2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Wonder Woman: A Fresh Take on a Feminist Icon

Wonder woman has long been considered a feminist icon ever since her first appearance in DC comics in 19411942, making her one of the very first female superheroes. In many ways, she was unlike any female superhero that was in circulation at that time, being a perfect example of a strong, formidable character at a time when female superheroes were most often given the role of side characters, damsels in distress, and were rarely the sole character in any series....
5 Pages 2098 Words

Why I Want to Become Kindergarten Teacher

Introduction to My Teaching Aspiration Graduation is just around the corner and I need to figure out what I am going to do for the rest of life. In my senior year, I took the Ready, Set, Teach class. That class helps assist students and teachers and gives you a feel of what it is like in a classroom setting as a teacher. I got assigned to a kindergarten class. And I can say I love kinder. Those kids are...
4 Pages 1974 Words

Usefulness of a Lens in the Heart of Darkness

Analytical Essay The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad tells the story of Marlow during a night on a ship on the Thames River. Marlow recounts the time he spent working for a European company, it follows his first visiting the European business “the Company” headquarters. The story then continues to follow him as he travels to Africa to gain control of his steamboat and witnesses a lack of reason, inhumanity, and neglect. The novella can be read and viewed...
4 Pages 1979 Words

Animated Shorts Enhance Elementary Students' Speaking Skills

Abstract The aim of this research is to investigate the student's weaker areas in spoken English and improve the speaking skills of the students through the short animated films at the elementary school level. ESL learners face many difficulties in expressing the ideas and thoughts. They lose their confidence when they are supposed to speak in the target language. Sometimes students remain silent in fear of making mistakes, and this job leads them away from learning. Animated films are great...
5 Pages 2228 Words

Training of Nurses on Gender Dysphoria within Children and Adolescences

In Patch five, I will be using evidenced-based literature investigating 5 different research papers, critically analysing how they fall in line with my innovation. Additionally, I will be implementing the critical appraisal tool CASP to pick out three common themes within the evidenced-based literature that supports my change in practice which is providing training to nurses on gender dysphoria within children and adolescents. When finding evidenced-based literature to support my innovation I wanted to follow the PICO table (Eriksen and...
5 Pages 2068 Words

This One Summer Versus The Bluest Eye: Comparative Essay

Each of the two texts, “This One Summer by Julian and Mariko Tamaki”, and “The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison” discuss common Incidences which happen in everyday Lives of teenagers such as Jealousy, problems caused by social standards which these girls just can’t seem to meet. In addition, both these texts portray the agony and suffering caused by unwanted Pregnancy. Pecola in “The Bluest Eye” was impregnated by her father. Jenny was impregnated by Dunc, her boyfriend in “This One...
4 Pages 2068 Words

Symbolism of Green in Great Gatsby

Indian-American author Fareed Zakaria once stated, “Americans have so far put up with inequality because they felt they could change their status. They didn't mind others being rich, as long as they had a path to move up as well. The American Dream is all about social mobility in a sense - the idea that anyone can make it.” The idea of social mobility and the creation of oneself into one’s idolized vision of affluence in society is central in...
5 Pages 2108 Words

Southwest Airlines and Delta Airlines: Comparative Analysis

A business must choose an efficient strategy in order to thrive in the present and in the future and it is “important to explore several strategic options, investigating each one carefully before making strategic choices” (Mahdi et al., 2015,) Looking at two organizations, Southwest Airlines and Delta Airlines are analyzed by looking at the external environment in which influences the company. The airline industry is a hyper-competitive industry and not all airlines are having fruitful finical performances due to some...
5 Pages 2135 Words

Samsung Brand Philosophy and Product Placement: Analytical Essay

Samsung sells a greater number of smartphones than any other individual company in the world. Despite this fact, in terms of technological advancement and sleepless design to the iPhone, retails at a more unquestionable expense. Both Samsung and Apple’s iPhones can be seen as grounded brands. “Samsung started as Samsung General Stores in 1938 in the Northern Province of Kyungsang in South Korea as an exporter of dried fish and flour (Kovach, 2013).” In the 1970s the brand became revitalized...
5 Pages 2086 Words

Comparative Analysis: Robinson Crusoe and Northanger Abbey

Bakhtin's discussion of the chronotope is indeed useful in analysing any piece of literature. Every piece of literature has a setting in both place and time. The author could have written in a time and place separate to the time and place of the novel but what Bakhtin is concerned about is the time and place of the novel in his discussion of the chronotope. Every text has a historical background. As time has evolved, literature has also evolved; What...
5 Pages 2115 Words

Rhetorical Analysis of Mark Antony's Speech

Introduction to Rhetorical Strategies In Mark Antony’s speech, he first starts by stating ‘Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;”, he does this with the purpose of mirroring the more emotional tact the will take all through the remainder of his speech.In comparison to “Remarks to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session” - Hillary R. Clinton, Hillary also tries to emotionally connect with the audience towards the beginning of her speech by stating “We come together in...
4 Pages 1984 Words

Representation of Female Characters in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake

The ambiguous representation of female characters in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake is unusual for Atwood’s often acclaimed portrayal of authentic female relationships as the story features a male protagonist, the first whom Atwood has written which makes the novel provide only unreliable information on the female characters portrayed in the novel. Margaret Atwood’s novel Oryx and Crake is the first book of a dystopian MaddAddam trilogy. A critical concern for Atwood that is demonstrated in the novel is the...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Reflective Essay on My Cultural Identity as Mexican-American

I am a first-generation Mexican-American living in Los Angeles, California. I identify as being Mexican, an American, and being an Angeleno in other terms I identify as a Latinx Angeleno. Each piece of culture takes part in my cultural identity as a whole. As wonderful as that sounds it was not always easy. There are plenty of times when it feels as if I have to live a double life when it comes to my Cultural Identity. There are places...
5 Pages 2127 Words

Racism in To Kill a Mockingbird: Tom Robinson Versus Boo Radley

Fanaticism is the trust in the transcendence of one race over another, which consistently results in partition and inclination towards people subject to their race or ethnicity. The use of the articulation 'partiality' does not really fall under a lone definition. The logic essential fanaticism normally joins the likelihood that individuals can be subdivided into specific get-togethers that are unmistakable due to their social lead and their intrinsic points of confinement, similarly as the likelihood that they can be situated...
4 Pages 2052 Words

Portrayal of Man and Woman in Pride and Prejudice

All women love “Pride and Prejudice.” And really, why shouldn’t they? The story of the intrepid and, at times, impertinent Elizabeth Bennet is an alluring one. It’s a story of a comely young women looking for her prince charming, it’s a story of an iconoclast challenging antiquated social conventions, it’s a story that juxtaposes bourgeois pride against blue-collar prejudice and, perhaps most importantly, it’s a story about marriage and all the different reasons one has for getting married: love, money,...
4 Pages 2025 Words

Portrayal of Historical Processes in The Jungle

Historical processes seeded by the aftermath of the American civil war and its subsequences leading up to the end of the 19th century has been reflected in Upton Sinclair’s 1905 fictional novel The Jungle. The novel captivates its audiences by vividly depicting the grim consequences of mass immigration, dense urbanization, and the political climate of its time. Through the eyes of Jurgis, the protagonist of Sinclair's novel, the audience is presented with the exploitation and struggles immigrants faced that were...
4 Pages 1967 Words

Marketing Principles of Samsung: Analytical Essay

Executive Summary This report was written to show what is Samsung's marketing strategy and how do they promote their phones using different marketing mixes. This report draws attention to the fact that Samsung is leading the market share against Apple and other brands in the last year at 26.15%. Thus, the report shows how Samsung stays at the top while knowing its positioning in the market. Samsung also have specific target customers, so it can focus its products to be...
5 Pages 2227 Words

Lord of the Flies and the Film Fight Club: Comparative Analysis

Question: How do the novel ‘Lord of the Flies and the film Fight Club employs techniques to illustrate the dispute between the human instincts leaning toward savagery and the rules implemented to contain it by civilization? Author William Golding and director David Fincher largely convey the conflict between innate human instincts of savagery and the civilized disciplines maintained by society in the novel Lord of the Flies and the film Fight Club respectively. Although the setting of the two texts...
5 Pages 2192 Words

Legacy of Olympic Games for Future Generations

The Olympics is the largest sporting event in the world, with an average of 3.64 billion people watching globally (Statista 2020). The Olympic vision is to build a better world through sport and they to do this through three main values rooted in the philosophy of Pierre de Coubertin: Striving for excellence, Demonstrating respect and Celebrating friendship (Olympic.org 2021). Three missions ensure they are working towards their vision, are: ensuring each game is unique and celebrated, the athletes are the...
5 Pages 2121 Words

Issues of Tortures in the United States: Analytical Essay

The Results of Torture The United States has had a history on torture of foreign terrorists and suspected allies that have been received both negatively and positively domestically and internationally. After 9/11, it was easier for the United States to see foreigners as dangerous and potential threats to its society. It’s a basic human instinct to want to fight against threats to oneself, but where do we draw the line to maintain the safety and security of our country? The...
5 Pages 2241 Words

Importance of Constitution for Democracy: Analytical Essay

The essay detailed below will evaluate the claim that constitutions are essential for maintaining democracy as it varies within different contexts. The essay will start by detailing the strengths of the constitution over the democratic process through its perceived authority. Further on, the essay will also weigh the instances when a constitution was not essential for maintaining democracy especially in national instability, this will provide a more balanced view of the effectiveness of a constitution. This essay will provide support...
4 Pages 2030 Words

Importance of Brain-relevant Changes during Adolescence

Introduction Being a very important transition phase between childhood and adulthood, adolescence is marked by significant physical, social, cognitive and emotional changes. Due to these changes, the behaviour of an adolescent is different from the adult. This demeanor may be considered as irresponsible, emotional and sometimes even risk-taking and reckless. Hormones often get the blame but they’re not the only factor at play. By understanding the nature and processes of physiological and psychological transformations during adolescence, it becomes clear how...
5 Pages 2167 Words

Implementation of Mentoring Program: Critical Analysis

Introduction Mentoring is a dynamic aspect of our daily lives. It is a partnership between a more experienced person (mentor) and a less experienced protégé (mentee). Definitions also revolutionize as time passes but the key element that describes and separates mentoring interaction from other forms of association is that it is an evolution of partnership rooted in the scope of careers toward improvement. (Ragins et.al. 2007). According to Ellinger (2019), studies conclude that mentoring outcomes are career growth and advancement,...
5 Pages 2176 Words

Social Media Marketing's Impact on Electronics Purchases

Abstract: The Internet has become the primary source of information for a large number of marketers and consumers. In developing countries like India, the rapid growth in social media provides both marketers and consumers a platform for communication and sharing information. This research paper aims to study the impact of social media in consumers' decision-making process for purchasing of electronic goods. The study is conducted in Kothrud Pune, the respondents were consumers from the age group of 18-60 years. While...
5 Pages 2112 Words

Impact of Stephen King on Horror Genre

Horror is a genre that has evolved into a broad umbrella with multiple portrayals of the original works underneath, this allows for diversity and appeals to a wider range of audiences. The horror genre began in the Romantic Movement in the beginning of the 19th century and encompasses many types of horror literary works and films. These include science fiction with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and supernatural with Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Horror as a genre has continued in popularity with supernatural...
5 Pages 2162 Words

Impact of Population Control on Chinese Culture: Analytical Essay

Intro A Chinese woman was seven months pregnant with her second child. A group of people barged into their house and took her away. She was taken to a hospital while her husband pleaded for them not to take her. They didn't sign any papers or agree to anything. She was shoved into a room where against medical advice, they injected a needle into her stomach. 10 hours later she gave birth to a dying infant. She wasn't even allowed...
5 Pages 2174 Words

Historical Overview of Planned Parenthood

​The fierce political debate surrounding abortion in the United States boils down to a back-and-forth between politicians on each side of the spectrum, writing bills to support their agenda and subsequently fighting the opposition—this can be said for attempts to both expand and reduce access to the medical procedure. At the heart of the debate is an organization that has made a name for itself by showing no fear in their willingness to get in the ring and fight a...
4 Pages 1977 Words

Free Speech Versus Hate Speech on Social Media

Hate speech is merely critical, often demeaning, very critical, and offensive. Whenever hate speech becomes clear intimidation and threats against certain citizens, then some legal action needs to be taken. In addition, any form of malicious and persistent harassment that is focused on an individual is hate speech and should be prosecuted using the law. Individuals who send threatening messages using the internet to another individual or use public messages that are displayed on a certain website with information showing...
5 Pages 2157 Words

Figure of Zeus on the Vase “Ganymede with Cock and Hoop”

The vase, “Ganymede with Cock and Hoop”, is a red-figure bell krater that was made in 525-475 BC by Berlin Painter, located in Musee du Louvre, Paris. The Athenian vase is in large size and has a large opening and a big belly. The frame that showed on the vase was the Greek myth about the young man, Ganymede, is playing the loop with one hand and has a cock on the other hand. The other side of the vase...
4 Pages 2015 Words

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Importance of Hand Washing

Evidence-based practice may be defined as a problem-solving approach that requires nurses to be conscientious in their clinical practice. Therefore, the practice is emphasized on the incorporation of best evidence in making decisions with regard to patient care, from well-designed studies, and the preference and values of the patient (Vaidotas et al., 2015). The use of feedback by health care professionals is a way of creating opportunities for learning and reflection which will consequently lead to improved practice (Smiddy et...
5 Pages 2108 Words
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