2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Factors That Make K-Pop Global: Essay

The rise of K-pop in the global music industry has been recognized by mass media with abundant coverages about K-pop has become a global phenomenon and sensation from media in every corner of the world. As reference, based on world google search trends, in these past 5 years from the scale 0-100, the search average for the word 'BTS' is 22, compared to the words 'One Direction' with 2 and the words 'Ariana Grande' with 7. It is now well...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Factors Affecting Person's Obedience

The main factor that influences obedience is ‘situation’. There are some other less significant factors which when combined, make obedience more likely. The situation can present obstacles to ethical decision-making. The current evidenced influential factors are nuanced and complex. There has been vast psychological research and literature since World War II on obedience, which will be analyzed and evaluated below. Obedience Obedience is to comply with an order from a person of higher status in a perceived hierarchy it is...
4 Pages 1963 Words

Detroit Vs Public Corruption

Public corruption has plagued the city of Detroit slowing the cities revival and betraying the trust of its people. For the government to be trusted we must have consistent and thorough investigations of the city’s public officials. Public corruption is defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigations as, “the FBI’s top criminal investigative priority, poses a fundamental threat to our national security and way of life. It can affect everything from how well our borders are secured and our neighborhoods...
4 Pages 1993 Words

Essay on Kidnapping in Criminology

Kidnapping is the act of abducting someone and holding them captive. There are many reasons people have for kidnapping another human being which range from greed all the way to religion. Though while the reasons may vary wildly the methods often do not as rope, manpower, and a vehicle are all that is really needed to carry out the act (Concannon, D., 2013). According to NYA International, a London-based kidnap and extortion response consultancy, every year there is an estimated...
5 Pages 2216 Words

Nixon, Robinson, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott in American History

Throughout history, society has been evolving and growing with the voice of the American people. This voice has sparked teachings in schools, organizations, and other places all around the world. Two voices in particular have sparked and contributed to these teachings and how it has educated society. These voices are E.D. Nixon and Jo Ann Robinson. It is true that these two have been taught in our school systems as ‘civil rights activists’, but they also contributed to the movement...
4 Pages 1963 Words

Charlie Parker Changes Jazz

The American 20th century was dominated by many diverse genres of music, such as rock and roll, rhythm and blues, country, pop, blues, and jazz. Now in the early 1940s, the so-called swing style jazz had started to fade away and a newer trend of music had begun to form. This form of jazz, known as bebop or modern jazz, was completely different then the dominate swing for it was heavily influenced on smaller bands and the use of improvisation....
4 Pages 1983 Words

Changes in Economy and Landscapes of Italy and the Upper Valley

The shift in the economy from agriculture to industry in Italy has played a central role in shaping the landscape, especially in rural areas. Stories of Italy’s history are told by the forests of Monti Pisani, according to scholar Andres S. Matthews, who noticed that patterns in the landscape can often be explained by human agricultural practices in forests. He describes the transformation of the labor force in Italy from one of peasants to one of industrial and postindustrial workers...
5 Pages 2229 Words

Society, Culture And History Of Germans

Many people in the United States today come from diverse ancestry groups. German is one of the most popular with over 42 million people living the United States whose ancestry can be traced back to Germany. The largest immigration of Germans came to the United States in the mid 1800s. The German people brought their customs and traditions to the United States today. When reflecting on Germany, the culture can be understood and some of the customs and traditions may...
5 Pages 2135 Words

Emotional Intelligence for Childhood Success

Emotional Development Emotional development is a process that a child develops from dependence to a fully functioning adult and applies to most life forms. The study of emotional development has made great strides since the 1970s. Prior to this period, emotions in infancy were viewed as diffuse responses of physiological arousal to changes in stimulation. Emotions were not necessarily linked to specific psychological states in the infant, but rather viewed for the effects they had on caregiver behavior. Theories regarding...
5 Pages 2061 Words

Laws Limiting Drunk Driving: Examples from US and Europe

For as long as people can know, alcohol has always been a major part of human society. When drinking responsibly, alcohol is great for social aspects and even for relaxing nights. Whether it is going out to the bar with friends, or having a glass of wine at dinner, alcohol is consumed for many different purposes in order to make life just little bit nicer. However, alcohol is also an extremely dangerous product when misused, and is more often than...
5 Pages 2000 Words

Mindfulness for Accepting Depression & Anxiety Symptoms

Being conscious of our feelings, sentiments, perceptions in the body, and our environment in each moment is called as mindfulness. This paper informs us about how mindfulness can help us to minimize our anxiety, stress, and in emotion management. This topic is interesting to me because this information regarding mindfulness is new to me, and if I use it in my life, then I can lead a healthier life. Precisely the connection of mindfulness and signs of depression and anxiety...
4 Pages 2020 Words

Cases of Global War on Terror Throughout Recent History

The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is the closest thing to an official name for the variety of small to large scale conflicts around the world that involve various terrorist groups. Though many of these groups and issues have been around before 2000, the GWOT officially started on September, 11, 2001 with the attacks on the world trade center in New York. Since then the middle east , Africa, and a few small pockets scattered around other areas have become...
5 Pages 2178 Words

Marketing Strategy for Stamford Intl Univ in Bangkok

Marketing Situation Analysis Stamford International University Founded in year 1995, located in urban area of Bangkok with the population of 5 Million inhabitants. Level of education in Thailand is increasing from before. Launching an MBA International and National program is brilliant and successful strategy for now days in the area like Bangkok with the majority of educated population and large number of foreign students. Marketing situation of Stamford International university based on top universities in Thailand, it ranked 84, and...
4 Pages 2004 Words

Citizenship And Identity Laws For Germanic Groups In the Roman Empire

The concept of citizenship within the Roman Empire transforms over hundreds of years, adapting to the growth in population, as well as the further development of societal, economical, and legal constructs, and the expansion of the physical empire itself. Transformations on Roman citizenship with the means of obtaining said citizenship come about as Roman governments create treaties with Germanic groups, commonly referred to as barbarians, and they become incorporated with everyday Roman life as well as other functions within the...
4 Pages 2019 Words

Introduction of Ghost Plots in Tragedy Genre of Shakespeare

In late 16th century English drama vengeful ghosts, adapted from a Senecan drama, became a common occurrence. William Shakespeare, a well revered writer, “is unique in the fact that he is the only author who fully participates in the popular vogue for presenting ghosts onstage”. According to Stephen Greenblatt, “Shakespeare, more than anyone of his age, grasped that there were powerful links between his art and the haunting of spirits”. In two of Shakespeare’s works, Julius Caesar and Hamlet, the...
4 Pages 2066 Words

Tess of the D'Urbervilles: Two Views on Woman's Nature

Introduction Tess of the D'Urbervilles is one of Thomas Hardy's best novels - perhaps it is his very best. The beautiful simplicity of his style when, as usual, he forgets he is writing, the permeating healthy sweetness of his description, the idyllic charm and yet the reality of his figures, his apple-sweet women, his old men, rich character as old oaks, his love-making, his fields, his sympathetic atmosphere - all these, and any other of Hardy's best qualities we can...
5 Pages 2104 Words

Zara Fashion: Operational Analysis & Recommendations

A. Introduction Zara, a fast-fashion retailer, is founded by Amancio Ortega and Rosalía Mera in Spain 1975. It is the world’s largest clothing retailer owned by Inditex. Zara operates in 2,238 stores across 96 markets and 48 online markets, reacting to the ever-changing business environment quickly. By having the core values of beauty, clarity, functionality, and sustainability, the company expanded through Porto, Portugal and globally. The headquarters of Zara is located at Arteixo, leading by the CEO Óscar Pèrez Marcotte....
4 Pages 2030 Words

Analysing Effects of Smoking Ban on Flavored Vaping Products in Canada

Should the Canadian Federal Government impose a minimum six-month ban on all flavored vaping products, with the exception of tobacco and menthol flavors, in order to give Health Canada and experts time to determine if the flavorings are a health risk to users? Such a drastic measure could result in even more serious, unintended consequences. Habitual vape users could potentially turn to unsafe alternatives to current flavors designed for e-cigarettes. Former smokers, who have developed a taste for flavored e-cigarettes,...
5 Pages 2192 Words

Role of General Practice Nurses in Cervical Cancer Screening

Introduction The role of the General Practice Nurse (GPN) within the cervical screening programme is evaluated with emphasis on abnormal cytology result. Cervical sample taking started in the 1960s however it was not until 1988 that a national screening programme was introduced in Scotland, with the aim of reducing the rates of cervical cancer. Since it’s introduction there has been an incidence drop of around 24% in the rates of cervical cancer (Cancer Research UK, 2018). Cervical screening does not...
5 Pages 2208 Words

The Ten Arts of War: Sun Tzu's Top Teachings in Modern Life

When life gives you lemons, should make it into lemonade or throw them back to life instead? Interesting riddle, isn’t it? All through life, we face many situations which could lead to problems and we wish we had a guide book for life. And that’s where Sun Tzu comes into the picture. Who is he, you ask? Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, author and thinker who lived in the Eastern Zhou time of antiquated China. Sun Tzu...
5 Pages 2102 Words

Cultural Background and Childbirth Experiences

The leading purpose of this article is to understand why cesarean deliveries are overused, considering the increased risk of complications that affect mother and fetus. The author makes it a point to focus on the larger scale of cultural factors that are associated with a key clinical measure of quality care for the maternal population. In this study, they recruited obstetricians, family physicians, midwives, anesthesiologists, and labor nurses from 79 hospitals in California. The Labor Culture Survey (LCS) consisted of...
5 Pages 2091 Words

Little Red Riding Hood's Influence on Gender Roles in Feminist Retellings

Through the Extension Two English course, I have produced a podcast - Fairytales: The Feminist Makeover - that explores the interplay between contexts, fairytales and female expectations. The concept of my podcast emerged through a process of independent investigation with my understanding of the concept developing deeply throughout. Although guided through the Preliminary Extension 1 and Advanced English courses, the process of self-governing inquiry felt interminable due to an excess of varied information on different topics and as such, my...
4 Pages 1966 Words

Marginalization of Latinx and Asian Americans in US

Two different ethnic groups that experience the color of culture concept that is described by Martinez in Seeing More than Black and White are Latinos or Chicanos and Asians. Both groups do not fit in either category of black or white, and yet the cultures of both groups are forced into the different molds that society holds for them. The attributes of the cultures of both groups are perceived a certain way and this is largely because of the perception...
5 Pages 2222 Words

Risk Factors Causing Higher Probability for Youth Crime Behavior

Risk variables for criminality are not inactive as their prescient value changes depending on when happens in a youth’s development and environment, in their social setting and beneath what circumstances. Risk factors may be found within the person, the environment, or the individual's capacity to reply to the requests or necessities of their environment. A few variables come into play during childhood or prior, while others don't show up until puberty. Some variables include the family, the neighborhood, the school...
5 Pages 1989 Words

Key Steps Necessary to Start Planning Digital Marketing Strategy

There are different digital marketing strategies since prioritizing is very important; it can get a little overwhelming when you're trying to decide which one type of strategy to implement. Marketers looking for the ultimate digital marketing strategy need to have a, product, and demographics before choosing a digital marketing strategy that will be effective for their needs. When it comes to your digital marketing campaigns, you should avoid wasting your time by targeting the wrong demographics with your strategy, keeping...
4 Pages 2031 Words

Time Dilation: First Possible Step Towards Time Travel

Introduction The concept of time travel has been one of dreams, fantasies, and the imagination. What would you do if you traveled to the past? Would you make corrections or changes to your past, maybe fix what you regret, what if we had more time to do what we can not: these are some of the questions that people ask themselves when thinking of what life would be like if time travel was possible. Thousands of books and movies have...
5 Pages 2206 Words

Research Ethics in Natural Science: Analytical Essay

Introduction Scientists and researchers generally work independently without being routinely supervised by others. Even if there is supervision, it is more in the form of supervision, evaluation, or monitoring of funders or mentors (if the students are researchers) to monitor the extent to which research progress has been achieved. The rest, researchers generally take full responsibility for results of the research done. Practices like this require researchers to have an honest and careful attitude, even though they are not routinely...
4 Pages 1980 Words

Relationship between Anthropology and Ethnography: Analytical Essay

Ethnography exists as an integral component of contemporary anthropology, allowing for the exploration and understanding of culture through the study of subjects and their behaviours in given situations. The practice enables the documentation of accounts of livelihood; producing credible accounts wherein knowledge and understanding is received through observation and immersion with participants to form a representation of a community or group. Of course, modern ethnography exists as wholly different to early 20th century practices, and this essay will explore the...
5 Pages 2146 Words

Pros and Cons of Voting Rights Act

“To ignore the effects that voting laws have on different racial groups would be, at best, irresponsible and, at worst, dangerous” (Quillin 23). Voter ID laws, better described as voter impersonation laws, are laws that are put in place to deter citizens from fraudulently voting. These types of laws are made to police in-person voting and do little to protect against mail-in and absentee voter fraud. Stemming from practices that were put into place to discriminate against already disenfranchised groups,...
4 Pages 1973 Words

Preparing for the Future or Focusing on the Present Essay

'What day is it?' asked Pooh. “It's today,” squeaked Piglet. “My favorite day,” said Pooh. A.A. Milne1 We often seem to focus on the present. People say things like “seize the day” (or Horace's “carpe diem”) or “live in the moment” and, most pertinently, that “there is no time like the present”. But is this actually true? Is the present any different from the past or the future? Albert Einstein certainly did not think so. In a letter to the...
5 Pages 2099 Words
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