2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Benefits and Effectiveness of Police Body Cameras

There has been an immense amount of controversy surrounding the notion of utilizing body cameras by police services across North America. The topic of body cameras and the discussion surrounding its use and effectiveness has risen in light of several incidents of excessive force by police officers, some of which have resulted in fatalities. This negative perception of the use of cameras is largely due to the fact that citizens consider it to be an invasion of privacy but also...
5 Pages 2110 Words

Bole Sub-city Street Robbery Trend Study

1. Statement of the problem Crime is a societal problem because it involves society as a system of groups and institutions. Crime generates substantial costs to society at individual, community, and national levels. In the Addis Ababa Bole sub-city, more than 778 street robbers were committed in 2010, resulting in approximately 10 million in economic losses to the victims and 150 million in government expenditures on police protection, judicial and legal activities, and corrections (bole sub-city crime report 2010). Root...
5 Pages 2211 Words

Sony's AIBO: Death and Revival - Discursive Essay

Introduction The king has fallen from his crown. The sentence cannot be more perfect to describe the failure of the once-upon-a-time master of consumer electronics industry: Sony. From early 1980s until 1990s Sony was known for its cutting-edge technology, sophistication, and desirability. With infamous Walkman and Trinitron, Sony was considered as Apple of its era. Now everything has changed. Sony may continue to produce high-quality products, but people do not get excited from them anymore. As people moved to competitor...
5 Pages 2105 Words

Review of Shift from Commerce to E-commerce in India: Analytical Essay

Abstract Integration of business deals with the technology has brought the revolution in the trading sector. Traditional aspects of doing businesses have been transformed into e-commercial sector. Todays, E-commerce has entirely revolutionized the conventional thought of business, supported by huge internet users & android mobile phones; Indian e-commerce has been witnessing remarkable growth and gradual advancement in the last few years. Considering India’s demographic variable & growing internet accessibility, the sector is expected to scale greater heights. Commercial sector is...
5 Pages 2066 Words

Project Management Process in New Product Development

Chapter 1. Introduction The investigation carried out through this research study is focused merely on the context of Project Management and innovation practices in new product development. The focus of this research is on the organizations that aim to manufacture new products by using project management processes and achieve high innovation. The three categories which projects come into when it is new product development here are the use of technologies of project management that helps in product launch, using the...
4 Pages 2012 Words

Competitor Analysis: Starbucks vs Dunkin' Donuts

The Future of Coffee Production Within the Grind Café Executive summary After the recent opening of six stores for the newest coffee establishment, known as the Grind Café, it has come to the attention of each of the franchise owners that the expected sales outcome has not been meant based on the preference of customers going to Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. In an effort to find a solution before the problem becomes too serious, each of the six franchises have...
5 Pages 2051 Words

TQM Impact at Kgalagadi Breweries in Botswana

Abstract One of the most dramatic and significant world trends over the past 2 decades has been the rise and sustained growth of international business. Internet has truly elevated the growth of international businesses allowing both goods and services to cross borders to wherever they are needed. Companies such as Coca-Cola and most notably, with regards to this paper Black Label, a popular international brand of beer have crossed the borders to be brewed and sold here. Its reported that...
5 Pages 2244 Words

Competition of Emerging Technologies: Case Study of Sony

Abstract Historically Sony has been a trailblazer when it comes to technological innovation. From their humble beginnings to the giant they are now, this growth has been the direct result of their willingness to embrace the opinions and feedback of their customers. This willingness to listen has led Sony to be able to innovate and stay ahead of the fierce competition they face from multiple competitors in the film, music, and gaming industries just to name a few. Introduction Technology...
5 Pages 2090 Words

Analysis of Scientific Management Principles in Organizations

Introduction The need for Scientific Management arose when the evolution and evolvement of the world. Life always evolving so are new theories and perspectives in the world of Management, Business and the world of work revolutionized. Long ago at the bartering stages of life where people would trade crops and livestock we had more small farms and farming, now it evolves where the small farms turns into Factories, small shops where in Trinidad we would call “Parlor/ Snacket ” to...
4 Pages 1962 Words

Solutions for Sustainability in Coal Mining Business

System thinking stands as a really important structure where we can analyse the problem and know the problem from its roots, then we can find that where can we make changes to resolve the problem. Coal mining is a really profitable industry as coal is being used in a lot of high profitable industries. For example, it is used in electricity generation, which is used by everyone and everywhere, steel production- again a very commonly used thing, cement manufacturing, etc....
4 Pages 2010 Words

Evolution of IBM Research Cloud Integration

Abstract The rapid growth and demand to promptly provision, scale and delete resources from a self-service cloud portal or an Application Programming Interface (API), has drastically changed how IBM and our industry have brought agility to information technology resources. In this paper, we will discuss the development and evolution of the IBM Research Cloud Integration Solution and provide our analysis and history of cloud deployment and automation readiness. I. Introduction Cloud automation, with a high degree of agility, is critical...
5 Pages 2193 Words

Supply Chain and New Product Development: An Analytical Essay

Abstract In order to build value for product and to achieve better share, companies rely on strategic partnerships with their customers and suppliers. In today’s rapidly changing markets are the design of products to fit processes and supply chains, processes to fit product platforms and supply chains, and supply chains to match product platforms and processes. If this co-design is done well up front with adequate management of the product development process, the product will cost much less overall and...
5 Pages 2128 Words

Strategic Supply Chain Management in Honda: Analytical Essay

Honda Company Introduction and Products Manufactured: Honda company produces products of high quality, at reasonable cost worldwide for the satisfaction of the customers. It is the third largest automobile company in the world. Now it has also introduced products for agricultural, industrial and domestic purpose. Soichiro Honda and his partner Takeo Fujisawa are the founders of this company. Both of them formed the company in 1948 with combined efforts, Fujisawa provided financial, marketing strategies, assets and capital for the establishment...
5 Pages 2135 Words

Volkswagen Group Financial Performance

Introduction The study evaluate the historical financial performance of Volkswagen Group through income statement and financial statement. Several financial ratios are vertical compared with competitors like Daimler AG, Toyota Motor Corporation and BMW AG. The research period is from 2013 to 2017 because 2018 annual data is not completed for whole four companies. Background Since owning a car has become a commodity rather than a luxury product reserved for the wealthy, the industry has been growing steadily and is expected...
5 Pages 2187 Words

Need of Sales Forecasting within the Company: Analytical Essay

Forecasting is nothing but predictions and hence closely related with the information flow of a supply chain. In this chapter, we will discuss the information flow in a supply chain from different perspectives like information sharing with channel partners, different obstacles in sharing information and bullwhip effect. Describing and analyzing the forecasting process is our purpose. A deeper understanding of the concept of forecasting will be achieved by discussing it together with the role of forecasting in various managerial functions....
5 Pages 2151 Words

Essay on Corporate Finance: Analysis of Five Major Financial Companies

Introduction/Overview Finance is a field that dominates various aspects of society and plays a crucial role in the business process. The term finance is very broad and covers a vast amount of activities that support the business process every day. Generally speaking, Finance can be defined as activities that revolve around the management of money and acquiring funds, such as investing, lending, and borrowing. The college of business at the Pennsylvania State University defines finance as “how individuals and business...
5 Pages 2224 Words

Impact of Tumblr on Mental Health: Reflective Essay

The internet is a source of innumerable connections and communications, giving us the ability to instantly contact someone miles away or across the country in seconds. But in Keith O’Brien’s The Empathy Deficit, he poses the suggestion that the internet is actually driving humans apart and making us less empathetic towards each other. Distant and isolated. “...New research suggests that behind all this communication and connectedness, something is missing. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan Institute...
5 Pages 2096 Words

Adidas AG: Transnational Corporation Research & Report

Executive summary: This report will focus on the operations of the transnational corporation of Adidas AG. The purpose of this report is to consider the following aspects of this business: features, operational processes, human resource issues, management issues, ethical issues and competitive advantage. 1. Features of Adidas AG Adidas is a global transnational corporation, founded and based in Germany, by Adolf Dassler in 1994. The global headquarters of Adidas is located in Herzogenaurach, Germany. This business, which is a household...
5 Pages 2196 Words

Managerial Escalator: Managers from Developed Countries

The Role of The Manage Abstract This report will describe and justify the concept of the managerial escalator, the managerial hybrid concerning two managers from developed countries and determine the extent to which it is adopted in their career path. The theories are expounded in the report as established by “Rees and Porter”. In addition, this report interprets the findings of an interview conducted on two managers to learn on their career path and track their milestones in their managerial...
5 Pages 2133 Words

Analytical Essay: Purchasing Issues in Honda's Corporate Structure

References Case Article Honda Motor Company Ltd. is a Japanese multinational corporation that was established in 1948 by Soichiro Honda, who oversaw the expansion of manufacturing motorized bicycles, motorcycles and multinational automobiles. Honda was the first Japanese automaker to create and build engines and transmissions in the U.S. as well as the first to export U.S.-built cars to overseas markets in 1987. Even though Honda operates in 150 countries, the Honda headquarters is in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Honda currently employs...
5 Pages 2195 Words

Int'l Financial Mgmt: Central Banks & Balance Sheet Adjustment

Introduction Ⅰ. Analyze the effect central bank easing during the Great Recession had on global equity markets. After 10 useless actions of federal funds rate cut from 5.25% to 0.25%, the Federal Reserve turned to quantitative easing for the first time in history. Under the high financial pressure caused by funding for several institutions that were on the verge of bankruptcy, the Federal Reserve announced the enforcement of QE1 “In late November 2008, the Federal Reserve started buying $600 billion...
4 Pages 1976 Words

Risk-adjustment of Expected Cash Flows: Analytical Essay

For the risk adjustment of expected cash flows, the certainty equivalent cash flows replace the risky cash flows with risk-free cashflow. The certainty equivalent is, of course, lower than the uncertain cash flow and the bigger the risk, the higher the downward adjustment. If this adjustment is made, it is also necessary to use the risk-free rate as the discount rate since the cash flows are now risk-free. De facto, it is extraordinarily difficult to assess the probability of distress...
4 Pages 2004 Words

3D Food Printing for Food Shortage Crisis: Opinion

Since the beginning of the 20 century, printing has been revolutionized from improving the rate of printed production to the involvement of digital technology into printing. Even into the 21 century, printing has been innovated to the point where people are able to print not only materials but food as well. Thus, becoming a new trend in society today. 3D food printing has an interesting beginning, is helping people in the food industry, and has the potential to be used...
5 Pages 2158 Words

Research Paper on the Importance of New Negro Movement

“ That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you are not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald. Roaring 20’s is described as a vibrant era filled with amazing authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Langston Hughes, and Gertrude Stein. As writers, their works were influenced by the world around them by what they saw and felt. During this time period, many movements surfaced bringing along a...
5 Pages 2138 Words

Social Cognitive Theory and Socio-Economic Change in Pakistan

Abstract: This essay gives you important guidelines on the detailed explanation of the Social Cognitive Theory i.e. historical background on the development of Social Cognitive Theory, evolution to the current status and contribution of Albert Bandura as the main theorist as well as other social scientists. This essay goes into the detail explanation of social learning and social change with the application of media interaction and learning, the introduction of International Communication Technology (ICT), a rapid increase in media contents...
5 Pages 2098 Words

Exploring the Prison Crisis: Influence of Radical Theory on Abolitionism

This literature review will overview current theory and knowledge regarding the crisis facing the British prison in the UK. It will utilise prison based literature to highlight a radical theory of penality (Paris, 2007) presented by Angela Davis, Joe Sim and others. The current situation surrounding the British prison is often cited in official reports and academia, alongside the strong presence of mainstream media control (Ibid). Using prison based literature, this review will use existing empirical evidence to draw data...
5 Pages 2072 Words

Media History, Society & Mass Communication: Elements & Theories

The study of Media history, Media and Society is one that requires one to have an open mind and offer critic when necessary. This study also requires one to be very analytical in terms of how the media displays reality to its audiences. This study also involved the relationship between the producers of media information and the receivers of the information provided by the media. The early forms of oral communication and printed communication, globally Oral communication has its origin...
5 Pages 2094 Words

Same-Sex Desire in Richard Bruce Nugent's Smoke, Lilies, and Jade

Fire!! Magazine, subtitled ‘Devoted to Younger Negro artists’ was published, for the first and final time, in New York in 1926. Despite the number of African American periodicals released before this magazine, Fire!! “caused a sensation [
] which had never been known in Negro journalism before”[footnoteRef:1]. Edited by Wallace Thurman with contributions from other black artists of the Harlem Renaissance, Matthew Hannah argues that Fire!! advocated for “aesthetic representations of life as it really is, regardless of the “moral” considerations...
5 Pages 2207 Words

Impact of the Slave Trade on the British Economy: Analytical Essay

The importance of tropical crops With rising population and urban movement, associated with factory production system, there was increased need in agricultural production. 'Although British agricultural output was rising, still, there was need for imports. “While population more than tripled in the course of the Industrial Revolution, domestic agricultural output did not even double” (Clark, 2007, p. 247). These imports, however, needed to be paid by exporting manufactured goods. It turned Britain into “the workshop of the world”. Moreover, West...
5 Pages 2125 Words

Effects of Poaching on the Tourism Industry in Africa

Introduction Wildlife poaching of iconic African wildlife such as elephants and rhinos has become a huge issue for the tourism industry in Africa. A booming black market trade worth hundreds of millions of dollars is fuelling corruption in Africa’s ports, customs offices, and security forces as well as providing new revenues for insurgent groups and criminal networks across the continent. Rather than narcotics, small arms, or other commonly trafficked goods, however, it is record-breaking numbers of poached elephants and rhinoceroses...
4 Pages 2008 Words
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