2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Articles of Confederation and the Sovereign Citizens Movement

Introduction Who in this room has heard of a Sovereign Citizen was the question asked at an airport security pre-shift briefing. Out of 20 individuals only one person raised their hands. Sovereign Citizens are a group of anti-government; anti-law enforcement individuals who believe that even though they physically reside in the country, they consider themselves “sovereign” from the United States (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 2010). The danger of this group lies precisely in the fact that the majority of the...
4 Pages 2026 Words

Organ Transplant Debate: Arguments For and Against

Organ donation is a new issue for Islamic jurisprudence. There are no clear provisions regarding this topic in the Quran or hadiths. However, the religion of Islam, which is universal and offers solutions to all problems that exist until the doomsday, will certainly have a solution in this regard. Therefore, Islamic scholars have made great efforts to clarify the issue, especially by using the analogy method[footnoteRef:1]. Although there are differences of opinion among scholars, this essay will focus more on...
5 Pages 2132 Words

Excellence Models and Project Management Theory & Practice

Introduction: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence” This is how Vince Lombardi described excellence. So excellence is about doing your best every day. Specially in special periods of time such as crisis or even when we reach a satisfaction point and find later on that it’s not enough anymore, Only organizations that always seeking excellence can find solutions to survive during crisis and to exceed expectations of the normal outstanding results. Business Excellence:...
4 Pages 2034 Words

Critical Analysis of the History and Pagan Traditions of Christmas

Is Christmas purely pagan? Fun, family, and plenty of fantastic food are just a few of the things that come to mind when one mentions, what is probably the most widely celebrated holiday of the year, Christmas. Christmas has been assumed to be pagan due to certain factors ranging from its history and past to its absence from actual biblical laws and mandates to the traditions associated with it. Still, it should be celebrated because it is an appreciation of...
4 Pages 2026 Words

Representation of Dia de Los Muertos or Day of the Dead in Coco by Disney

Due to the media’s prevalence and the role it plays in informing the people and shaping their views, the call for diversity has become important for many. With people realizing the lack of representation of other races, ethnicities, sexualities, and gender in the media they consume, those in charge of what is being created and released are now given the responsibility to make sure that the new content being pushed is out is inclusive. If media companies fall behind on...
5 Pages 2214 Words

Causes and Risks of Poliovirus Infection

Thesis: The poliovirus is a highly infectious virus that causes polio, which has debilitating signs and symptoms on the body and undiscovered treatments. Introduction The Poliovirus has been carbon dated back at least 6000 years ago in Egyptian mummies. It was also known to be a great health issue in the United States around the 20th century. However, in the 1950’s it subsided when vaccination for the virus was developed and made available to all individuals. This, in turn, helped...
4 Pages 1972 Words

John Steinbeck: Way of Life and to Success

Part 1- Steinbeck Introduced to the World “Muscles aching to work, minds aching to create - that is man.” (John Steinbeck). Steinbeck failed many times in his life before he became an excellent author. John Steinbeck Jr. wrote award winning novels about The Great Depression and the migrant workers that lived during that time. His creativity and composition was influenced by people, songs and other books. John Steinbeck lived shy and modestly as a child to boldly and confident through...
5 Pages 2195 Words

Strategic Innovation and Competitive Advantage in Kenyan Oil Marketing

Chapter one. Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Competitive advantage positions a firm product or a service in a way that it outperforms its competitor’s product or service. According to Beadreau (2016), competitive advantage involves communicating and enjoying a greater perceived value to target market than a firm competitor can provide. Competition is at the core of the success or failure of any firm, competition determines the appropriateness of a firm’s activities that can contribute to its performance (porter 1985),...
5 Pages 2060 Words

Violence in Video Games and Real-life Violence: Argument

Sales of violent video games have significantly increased while violent juvenile crime rates have significantly decreased. Violent video games do not influence aggressive or violent actions in the real world.Sales of violent video games have significantly increased while violent juvenile crime rates have significantly decreased. Total US sales of video game hardware and software increased 204% from 1994 to 2014, reaching $13.1 billion in 2014, while violent crimes decreased 37% and murders by juveniles acting alone fell 76% in that...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Biomimetic Product Design: Airplanes Inspired by Eagle

Biomimicry has been used by human beings for very long to solve their issues using designs from nature. Life on Earth has existed for more than 3 billion years and the process of evolution due to natural selection has given rise to the most simple, robust and economic designs. Using these designs to improve, innovate and design products or implementing them on a molecular level to solve human problems would best describe the term biomimicry. Various examples are showing the...
4 Pages 2042 Words

Human Resources Planning in the Armed Forces: Analytical Essay

Introduction In order to successfully solve the tasks and achieve the goals set out in the concept (doctrine) of the Armed Forces, the proper management of human resources is crucial. In this sense, human resources management is an activity that is a combination of flexible and logically justified application of specific methods and tools from different spheres of the socio-economic specter-economy, law, psychology, military affairs, and others. As a result, the effectiveness of human resource planning as a tool for...
4 Pages 2085 Words

Cognitive Psychology: Analysis of Bruner’s Impact on Education

During the first two decades of the twentieth century, psychology was a discipline seeking respect. (Karlins and Andrews 1972) Literally meaning ‘the study of the psyche (soul),’ it was largely a subjective discipline without a focus since science has yet to acknowledge the existence of a psyche. (Rank 1930) The one possible candidate, discovered by Harold Saxton Burr and his colleagues in the 1930s (Burr 1944, 1952, 1972; Burr and Lane 1935; Burr and Northrop 1935, 1939) has not been...
5 Pages 2186 Words

Analytical Essay on Genetic Diagnosis of Hearing Loss

The process of hearing can be described as a series of events in which the energy of sound is transformed from vibrations in the air captured by structures of the outer ear (e.g. pinna) and further transferred through the ear canal to cause vibration of the tympanic membrane and ossicles of the middle ear, which then become traveling waves in the fluid contained within the cochlea. This leads to stimulation of the inner ear hair cells that, in turn, stimulate...
4 Pages 2021 Words

Educational Autobiography: Reflection on My Middle School Entrance Exam

Introduction to My Unique Educational Journey My name is Rose Wang. I was born on January the 28th in Beijing, China. I am a Chinese girl who never received the “normal” type of education in China. Growing up, I never attended a traditional Chinese school, took the Chinese elementary school and middle school entrance exams, or wore those baggy traditional Chinese school uniforms. From the first grade to the third grade, I attended Morning Stars International School. From the fourth...
4 Pages 2038 Words

LSD Drug Abuse Case Study

Introduction Lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as LSD, or “acid,” is considered the best-known and most researched psychedelic or hallucinogenic drug. [footnoteRef:1] It is made from a lysergic acid compound found in ergot, a fungus that grows on grains. [1: Passie,Torsten , John H. Halpern, Dirk O.Stichtenoth, Hinderk M. Emrich, and Annelie Hintzen. 'The Pharmacology of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A Review.' CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 14, no. 4 (2008): 295-314. doi:10.1111/j.1755-5949.2008.00059.x.] Today’s recreational users of LSD often include people in...
5 Pages 2173 Words

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory: Case Study

Mr. Shoaib is a 62 year old male patient admitted to your ward. He has right ischemic CVA and resultant left site body paralysis. He has no sensation or movement in the left side of body. He has lost his gag reflux and is unable to swallow food. An N/G tube is placed for providing him nutrition. Mr. Shoaib is not able to change his position and is dependent on care givers for changing his position. He is also not...
4 Pages 1996 Words

Palliative Care, Philosophy, Concepts and Debates: Argumentative Essay

What is your understanding of Palliative Care? The definition of Palliative care is constantly changing. In the early 1970’s the term palliative care was introduced by Balfour Mount Medicine (AAHPM) defines palliative care as “ to prevent and relieve suffering and to support the best possible quality of life for patients facing life-threatening or debilitating illness and their families regardless of the stage of the disease or the need for other therapies” (AAHPM, 2009). Both definitions complement each other as...
5 Pages 2221 Words

Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Self-consistency Theory

The various revisions and amendments to the original cognitive dissonance theory have less to offer than the original theory itself. Critically evaluate this claim using one or two examples of such alternative theories. The theory of cognitive dissonance was first introduced by Leon Festinger in 1957, establishing dissonance and consonance as a replacement for the more general terms, inconsistency and consistency (Festinger, 1957). Festinger proposed that humans store expectations of phenomena we believe match; when these expectations are challenged, we...
4 Pages 2023 Words

Reflection on My Research of Autism Spectrum Disorder

“Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by deficits in communication and social interaction, and the engagement in restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviours” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Due to this, the child will have trouble functioning in work, school, and other areas of life. For example, if routines change this is something a child with ASD will struggle to cope with. As autism affects the child in different ways, this in turn can have an adverse effect...
5 Pages 2196 Words

Role of Influencers in Consumer Behavior Analysis

Technological advancements have shifted the marketing designs adopted by firms. Since the advent of social media sites in 1997, consumers buying behaviours and purchasing parity have changed to incorporated social attitudes (Sudha and Sheena, 2017). Traditional marketing entailed relations between brand firms and consumers to initiate purchases and build consumer loyalty. The venture is somehow expensive and time-consuming; thus, many brands have shifted to influencers marketing using social media platforms to reach out to buyers. Recently, influential marketing has taken...
5 Pages 2201 Words

Personal Behavior During Covid-19

Who would think that a hug is a luxury, and interacting with others would require at least being 2 meters apart? With the COVID-19 pandemic still surging at an alarming rate worldwide, one would think what can they do to slow down the spread? Having correct mental and psychological thinking can strengthen the mindset to cope with it. There are also some factors like promoting healthy eating, staying away from drugs and alcohol, seeking medical care when needed, and having...
4 Pages 2092 Words

Problem And Solution: Human Trafficking

Introduction to the Global Crisis of Human Trafficking “Worldwide trafficking projections range from 350,000 to 1.5 million victims, with, again, the vast majority being women and children...In addition, as many as 50% of all trafficking victims are said to be children or adolescents, both girls and boys” (Schauer and Wheaton). Human trafficking can be traced all the way back to slave trading which was usually with African Americans, men, and children. It was also popular through white slavery which was...
4 Pages 1992 Words

Altruistic Behavior and Life Values of Junior High School Students

Altruism is one aspect of what social psychologists refer to as prosocial behavior. It’s the principle and moral practice of an individual that concerns for happiness of other human beings or animals. It can be distinguished from feelings of loyalty but it doesn’t consider as relationships. The Field of Prosocial Behavior The prosocial behavior has been identified through series of experiment and based on the study; one of the great factors that affect pro-social behavior can be between genes and...
4 Pages 2024 Words

The Positive and Negative Consequences of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Abstract COVID-19 is an ailment triggered by a new coronavirus; this illness is known as 2019-nCoV and linked to the same family of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. This disease has started in China on 31 December 2019 and then permeated globally. This paper is going to look at four aspects resulting from COVID-19 pandemic. The first one is the economic losses in several sectors worldwide, such as tourism and oil. For instance, Spain and Italy are losing billions of dollars...
5 Pages 2079 Words

Coronavirus Disease Symptom Search Query Correlation with Confirmed Cases

Introduction Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), declared as an international pandemic by the World Health Organization is known for its a broad spectrum of symptoms that affect different individuals in a variety of ways that primarily range from inflicting mild sickness to severe illnesses [1]. The high and uncontrolled spread of COVID-19 is a source of major concern for the public, nevertheless, Americans have taken the initiative to learn more about the disease by searching for knowledge online. The internet is being...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Suppression of Freedom in 1984 and Equilibrium

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes” By Rowan Axelsen Throughout George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four novel and Kurt Wimmer’s Equilibrium film, power and control are maintained by totalitarian governments who regulate all aspects of the dystopian society. This makes the audience think and try to prevent future damages that could happen in the real world. During both dystopian fictions we can see that the main characters have experienced emotion which shows how...
4 Pages 1966 Words

Intention To Adopt Time Management Strategies

Abstract Sherman (2013) proposed that the affirmation of an individual’s self-worth in one area can protect against negative behaviours in other areas. Rubin (2020) hypothesised that greater intentions for using time management strategies will occur in participants who self-affirm before watching a persuasive video message. In the present research, 414 participants who were undergraduate students from an Australian university or from an international participant pool called Prolific responded to an online Britton and Tesser’s TM Questionnaire after completing both, a...
5 Pages 2090 Words

The Impact Of Crime And Restorative Justice

For the purpose of this assignment I will be looking at how restorative justice can be used following specific crimes, also it will discuss the psychological and social impact of crime for a victim. Restorative Justice connects both the victim of a crime and the perpetrator who inflicted that crime together. The implementation of this enables everyone affected by an incident to participate in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward. It is available to victims at all...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Dynamics Of Freedom In India Media

ABSTRACT “No man can be grateful at cost of his honour, no women can be grateful at cost of her chastity and no nation can be grateful at the cost of his liberty”. - Daniel O Connell Freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right that goes to the very heart of individual liberty and freedom. While on the other hand, freedom of Media has been a topic of debating issue when it comes to involve the case of...
4 Pages 1962 Words

Alcoholism as Challenge or Issue in Bhutan

Alcohol is an important part of Bhutanese culture, especially in the eastern parts of Bhutan, they serve it as a gesture of showing respect, honor and hospitality. Alcohol is served in a number of forms including welcome drink, farewell drink, drink with food and other ceremonial forms. The basic nature of alcohol is underplayed to promote it as a socially acceptable commodity in Bhutan. Due to which it becomes one of the reason for being widely available in country, an...
4 Pages 2020 Words
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