Britain. After World War Two (1945) black workers were invited and welcomed back to the 'mother country' between 1948 and 1973 to help reverse any environmental or economic damage however, the experiences of the characters in The Lonely Londoners and The Fat Black Woman's Poems gives insight...
5 Pages 2246 Words

Essay on Forrest Gump Summary

Intro The themes of racism, gender inequality and social influence is explored in the novel The Help written by Kathryn Stockett and the film Forrest Gump directed by Robert Zemeckis. Stockett explores the idea of a social influence on a narrow minded society through the three main protagonists Aibileen, Skeeter, and Minny who take turns narrating the story. Zemeckis highlights that history is what has shaped the modern world. Both pieces are of a historical context, The Help’s context is...
4 Pages 1980 Words
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