2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Teaching Philosophy of the English Language Teacher

Teaching philosophy is an important statement for a teacher to create a clear portrait of their personality as a teacher. Every teacher has to write philosophy on how, what, and why they want to teach. This essay will introduce a teaching philosophy as English language teacher. Teaching Philosophy I believe that all students have different needs and expectations from education/school. Students in my class should leave school wanting to learn more. All children are unique and need a stimulating environment...
5 Pages 2130 Words

Significance and Metaphorical Meaning of the Glass Ball in ‘Citizen Kane’

In ‘Citizen Kane’ (1941) directed by Orson Welles, the story is set in motion to seek for the meaning of ‘Rosebud’. At the end, when Thompson is asked about ‘Rosebud’, he states that he didn’t find its meaning, and that “maybe ‘Rosebud’ was something [Kane] couldn’t get or something he lost … I guess ‘Rosebud’ is just a piece in a jigsaw puzzle”. Thompson’s failure in finding its meaning suggests a search for alternative meaning in the movie, rather than...
4 Pages 1963 Words

Problem of Stigmatization of Mental Illnesses in Modern Society

‘Stigma’ is a very basic word within the study of sociology that could be described by someone as a harmful mode of negative labelling towards someone else with a differentiating characteristic or attribute such as a form of mental illness or an intellectual disability which can lead to stereotypes, discrimination and even societal rejection possibly further damaging a person’s mental and physical state of mind. These people who are suffering from many different types of mental illnesses regularly endure two...
4 Pages 2031 Words

Position of Women in Engineering

The position of women can be carefully traced through history to be able to divulge social ills through which societies have misplaced the position of women. This takes us to look at how the community views gender and sex. Sex is viewed as the biological distinction between men and women’s genital setups but gender is a socially built set of ideas that define the roles and values which distinguish between masculine and feminine (Little, 2016). Men have been viewed as...
5 Pages 2167 Words

PG&E Company and Wildfires in California

The Pacific Gas and Electric Company is an American Investor-Owned Utility institution whose headquarters are located in San Francisco, California. It is California’s largest gas and electric utility company, running almost half of California’s utilities statewide. Even with California’s high fire risk status, PE&G and their neglect and improper upkeep of their equipment contributed to the increasing threats threat through California in the past few years. In November 2018, a historical wildfire destroyed the city of Paradise, California, in the...
5 Pages 2134 Words

Loss of the Buffalo

What really happened to the buffalo? Buffalo is one of Canada’s known animals. They play a huge part in Canadian history and why the world is the way it is today and part of why the government and the aboriginal people are where they are today. The average buffalo is between seven feet and eleven feet tall and weighs anywhere from 660-2,200 pounds. They are huge creatures and have been around for a long time. Over the years the looks...
5 Pages 2122 Words

Importance of Optimism in Hospitals

Optimism attempts to explore the concept and its relations with mental health, physical well-being, coping, quality of life and healthy lifestyle and risk perception. Optimistic behavior allows a human being to look at the world with the mirror of positivity. In this outline, hospitals are not only limited to providing treatment but also tend to give hope and faith to the people. In those cases, patients are needed to be treated with positive behavior, and this will create confidence among...
5 Pages 2118 Words

Human-Dog Relationship

Human beings and domesticated dogs have a special bond and relationship that has existed over the years. Their unique chemistry can be traced back thousands of years back to approximately 15,000 years ago. The human-dog relationship has evolved over the years, and their co-existence bond and way of living are surprising. In countries such as the United States of America, almost 48% of the total households have a dog pet (Brulliard and Clement, 1). The human-dog relationship is purely symbiotic...
4 Pages 1983 Words

Effect of Chocolate on the Heart

In this essay, I'm going to discuss whether there really is a relationship between chocolate consumption and heart health problems. I will formulate my conclusions based on the analysis of studies devoted to this topic. Studies Review First of all, I want to review the studies that have been conducted and highlight their results. For example, Veronese et. al. (2018) try to have an insight into the relationship between the consumption of chocolate and health outcomes due to its ingestion....
5 Pages 2134 Words

Importance of 'Schindler's List' in History

Introduction to 'Schindler's List' and Its Historical Context ‘Schindler's List’ is an important film in society because it emphasizes marginalization, genocide, and individualization. There are many symbols that appear throughout the film. Some of these include the girl and red and the hand that lights the candle in the beginning scene. The use of symbolism helps create meaning and emotion and contributes to the overall theme. Directed by popular film director and producer Steven Spielberg, Schindler’s List debuted in 1993...
4 Pages 2013 Words

Psychotropic Drugs: Great Treatment Solution to Mental Illness

Mental illness has evolved over the last couple hundred years. From the theological model of the Middle Ages to today’s modern medicine, it is very clear that the understanding of mental illness has become better understood with time. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2018), “Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these). Mental illnesses are associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities” (para., 1). When...
5 Pages 2069 Words

Overview of Main Themes of the Film ‘Spirited Away’

Introduction to the Spirit World In the beginning of the movie, Chihiro’s father takes a shortcut in the way to their new place, which has been found as very far away from the center and somehow remoted, as Chihiro’s mother claims that she would have to go shopping in another city. This means that the tunnel is much likely to be located in the middle of nowhere where few people have reached. The shortcut is also suspicious, as the car...
4 Pages 2065 Words

My Teaching Philosophy as a Future ESOL Educator

Generally speaking, learning is a social process. When considering the specific process of learning a second or additional language, the social dimension of learning becomes more apparent. Because of our dependence on each other for new knowledge, my teaching philosophy rests on creating a community of learners. Creating an optimal space for a community of learners means considering several actions and dispositions that influence the classroom. For one, students need to see the value and importance of all languages and...
5 Pages 2111 Words

My Parents' Parenting Styles and Their Influence on Me

There are three types of parenting styles which are permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative. Permissive parents believe that their kids should not be monitored constantly, should be able to think on their own, and have little control over them (Berks & Meyers, 2016, p.394). The second parenting style is authoritarian, which parents expect their child to follow their rules and are in control all the time (Baumrind, 1966). The last parenting style is authoritative, which parents are more involved in their...
4 Pages 2034 Words

My Journey through Human Development

Development is defined as a pattern of change that begins at conception and continues through one’s lifespan (Santrock, 2018). In this paper I will discuss my observations on five different stages of human development. These five stages include a six-month-old, a two-year-old, a ten-year-old, a seventeen-year-old, a forty-nine-year-old mother, and an eighty-four-year-old. I have applied the knowledge gained in my Psychology 211 course to each developmental stage. To keep their identities confidential, I will refer to each person as Subject...
5 Pages 2117 Words

Suetonius' Literary Devices in Portraying Caligula's Character

Suetonius uses a variety of literary techniques in order to portray Caligula’s character in a negative light, which primarily revolve around the establishment of superficial praise for Caligula, in order to more strikingly condemn him later. In order to demonstrate this, we must observe the way in which Suetonius structures the Life of Caligula to maximize this effect, before noting the stylistic techniques which emphasize this structural criticism, and the use of specific language to maximize the contrast. In this...
5 Pages 2158 Words

Key Barriers Faced by NESB Students

The number of international students enrolled in Western English-speaking universities has significantly increased in the last 10 years, and is a trend expected to continue. There are 125, 392 international students studying in New Zealand, and New Zealand Education (2018) suggest a consistent growth of this number. In Australia, it is predicted that the number of international students will rise to over 800,000 by 2018, and will increase ‘sevenfold’ by 2025 (Ryan & Carroll, 2005). In Australia, 80% of international...
5 Pages 2225 Words

Job Roles in Gaming Industry

There is a wide variety of jobs available in the games industry following a degree in game development such as game developer, game programmer, UI and graphic programmer. There is also the ability to go into sound, animation and design making the industry large with multiple jobs available. This paper aims to compare and explore possible jobs in the industry and what each role contains and how to obtain them. One job role obtainable within the game industry is a...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Human Rights: Right to Liberty and Security

In this paper I talk about the history of human rights as a background. But mainly I focused on the right of liberty and security, which protects us against arbitrary unlawful deprivation of liberty. I chose this topic because in my thoughts it is interesting. What Are Human Rights? Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to everyone in the world, from birth until death. They are not granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Genetically Modified (GM) Food: Failure of the Innovation

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from animals or plants whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified. For example, by the insertion of a gene from another organism, in a fashion that does not occur normally. Combining genes from different organisms is known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’, while the resulting organism is claimed to be 'genetically modified', or 'genetically engineered', or 'transgenic'. The technology is sometimes referred to as 'modern biotechnology' or 'gene technology' or 'genetic engineering' often as...
4 Pages 1989 Words

Food Wastage and How Restaurants Could Influence a Circular Future

According to Reset Editorial, an estimated 1.3 out of 4 billion plenty of food is wasted globally every year. Therefore, an estimated one-third of all the food produced within the world goes to waste. While the food goes to the landfills and starts to rot, it produces methane. This greenhouse emission could be a greater threat than carbonic acid gas. In step with World Wild Life, about 11% of all the gas emissions are produced thanks to food wastage alone....
4 Pages 1962 Words

China's Economic Growth Factors and Future Constraints

China’s economy has undergone extraordinary growth over the past four decades. The country was one of the poorest nations worldwide in 1978 with its real per capita gross domestic estimated to be one-fortieth of the US level. However, the nation has become a vital economic power since it opened up to the world following the end of Mao’s rule (Yang, 2013). The country’s real per capita GDP increased from 5.5% of the US level to around 25% in 2014 (Zhang,...
5 Pages 2245 Words

Evolution of Camera: Eastern Development

The invention of camera had changed the world entirely: creating image to spread across and later, the mass media. What is not a widely known fact is that Ibn al-Haitham (also known as Al Hazen) had made observation of the nature leading to the formation of theory that light reflects off an object and enters the eye, creating what we know today as sight. To prove his theory, he built the first camera obscura model ever called ‘qamara’. This became...
4 Pages 2079 Words

Effects of University Relationships on Students

University education is an important milestone in the life of a person who has had the privilege of going through one. The purpose of university education is to train the mind to learn to think and develop virtues that will prepare you for life. University education is essentially the last step a person takes before venturing into their prospective careers. University education gives a person the necessary skills and knowledge so that he/she will be ready for employment or self-employment...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Disproving Preconceptions about Effects of Video Games on Adolescents

Since video games sudden rise to popularity in the 1970s, many games were made and developed in a variety of genres. From relaxing games such as Animal Crossing and Minecraft to the hard hitting violent induced games such as Doom Eternal and Grand Theft Auto (GTA). Especially games such as Mortal Combat who introduced the mechanics of fatalities which a player has an option to decimate their opponents in gruesome finishers such as skull bashing or even pulling their guts...
4 Pages 2000 Words

Analysis of adulthood characteristics in 'The Breakfast Club'

When we arrive at early adulthood, our physical development is finished, in spite of the fact that our stature and weight may increment marginally. In early adulthood, our physical capacities are at their pinnacle, including muscle quality, response time, tangible capacities, and heart working. Most expert competitors are at the highest point of their game during this stage, and numerous ladies have youngsters in the early-adulthood years. The maturing procedure, although not unmistakable, starts during early adulthood. Around the age...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Values of Jewish People in Holocaust in 'Night' by Elie Wiesel

The most immediate and prominent thing that changed values for the Jewish people in the Holocaust was food. Straight off the bat, the Jewish people were deprived of food. In Elie’s situation, as soon as he was forced to wait in line to load up into the train, and when he was actually on the train, he and his fellow community members were already very hungry. The Jewish people were starving from the beginning of the book. Immediately, the Jewish...
5 Pages 2096 Words

Can Video Games Develop Successful Surgeons?

Home video gaming systems have been around for decades. Older generations may remember home console gaming systems such as Atari, ColecoVision, or even IntelleVision. Parents of the 1980’s were equally concerned about the dangers of playing video games as they are today. What many critics of video games don’t appreciate is the enormous potential these games have in developing optimal hand / eye coordination, endurance, and focus for careers that will depend on these key characteristics for success and survival....
4 Pages 1950 Words

Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe? Essay

Ten thousand years back at the starting of farming, humans picked up traits, adapted and evolved due to selective breeding and artificial selection. Selective breeding modified human nature repeatedly throughout numerous generations. Many characteristic traits were determined by genes and today’s day and age scientists can use those exact genes to shift around ‘cut-and-paste’ an organism’s genes into another. By snipping those genes scientists can precisely select the exact trait that will be pasted into another plant, animal or bacteria,...
4 Pages 1981 Words

Get Out Film Analysis Essay

Unveiling Racial Dynamics in 'Get Out In 2017, ten years after Obama's presidency, director Jordan Peele released his physiological horror film ‘Get Out’. In the film the audience witnesses a society where white people desire to take control of African American's bodies through implanting a piece of their mind into theirs, resulting from white liberals’ belief that African American’s bodies are superior, while their own minds are superior. The film follows the story of the main character, Chris Washington, who...
4 Pages 1966 Words
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