2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Reader's Classic Novels

Emma: Jane Austen One of the novels that I have read and enjoyed in this module is Jane Austen’s, Emma. I found this novel quite confusing at first, as I was trying to discover if it was romance novel or not, which I am still unsure of. I found this to be a secular novel, through the author being concerned with the world of human interaction in general. It is set in Highbury in England, and as it being such...
4 Pages 1990 Words

Keats' 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' and Rankine's Citizen: Comparative Analysis

The political representation in genre in both Keats' 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' and Rankine's Citizen collection are vastly different, with Rankine's poetry aiming to convey specific political messages to her readership on cultural issues such as sexism and racism. Keats' ode - and, indeed, the majority of his own poetry - is based on the Romantic poetic movement which has strongly influenced his work and his own style of writing. Nevertheless, the topic of gender and the role of...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Leverage, Dividends, Ownership, & Firm Value

Does Growth Opportunity Moderate the Relationship between Leverage, Dividend Pay-out Ownership Concentration & Firm Value? Introduction Back Ground of the Study Corporate finance initially started with the assumption of complete and perfect market. It argued that fund raising is independent of its capital structure by assuming perfect competition cost, no agency cost and no bankruptcy cost, no transaction cost. Modigliani and Miller 1963 also said that dividend policies have no major role in value creation process of firm but with...
5 Pages 2239 Words

Analyzing Societal Double Standards in Women's Rights

Log One: Societies' double standards Taylor Swift has grown to be a global superstar and household name. Swift wrote and released her first, self-titled album ‘Taylor Swift’ when she was just sixteen years old and has amassed an empire since then. In 2019, Swift realised her much anticipated seventh studio album, ‘Lover’. This brings us to the theme of Log One: double standards within society. ‘The Man’ is the fourth track on Swift’s album ‘Lover’ with the song’s underlying theme...
5 Pages 2229 Words

Reading Teachers Impact Student Reading under No Child Left Behind

Ineffective Reading Teachers Impact the Abilities of Student’s Reading Achievement Abstract The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into Congress on January 8, 2002, by George Bush. It is an act that gives the state the authority to authorize federal education programs. There are challenges within this act but has sought to advance student achievement in schools across the nation. However, students tend to have proficiencies with fundamental reading skills and is not able to comprehend at a simple...
5 Pages 2094 Words

The Every Student Succeeds Act and No Child Left Behind Act

Education is an important building block for any society to thrive and dominate. Education reform has long remained a vital component of governmental agendas since the beginning of the 17th century. Because the United States has a capitalist economic system, the progression of innovation, competitiveness, and industrialization are heavily embedded into the economy. With education being such a crucial and complex entity to tackle, it remains a high priority to governments all over the world. For many years government officials...
4 Pages 1999 Words

Academic Freedom: Is Science Autonomy Threatened?

In this essay I argue that the autonomy of science is under threat, both at the individual and institutional level, but that the landscape of science has changed, and accordingly, the concept should be updated to reflect contemporary society. I will argue this claim based on assessment of autonomy of science over time, incorporating arguments and counterarguments. The essay will firstly define autonomy of science in the general sense, followed by a brief section outlining its philosophical justifications. Next, I...
4 Pages 1954 Words

Telenursing impact on CHF readmission: literature review

Abstract Nurses have the role of educators. Nurses in this role help clients learn about their condition and health care procedures that clients must take to restore or maintain their health. Telenursing is one of the communication methods used to educate the client, especially in heart failure. They were often admitted repeatedly to the hospital due to a lack of knowledge and poor adherence to the regiment. And rarely discussed what methods that have the most efficient to implement in...
5 Pages 2176 Words

Penicillin Biosynthesis and Macronutrients in Production Medium Analysis

1.0 Introduction Penicillin G continues to remain an essential component of the medical toolkit, displaying unmatched activity against susceptible bacterial infections. To this day, it continues to be the focus of much research interest. Namely, this is due to its commercial and therapeutic importance, difficulty of cell growth, and consequence of engineering variables (Patnaik, 2001). That as a collective has created unique and diverse challenges throughout the production pipeline. When attempting to produce cheaper and more effective penicillin, naturally, industry...
5 Pages 2088 Words

Singaporean Culture Versus Australian Culture: Comparative Analysis

Rationale “Land of the Kangaroos”, is what Australia is known for. Australia is the home to unique animals and beautiful sceneries. As an animal lover, Australia seems like the best country to live in where there are so many different and unique animals such as the Tasmanian devil, wombats, and the quokkas. These marsupials are native to Australia. Besides that, Australia have one of the most beautiful places on earth, which is the Lake Hillier. Lake Hillier is in the...
5 Pages 2133 Words

Effect of Antibiotics on Staphylococcus Growth: Penicillin Analysis

1.0 Introduction: Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms that thrive in diverse environments. They constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms and can be divided into two groups: gram-positive or gram-negative. Staphylococcus epidermidis is a gram-positive bacterium mostly found on human skin. Although most strands of S. Epidermidis are harmless, S. Epidermidis can become pathogenic and cause serious health implications if not treated correctly. The most common infection that S. Epidermis causes is golden staph. Golden Staph infections usually commence with...
4 Pages 1963 Words

Analytical Essay on Singaporean Culture and Heritage

Singapore Studies The National Integration Council (NIC) was set up in April 2009, aiming to guide national efforts in integrating new immigrants to Singapore, and created a platform, the Community Integration Fund (CIF) which is a way of providing funding to organizations that implement ground-up integration efforts. Four featured initiatives for integration, supported by the CIF, help to accomplish the aims of the NIC. The first initiative is the ‘Walks to Remember’ initiative which allows Singaporeans and immigrants alike to...
5 Pages 2142 Words

Online Courses Versus Face-to-face Lecture Courses: Comparative Analysis

Should online courses replace face-to-face lecture courses? Education is important in society because it helps individuals develop socially and economically. Society takes education as an important aspect because it assists individuals have new skills that will have a huge impact in the daily lives of people. It is important to note that education changes the lives of individuals. Delivery of education gives individuals a different perspective in life, which changes our attitude towards life. There is a need to note...
4 Pages 2052 Words

Causes of the Civil War Essay

What Cause the Civil War? The American Civil War was a result of differences between the north and south to maintain their way of life, as most historians have argued. I plan to show how abolishing slavery, and economic differences between the regions played equal roles in the cause of the American Civil War. Introduction The American Civil War was a very important war that helped shape and mold the United States into the country it is today. Even though...
5 Pages 2212 Words

The Yellow Wallpaper Analysis Essay

Introduction: Symbolism and Female Oppression in "The Yellow Wallpaper" This paper aims to identify and analyze those symbolisms prominent in “The Yellow Wallpaper” which represent the struggles of the oppression of females in the 19th century. “The Yellow Wallpaper” manages to represent the patriarchal society, specifically that of the 19th century in America, and is thus often read as feminist literature. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1892) is about a woman, the unnamed narrator of this short...
5 Pages 2070 Words

Women's Role in American Revolution: Essay on Revolutionary Mothers

Revolutionary Mothers The American Revolution is a war that continues to be the subject of constant discussion by historians and intellectuals of our society. The Founding Fathers is a group that played a critical role during the colonial rebellion that unfolded for nearly two decades, between the years 1765 and 1783. The Founding Mothers, as Carol Berkin will describe them in her book Revolutionary Mothers, too played an essential role during the war and its aftermath that reached beyond keeping...
5 Pages 2227 Words

Social Media Addiction Essay

Introduction to Social Media Addiction The selected topic for this report is 'Should social media/smartphones be classified as an addiction and considered as a drug?'. This topic is important because social media addiction is a developing marvel in Canada and in other parts of the world. It is observed that an individual almost spends 120 – 180 minutes daily on social media at different time intervals. As per this calculation, it can be analyzed that an individual spends around 5...
5 Pages 2055 Words

Why I Want to Be a Nurse

Why do I want to Be a Nurse? My name is Krista. I was born and raised in Florida. I grew up being surrounded by so many influential people. My mom was a pediatric oncology nurse and my father was a combat medic in the United States Army, my grandmother was a nurse for 40 years and her husband, my grandfather, retired from the United States Air Force after 25 years. I was born into a family whose life goals...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Death Penalty: Pros and Cons Essay

Introduction A death sentence is capital punishment in the USA, and it applies to both the federal government and the military. The capital offenses include treason and espionage. However, various other reasons including murder for hire and genocide can lead to a death sentence. Some terrorists become remorseful about their actions while others never regret them. Once the court finds the law offender guilty of the charge, it sentences them to death by hanging or execution by lethal injection. This...
5 Pages 2214 Words

Racism in Healthcare Essay

Introduction: What is Critical Race Theory? Critical race theory (CRT) is a framework for examining the effects of race and racism. We use CRT to dissect the systems of racism, including how it affects those being oppressed by cultural representations of race. This theory understands the social construct of race as well as intersecting discriminations behind it (Daftary, 2018). Comment by Whitney Olsen: I would use “a” unless it’s the sole definitive framework for this. Comment by Whitney Olsen: Two...
5 Pages 2228 Words

My Family Essay: A Personal Reflection from a Child of Divorce

My Family: A Personal Reflection from a Child of Divorce Marriage and divorce are typical experiences in America. Given this, much research has been done on both, especially about the effects that divorce has on children. Initially, children of divorce feel that their worlds are crashing down. For them, the divorce may feel as though they are grieving the loss of one of their parents. Children are in shock, and disbelief, and may even feel anger or resentment towards their...
5 Pages 2104 Words

Are Electric Cars Better for the Environment Essay

The Electric Wave Modern electric cars are detrimental to our environment and our modern society through the many negative effects they pose that many people are simply unaware of. Our society is being taught that electric cars are the way of the future in terms of helping the environment, but in reality, they are the opposite of what is believed. Recent studies are predicting and proving electric cars are having more negative effects in comparison to gasoline-powered cars or internal...
5 Pages 2222 Words

Women's Role in World War 2 Essay

To what extent did America’s Participation in WWII Affect the Role of Women in Society? The following investigation examines the question: To what extent did America’s participation in WWII affect the role of women in society? The investigation focuses on the effects of US involvement in the war at both the homefront and waterfront regarding the changing position of women in society. The public’s attitudes about the war and about women can be observed in publications of the time aimed...
4 Pages 1989 Words

Informative Essay about an Utopia

Introduction Raphael Hythloday’s description of Utopia depicts a society whose people’s behaviors and natures cannot be considered abnormal. Most, if not all the actions can be regarded as within the realms of physical possibility. Yet, the real world remains distinct from Utopia with the latter being regarded as a perfect form of the former. This, however, raises the question as to why such a disparity exists. Since Utopia is a fictional island and therefore affected by the imagination of human...
5 Pages 2155 Words

Gender Is a Social Construct Essay

Introduction to Gender as a Social Construct From the beginning of time, there has been a distinction between men and women. Although most are all able to recognize this social construct which has been present for thousands of years, why is this societal difference so prominent? And why do people unconsciously create it? The Sociological Perspective on Gender The sociology of gender examines the role that society has on our understanding of the difference between masculinity, what society deems acceptable...
4 Pages 2025 Words

Operation Anaconda Analytical Essay

Abstract Operation Anaconda broke new ground in modern warfare. In March 2002, U.S. forces struck at Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters who had gathered in Afghanistan's Shahikot Valley. In response to the September 12th, 2001 attacks on American territory, the United States Central Command leader took command of both support operations and coalition forces for Operation Enduring Freedom. Military planners initially envisioned a brief engagement spanning two to three days, building upon previously successful tactical approaches in the Afghan theater. But...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Miss Havisham: Character Analysis

Great Expectations analysis Uncle Pumblechook is Pip’s sloppy and messy uncle. He will shamelessly take credit for Pip's rise in social status throughout the rest of the novel, even though he has nothing to do with it. “Uncle Pumblechook: a large hard-breathing middle-aged slow man, with a mouth like a fish, dull staring eyes, and sandy hair standing upright on his head, so that he looked as if he had just been all but choked, and had that moment come...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Example of Autobiography Essay about Yourself

I have decided to write my life and what it was like to me being in care and how difficult I found it to fit in with other students and how my whole life I have found it hard to cope with going through what I have. The form of text I have decided to show this off is an autobiography. I feel like this is the best way to show off my work because it shows my story and...
4 Pages 1959 Words

Omar Khadr at Guantanamo Bay: Descriptive Essay

In Claire Theobald’s article, “Omar Khadr walks out of Edmonton court a free man”, she explains the life of Canadian-born Omar Khadr, and how he finally achieved legal freedom after being infringed of his rights for 13 years. At 15 years old, Omar’s father sent him to translate in Afghanistan for a group of Islamic militants (Theobald, 2019). Shortly after his arrival, a fight broke out between the militants and the U.S. forces. The firefight resulted in three deaths: two...
5 Pages 2058 Words

Privacy Regulations and Public Sentiment in Data Protection Policies

Why is the topic important/relevant in 2019? Data is quite possibly the most valuable asset in today’s business landscape. It forms companies’ big data libraries, fuels marketing, and advertising decisions, advises product and promotion launches, and contributes to many more crucial business decisions. Online privacy is a serious concern globally, from North and South America to Europe, Africa, and Asia. According to the article, The Survey by Big Brother Watch, around 80% of the respondents said that data protection is...
5 Pages 2164 Words
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