2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Importance of Cyber Security in Personal Life

Introduction Cyber security is a worldwide problem. We live in a highly connected and digital world. We will never be truly be safe from every cyberattack online but we can educate and protect ourselves. Ventures expects ransomware costs will rise to $11.5 billion in 2019 and expected to rise every year. Cybercrime affects national government, big business and average people. The Internet is often under regulated with little to none official security. Questions are beginning to be asked about accountable...
5 Pages 2213 Words

How to Prevent Hackers from Stealing Information

Cybercrime is increasing and developing quickly along with ubiquitous worldwide digitalization. Rapid technology development is prompting cyber security experts to work more and more to counter hackers. To some extent, they can even call their competition an ‘arms race’. Threats really become more tangible. In 2018, global losses from hacker activity amounted approximately $3 trillion, and this year the quantity of leak damage is anticipated to be around 3.5 trillion. Cyber security ventures predicted last year that by 2021, cybercrime...
5 Pages 2232 Words

Conceptual Models of Addictive Behavior

There are four conceptual models of addictive behavior as identified by Brickman and colleagues. These models are based on “beliefs about attributions of responsibility for acquiring the addictive problem and the responsibility for solving the addictive problem” (Miller, 2013). My personal experience with addiction in relationship to my progression into recovery align with the compensatory model and integrate the four dimensions of SAMSHA’s definition of recovery as will be demonstarated. As I am studying and working in the everchanging field...
4 Pages 2028 Words

Fostering Diversity in the Workplace

This report will focus on evaluating whether employing a diverse workforce is important and why, for businesses in today’s world. Also, to be discussed are the benefits and challenges experienced by companies after adopting diversity and the consequences they face if they do not and, how to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace for all employees. Diversity is a broad topic and will be examined thoroughly along with how it relates to the globalization and leadership concepts and how they...
5 Pages 2120 Words

Economic Inequality and Its Implications

Inequality can come in many different forms like gender, racial or social inequality. In this essay, I will focus on economic inequality as it often exaggerates and contributes to the other types of inequalities mentioned. Economic inequality comes in two forms mainly: income and wealth inequality. There are many different measures of inequality: using the Gini Coefficient, ratio measures or looking at the wage gap. Generally, high levels of economic inequality are a bad thing for a country with negative...
5 Pages 2098 Words

The Changes in Global Politics Since the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Then: “It is very important that Americans understand that the threat we face is not part of the Islamic faith” (Peters et al 1998). Now: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” (Heilpern 2017). Both are controversial, both leading to different intra-state views, both affecting global politics and actions. One underpinning connection. Both are from American presidents before and after the 9/11 attack. Over the last 16 years, after 9/11,...
5 Pages 2082 Words

Supporting and Demystifying the Elements of Marxist Theories

International relations is a discipline that involves the interactions between states. This discipline has especially become critical due to recent experiences with colonization and the two world wars in the first half of the nineteenth century. Even before these experiences, such interactions had not escaped thinkers who existed. Social philosophers such as Karl Marx delved on the subject of economics, a critical aspect of international relations, albeit out of the need to rectify what they thought were problems in government...
5 Pages 2059 Words

Strategic Planning and Implementation

The mission of s strategic planning is to drives organisations and businesses forward. A good strategic plan reflects the values of the organisation, and assist organisation to explains how to win in the market. Strategic plan assists businesses to define clear organisation objectives, including action to be followed with the intention to achieve the bigger goal. In essence strategic planning clearly defines the criteria’s to be followed to achieve success and guides the decision-making processes (Olsen, 2012:6). Strategic planning and...
5 Pages 2076 Words

Coronavirus Crisis Impact on Micro and Macroeconomics

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. This is a new virus that has been discovered in 2020 all around the world. During this virus has occur, there has been many economic impacts and has caused problems for example increase of unemployment and the banks reducing interest rates. Also, the main impact which is cause is the supply and demand. The essay will discuss the microeconomic and macroeconomic impacts. Microeconomics The first reason of...
4 Pages 2022 Words

Positive Politeness Strategies and Factors Influencing Its Use

Politeness is a controversial term, relevant to linguists in two basic terms. The first is taken from people's ideas about what constitutes polite or disrespectful behavior, and because it is a value-laden and culturally sensitive term. The second is as a technical term that has gained currency in the field of linguistics since the early 1970s to study phenomena, whose character so far has been understood as a more abstract and cultural feature of human behavior and communication (Diani, 2014)....
4 Pages 2015 Words

A Review on Ann-Marie Szymanski's Analysis of Southern Progressivism

Often, the interpretation of southern sentiments regarding progressivism is lacking in nuance: most interpretations portray this region in a non-varied stasis of ineptitude and traditionalism, which is epitomized in historical analysis regarding the Progressive Era. During this critical period in American history, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Oklahoma, Ann-Marie Szymanski, argues that it is rather important to recognize the important role that southern ideas had in the progressive era. Szymanski’s article, from the Journal of...
4 Pages 2027 Words

The Importance of Studying Macroeconomics by Ordinary People

Macroeconomics is a subset within the study of economics which regards large-scale and general economic factors, and is the study of the economy as a whole. The study of macroeconomics regards topics such as a nation’s employment, total supply and demand, national income, inflation/deflation, total investments and savings, interest rates, overall consumption, and fluctuations in price levels. These topics serve as aggregates which are studied to determine the averages of a nation’s economy and predict future outcomes. In a sense,...
5 Pages 2225 Words

Cardiovascular Readmissions in Dallas County Hospitals

Thank you for taking the time to read about and address the health issues that are prevalent in the 30th District as mentioned in my previous memo. I would be happy to provide additional details and evidence on the rates of readmission to Dallas hospitals for cardiovascular-related health issues. I would like to use health statistics and data from our friends in France to compare their health care system and lower rates of readmissions for cardiovascular-related health issues, despite the...
4 Pages 2003 Words

E. Coli Outbreak in Romaine Lettuce

The recent E. coli outbreak in Romaine Lettuce has forced many restaurants, grocery stores, and households to pull the popular produce off the shelves. A recent discovery found that farmers harvesting the lettuce in the Central Coastal regions in northern and central California were responsible for the outbreak. Not only was the United States affected by this outbreak, but Canada was also. This outbreak likely happened due to the common harvesting patterns farmers in California had been used in order...
4 Pages 1958 Words

The Effect of Coronavirus on Companies in the Egyptian Stock Market

This paper aims to examine the effect of the spread of Covid-19 on the Egyptian companies trading in stock markets. The outcome of such an infectious disease is regarded as serious. It actually affected stock markets worldwide. Using an event study method, our results indicate that the stock markets in major affected countries and areas fell quickly after the spread of the virus. Egypt is one of the highly affected countries with a high rate of deaths. Further panel fixed...
5 Pages 2135 Words

Prudential Investigation at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia

The prudential inquiry into Commonwealth Bank of Australia which delivered its final report in April 2018 identified three types of problems, they are as follows. Governance The first type of problem mentioned in the report is governance. Governance can be defined as the way in which decisions are made. This means how the financial objectives, values and strategic priorities undertaken by a firm impacts on the decision-making and risk-management and how such decisions which are made are implemented. Since governance...
5 Pages 2205 Words

Implication of Trends on Business Analysis

A business systems analyst (BSA) can be described as someone who undertakes business analysis tasks as stated in the BABOK Guide. A BSA is responsible for finding, extracting and interpreting information from a range of business sources including tools, procedures, documents and stakeholders. A BSA ensures that the requirements of the stakeholders are well elicited. This involves examining and articulating their stated needs to establish the problems in a system and its causes. The role of a BSA is to...
5 Pages 2065 Words

Liberal and Marxist Traditions of Schooling and Education

The idea of liberalism appeared in 17th century, it was the western philosophy based on political sight of enlightenment and got prominent in the era of enlightenment only. The liberal education stemmed from the idea of liberalism which perpetuated beliefs of having equal rights, freedom, liberty and autonomy by men. The idea is strongly influenced by the notion of governing yourself with very less intervention of government and by Kant’s notion of moral autonomy. Different philosophers have their adaptation, critiques,...
5 Pages 2180 Words

A ‘Battle of the Sexes’ in Shakespeare's Plays

A ‘battle of the sexes’ implies a conflict between a man and a woman regarding gender roles in a given environment or circumstance, or a more generalized battle for supremacy between men and women. The inequality between sexes can be found in any work of literature or film, and Shakespeare is no exception. Gender plays a huge role in social issues that Shakespeare touches on. With strong, domineering male characters and quick-witted, yet still meek, female characters, Shakespeare draws parallels...
5 Pages 2085 Words

Effectiveness of Electronic Stun Devices by Police Officers

In order to reduce the instances of death from assault by firearms, the electronic stun devices have been developed which causes trauma and eases the efforts of the police officers to nab the assailant effortlessly. In light of this statement, the discussion in this essay shall be focusing upon the hypothesis that police use of electronic stun devices are said to be a benefit to both police and public safety in arresting violent offenders. This research essay aims to falsify...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Influence of African Art on Matisse and Picasso

During the early 1900s, the aesthetics of traditional African art became a predominant influence among modern European artists. Between 1876 and 1912, Africa was annexed and colonized by seven European countries: France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK. This geopolitical event, often referred to as the ‘Scramble for Africa’ was caused, in part, as a result of ​political competition between increasingly powerful European countries and their quest to accumulate power. As a result of such conquests, African art...
4 Pages 2032 Words

The Features of Radical Transparency in Australia

Radical transparency is a term used in various fields, including business, software design, politics, and governance, to refer to approaches that radically increase the openness in a specific process or data. It is also a method that utilizes vast networked information to reveal previously confidential information. In the 21st century, radical transparency has been incorporated into the public through the use of modern information technologies such as the internet. The use of the internet has led to radical transparency being...
4 Pages 2010 Words

Relationship Between Social Context, Attitudes and Prejudice

Abstract Previous research on the dual process model portrayed that right wing authoritarianism (RWA) and Social dominance orientation scale (SDO) predict prejudice in an independent context. RWA is believed to be in relation to threatening worldviews and SDO to be related to competitive worldviews. This study manipulates dangerous and competitive social contexts separately to gain a clearer insight to convey how RWA and SDO contribute to prejudice. The addition of two extremity scales (high vs. low) shows the influence of...
5 Pages 2183 Words

Comparative Analysis of BMW and Chevrolet Car Companies

The following report features an in depth analysis and comparison of two major automotive giants being Chevrolet and BMW. This report aims to explore in depth the history, practices, management between the two companies, so that we can better understand how two vastly different companies dominate their field. BMW BMW is a German motor vehicle manufacturer that was officially found on the 7th of March 1916 and is now one of the leading car manufacturers in the world. Although during...
4 Pages 1980 Words

The Troubles: Affect on British and Irish Citizens Daily Lives

The Northern Irish troubles were a horrid event and reverberated throughout British and Irish history. It caused a large amount of damage, both physical and mental, to the citizens that had to endure it. Bombings were fairly frequent and fear was widespread. Everyone was always dreading the next attack. Fear ran rampant, poverty was a widespread issue throughout the Irish Catholic community and their were many civil issues between the Catholic and Protestant groups. British military tried to assert control...
5 Pages 2062 Words

Modern Architecture's Relationship with Utopian Thinking

The interrelationship between modern architecture and utopian design is ever present in the architecture we are surrounded by in society today. Yet behind the facades of these buildings, lies a great deal more purpose and meaning that defines this 20th century revolution. This radical movement in architecture saw traditional design and ways of thinking completely re-evaluated within their context in society. Coleman’s thesis explores the relationship of these vital movements in architecture, while investigating a dissimilarity between projects of a...
4 Pages 1984 Words

Diversity in the Modern Workplace at Australian Organizations

In today’s modern workplace, it is not uncommon for certain individuals or groups to feel excluded from their peers or potential job prospects. The term ‘Diversity’ is often considered to be the inclusion of both men and women, however the word is defined as “a range of different things”. This applies to the mix of religions, generations, abilities, and ethnicities, as well as just sex and gender. Diversity and inclusivity is a driving force behind any successful organisation. There are...
4 Pages 2048 Words

School Admin and Teachers Cheating in Standardized Testing

Mary Jones is the Principal of Elderberry Elementary school in Dacula, Georgia. She has been the Principal for almost 20 years. In the past five years the testing scores have gone down, and the district has been on her about what she can do to make sure the testing scores get better. When she first noticed the scores had started to drop, she instructed teachers to go over the curriculum with the students again before the testing started. When that...
5 Pages 2133 Words

The Role of a Child Soldier: An Essay

As a saying goes, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing” (George Bernard Shaw). Likewise, the mentality of a child is altered to function like an adult when they are impelled into the environments of war. The child leaves behind their innocent childlike characteristics to become a brutal combatant, as their minds slowly become old when their teddy bears are replaced with guns. Their style of playing will be toying with the...
5 Pages 2186 Words

Internet of Things: Future of the World

This term IoT is used to represent smart objects connected to the Internet. Scope of this concept is widening beyond just machine to machine communication. IoT will definitely make impact of the Internet more intimate in daily life. It is network of networks which utilizes electronic devices such as sensors and actuators to fulfill its purpose which results in optimum performance of the system. Peter. T. Lewis introduced the term ‘Internet of things’ first time in 1985. According to him...
4 Pages 1976 Words
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