2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Struggles and Victories in 'Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot'

“Life is never easy. There is work to be done and obligations to be met- obligations to truth, to justice, and to liberty.” -John F. Kennedy. The historical non-fiction novel, Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot, by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard describes Kennedy’s journey as the 35th president of the United States. The novel specifically focused on the life of John F. Kennedy from his early years all the way to his role as a leader. To discover some...
5 Pages 2147 Words

Police Brutality and Racism

In the light of the current events in the United States (May-June, 2020), the issues of police brutality, violence, discrimination, and criticism of the law enforcement system overall deserve particular attention. Purposeful use of unwarranted coercion, abuse of power, verbal assaults, intimidations, and other forms of official misconduct by law enforcement officers are the practices that the criminal justice system of the United States attempts to eradicate at their root, but the cases are still common and rarely properly investigated....
5 Pages 2206 Words

Nighthawks Painting Essay

Artwork, such as paintings, can be a very delicate thing to produce, imagine, and understand. Not everyone can make a wonderful masterpiece nor can we all make the same exact replica of one piece of art. Every piece of art is different and unique and that is the beauty of creativity. One creative artwork would be Nighthawks by Edward Hopper. It is a 1942 oil painting that portrays people in a downtown diner late at night. The period in which...
5 Pages 2061 Words

Modern Architecture Essay

The Nineteenth Century and the Modernist period was a time of rapid growth and development in almost every aspect of human exploration, shaping design in a monumental way and which still continues to have an influence on Architectural work that is produced today. Developed as a means to improve quality of life, Modernisation took Architecture out of the perpetual loop of meaningless ornamentation that it seemed to be stuck in and gave it a new purpose beyond aesthetics, provoking a...
5 Pages 2116 Words

Life of Fidel Castro and Analysis of His Ideological Beliefs

In recent world history, the western hemisphere has evolved to give birth to some of the most successful, and troubled, countries of the modern world. The history of triangle trade and the Columbian exchange of disease, food, and diseases. The Spanish imperialized much of the New World, disturbing native politics and society to establish their own. This included an economic focus on sugar production, leading to the mass enslavement of native people and the introduction of African people as another...
5 Pages 2132 Words

JROTC Essay on Leadership

There are research studies that have been conducted on JROTC. Most of these have been based - on outcome studies that have focused on the effects of participation in an Army JROTC program. One of the first of these studies was conducted in Pennsylvania's public secondary schools in 1973 by Seiberling. He investigated the effectiveness of JROTC (Air Force, Army, and Navy) in relationship to three desired to-learn outcomes: leadership, citizenship, and self-reliance. He used the Gordon Personal Profile to...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Irony of the Absolute Paradox: Analytical Essay on Soren Kierkegaard

Philosophical Fragments, written under the pseudonym 'Johannes Climacus,' is an important component of his philosophical and theological explication, explaining the conceptual distinction between Greek and religious philosophy. Soren Kierkegaard used Johannes Climacus to explain his ideas about how the concept of self fits into faith's vast eternity. In Philosophical Fragments, he starts with Greek Platonic philosophy, delving into the ramifications of moving beyond the Socratic knowledge of truth received via recall to the Christian experience of truth received through grace....
5 Pages 2177 Words

Irony and Kierkegaard: Analytical Essay

As we know, in his early work on The Concept of Irony, Sren Kierkegaard examined the subject of irony in depth. Many of the issues raised in this work, such as defining the subject of cognition and subjective self-knowledge, will be addressed in Kierkegaard's following works. References to George W. F. Hegel's thesis also distinguishes this early work. Kierkegaard contrasts irony as an 'attitude' and 'pure' irony as a 'thought object.' Pure irony, according to Kierkegaard, is similar to romantic...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Innovation Planning and Design Paper

Abstract Design thinking is an analytic and creative process in which a person is encouraged to explore, create and prototype models, collect feedback, and rethink. The literature has highlighted some characteristics (e.g., visualization, originality) that a successful design thinker should have. The primary goal of this article is to summarise and synthesize design thinking research in order to (a) better understand its characteristics and processes, as well as the differences between novice and expert design thinkers, and (b) apply what...
4 Pages 2054 Words

Importance of Creativity and Innovation in Leadership

This paper aims to explore the importance of leadership in the current innovative world, where many businesses are venturing into innovating new ways of doing business to grow. Creativity in any company does not occur by accident; leaders must drive the changes in structure, culture, and process to achieve growth. Therefore, creativity and innovation are what drives business success in any sector; leaders must collectively implement strategies that encourage change. They are vital to the entrepreneurship that makes new businesses...
4 Pages 2012 Words

Impact of Gender on the Work of Photographer: Analytical Essay

Question How does gender play a role in the making and reception of a work of photography? What kind of issues have feminist and contemporary artists prioritised in addressing this role? What feminist strategies of image production have they adopted? In the lecture from week 7, we explored issues related to how feminism uses the medium to perform in photography. This article will also examine the role of gender in photography and how feminism considers and addresses the rights of...
4 Pages 1983 Words

How did Rousseau Influence American Government

Developmental Republicanism: Does It Have a Place in Policy Making of Today American Government Time is something of a nuisance when it comes to policy-making. In an ever-changing world where there are advancements in all aspects of life, are we still expected to use old laws, or do we passively follow the policies made by people who lived in completely different circumstances? It is a question that is worth asking given that if policies were openly changed, the validity of...
4 Pages 1987 Words

Graffiti vs Street Art Essay

Art and Culture are very important for the development of any nation. Culture and Creativity/ Art manifest themselves in almost all economic, social and other activities. A country is as diverse as India is symbolized by the plurality of its culture. India has one of the world’s largest collections of songs, music, dance, theatre, folk traditions, performing arts, rites and rituals, paintings, and writings that are known, as the ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of humanity. In order to preserve these...
5 Pages 2248 Words

Gothic Architecture Essay

Introduction Gothic architecture is a well know and extremely recognizable style of architecture, but do we know what actually defines a building as gothic and where the style originated? In this essay, I will give a brief look into the history of gothic architecture. Furthermore, I will pick out and discuss in depth the key characteristics of gothic buildings while also explaining looking at how the gothic style differs from other similar styles. As a result, I will come close...
5 Pages 2076 Words

Comparison of Two Paintings by Roger van der Weyden

Roger van der Weyden his known for his Flemish painting style and he was active during the 15th century. He was involved in the Northern Renaissance and was active in places such as Brussels, Florence, and Ferrara. He followed the footsteps of two great painters, Robert Campin, and Jan Van Eyck who acted as his role models at the time. However, what made his paintings unique and different is the use of color in both the outside and the interior...
5 Pages 2081 Words

F. Scott Fitzgerald Modernism

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” This is the final quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The quote fits perfectly with the book as Gatsby tried to recreate his past by getting with his past lover Daisy. Nothing could stop this man from letting his past go. It is the same in society today. The challenging and banning of books is an ancient technique used to suppress knowledge from citizens....
4 Pages 2032 Words

Essay on Role of Civil Engineers in Infrastructure Development

This report provides an outline of why railway infrastructure development is an important part of urban development and the multidisciplinary nature of its design and construction process ('Engineering the Railway Industry,'). This report also includes an overview of a life cycle assessment of railway infrastructure, focusing specifically on the steel rail component of the track bed. The life cycle assessment does not provide numerical data showing the environmental impact the component has during its lifetime, but rather an assessment of...
4 Pages 1962 Words

Berger's Theory of the World Around Us

An image is but a “window through which we look out into a section of the visible world” (Richter, Wells & Kemp, 2008, p102). But what of this visible world and that of the viewer? To begin questioning “what we see and what we know” (Berger, 2008, p.7), is to watch 70s revolutionary broadcast Ways of Seeing by John Berger. The program, later adapted into a book, are both highly successful in liberating image, freeing them of what is merely...
5 Pages 2239 Words

Engineering Design Process Essay

This report contains the outputs of the previous planning phase which are unchanged and the outputs of this design phase. The process design outputs consist of; A Design failure mode and effects analysis (DFMEA) that was completed with the information currently available to analyze and prioritize the different levels and areas of risk included in the project. Design for manufacturability and assembly is also reviewed. Design verification has ensured that the product is designed according to intentions. The design verification...
5 Pages 2188 Words

Elements of Modernism

Modernist literature employed a number of different experimental writing elements that broke the conventional rules of storytelling. Some of those elements include blended imagery and themes, absurdism, nonlinear narratives, and stream of consciousness — which is a free-flowing inner monologue. How does having events played chronologically out of order affect the narrative of a story in film and television? “A story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end, but not necessarily in that order.” – Jean-Luc Godard. The...
5 Pages 2165 Words

Ethnography as a Method for Selecting Research Participants

Introduction Research involves selecting one suitable method that could facilitate the researcher achieve his or her objectives. It is for this reason that in social science research new methods have been proposed effective when conduct a study which involves human and their culture. One of such methods is ethnography. In view of this, the paper discusses ethnography as a research methodology in relation to selection research participants. It begins by defining ethnography, stating the historical view of ethnography, situations on...
4 Pages 1972 Words

My Photo Mosaic Artwork: Mona Lisa, Spider-Man, and Other Pictures

Themes in Art Essay There are many different themes in art, but one that I’ve always been drawn to is mosaic/photo mosaic artworks. Mosaic works are where there are many different shapes coming together to make the final image, and photo mosaic is where other pictures come together to form the final image. I’ve always been fascinated with these types of artworks, and it all stems from the time I spent at Children’s Hospital. I’ve been there my fair share...
4 Pages 2010 Words

Critical Analysis of Pablo Picasso's Artworks by Periods

Throughout Picasso’s lifetime, he created many self-portraits, all of which, using a range of styles. I will be looking at some of his iconic self-portraits. Throughout I will be thinking about, why and how his depiction of himself over the years may have changed and what may have influenced him. The pieces I will look at range from age 15 to 90, showing a true representation of his artistic growth throughout. I thought this would be interesting to research as...
5 Pages 2110 Words

Analytical Essay on War and Defence under the Bush Administration

Thirteen years later Americans are still vaguely knowledgeable about the United State’s rationale behind the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Bush administration informed Americans the war was going to begin with claims that are still to date, proven to be inaccurate. The true arcane reasoning of president, George Bush and vice president, Dick Cheney's desire for the Iraq war is hidden behind their imperialistic attempt to economically benefit America and themselves. Despite the intense focus on the destruction of...
4 Pages 2146 Words

Analytical Essay on Painting: American Portraits throughout Time

After visiting the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts, three paintings particularly caught the eye. With a focus on the development of American portraits from the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth century, the first painting that stood out was Paul Revere, by John Singleton Copley, created in 1768. The next portrait is Self-Portrait, by Ellen Day Hale, which was painted in 1885. This painting represents the development that American artists were undergoing through the nineteenth century. Lastly, Woman In a...
5 Pages 2126 Words

ADHD Analysis and UK Policy Review

Introduction: For my SEN module, I will be discussing and analysing ADHD aimed towards children in both primary and secondary schools in London, United Kingdom. I have chosen to produce a resource for children who are diagnosed with ADHD and this resource will be used towards reducing the hyperactivity and help children calm down and refocus. This resource will also help teachers deal with children with ADHD. I will follow up by discussing a short literature review on ADHD for...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Analytical Essay on George W. Bush: Life Before Presidency

George Walker Bush was born on July 6, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut. George W. Bush was the first born of 5 children. George had 4 siblings, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. His sister Pauline battled Leukemia Cancer. At the age of 4, she passed away. He was unaware of his sisters death until 2 days after she died. Bush struggled with living without his sister. He started getting an education at primary schools in Midland, Texas. In Texas they...
5 Pages 2087 Words

Analytical Essay on Digital Ethnography: Principles and Practices

Study Case The reason for why an award show was selected as a case study in this paper, is because liveness is very much the central concept in a show like this. The elements that float around in the bubble of the concept of liveness, are all things that can be applied to a media event like this. An award show is a combination of a broadcast that shows pre-recorded and live performances, but also verbalized interactional moments such as...
5 Pages 2212 Words

Affordable Housing Schemes in India: Analytical Essay

Introduction Today India’s population is the second largest population in the world. Due to increasing population in the India, the demand of houses is also increases. In recent years cost of houses increases rapidly due to high demand of houses and inflation. In India, major part of the population comes under the low income group (LIG) and economically weaker section (EWS), who cannot afford house at market price. Indian government launches many schemes under affordable housing for economically weaker people...
5 Pages 2236 Words

Soft Computing in Weather Forecasting: Comparative Analysis

Abstract-- In a developing country, like India where the agriculture & industries are base for the national economy, the weather conditions play leading role for their proper development and smooth running. Therefore having accurate weather forecasting information may allow farmers or industry managers to make better decisions on managing their farms. Soft computing using ANN is an innovative approach to construct a computationally intelligent system that is able to process nonlinear weather conditions within a specific domain, and make prediction....
4 Pages 2024 Words
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