2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Barack Obama a More Perfect Union Speech Summary

The speaking abilities Of the 44th US President Barack Obama, his ability to Win the hearts of the audience and inspire listeners with a bright speech allowed many authors to describe him as the greatest speaker of his generation (Wilson 8). Namely, the skill of public speaking helped him achieve the top of the career ladder in the political hierarchy of the United States. According to Ekaterina Haskins, a professor of rhetoric at the University of Iowa, in his speeches,...
5 Pages 2188 Words

Why Michelle Obama Inspires Me Essay

Defining Leadership through Michelle Obama What makes a good leader? It may seem like a simple question yet it continues to encourage debate among many intellectuals in the field. Many of us may have our own leadership definitions based on our experiences and knowledge. To me, a good leader is one who possesses the qualities of honesty, empathy, and resilience, and is able to inspire people for generations to come. One person that I believe exhibits all these qualities and...
4 Pages 2078 Words

Liberalism vs Constructivism

International Relations Political events have always been quite complex and just one theoretical approach cannot explain why they occur their impacts or their consequences. The only way to have a better understanding is by putting together all the theories and seeing the wider picture. That is the reason why Liberalism and Constructivism are the theories that better explain contemporary global politics, as they are the ones that take into account more reasons and approaches to why political affairs are the...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Elements of Bureaucracy

Franz Kafka was one of the most famous writers who criticized bureaucracy in his pieces. In his short story “Poseidon”, Poseidon who is the leader, is doing too much paperwork to take care of administrative problems and is unwilling to delegate his work as well. The joke of the story is that even god cannot handle the amount of paperwork bureaucracy creates (Kafka, 1992). The founder of the bureaucratic leadership theory is a German philosopher, economist, and leader of theoretical...
4 Pages 2052 Words

Hillary Clinton Strengths and Weaknesses

People always are eager to share their development expertise, to participate in and contribute to continual improvement, to work intensely towards the attainment of their common objectives. Some of them follow those they can trust and believe in that they will be led towards a timely fruition. Others try to promote a trusting relationship, to take into account changes needed for the future, to have the ability to reach higher success. Such people who lead towards impacting everyone at their...
5 Pages 2187 Words

History and Definition of Health Insurance: Analytical Essay

Abstract The cost of health insurance is on the rise because of the respective rise in the cost of treatments, doctor visits, and medications. Most business, like credit unions, choose to offer health insurance to their employees. As a result of the cost of health insurance rising, it costs the business more money to offer it to their employees. Since credit unions are not-for-profit, this deeper cut into their bottom-line effects them more heavily than it does other business who...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Trade-off between Wages and Health Insurance in US Labour Market

A Critical Review of Craig Olson’s Article ‘Do Workers Accept Lower Wages in Exchange for Health Benefits?’ (2002) This essay will study the work of Craig Olson in Do Workers Accept Lower Wages in Exchange for Health Benefits? (2002). The article investigates the trade-off between wages and health insurance in the US labour market. The author analyses data on married women’s wages and health insurance coverage, dependent on their husband’s health insurance coverage. Olson estimates that women accept a wage...
4 Pages 2003 Words

Modern Conservatism vs Modern Liberalism

Despite the common narrative of a conservative ascendancy in the 1970s, the decade also saw continued radical activism and resistance to bring about great reform in American society. Although the 1970s saw a conservative ascendency in electoral politics, ultimately leading to the consequential election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the decade also saw expanded, intensified, and often successful protest efforts bred by broader action and the continued endeavor for civil rights and liberal objectives. Ultimately, the 1970s was encompassed by...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Impact of Propaganda on Nazi Conformity

Propaganda – information posed to an audience with the intent to persuade in favour of one side of an idea, often through biased or emotionally stirring content - was one of the most powerful weapons in Hitler’s artillery during 1933-1939. As part of the Nazi regime, propaganda tailored towards the public was utilised heavily by Joseph Goebbels (Minister for Enlightenment and Propaganda) in Hitler’s campaign. Propaganda had a significant impact on the conformity of the German citizens at this time....
5 Pages 2079 Words

Media Bias: Distortion of Everyday Information

The First Amendment; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This is one of the most important amendments in the history of the world. It could be said that it is the foundation of our country and why people want to live...
5 Pages 2072 Words

The Contemporary Relevance of Gandhism: Non-Violence and Satyagraha

1. Introduction Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi popularly known as Bapu or the father of the nation was not only a great political leader but also a radical social reformer Gandhism is a set of ideas that depicts the inspiration, vision, and the life work of M.K. Gandhi. It is especially connected with his contributions to the notion of non-violent resistance. Mahatma Gandhi is one of those great and exemplary people in history whose work has not only proved to be extraordinary...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Concept of Happiness in Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle: Critical Analysis

Aristotle was one of the great thinkers of the ancient world, so much so, that he has influenced the way people think throughout time. One of the fields in which he wrote extensively about was that of ethics. His book the “Nicomachean Ethics” outlines that happiness is the ultimate goal a human being should strive for and that it is the main purpose of one’s life. In his lectures, he states that happiness can be achieved with the cultivation of...
5 Pages 2090 Words

Usage of Profanity by Malaysian Teenagers: Analytical Essay

Research Methodology 3.0 Introduction This chapter described the procedures and methodology utilized in the course of this research. The research design, participants, sampling method, data collection methods, research instruments, and data analysis procedures are also explained in this chapter. 3.1 Research design 3.1.1 Pilot Study In order to determine the possibility of conducting this research, a pilot study was conducted in March 2018 where a preliminary study was developed to determine if Malaysians use bad language in English. The preliminary...
4 Pages 2002 Words

Case Study: Family & Ecological Systems Theory on Somalian Elder

Introduction This case study is about a Somalian 70+-year-old lady, Salma, who came to Australia with her grandchildren. Her husband, son, and daughter-in-law were killed in Somalia by the army. I met Salma in Dallas Neighborhood Housing during my field placement. In this paper, I will discuss the main difficulties that the lady and her grandchildren are facing and how different social work theories and frameworks can be applied in this case. There are a couple of social work theories...
5 Pages 2167 Words

Gen Y Behavioral Factors: Spending vs Savings

1.0 Introduction This research discusses about the behavioral factors that lead to spending and savings among generation Y. As we are moving forward to the millennium era, the cost of spending is getting higher with today’s Malaysia economic trend is just in a moderate par, but our young generation still have high buying power if compare to other generation. Additionally, the Malaysian Insolvency Department encompassed in an article published by Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (2014), with an 11% increase...
4 Pages 1992 Words

Freud's Oedipus Complex in Contemporary Critical Theory

A Theory Rising Up from the Tragedy: Freud's Oedipus complex “Long, long ago; her thought was of that child By him begot, the son by whom the sire Was murdered and the mother left to breed With her own seed, a monstrous progeny. Then she bewailed the marriage bed whereon Poor wretch, she had conceived a double brood, Husband by husband, children by her child.” -Sophocles One of the best-known examples of Greek tragedies, Oedipus the King, the king of...
5 Pages 2133 Words

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport: Analytical Essay

Abstract Rapid revolution in the Region of Information Communication technology and digital things are pushing for the rapid formation of IoT (Internet of Things). In IoT, device-to-device information interchanges are considered through either Pushing or Polling convention. Push protocol is much more acceptable for IoT devices because of its High productivity and lightweight. You can find various Push protocols readily available for IoT such as XMPP, MQTT, and AMQP in which MQTT is most widely used. The vital feature of...
4 Pages 2079 Words

Love Ladder through the Speakers in Plato’s Symposium

Love is one of the most convoluted and misunderstood concepts that still remains as a very prominent part in many individuals' lives. Regardless of the fact that the majority of people cannot explain or fully understand the concept of love, many claim that love plays an integral part in their lives as they think they know what it entails and believe what they are feeling with another individual is true love. Since people believe they know what love is they...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Relationship Between Profanity and Honesty: Analytical Essay

Abstract The overall purpose of my research was to look into the use of swearing by facilitators during group sessions as a method of improving group members' engagement with session materials and examples but also helping them more fully understand and internalise the learning. To do this I have looked mainly for studies which have been carried out by psychologists and industry professionals using the scientific method. Whilst there is some dissenting opinion, the overall consensus among those is that...
4 Pages 2070 Words

Critical Analysis of Job Satisfaction in Generation X

Introduction Job satisfaction means good feelings or a positive attitude towards work, due to the work that the person has been responding to the level of expectations that a person has both their own internal needs, such as the need for acceptance, self-esteem proved ability and meet external needs, such as receiving compensation from work and have more stable's life (Spector, 1997). To further explain 'Job satisfaction', 'level of job satisfaction for two different categories: X and Y generations will...
5 Pages 2069 Words

Piaget & Vygotsky: Social Interaction in Cognitive Development

Applying Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development to the case Introduction This essay will interpret the cognitive processes of the case of a K2 student who is called Andrew, recommend an intervention practice in promoting the cognitive development of the child and expound on the roles of the teacher. Cognitive processes and stages Schema for birds Firstly, schema occurs. “Schema is a psychological structure to make sense of the experience in organized ways, which is changed with age”(Kail, 2016,...
4 Pages 2033 Words

Visual Effects in Ramayana: An Analytical Essay

1. Introduction 1.1 Overview Visual effects and computer graphics are essential need for the television and film industry nowadays. The entertainment industry in India has seen massive growth in the last two decades making it one of the fastest growing industries in India. Visual effects is getting more popular because it provides the feel of reality. The trend of using visual effects in the Television industry began with Ramananda Sagar’s mythological show, Ramayana. The purpose of this dissertation is to...
5 Pages 2068 Words

Systems Theory: Definition, Origin, Benefits, and Disadvantages

Systems Theory – Introduction Connolly, M., & Harms, L. (2015) wrote, “systems theories help us to think about these interactions between people and their social and physical environments” (pp. 47). The approach to system theory is based on the central conviction that all facets of a human problem should be regarded as a whole. Systems are applied to components of a greater system that actually work to create equilibrium in human existence. Healy (2005) outlined three different types of systems;...
5 Pages 2062 Words

Analysis of the Significance of Our Existence: Concept of Meaning of Life

Humans have always pondered the significance of our existence – ‘the meaning of life. This relentless pursuit for meaning has produced a great deal of metaphysical, theological, scientific, and philosophical speculation. Prominent philosophers throughout history have attempted to provide a meaning to life, with many believing in order to understand the true meaning of life one must first acknowledge one’s existence as ultimately meaningless. Hence, an inconclusive answer to the reason for our existence has led to the creation of...
4 Pages 1984 Words

Lev Vygotsky’s Theory: Historical Context and Today’s Practice

Lev Vygotsky 1. Biography and Historical Context Lev Vygotsky was born on November 17, 1896, in Orsha, Russia. His father was a bank clerk and founded a public library in the city of Gomel, where the whole family moved. In 1914, Vygotsky joined the Medical Faculty of Moscow University, but after a while, he moved to the Faculty of Law and at the same time studied at the Faculty of History and Philology at the People's University. He was intensely...
4 Pages 2036 Words

Analysis of Narrative Technique Used by Don DeLillo in White Noise

The technique is the means by which the writer’s experience, which is his subject matter, compels him to attend to it; technique is the only means he has of discovering, exploring, developing his subject, of conveying its meaning, and, finally, evaluating it. (Shorter 18) Analysing the narrative structure of the works provide an interconnection between the formal and thematic function of the novel. Fiction provides a distinctively narrative means of countering the loss of individual, meaningful experience so often associated...
4 Pages 2060 Words

Existentialism in White Noise and Ulysses: Analytical Essay

The order of evacuation by the authorities demonstrates the intensity of the danger, and the information Heinrich provides, as ambiguous as it is, further questions the sense of living. The cloud, a by-product of a consumer product designed to remove the discomforts of nature from our world, is a literalized culmination of the various insidious waves and radiation that Heinrich informs his family are killing the Gladney’s every day. The invisible killers have materialized in the form of the cloud....
5 Pages 2218 Words

Analytical Essay on South Korean Boy Group BTS

Introduction Every year, award shows and other musical events are being held in the music industry in order to honor and praise what was popular that year, what made a cultural impact or changed the musical boundaries for the future of the music industry. In South Korea, at the end of every year, the same thing is done but on a bigger scale than in most countries. The South Korean popular music festivals (SBS’ Gayo Daejeon, KBS’ Gayo DaeChukje) and...
5 Pages 2184 Words

Multiple Neurological Aspects As the Causes of Phobias

As a result of ever-changing conditions and environments, humans have evolved to adapt. Evolution has changed how we respond to fear. Fear can be defined as an intense negative emotion when an organism encounters a threat or dangerous situation (Gullone, 2020). In humans, fear can be displayed in multiple ways. For example, physiological symptoms of fear can include but are not limited to chest pain, shortness of breath and an increased heart rate (Fritscher, 2020). The individual may also feel...
5 Pages 2188 Words

Communication Chain Report: Critical Analysis of Linguistic Message

Communication Chain Report Crystal and Varley’s Communication Chain Model (1998) is a scientific framework that clarifies and explains the features of human communication. A disorder of communication may arise from a disruption to the Communication chain, for example, any difficulties with executing speech. The Communication Chain includes 3 main stages. The first stage is production (expression) which is where a linguistic message is formed and can be conveyed (Williamson, 2014). This is where a person thinks about what their message...
5 Pages 2127 Words
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