2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Benefits of a Body Camera

Police Body Worn Cameras or BWC's have been a vigorously talked about point in law requirements over the previous five years. Because of prominent police utilization of power occurrences, for example, the passing’s of Michael Brown and Tamir Rice, it has called for expanded cop responsibility and straightforwardness from legislators, political activists, the media, and people in general on the loose. “The data collected by body-worn cameras could be subjected to various software applications that would further law enforcement interests,...
5 Pages 2143 Words

Arthur Miller's portrayal of John Proctor in 'The Crucible'

In the beginning of the play, Miller introduces the character John Proctor as an individual that remains unalterable with Proctor’s stance on honesty and integrity, unlike the narrow-minded Salem community. In Act I, Miller presents John Proctor as a bold man, standing up to hypocrites. Further on, Proctor argues with the Putnams and Reverend Parris due to bizarre accusations about witchcraft. Miller exhibits John Proctor's indications that Putnam cannot chide the devil for his children's deaths arguing. “I see none...
5 Pages 2152 Words

Anne Elliot's Personal Transformation in Jane Austen's 'Persuasion'

The purpose of the “perfect novel” is to recognize and mock social arrogance and the confusion of emotions. By building character personalization, Austen shows her favor to the ruling class of educated, virtuous people. This idea is an example of just how Jane Austen has defended her perspective on the value of social structure. Along with this idea, novel acts as a message of second chances at relationships and needing to wait for the right timing in life. Because of...
4 Pages 1987 Words

Urban Poverty and Social Inequality in 'Bleak House'

“It is a small room, nearly black with soot, and grease, and dirt. In the rusty skeleton of a grate, pinched in the middle as if poverty had gripped it, a red coke fire burns low... In another corner a ragged old portmanteau on one of the two chairs serves for cabinet or wardrobe; no larger one is needed, for it collapses like the cheeks of a starved man... No curtain veils the darkness of the night, but the discolored...
4 Pages 2017 Words

The Path to the Chief Executive Officer Title

A chief executive officer is a rewarding title but requires a lot to gain that title. The steps to be a CEO are rigorous, competitive, and requires a strong work ethic, but will lead to financial success. The first step of becoming a CEO is finding a college. Most chief executive officers went to business school. The top 5 business schools include the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, Harvard University, Berkeley University, and the University of Chicago. All of these...
5 Pages 2062 Words

Reflections on the Need for Modernizing Copyright Law

On August 29th, 2014, screams, cheers, and emotional platitudes echoed throughout Soldier Field. While America’s oldest football stadium is no stranger to deafening noise and overzealous fans, the sixty thousand seats typically filled by Chicago Bears’ enthusiasts and football fanatics, were occupied by a more youthful, adolescent audience. That Friday night, as the sun set in Chicago, thousands of teenage girls, or “Directioners,” as many prefer to be called, powered on their homemade signs and illuminated the stadium with messages...
4 Pages 1973 Words

Comparing Yang & Sanders on Income Inequality

Almost everywhere you go you can see homeless people off to the side of the streets hunkered down in their little shelter. The United States government’s economic plan, income inequality, is at its worst because about a quarter of American workers make less than the federal minimum wage which is less than $10 an hour, and you see them almost every day as your cashier, fast food worker, etc. (Amadeo, 2019). Most of these workers “receive no health insurance, sick...
5 Pages 2239 Words

Unfair UK’s Judicial System

Over the many years, there has been a large debate as to whether or not society in the United Kingdom are being judged fairly. In my personal opinion, we are not. The term ‘fair’ or ‘fairly’ in this instance and particular question however though, can be applied to many reasons as to why people do not feel they are being judged by an impartial system such as the individual characteristics of senior judges for example. One example of one source...
5 Pages 2124 Words

Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis in Shakespeare's 'As You Like It'

The term ‘Gaia’ owes its origin from James Lovelock's contention that the Earth's self-regulating system itself create a sustainable life to co-exist on the planet and it is hereby, this principle of self-regulation that decides the fate of life to exist on other planets. According to James Lovelock, Gaia constitutes “a complex entity involving the Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback of cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on...
5 Pages 2098 Words

Factors Affecting Long-Term Memory Success/Failure

Long-term memory (LTM) can be broadly defined as a store of information that is held indefinitely, with a near-limitless capacity (Cowan, 2008); this is estimated to be around 2.5 petabytes on average (Reber, 2010). LTM can be sub-divided into two main systems (Curran, 2014), one being declarative memory which stores information that requires conscious recollection, including episodic memories (EM), enabling us to remember events and experiences, and semantic memories (SM), which store our knowledge about the world (Tulving, 1993). In...
4 Pages 1993 Words

Inclusion, Achievement, and Attainment in Scottish Education

This essay aims to critically analyse the relationship between inclusion, achievement, and attainment in Scottish education, by discussing the three concepts to determine their importance within the educational standards. It will be argued that the three concepts work in partnership and thus, follow the Scottish Governments hopes to provide high educational standards. Educational settings are becoming increasingly diverse and development is essential. To understand and analyse the relationships, this paper will consider relevant legislation, educational theory, policy and guidance and...
5 Pages 2184 Words

The Neurodiversity Movement in the Context of Autism

Within the 1940s disabled individuals were identified as 'abnormal'. Medical sociologist Talcott Parsons identified individuals whom did not fit in with the 'norm' of society as 'sick' or 'disabled', and therefore viewed them as 'deviant[s]', and as a threat to the maintenance of a 'healthy' society” (Mallet & Cole, 2014). This established the medical model of disability. The medical model establishes disablement as a physiological “flaw of the individual” (Singer, 2017). This medical label prevents the individual from being accepted...
5 Pages 2073 Words

The Role of Music in Constructing National Identities

Music is intrinsic to all human beings, it is an activity that we all engage in every day, whether it be music creation or consumption. On a personal level we use it to explore our emotions, construct our own self-image and reinforce our personal identities, developing our understanding of who we are and what our purpose is in life. On a larger scale we use music to ground ourselves in our cultural surroundings, thus being a tool used to unite...
5 Pages 2150 Words

Using Typography to Brand Films

In this written piece I will be investigating how typography is used to brand films. Films more often than not use word marks for branding purposes rather than using iconography; as the word-mark spells out the name of the film and is often stylized towards the specific genre or direction of the film. Due to the heavy saturation of word-marks used in the branding of films can this element alone alter the image of a film before a minute of...
4 Pages 1962 Words

The Critical Look at the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

This essay will be discussing terrorism, using the event of 9/11 as its main case study. To be able to approach this analysis effectively it will discuss the nature and nurture of the crime as well as focusing on the four main concepts that which include: boundaries between national and international, crime and war, the powerful and powerless and public vs. private. Nature of the Crime Nineteen men commandeered four fuel-loaded US business planes that headed for west coast destinations....
5 Pages 2216 Words

Effect of a Role Model Success in Sports: Analytical Essay

Introduction Changes in a countries policy priority is known to change frequently. The United Kingdoms has shifted from a ‘get everyone involved’ ideology to an elite-level focus through the past 30 years (Green. 2004). However, even though this is highlighted by Green, the reason for countries to invest into elite sport still remains unidentified to many. There is no doubt that sport can universally be acknowledged as a positive activity for anyone, however when a total of £266.5 million is...
5 Pages 2071 Words

Benjamin Franklin: Life, Personality, Contributions

Benjamin Franklin was a very popular person in his day, and still to this day, we remember him for all the good he has done. Benjamin Franklin was born into a religious, Puritan, household on January 17, 1706. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and was the fifteenth child out of his seventeen siblings. Franklin’s parents were named Josiah and Abiah Franklin. His parents were very religious and hard-working. His father made soap and candles in his shop, “At the...
4 Pages 1994 Words

Impact of International Trade on Economic Growth: An Analytical Essay

Introduction International trade plays a significant role in economic growth of a country and in current financial system both worldwide trade and economic growth are the most popular concepts. The term international trade is used to indicate the buying and selling of goods and services between countries for pleasing the needs of its population. International trade enables the countries to sell their domestically produced items and services to other countries. Economic growth helps to extend the actual per capital income...
5 Pages 2175 Words

Analytical Essay on Ebola Virus: Ecological and Social Factors

Introduction The Ebola virus has been identified nearly 40 years during the two outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan.[footnoteRef:1] Regardless of the considerable effort to investigate, it is still arguably as obscure today to find the ecology of the filoviruses, especially, of Ebola viruses. This article is presenting some ecological factors including the behaviors and hunting habits of human and primates; the natural condition in the rainfall forest; and the transmission through chimpanzees and bats. Additionally, some...
5 Pages 2104 Words

New Vision of Selfhood & Black Aesthetics in Toni Morrison’s Sula

“We want everything said about us to tell of the best and highest and noblest in us. We fear that the evil in us will be called racial, while in others, it is viewed as individual”. (Du Bois, 55-56) W.E.B. Du Bois expressed his desire for the idealized literary representation of the blacks in these words, in his essay “Negro Art” published in the ‘Crisis’ in 1921. Similar views have been expressed by Langston Hughes’ and other vanguards of the...
5 Pages 2193 Words

Essence and Critical Analysis of Financial Accountability

Introduction Q. What is financial accountability? Financial accountability is a concept about respective accountability with in a financial process. This helps to maintain a string effective and efficient divisional financial control environment. This helps to understand the aspects of financial management and control within an organisation. Bifurcation and classification of roles and responsibilities and liabilities among organisational departments and divisions is one of the key aspect of financial accountability. With the help of financial accountability concept managers and employees become...
4 Pages 1959 Words

Romanticism in Frankenstein: Comparative Analysis

Introduction: The Multifaceted Nature of Frankenstein Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus is a 19th-century masterpiece part of the literary canon. In the vast majority of cases, it has been classified as part of the Gothic genre. Moore and Strachan (2010) have pointed out that the Gothic novel is a key Romantic genre that deals with the supernatural and, as Ruston (2007) adds, the character’s psychological response to these supernatural events. Mary Shelley shared in her 1831 introduction to...
5 Pages 2161 Words

IPL Captains: Virat Kohli's Transformational Leadership

Executive Summary Transformational leadership is a style of leadership where a leader works with subordinates to identify needed change. The present study focuses on the transformational leadership among the captains in the IPL. In this study a sample of 59 respondents were selected to identify the transformational leadership style adopted by eight captains in IPL. The data were collected with the help of a well-structured questionnaire. The results of the present study denote how transformational leadership made the team achieve...
5 Pages 2207 Words

McCarthyism's Role in Red Scare & Hollywood Blacklist: Analysis

The dictionary definition of Blacklist is “a list of persons under suspicion, disfavor, censure, etc.' Blacklist refers to banning or rejecting something or someone. Those who use blacklists separate the negative from the positive. Blacklists are used for anything but it depends on the action taken after the list is made that make it legal or not. Phone companies are highly involved with blacklists and so are employment companies. Blacklists also has a history in the U.S. Blacklists were the...
5 Pages 2143 Words

Amy Tan's representation of Chinese-American experiences in stories

Amy Tan has skilfully interwoven her Chinese heritage and personal experiences as a first-generation Chinese-American in a multitude of her literary works . The charm of oriental culture displayed successfully showcases its virtue of emotion and the dynamic relationship Tan exhibits between her and her heritage, family, and of the mainstream culture she was pressured to conform to. As a child of an immigrant, Amy stands on the intersection precisely where Chinese and Western cultures cross, allowing her to have...
5 Pages 2247 Words

Essay on the Concept of Prejudice: Critical Analysis of Sources

Prejudice has created a negative feature that possesses an adverse affect on many individuals. It is an obstruction of the mind set that has conducted a blindness of how we view the world we live in. Prejudice behavior is often linked to stereotyping individuals based on their characteristics, which many individuals have experienced. At one point or another, there are times we often engage in prejudice or participate in stereotyping individuals due to the way they are judged by people...
5 Pages 2216 Words

MS Pathophysiology and Quality of Life

In a world where human rights for every person are being discussed and fought for, whether it be a movement for women’s rights, rights for fathers or the LGBT community – this is all becoming normal in society – but what exactly is normal? Normalcy, like many things in the world is misunderstood – some may believe their traditions, values and rules are the norm and are what should be conformed to by everyone – some may have other rules...
4 Pages 2038 Words

Global #GucciFurNotCool Campaign: Buying and Merchandising Research

What have you done recently to conquer your fears? Maybe, stick your hand in a jar of spiders? Personally, mine was blindfolded indoor rock climbing which really helped me challenge my fear of heights. However, not everyone can easily accomplish this, but what if you could? French surrealist writer and poet Rene Dumal once said: “You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above...
4 Pages 2019 Words

IB Students' Stress Levels: Winter Break Study

Aim/Rationale We as students go through many phases in our lives, some being times of joy, times of sadness and a lot more. But today’s generation Z, is mostly filled with times of depression with one of the main reasons being the competition levels in studies, these experiments being done on students leads us, into stress as the rule “Life is a race” and the quote “The early bird catches the worm” implies into the mindsets of students. These factors...
5 Pages 2082 Words

General Overview of Portuguese Language: Descriptive Essay

Remembers going on educational field trips such as the zoo, museum, and aquarium. He said that the prep school he went to in the U.S. had the same types of field trips as the other school did in Brazil. Antonio also said that there weren’t any athletic teams that could compete because he was in elementary school. He did play on the “soccer team,” but the team just played against each other. He remembers there being an art club and...
5 Pages 2221 Words
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