2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Necessity of the Police System Reform

George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are only two of the many names within the number of African Americans that have lost their lives as a result of police brutality. As a consequence, from police officers acting on police brutality, or “
often illegal use of force
,” the majority of cases reported have resulted in African Americans suffering “from assault and battery to mayhem, torture, and murder” (Moore). To reduce this issue, the policing system, must be reformed by adjusting the way...
4 Pages 2013 Words

Starbucks: Integrated Marketing Communication

Introduction Starbucks Corporation, an American company founded in 1971 in Seattle, WA, is a premier roaster, marketer and retailer of specialty coffee around world. Starbucks has about 182,000 employees across 19,767 company operated & licensed stores in 62 countries. Starbucks was established in 1971 by three local businessmen to sell high quality whole beans coffee. In 1981 when Howard Schultz visited the store, he plans to build a strong company and expand high quality coffee business with the name of...
4 Pages 1991 Words

The Luxury Industry during and after the Coronavirus Pandemic

The break-out of coronavirus pandemic has greatly impacted the whole world. People stayed at home during lockdown, or wearing masks all day during their work after the slightly alleviation. Not only the daily life has been changed dramatically, but also the business world. The most impacted business should be those who rely highly on world trade. The world trade in 2020 is expected to plummet by between 13% and 32% due to the disruption of the normal cross-border economic activities....
4 Pages 2027 Words

Childhood Trauma and Substance Abuse in Female Offenders

Substance abuse is one of the factors related to female offender’s pathway into the criminal justice system (CJS), it has been correlated with the after-math of childhood abuse and the repeated involvement in crime (Bloom et al, 2003). Vast numbers of women in prison have been arrested for drug offences or have reported to have a drug abuse problem (Henderson, 1998). In the UK the average percentage of women who are in custody that have been reported to have a...
5 Pages 2061 Words

The Idea of Displacement Within The Outsiders

While at face value S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders appears to be nothing more than a common teen angst book pushed upon the teens across the nation, it is actually a great book that defines overarching emotions that accompany adolescents through the years that bridge their youth and adulthood. Set in 1960’s Tulsa, Oklahoma, The Outsiders is essentially a diary by the main character, Ponyboy Curtis, retelling two weeks of his life to his English teacher. The book is focused on...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Hamlet and Memory Functions in the Play

Above the river splitting through campus, I stop for a moment, resting my arms upon the bridge’s cold, iron railing. Spring reaches out from skeleton trees in buds of leaves and wildflowers, hovering over a river reflecting whatever light the moon has left to give. With eyes open to the cloudless sky, I notice the rhythmic flicker of the streetlights, reminding me that it is almost midnight. And taking in their light, the sprouting trees, I’m reminded of a lecture...
4 Pages 1961 Words

Serial Killers And Child Predators

Throughout history, there has been a big discussion on what the definition of a serial killer is. The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines serial killing as “a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone” (United States, Congress, et., al). The FBI has also stated that the motives can include, but are not specifically subject to, anger, thrill-seeking, financial gain, attention seeking, and sexual contact, which is most often...
5 Pages 2131 Words

Women Roles In The Yellow Wallpaper

In today's society, there is a division based on gender roles. Gender roles are what society expects based on the sex of the person. For example, a male is classified as self-confident and aggressive while a female is friendly and emotional. During the late nineteenth century, gender roles were defined. In this time period, the role of women in society was prevented. Many gender stereotypes have been present in the past and are still present even today. In the short...
5 Pages 2236 Words

Alienation in Huxley's Brave New World and Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

In Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World, people who differed from the societal norm, are often isolated and alienated from society due to their individuality. In Brave New World, the society is ordered and structured, as such, the government attempts to hold control over everything. On the other hand, in Fahrenheit 451, the society is one in which common people are often brainwashed as books were removed from society which later lead to alienation. In my opinion alienation refers to...
5 Pages 2090 Words

The Types Of Motivation In The Organisation

Motivation is defined as power that helps the person to be in highly encouraging to take forward their action in achieve their goals successfully. Mainly it was desired by the ambition if the ambition or goal is not there then the motivation also will be absent. Each member will get motivated in different ways either it may be internal factors or the external factors. The external factors will be such as taking the example of the success people, movies, books....
4 Pages 1964 Words

Insulin Delivery: A Review Of Past And Current Methods

Abstract Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that millions of people around the world suffer from. The hallmark of this disease is an insulin insufficiency. For decades researchers have sought to find and improve treatment methods for this disease, using various methods of insulin delivery. This article outlines some of the major techniques used over the past several years. Introduction Over the past several years, the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus has been increasing worldwide, becoming one of the world’s most common...
4 Pages 1957 Words

Conceptions of Freedom: A Focus on Yuval Levin

Abstract This paper conceptualised Levin’s understanding of liberty by contrasting it with three sets of positive/negative representations of liberty. The recommendations of work, family, education, and religion have both strengths and weaknesses in moral foundations. The main flaw of Levin’s argument is that it is grounded in the privilege of first world society that overlooks the circumstances of less privileged societies, which limits the reach of his recommendations. Levin essentially described “freedom of autonomy' by advocating for strengthening society’s moral...
5 Pages 2094 Words

Rape & Domestic Violence Service In Australia

Rape & Domestic Violence Service Australia is a non-government and non-profit human service organization. R&DVSA currently employs qualified psychologist, social workers and counselling professionals Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia was originally established as Sydney Rape Crisis Centre with funding from the Whitlam government in 1974, and celebrated its 40th Anniversary on 28 October 2014. (Rape-dvservices.org.au, 2019). Domestic violence and sexual assault can bring significant negative influences on both mental health and physical harm to victims, and they can be...
4 Pages 2022 Words

Censorship and its Effect on German Cinema during the Inter War Years

Intro “As studies of various forms of self-censorship show, the constraints applied to taboo material are creative in their effect rather than simply cancelling out the desire they tone it to take new desires”. In this essay I will be looking into how censorship laws affected German cinema and filmmaking during the Inter-War years of 1919 to 1932. In my opinion censorship laws affected all aspects of cinema as the filmmakers, actors and production companies were affected. The beginnings of...
5 Pages 2185 Words

Strategic Management And Marketing For Tourism And Hospitality

Strategic Management To begin with, tourism is one of the largest industries in the world contributing 6 trillion dollars annually into the global economy. World travel & tourism council, 2011 predicted that tourism could create 69 million jobs in the Asia and Mexico. Tourism has been part of this world from the very beginning. People have been travelling from one place to another for leisure and fun. And now with modernization more people can travel in lessor time. This thing...
5 Pages 2070 Words

Morality of Abortion Essay

Introduction: Diverse Perspectives on Abortion The moral status of abortion is a highly controversial topic that has sparked complicated debates among citizens, governments, medical practitioners, and feminist groups alike. There are major contrasting views in regard to this extremely contentious issue. Some people oppose abortion because they believe fetuses always have a right to live. Some believe abortion is morally permissible in certain situations in particular, such as when carrying the fetus to term poses a significant threat to the...
4 Pages 2039 Words

The Significance of Class Relations in Jane Eyre

In the novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte gives her audience a detailed account of the significance of social class hierarchy and class consciousness during the nineteenth century in Victoria England as well as the impact they played specifically in the life of the main character Jane Eyre a lost soul, searching to find her true identity. Using the form of a Bildungsroman, Bronte allows the reader to witness the experiences and emotions of Jane from childhood to adulthood. This paper...
5 Pages 2170 Words

The Lack of Laughter in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre

It is safe to say that despite fleeting moments of humour, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1848) is not a funny book. Nonetheless, the ‘low, slow ha! ha!’ of Bertha Rochester is a prevalent refrain that has received wide-ranging critical attention. The examination of laughter beyond Bertha’s celebrated utterances has, however, been neglected. Laughter itself is an involuntary physiological response often, but not exclusively catalysed by humour. In Jane Eyre, the presence of laughter, or indeed the lack of laughter is...
4 Pages 2065 Words

The Effects of Capital Punishment

The debate over capital punishment has affected millions of lives throughout all history and will affect many more in the coming future. Even though the severity of the crime should match the punishment, some argue that capital punishment is a cruel and unusual punishment; therefore, ruling it out as an available punishment all-together. The issue with capital punishment is the difference of opinions about if it imposes on human dignity and violates human rights (Evans, 2012). The opposing sides have...
4 Pages 1966 Words

Affirmative Action in Higher Education: Equality or Division?

Introduction Higher education has become a necessity for any individuals aspiring to further themselves on a personal path to success. Rightfully so, a college diploma seems to be one of employers’ primary concerns throughout the hiring process. Unfortunately, this path-producing paper requires years of hard work and thousands of dollars. This leaves many students having to choose between debt and future career opportunities. Scholarships, legacies, and financial aid are not granted as often as colleges would like potential students to...
5 Pages 2052 Words

Impact of Affirmative Action on University Diversity

Abstract Notably, the debating of multiculturalism is still a hot topic in the United States, and different people has different understanding towards multiculturalism, during 1960s, an policy is established and meant to enhance the equality of the working environment which make sure that every race has the same opportunities of getting the job, this is the affirmative action policy, lately it has drawn to the education field which many Universities has adopted it while the administration department is making decision...
5 Pages 2211 Words

Mental Health and Anxiety Disorders in India

ABSTRACT This short paper is about mental health and why it affects teens the most as well as why mental health isn’t taken seriously in India. This is something that’s very interesting and it’s also something that’s really displeasing as mental health issues should be given equal importance just like any other health problem/sickness. Raising awareness can help defeat the stigma associated with mental health issues. The main purpose of this paper is to obviously spread news on this issue....
5 Pages 2231 Words

The Meaning of Personal Relationships in Waiting for Godot

In this essay I will answer question number three. To do this I have decided to analyse the personal relationships in one of the texts that we have read in the module: Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett. Waiting for Godot (in French: En attendant Godot is a work belonging to the theatre of the absurd, written at the end of the 40s by Samuel Beckett and published in 1952. Beckett wrote the original work first in French, which is...
5 Pages 2090 Words

Tim Hortons VS Starbucks

Tim Horton is a Canadian fast food restaurant chain, specializing in coffee and donut items. It is Canada's largest quick service restaurant chain. It is one of the most popular and demanding coffee shop in the modernized era of Canada. It was established by the two partners Tim Hortons and Ron Joyce in May 17, 1964 at Hamilton Ontario After the death of the Tim Horton the other partner Ron Joyce bought the Horton family's shares for $1 million and...
5 Pages 2083 Words

Canadian Human Rights Act: The Status Of Woman

The scenario Pregnancy is an important period in the life of a woman; it is the period when two lives share the same body. During this time, the physical, emotional and mental health is very important and it can affect the well being of the mother and the child. In this paper, abuses to women during pregnancy are discussed in detail and possible solutions are given that can be adapted for the well being of the women, children and the...
4 Pages 2055 Words

The Effects Of Physician-assisted Suicide On Family Members

Composition Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) has been a controversial subject in the medical field for the past decade. It seems, however, that many people are unaware of the actual meaning of the phrase. PAS is commonly mistaken for euthanasia. Euthanasia is defined as 'a physician administers a lethal drug to a suffering patient'. A second action by physicians that is confused with PAS is called 'terminal sedation.' Terminal sedation is when 'medical care providers administer barbiturates or benzodiazepines to sedate...
5 Pages 2133 Words

Sea Rose, Imagism, And The New Woman

American modern literature starts in the late 19th century and takes many different forms throughout the period, such as seen with impressionism and imagism. While the former is often based on impressions coming from different characters’ perspectives, the latter proposes an opposed vision to impressionism by using clear-cut natural images instead of abstractions. In his manifesto, “A Few Don’ts by the Imagiste,” Ezra Pound highlights what the imagist movement is by writing about what it is not. Similarly, Hilda ‘H.D.’...
5 Pages 2128 Words

Artificial Intelligence & It’s Applications

Abstract In coming years, intelligent machines will replace human capabilities in many areas. Artificial intelligence exhibited by machine or software. Artificial intelligence is becoming a popular field in computer science as it has enhanced the human life in many areas. Artificial intelligence in the last two decades has greatly improved performance of the manufacturing and service systems. Study in the area of artificial intelligence has given rise to the rapidly growing technology known as expert system. Application areas of Artificial...
4 Pages 2046 Words

Stress Management and its Techniques

Abstract Stress is one of the most predominate challenges people face every day. According to the anxiety and depression association of America, seven out of ten adults in the United States say they experience stress daily, and some say it interferes at least moderately with their lives (Stress is an inevitable, 2018). Stress is defined as a situation where a person’s homeostasis is affected and thrown off balance in response to the situation. This research paper is dedicated to identifying...
5 Pages 2198 Words

Dystopia: the Definition and Features

Dystopia To fully understand the notion of dystopia, the term utopia needs to be well comprehended as many attempts to define it are to be found throughout a vast number of works. General public tends to use to word as a synonym for ''non-existing'', which can-not be entirely marked as correct. To interpret the word correctly in the literary field, it is crucial to see it in its original context. In the 16th century, Sir Thomas More wrote a book...
5 Pages 2104 Words
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