2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Adolf Hitler Accomplishments

Some key events and factors can be linked to Hitler's rise to power and becoming chancellor in January 1933 and how they also contributed to Hitler consolidating his power and becoming the absolute leader of what would be called a totalitarian state by 1934. In the year of 1923, Hitler and the Nazi party began their path to having power. The Nazi party along with many other figures, would attempt to create a revolution and take over the government of...
5 Pages 2050 Words

Essay on Freud and Marx Views on Human Nature

Karl Marx, John Mill, and Sigmund Freud are some of the most iconic philosophers and writers who focused their works on human nature. Each individual had a different view on human nature and progress, but religion ties into and is a key point in their work. In Karl Marx’s Early Writings, he refers to religion as “the opium of the people”, and is a strong critic of the relationship between religion and the human race. In The Future of an...
4 Pages 1986 Words

Essay on Invasive Species: Asian Carp

Asian Carp have invaded our lakes and rivers in Kentucky over the past twenty-five years. This infestation has caused a major crisis and has had a huge biological impact on the native species of fish in our waterways. Asian Carp are not native to the waters of our region. In the past, local farmers were allowed to populate these fish in their ponds to help combat the algae problem for their locally grown catfish on their farms. As the demand...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Essay on Burmese Python Invasive Species

Introduction Florida has one of the greatest invasive species problems in the United States. Many factors make the state particularly vulnerable to introduced species, including Florida’s subtropical climate, status as a transportation hub, pet industry, isolation, and susceptibility to natural disasters. This is a huge threat to native species—especially reptiles and amphibians who thrive in Florida’s climate. Along with changing competition and predation, invasive species may pose a threat to human safety, domestic animals, and the economics of management. Non-native...
5 Pages 2158 Words

Essay on Why Censorship Is Important

The article entitled ‘Was Napoleonic France a Police State or Land of Liberty?’ interacts with the wider historical debate and reflects several prominent arguments. This is evident as both the article and historians discuss aspects such as censorship, surveillance, the function of the police force and reparations to provide a detailed analysis of the formation and execution of a police state. The aim of the article primarily is to illustrate these topics to contribute to the somewhat overstated conclusion that...
4 Pages 1978 Words

Lady Macbeth' Postpartum Depression Essay

Lady Macbeth is a leading character in Shakespeare's Macbeth, set in 11th-century Scotland. Throughout the centuries, Lady Macbeth has always been seen by audiences as the villain and mastermind behind this tragedy. Malcolm dubs her a 'fiend-like queen' in the final scene of the play, sealing her fate and reputation among Shakespeare's audiences for all time. That is, until now. I believe she is undeserving of this title, and that modern audiences would agree with this opinion. In this tragedy,...
5 Pages 2137 Words

Essay on Why Did Oppenheimer Create the Atomic Bomb

Development of Nuclear Weapons in 1935-1955 Before the United States and Soviet were testing nuclear weapons and were in a competition to develop nuclear weapons, there was a discovery in Berlin, Germany. Physicist Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, and Fritz Strassmann discovered nuclear fission. Nuclear fission was key because this was how powerful nuclear weapons could be made. Danger of nuclear weapons were radiation, cancer, and permanent damage to the body physically. This showed that Germany was ahead of other countries...
5 Pages 2097 Words

Essay on Moms Against Gun Violence

In Ohio, the debate over gun control has reached the surface. After mass shootings occurred across the United States and in Ohio, the red flag bill has been reintroduced in legislation by the governor, Mike DeWine. He wanted Ohio’s legislature to pass the red flag law. Now the red flag bill is at its first hearing in the Senate. It is known to restrict firearms to those who may be viewed as a threat to themselves or others. Currently, it...
4 Pages 1976 Words

Native American Oppression Essay

The early onset of systematic oppression forced racism through laws and actions, the creation of the government, slavery, and the inadequate treatment of African Americans throughout time. A long-term effect can be seen in the treatment and statistics of African Americans over the years. In present-day America, the saying “Make America Great Again” is seen everywhere among Donald Trump’s supporters, who are the current president of the United States. This is the ideology that the Former President ran his campaign...
5 Pages 2078 Words

Essay on Ethical Egoism Vs Utilitarianism

1. Introduction In this essay, I argue that it is rationally preferable for a human being to act altruistically than to not do so if and only if the altruistic behavior does not harm the benefactor in any way. In the following paragraphs, I will present two theories that are considered consequentialist: Ethical Egoism and Utilitarianism, then compare and contrast them to decide which theory presents a more rationally appealing reason for why altruism is morally advantageous. For the sake...
5 Pages 2152 Words

Essay on Utilitarianism View on Human Trafficking

The problem of trafficking of humans is widespread and it is estimated that annually, approximately 14,500 and 17,500 individuals are victims of trafficking into the United States. This is a hidden population involving factories, restaurant businesses, agriculture, the commercial sex industry, agriculture, domestic workers, some adoption firms and marriage brokers. 80% of individuals who are trafficked individuals are female; therefore, those who provide healthcare for women can best serve this diverse patient population with increased awareness of the problem. Exploiting...
5 Pages 2056 Words

Essay on 'The Color Purple': Sofia's Analysis

Celie remarked, “All my life I had to fight” (Goodreads). Growing up in the rural south during the twentieth century as a young black woman was burdensome. Women faced racial discrimination along with sexual oppression. Instead of black oppression by whites, this novel turns out to be black oppression by blacks. In addition to the oppression by blacks, despite solitude, the characters work together through problems of racism, sexism, and violence to attain their entirety. In The Color Purple, Alice...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Expository Essay on Harry Potter

The Harry Potter series, written by the British author Joanne Rowling, is unarguably the most successful series of books of the twenty-first century. After suddenly finding inspiration for her characters on a train, Rowling devoted at least a decade of her life to the lives of the characters she created, and to her readers who waited with bated breath for the announcement of her next novel. It is hard to believe that a series that was started on the back...
5 Pages 2052 Words

Essay on Postpartum Depression Treatment

The topic of this paper will be evaluating the effectiveness of skin-to-skin (STS) between the mother and the newborn as a treatment for postpartum depression. The client present in this case study is client X, a 30-year-old woman who is 36 hours postpartum (Refer to Appendix A). Client X’s reason for admission to the hospital was spontaneous vaginal delivery. The client has been previously admitted to the hospital for the birth of her first child. She did not have any...
5 Pages 2062 Words

Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism Essay

Introduction Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill demonstrate two contrasting moral theories. The philosophers have very different ideas about ethics and happiness. Immanuel Kant, author of “Duty and Reason”, believed in the morality of goodwill and duty. According to Kant, happiness is an emotion unable to be controlled while motive is controllable; therefore, duty is the most important aspect of leading a moral life. Conversely, John Stuart Mill, who wrote, “The Greatest Happiness Principle”, is well known as a utilitarian,...
5 Pages 2205 Words

Narrative Essay about Body Image

Contemporary consumer culture has experienced a shift from bodies-producing commodities to commodities-producing bodies. Men feel the pressure to get bigger and stronger. Women feel the need to get smaller and thinner. Individuals consistently disregard their physical and mental health to achieve their ideal body image. As these idealizations have become more of a priority in our lives, the fitness industry has continued to grow. The industry uses these aspirations to spark consumerism. According to a 2018 IHRSA report, total fitness...
5 Pages 2115 Words

Virtual Reality in Gaming Essay

What is Virtual Reality? There are red and blue pills in front of your eyes. If you choose the blue pill, you will continue to live in virtual reality as you have believed in reality, and if you take the red pill, you will be able to escape virtual reality and face real life (Wachowski & Wachowski, 1999). These scenes from the 1999, SF film 'The Matrix,' directed by the Wachowski brothers, are likely to be realized soon in reality,...
4 Pages 1963 Words

Consumerism in the Real World Essay

Whenever I go shopping, I’m always catching myself asking the question do I need it? Do I need it? This essay will cover to what extent consumerism has become a problem in America and how it has impacted our culture. Can consumerism be a problem just in America, or can it be a problem that affects our entire world? Will we be able to solve the consumerism problems in the world or just keep adapting to the changes? The concept...
4 Pages 2019 Words

Essay on 'The Color Purple' Setting

In Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”, the novel depicts a black woman named Celie, who had been raped many times by her father. The author also makes it clear that this man fathered the two children she neared from this rape. Throughout the story, Celie is unfortunately abused many times and the only people who come to her defense are her sister, Shug Avery, and Miss Sophia; all of whom have experienced some type of abuse in their lifetime too....
5 Pages 2183 Words

Essay on Hedonism Vs Utilitarianism

The movie 'Gone Baby Gone' revolves around the abduction of four-year-old Amanda McCready. The plot was made more interesting by each character in the story who had their take on each situation given their moral compasses. The complexity of each situation exemplified the grey areas of reality. Moreover, it must be recognized if they fit the criteria for the responsibility of their human acts. Each personality has its motive, act, and consequence. Regarding the responsibility of the person, three circumstances...
4 Pages 1970 Words

Harry Potter Movie Review Essay

In this essay, I choose the movie “Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets” as the object, aim to discover its critical and commercial values in the popular culture industry; but more importantly, I will try to analyze key themes and approaches the movie tends to deliver, as well as discussing its strengths and shortages as an artifact from an audience’s perspective. Unlike written content, images have the power to dramatically depict the events and actors (Bleiker, 2015), which are more...
4 Pages 2045 Words

Essay on 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy' Analysis

I started listening to “Let’s Go Away for Awhile” (1966) on YouTube after it appeared in the movie Baby Driver, which became my favorite track. While listening to it, I remembered the “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” (1892) from The Nutcracker ballet I watched as a kid on Christmas and YouTube. The pieces are from different musical eras, 74 years apart. The first one is from the Beach Boys’ album Pet Sounds during a period where mutual inspiration between...
5 Pages 2048 Words

Essay on 'The Handmaid's Tale' Wives

“You wanted a women’s culture. Well, now there is one. It isn’t what you meant, but it exists.” (Attwood 127). The regime of Gilead claims that it supports the culture of female solidarity and unity, but only creates a culture of tyranny and oppression. In The Handmaid’s Tale by Marget Attwood, the author not only focused on the hierarchy between opposite genders but portrayed the disunity of women. This resulted in the consequent destruction of female solidarity. Women were not...
5 Pages 2118 Words

Essay on Stereotypes in Basketball

Introduction Due to globalization, international sports have not only brought about economic gains but also major cultural influences throughout the world. Such information is delivered by sports celebrities through the form of advertisements, endorsements, and marketing events. Amongst the prominent celebrities in the 20th century, Yao Ming was undoubtedly the most influential Asian icon who topped ‘The Forbes Chinese Celebrity List’ for consecutive six years (2004-2009) (Haozhou P, 2019, p.16) The 5 times NBA (National Basketball Association) All-Star player displayed...
5 Pages 2105 Words

Essay on Postpartum Depression Nursing Teaching

Introduction and Thesis Statement Depression is a disease that everyone is familiar with, but a branch of depression that people are not necessarily familiar with is postpartum depression or perinatal depression. When someone is having a child, the last thing that anyone would think is that the mom would be depressed, but depression is non-discriminatory. According to Grier & Geraghty (2015), postpartum depression has been defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as a major depressive...
5 Pages 2085 Words

Essay on Why People Go Vegan

Global The 21st century has witnessed a downward trend in air quality around the globe. To solve this major and urgent issue, the idea of everyone becoming veganism was generated. There have been numerous controversies surrounding this suggestion. Besides the variety of advantages to people’s health, the effect of veganism on the world economy is undeniable. According to the World Economic Forum, there is a proportional trend between the number of vegan individuals and the number of tax revenues for...
3 Pages 2205 Words

Critical Review on 'When Affirmative Action Was White': Critique Essay

Race is a common term used to describe people who have common visible physical traits, such as one’s skin color. Ethnicity is a common term used to describe people who belong to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. These two terms are different because race refers to physical characteristics that people inherit from their previous generations. On the other hand, ethnicity refers to tradition and it is not something that is inherited, rather it is...
3 Pages 2214 Words

Essay on Why Is Intersectionality Important

In this essay I will explore intersectionality and how it can contribute to the advancement of geographical thinking, specifically drawing on examples concerned with race, gender, and disability. Geographical thinking on race has been largely shaped by Critical Race Theory, encompassing the thinking of Derrick Bell, Richard Delgado, and Kimberle Crenshaw, a movement which can be defined as, 'a collection of activists and scholars engaged in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power.' (Delgado and Stefancic, 2012,...
3 Pages 2167 Words

Essay on Racism in the 1950s

The concepts of ‘sacred’ and ‘profane’ are found in French sociologist Émile Durkheim’s work, ‘The Elementary Forms of Religious Life’. It is not questions of religious interpretation, rather ‘sacred’ being things ‘set apart, evoking powerful feelings with those symbols representing those of a greater power.’ When people worship such symbols, they unite as a moral community. Durkheim sees it as a question of moral agency, juxtaposing ‘profane’ as things with no special significance, being ordinary and mundane. The first step...
3 Pages 2206 Words

Stress Management and Prevention Essay

The target population in this stress management and prevention program will be parents who have children with disability. Notably, when children are undergoing a difficult time or facing a challenging problem, their prospective parents become more stressed. However, the parents of children with disability endure a level of stress that is overwhelming. What makes these parents feel overwhelmed and worried is doing something that is not right for their children might harm them, or might not save them in a...
3 Pages 1980 Words
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