2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Management of Zara: Analytical Essay

1. Introduction of ZARA Zara belongs to the world largest fashion group and it is also the largest international fashion company. Zara is a Spanish clothing brand which is based in Galicia Amancio.In 1975, Zara is founded by Ortega. There are 2,220 stores in 88 countries where Zara operates. Not only it specialize in clothing but also it produces accessories, shoes, perfumes and others. Zara has a mission statement that they want to give the customers want in faster speed...
5 Pages 2096 Words

Salem Witch Trials in The Crucible

The world is just as unscrupulous as its people. Looking back, they are made aware of the haunting payoff of deceit that accompanies an attempt to try to “better” the world. The Crucible is one well-written play that develops the concept of flawed humans. In this play, Arthur Miller depicts the Salem Witch Trials and how they were wrongfully conducted under the purported “law.” The characters manipulated the whole society of the village into believing the drastic idea of witchcraft....
5 Pages 2242 Words

Systemic Lupus Erythematous: An Overview of the Disorder

Systemic Lupus Erythematous Intro/An overview of the disorder Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE) is an autoimmune system, chronic, relapsing, provocative, and frequently multi-fundamental disorder of connective tissue, characterized by involvement of the skin, joint, kidney, and serosal membranes. Typically, the safe framework shields the body's tissues from intruders. Along these lines, this implies the resistant cells begin assaulting the cells they should ensure. With Lupus, any tissue or organ could be targeted. Patients with SLE have a higher mortality and morbidity...
4 Pages 1976 Words

Measuring Children's Learning Ability with Technology

The third outcome is that the overall adoption of technology will increase in elementary schools. This will be due to the activity suggested which is that teachers will use classroom technology more often. The output for this will be the number of assignments that are given to students that include the use of technology. Research Design The goal of this study is to understand and measure the learning ability and skill development of children with the help of technology. The...
4 Pages 1990 Words

Idea of Americanism: Descriptive Essay

America is a contradiction. It’s core constitutional values rest on prosperity, and the idea that all men are created equal, and yet was built and is thriving off of the systematic oppression and domination of people of color. It could be argued that the American culture hinges on on a widespread set of views, norms and beliefs, rather than true democratic norms. Without a doubt, from a young age we’re indoctrinated by Americanism. Activities such as learning the Pledge of...
5 Pages 2083 Words

9/11 Terrorist Attack Impact on US Security Policies: Analysis

Many people can tell you in great detail exactly what they were doing at the exact moment, express to you their raw emotions, as well as convey their very real fears. This unspeakable crime had no target, did not discriminate or single any one group of people out, it had no real motive other than pure hatred. Although there are thousands of stories to tell about the terrorist attack that occurred September 11th, 2001 one factor remains consistent, this despicable...
4 Pages 1983 Words

American Digital Age: Balancing Free Speech & Privacy

Anything you put on the internet, is there forever. An unfortunate, but almost certain fact of life, but there is a chance it does not have to be. The United States of America is often seen at the forefront of change and takes pride in being a global superpower. Despite this, it sorely lacks important privacy and data protection laws to shield its citizens online. The European Union, on the other hand, has made strides in this regard, particularly with...
5 Pages 2069 Words

Marketing Strategy of Adidas: Analytical Essay

Introduction Marketing is a social incentive by which people and gatherings get what they want and need through creating, offering and uninhibitedly trade items and administration of estimation of others, marketing is addressing the necessities beneficial both of advertisers and clients. The point of advertising is to know how and comprehend clients so well that the items or administration fits him and offer themselves. Adidas is a multinational German company that designs & manufactures sports accessories. The group of Adidas...
4 Pages 2079 Words

Comparative Analysis of Death and Resurrection in John's Gospel

The “Gospels” which are better known as the good news biographies of the teachings concerning Jesus Christ. These biographies have been passed down by “oral tradition”. Which include stories of Jesus’s miracles, healings, parables, teachings and death/resurrection. (Lecture 2). Each Gospel proclaims a different interpretation of the Christian message using Jesus of Nazareth as a spokesperson for the evangelists' position.'(PBS, Frederiksen). All four gospels offer a rich plurality of portraits (Lecture 2). History offers us little direct evidence about the...
4 Pages 2028 Words

Jeff Sessions Resigns: NY Times Analysis

Just hours after the end of the midterm elections, President Trump asked Attorney General, Jeff Sessions to resign. Trump had been toying with the idea of firing Sessions since he recused himself from the Russian investigation but found that doing so would only add fire to the flames of suspicion from the public and Congress. As a result, Trump took it upon himself to publically humiliate, undermine and discredit Sessions at his rallies, on his twitter and even in interviews...
5 Pages 2143 Words

Critical Analysis of the Target Market for Plastic Whale

The target market for Plastic Whale (PW) identified in report 1 is high school students in Sydney. This segment is most appropriate as PW is driven by environmental concern of global warming and population, which is in correlation with the Australian youth’s values. The recognition of youth activism was validated in 2009 when children were given official constituency status by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Fisher.S, 2015). It is clear that governmental bodies are slowly recognising the...
5 Pages 2068 Words

Juvenile Justice in Australia: Agency Supporting Youth

The purpose of this essay is to undertake a case study in regards to an agency that works and supports young people. The specific agency in this essay will be focusing on is Headspace. This essay will provide a brief description of the work done by Headspace, which will include the ‘philosophy’ the agency bases their practices on. This will then be followed by an analysis in regards to how the work of Headspace is related to youth crime prevention...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Themes in Hercules: Critical Analysis of Movies

Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings, how they behave, and their societies, both in the past and the present (UCDavis 2020). There are three categories of anthropology, that is, social anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Social anthropology studies the behavioural patterns of human beings while linguistic anthropology studies what influences language has on the social life of human beings. In contrast, cultural anthropology studies their culture, values, and norms (UCDavis 2020). Anthropology is built upon knowledge from...
4 Pages 2013 Words

Driving under the Influence: Analytical Essay on Consumer Behavior

Introduction Driving under the influence (DUI) is an issue that has resulted in numerous injuries and fatalities worldwide. The reason behind this is that some people don’t seem to be aware of the consequences of drinking and driving, and those who are aware, may still think that they’re the odd ones out and that alcohol consumption does not affect their driving skills. Alcohol in the bloodstream causes a delay in cognitive skills and slowed breathing. Additionally, alcohol leads to a...
4 Pages 2028 Words

Case Study Report: Google SWOT Analysis and Analysis of Strategy

Introduction A search engine is used to carry out search on World Wide Web. The search result is mostly a mixture of articles, audio, video, visual presentation and research papers. The search engine uses algorithm which is usually maintained by real-time information which is also known as web crawler. Search engines were basically invented in 1990 by Alan Emtage who was the student at McGill University located in Canada. Google is arguably the widest used search engine around the world....
5 Pages 2191 Words

Business Analysis, Planning and Monitoring: Analytical Essay

Abstract The case study is about the Victoria Infringement Management System (VIMS) that is used by the Sheriff's Office to enforce all infringement notices, court orders and warrants. After being the topic of concern for almost two decades, warrant enforcement appears to be an important, ongoing problem with more warrants being released than executed. This scheme presents a major issue because not all violation notices, court orders and warrants are being followed up by the Sheriff's office. Infringement Management and...
4 Pages 2007 Words

Advances in BMD: Analyzing Muscular Dystrophy

Rationale A muscular dystrophy is a group of diseases that cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass. It is a genetic X-linked recessive inherited disorder which primally effects males. It is passed down through the mother who is a carrier of the gene. Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD) is one of the nine different types of Muscular Dystrophy. There is no cure. Muscular Dystrophy is a mutation of one or more genes which interfere with the production of proteins called...
5 Pages 2223 Words

Heracles and Atlas As Prime Male Specimens: Analytical Essay

Introduction : Mythology is used as a base of education to allow an understanding of natural phenomena. Cartwright in 2012 suggested there is a clear synergy with the myth and religion of the time, morals are woven into these teachings of heroes as well as the harsh reality of punishment for those who are disobedient (Cartwright, 2012). Through mythological teachings used to educate and control we are then able to understand the thought processes of the era. This allows a...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Models of Punishment and Principles of Justice: An Analytical Essay

Introduction: Models of punishment vary according to the severity and type of offence. Retribution (punishment), rehabilitation, deterrence (crime prevention) and incapacitation (i.e. imprisonment) are all models of punishments that are represented within criminal justice policies. These different models of punishment assist in the operation of the criminal justice systems (CJS) and its policies such as ‘due process’ and ‘crime control’ that ensure that the CJS proceeds in a fair, equitable and public way. An offender should be given a fair...
5 Pages 2172 Words

Agriculture in Nepal: International Trade and Logistics

Executive summary Agribusiness is an industry in which the farmers are engaged in producing foods, storing them, manufacturing and distributing the product. International trade has brought lots of opportunities in agricultural business however this national business also faces certain challenges and problems in international trade. International trade affects on the culture of Nepalese agriculture and it also affects the productivity of soil so for this agribusiness should make some policies. Introduction Agribusiness is an industry in which the farmers are...
4 Pages 2026 Words

Costco: Market Expansion & Global Strategy Analysis

What are Costco’s competitive advantages and how can they leverage them to expand successfully? Costco is one of the worlds leading global retailer with its presence in eight countries offering a diversified range of products and services. The company’s unique business model and global expansion strategies have led to its success. In spite of heavy competition in the retail industry, Costco has built a strong brand image by offering high-quality products at low prices with excellent customer service, along with...
4 Pages 2053 Words

Cognitive Dissonance: Conceptualization and Research Summary

Cognitive Dissonance According to Hinojosa, Gardner, Walker, Cogliser, and Gullifor (2017, p.173), Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT) exists when an individual experience conflicting or contradicting situation between two or more cognitions, in which results in dissonance that causes unpleasant feelings of one’s self. The core of this literature review revolves around Conceptualisation and Research Summary, which includes Antecedents and Outcomes, of Cognitive Dissonance. Lastly, Practical Application will be implemented on the basis of those vital findings and discussions. Conceptualisation of Cognitive...
5 Pages 2138 Words

A Private Metamorphosis: Reflective Essay on Kafka's The Metamorphosis

The onlookers go rigid when the train goes past. Franz Kafka writes this in his diary in 1910. He is twenty-seven years old and more than half his life is over. He doesn’t know this, of course, but he has intimations: glimpses forward into the abyss. Suffering as he has his whole life with debilitating migraines, insomnia and crippling self-doubt, he begins the diary after a five month period of being unable to write. I write this very decidedly out...
4 Pages 1988 Words

Chinese Painting And Calligraphy Influences: Analytical Essay

When my parents first migrated to Australia, we lived in an area which was largely populated by Chinese immigrants. Naturally, I was influenced by Chinese culture and grew to enjoy their, food, culture and social interactions. Many Chinese migrants opened shops which displayed Chinese writing and symbolisms. I was fascinated by these writings and the unique symbols and would try to replicate them as a child creating secret meanings for different patterns only I understood. Not only did I practice...
4 Pages 2069 Words

Mass Vaccinations in Measles: Analytical Essay

Mass Vaccinations in Measles Claim Mass vaccination programs are successful in the control of diseases. Rationale ‘A disease is an abnormal condition affecting a living organism
 generally understood to be medical conditions that involve a pathological process associated with a specific set of symptoms.’ (Healio, 2012). Infectious diseases are caused by organisms also known as pathogens; bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Pathogens can be transmitted either through physical contact, inhalation, indirect contact, and food contamination. (Mayo Clinic, 2019). Infectious diseases...
4 Pages 1967 Words

Gender Equality vs White Feminism: Analysis of NY Times

Research project outcome How has the print media coverage of #MeToo movement in the USA challenge gender equality and contributed to “white feminism”? What is the Me movement? In 2006, Tarana Burke discovered the #MeToo movement and began to use the phrase “Me Too” to raise the awareness of sexual abuse and assault within the community. The phrase was spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread issue of sexual...
5 Pages 2235 Words

Final Placement Report as the Content Marketing Specialist

An internship is a great opportunity for students to gain first-hand exposure to the professional world as it allows them to become acquainted with the working environment in the industry related to their field of study. During the internship, students can apply the knowledge they gained in the classroom in their work and it is a great way to explore different career paths upon graduation. Not only does it prepare students with practical experience in professional settings, but it can...
5 Pages 2097 Words

Freud's Theory of Psychological Development: Love vs Sex Objects

Summery: During counseling or psychotherapeutic sessions, there are a lot of persons that introduce their partner as their absolute sweetheart and companion, while criticize them, as well, regarding their incompetence with respect to gratification or provision of anticipated sexual or romantic desires. Many of them may describe their partner as asexual, hypoactive or dishonest, while their own displeasure or jealousness may have root in a mismatch between sensual yearnings and spiritual longings. Now a question may arise that whether sex-object...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Brown Versus Board of Education: Activity of NAACP

It was a cold morning on December 8, 1952, and I was watching the news on TV while eating a small bowl of cereal. They were talking about sports from the previous day and scrolling across the bottom of the TV was breaking news that said “The Supreme Court was hearing a huge case called ‘Brown v. Board of Education.’” They did not put a lot of information in the brief description of the case, but they did cover the...
5 Pages 2227 Words

Research Report on Quantitative Analysis of Amazon

Amazon is a company who focuses on e-commerce and has locations all over the United States and world for that matter and is based out of Seattle. This company was founded in 1994 and has had the same CEO since 1996, Jeff Bezos. Amazon is most famous for their idea of Amazon Prime. This is typically a yearly subscription that qualifies members for free two-day shipping on thousands of their items. This membership also includes free movies and tv series...
4 Pages 1997 Words
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