2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Biodiversity: Costa Rica v. Merck & Company

Introduction Declining biodiversity across the world has compelled many countries to come up with effective conservation measures that enhance sustainable use of natural resources. The Costa Rica National Institute of Biodiversity entered into unique agreement in 1991 with a pharmaceutical company, Merck & Company, which allowed joint exploration and exploitation of biodiversity for the benefit of the pharmaceutical company and conservation of the environment to save the declining biodiversity. The prime objective of the agreement was to enhance sustainable use...
5 Pages 2142 Words

Mexico’s Mitigation and Adaptation Methods

None of the Mexicans I sent the questionnaire to feel they had been personally impacted by any natural disasters however, the most common impact is getting a flat tire because of holes in the roads. Also, my participant from MazatlĂĄn, Sinaloa stated that they lost their car due to one of the really heavy floods. Another one of my participants from Guadalajara said that they feel they have lost the beauty of the countryside as the forest fires has resulted...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Use of Criminal Law to Regulate Air Pollution in The UK

Air pollution in the UK is regulated under various statutes. The question regarding their efficiency however, still remains debatable. Whilst most cases have been brought forward via the tort of nuisance, there are a few instances where individuals and companies have been prosecuted for environmental harm (including air pollution). Prosecutions for environmental harm are relatively new in England & Wales whilst compared to other aspects of Criminal law – it’s mainly due to the fact that some may not deem...
4 Pages 1965 Words

About Flying: Brothers Wrights' Way from Dream to Reality

The History of Aviation From Dream to Reality It’s been more than 100 years since the Wright Brothers took their aircraft, the Wright Flyer, to the sky for the first time in the history, but human being has always been dreaming of flight. Among the earliest recorded stories of man in flight is the legend of Emperor Shun. According to this legend, nearly 4,000 years ago, Emperor Shun escaped from prison by “donning the work clothes of a bird.” Around...
4 Pages 1987 Words

Essay on Human Development Theories

In this essay I will begin by explaining psychological theories. Furthermore, I will evaluate how a care worker could use psychological theories to understand the behavior of an individual. Lastly, I will evaluate these psychological theories by looking at the strengths and weaknesses of each of them in regard to working with an individual. Erik Erikson and the Lifespan Theory is a psychological theory. Erik Erikson (1902-1979) was of the writers who developed the psycho-dynamic approach. He believed that there...
5 Pages 2090 Words

Education's Role in Economic Development: Pakistan's Perspective

Zafar Iqbal and Ghulam Mustafa Zahid from the ‘Pakistan Development Review’ worked on the ‘Macroeconomic Determinants of Pakistan's Economic Growth’ in 1998. The study explores the effect on Pakistan's economic growth of some of the most significant microeconomic variables, such as education, physical growth and the budget deficit. A multiple regression method was used to analyze the period between 1959-60 and 1996-1997. According to quantitative evidence, primary education and economic openness are essential factors for accelerating growth. However, the budget...
5 Pages 2114 Words

Federalism Vs Devolution: Which Political System is More Sustainable?

In order to define whether or not federalism is a more sustainable political system compared to devolution, we must first underline what exactly federalism is, alongside devolution, and what is meant by the term sustainable. Federalism is a political system where state sovereignty is divided amongst two-levels of government which are national and regional bodies. Whereas devolution is the transference of powers to regional bodies with a centralized government maintaining ultimate legal power (sovereignty). Throughout this essay, we shall be...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Racism Leads to Social Movements

Racism is a constant issue going on in America. It does not matter how many years go by, racism is still brought up, fought over, and fought about every day. Over the last few years, many can say racism has gotten worse and needs to be corrected in the world. As an individual, race is seen differently through the eyes of that person. Race may be classified as a social group, gender, skin color, and even the location of the...
4 Pages 2116 Words

Roman Civilization and Its Greatest History

Myths and Legends Romulus and Remus were the founders of the city of Rome in Roman mythology. In Roman mythology they were twins. Their mother was the priestess Rhea Silvia, and their father was Mars, the god of war. The two brothers later quarreled over who should get the support of the local god to name the new city, and a battle even broke out, resulting in Romulus killing Remus. Romulus later founded the Roman Senate. By robbing nearby Sabine...
5 Pages 2215 Words

The Negative Impact of the California Gold Rush: An Essay

Introduction to the California Gold Rush and Its Diverse Impact The California Gold Rush wasn’t solely negative for the people of California and the state’s overall economic situation. However, some groups of people did not experience this ‘California Dream’ some immigrants seemed to have lived. The Native Americans living in California at the time of the Gold Rush went through unbelievable hardships, easily suffering the most out of everyone. Furthermore, discrimination and racism were issues immigrants from all over the...
4 Pages 2078 Words

The Apollo 11 Command Module as a Historically Significant Artifact

Since the Columbian exchange and the coming of a new age there have been a wide amount of technical feats and objects that have helped the world to overcome obstacles and set new precedents. Many of these artifacts have led to more adaptable innovations that change our lives mostly for the better, but occasionally at significant costs. While most artifacts are relatable to history in a wider historical context and different versions have arose over time to produce something most...
4 Pages 2024 Words

Raising the Minimum Wage Will Reduce Poverty: An Essay

Introduction: The Current State of Minimum Wage and Poverty Neediness keeps on developing in America. The lowest pay permitted by law in the United States is $7.35- every 60 minutes awfully low in the present society. Key costs, for instance, gas and lodging costs, have gone up fundamentally since the lowest pay permitted by law was last changed in 2007. The laws making the lowest pay permitted by law were proposed to improve the way of life and abatement neediness....
5 Pages 2158 Words

University Students' Knowledge & Attitude on STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a group of diseases that can be transferred from person to person or between sexual partners through sexual intercourse. These diseases travel via semen, sperm, blood or vaginal fluids from one person to the next through sexual contact, and from mother to child. These includes diseases such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV and genital herpes (Satterwhite, 2017). STDs have proven themselves to be more common in university students and this can be attributed in part...
4 Pages 2020 Words

Dealing with Diversity in America During Reconstruction

The issue of diversity has been present for a very long time and it has been subject to many debates with various leaders taking a different position regarding the matter. The world today as it was many decades ago is a diverse place with people coming from diverse backgrounds in terms of their culture, political and religious views, race and ethnicity and diversity of thoughts among others. Several strides have been made over the years in trying to promote diversity....
5 Pages 2074 Words

Lack of Follow-Up as a Major Reason for Readmission

When a patient is admitted to the hospital the issue to tackle is not necessarily only the immediate course of evaluation and treatment, but to also address what lies ahead of the initial admittance. The lack of follow-up care post hospital discharge is a matter of contention within the United States healthcare system and a direct causation of high readmittance rates (Jackson et al., 2015). Post hospital discharge, patients often encounter issues amidst recovery that cause them to be readmitted...
4 Pages 1958 Words

America's Role in Imperialism

In the modern day, society, especially in America doesn’t understand imperialism. Nowadays, imperialism is more hush hush and doesn’t show up in the news. Whether it is an overthrown leader lead by a conspiracy or covert agents being dropped into another region to sabotage the political landscape, imperialism has shaped into a completely different monster from what it used to be. In the olden days all major superpowers competed to their fullest to see who can expand their territories the...
5 Pages 2241 Words

Applying Michel's Theory of Uncertainty of Illness in Nursing

Merle Mishel was born in Boston Massachusetts in 1939 and much of her practice in nursing was geared towards her theory of perceived ambiguity in illness scale, later named uncertainty of illness (Bailey & Stewart, 2017). This uncertainty of illness focuses on one’s outlook of what is happening to them, whether it is a new diagnosis or a chronic illness, one’s perception is the determining factor of the expected outcome. If the perspective is not clear, there will be some...
4 Pages 1971 Words

Narrative Voice in 'Frankenstein' and 'North and South'

The extract from ‘Frankenstein’ demonstrates how Shelley utilises first person narrative to express the inner thoughts and workings of Victor Frankenstein’s brain and conscious. Whereas in ‘North and South’, Gaskell employs the use of third person narrative to contrast Margaret’s sophisticated way of life with the working-class characters in the novel. Narrative voice and perspective are important in every novel as it is the medium through which the author expresses the thoughts and views, they wish each character to have....
4 Pages 2021 Words

George Walker Bush's Radical Decisions Regarding the Islamic World

The tremendous number of nearly 3,000 victims traumatized the worldwide society in the morning of 11 September 2001. This event led to the instantaneous reactions of significant figures: “Nothing that can be said can begin to take away the anguish and the pain of these moments. Grief is the price we pay for love”, wrote the Queen Elizabeth in her consoling message. Initiated by the multinational terrorist group named al-Qaeda, this attack caused the destruction of essential parts of the...
4 Pages 1957 Words

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Minimum Wage Increase

The minimum wage increase has been an ongoing conversation among almost everyone which it should be because it is a very important topic. Increasing the minimum wage has seen many pros and cons. Many people are unaware of what the words minimum wage even mean, and that is the lowest amount of pay that an employer is allowed to pay their employees by law. On October 1st, 2017 minimum wage in Ontario was $11.60 and in January 2018 minimum wage...
5 Pages 2105 Words

Gun Control Solutions Essay

The Growing Concern of Gun Violence in the United States In the recent years, the conversations of gun violence are increasing dramatically because of some homicide cases. Truly, the gun violence has been the one of biggest elements which threat both personal safety and national security in the United States. According to one of the article from Philadelphia government website, the United States has the 31st highest rate of gun violence in the world. Nationally, 70% of homicides in the...
4 Pages 2034 Words

Capitalism in the USA: 1900-1940 Influence

Capitalism had a significant economic and therefore social and political impact on United States society during the years 1919-1941. Capitalism is an economic system that encourages individuals to make profits through investments and the private ownership of goods, property and the means of production, distribution and exchange. Capitalism created economic prosperity for business and industry resulting in an increase in mass production as corporations were unregulated. Capitalism also sparked mass consumerism resulting in a rise in household monetary flow yet...
4 Pages 1952 Words

The Threats of Robots to Human in 2050

From 9th to 15th on March in 2016, there was Baduk game that is like chess; Lee Sel-dol who is the best player in South Korea had to match with AlphaGo that AI has knowledge how to play Baduk by DeepMind Technologies Limited of Google (Somers, 2018). The result is AI won four games out of the five games. It means the robot (AI) already surpasses the human’s brain in other areas such as medicine or law judge as well...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Impact of ‘Great Debate’ on Politics & Mass Media

The 1950s saw television, then considered a new medium for political coverage, rapidly surpassing radio and even newspapers as the major source of public information about politics by the 1960s. It became a serious competitor of newspaper for advertising revenue and for consumers time as it had a major growth in the early and middle 1950s. Newspapers were still prospering which at first made the arrival of television look like a minimal threat, however with time publishers and editors started...
4 Pages 2023 Words

Violence as a Revolutionary Praxis

His last vital breath, Frantz Fanon used it to dictate ‘The Wretched of the Earth’, his most famous work, prefaced by Jean-Paul Sartre. The doctor, suffering from leukemia, knew that he had only a few weeks left to live. In this testament published in France in 1961, in the midst of the Algerian war, and immediately banned for undermining state security; Frantz Fanon wanted to “create a new man”. His book develops two major themes: the necessary and spontaneous violence...
5 Pages 2181 Words

The Rise Of Robots

The word ‘robot’ can be defined as “a machine that can navigate through and interact with the physical world of factories, warehouses, battlefields and offices” (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014). To famously quote Warren Bennis, “The factory of the future will have two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment”. Artificial intelligence and robotics are leading the way for a...
5 Pages 2182 Words

Poliomyelitis as a Crippling and Potentially Lethal Communicable Disease

Polio continues to be a global public health issue, and even though it has been eliminated from most of the republics of the world, some countries, threatens the dream of total elimination of polio from the surface of the world. The spreading of polio virus has never been eliminated in some countries, but even worse is the number of republics, both in Africa and all over the world that has been re-infected by polio virus. This report addresses the following,...
4 Pages 1999 Words

An Integrated Analysis of Computer Hacking

Did you know that in 2018, the total cost of cybercrime amounted to 1 trillion US dollars? In this digital age, almost everyone relies on some form of technology to store information. From social media accounts, bank accounts, to confidential government projects, there are countless pieces of information stored in computer systems, most of which users wish to conceal from the public. As a result, just hearing the word ‘hacking’ might lead you to think of devastating cybercrimes. While it...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Strengths and Weaknesses of Costco's Business Strategy

This assignment is based on the well-recognized firm named Costco. It is the second largest retailer after Walmart and sells its products in many countries like US, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom and many more. This company sells products in large stock as it is a wholesale business. Jim Sinegal was the co-founder and CEO since 1983. He got retired and transferred his business in the hands of Craig Jelinek in 2011. Now, he is continuing the business in effective manner....
5 Pages 2146 Words

Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior of Chinese Youth in Kuala Lumpur City

The ideology and term of suicide or killing oneself to get out of life is turning into a trend in this modern society. Most of the ones that expresses the idea meant it as a joke and do not mean to actually conduct a self-harm activity. Many memes and jokes regarding killing themselves because they’ve succumb to a difficult task, seeing something ‘stupid that it hurts their brains’ and even merely wanting to get out of life can be seen...
5 Pages 2157 Words
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