2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Social, Historical And Literary Context In Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

‘All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn’ (Coveney, 2003, p.12). Transatlantic writer Samuel Clemens (1835-1910) gave the world The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1844. Growing up in Antebellum southern American society, with the backdrop of the Mississippi river in his boyhood provoked the settings for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and later sequel Huckleberry Finn (1884). The intention of this essay is to explore the themes of liberty and...
5 Pages 2116 Words

Racial Discrimination And Racial Profiling

Introduction Racial profiling can be defined as a heavily disputed term. It is frequently understood as being the unfair targeting of members of minority groups (Criminal Justice, 2019). This focus on minority groups leads to more scrutiny based solely upon the belief that members of their racial, religious or ethnic group are more likely to be involved in criminal activities rather than the likelihood of someone committing a crime being based on an individual’s behaviour. Profiling often sees people of...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Identity, Self, and Community in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlett Letter is somewhat considered romance novel written in 1850 and set in Puritan Colonial America. Nathanial Hawthorne, its author, invites us on a journey that follows the life and death of Hester Prynne, a young woman left alone by her husband who has long been gone, and feared to have been killed by native Americans during war. She ends up having a child through the crime of adultery, leading to much judgement and her eventual ostracization from the...
5 Pages 2059 Words

The Role Of Destiny In Oedipus Rex

ABSTRACT In Greek society there is a great influence of myths on the literature and traditions. People believe that gods have a great role in the making of their fate. People and significant heroes try to escape from destiny but they are generally surrounded by the fate, in order to make them tragic This can be seen in many Greek dramas like Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. He was a religious person and he was inspired by belief of people in...
5 Pages 2171 Words

Is Denmark A Multicultural Society?

Introduction Multicultural societies are characterized in the same community by people of various races, ethnicity, and nationalities alike. Multiculturalism can occur on a national scale, or within the communities of a nation. People retain, pass, celebrate, and share their unique cultural ways of life, languages, art, traditions, and behaviours in multicultural communities. The society maintains, respects, and even promotes culture. Not only does it enhance itself but it also allows various cultures to peacefully coexist. Multiculturalism is the key to...
4 Pages 2012 Words

Health Promotion of Mental Health Programs in Schools

Mental health programs for young people can only be successful if it is flexible, culturally appropriate and more specifically centered on their needs and concerns. (Vranda, M.N., 2015). The ideal place for such programs is the school where there is ample opportunity to promote the mental health of young people. Stress, anxiety, and depression are the most frequently identified mental health problems among students. Psychoses, substance abuse disorders and self-harm tendencies, which are less common and are poorly addressed, but...
5 Pages 2163 Words

Artificial Intelligence & Taxation In India

Abstract Can India take the big step by combining artificial intelligence with taxation? The major source of revenue for the Government is through taxes. So, can we move towards a system wherein AI will help taxation system to be clear, easy and more compliant? Extensive use of AI & ML will definitely help our tax authorities to be vigilant about the defaulters and create a more comprehensive and transparent system. Can India move towards a taxation system where AI/ML is...
4 Pages 1976 Words

Dr Moreau And Dorian Gray: Halloween Or Victorian Novel?

While Wilde and Wells emphasize science as an underlying theme in their works, both authors use science to serve the bigger theme: gothic fiction, and to get the point across they use horror, suspense, and fear that is prevalent in the Victorian Age. In the Island of Dr.Moreau and in The Picture of Dorian Gray, both novels use different themes that are connected to the bigger theme of Gothic Horror. The term gothic novel typically refers to stories that combine...
5 Pages 2148 Words

The Effects Of Music On Human Brain

Abstract Indian tradition has a considerable amount of empirical musicology research on studying the cognitive impact of swara (musical notes), sruti (pitch) and laya (rhythm) on the human brain. However, there has hardly been any neuro-scientific exploration of these effects of music on human brain using the inherent strengths of Indian classical music. This paper discuses about the importance and need to have such efforts and also describes some of the original works in this direction. Introduction Indian tradition has...
5 Pages 2233 Words

Separations Morality from Politics by Machiavelli

Introduction The focus of this essay will be to show the moral suggestion of separating morality from politics, shortly, Italian diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli is best known for writing The Prince, was a 16th century Florentine philosopher known primarily for his political ideas the 'father of modern political theory” (Machiavelli , 2019).Approximately Machiavelli is the first one who separate moral from politics. Before him in Ancient Greece there was attempts to separate by Socrates and Plato. Niccolo Machiavelli is a great...
5 Pages 2132 Words

Ethics and Professional Framework

Even though the business world is becoming global, many organizations do not offer international Learning and Development. Dowling et al (2012) report that ‘a small proportion of European organizations provide a cross-cultural training to expatriates, and only around half offer briefings for potentially problematic international placements.’ Brownell (2006); Swart et al (2007) says that ‘many of the skills required for the international arena are generic but intercultural skills (cultural sensitivity, cultural intelligence and a global mindset) are critical to the...
5 Pages 2137 Words

Positive Effects of Facebook on Academics

'If you are on social media and you are not learning, not being inspired, not networking, then, you are using it wrong.' This is a quote by an expert in social media etiquette, Germany Kent. However, while some people would agree with this statement, others are likely to refuse. It is undeniable that social media sites such as Facebook have become integral parts of the current society and have affected all sectors, including education. In an era when social media...
5 Pages 2186 Words

The Benefits and Detriments For Affirmative Action and Employment At Will

Introduction Affirmative action and employment at will are topics of legitimate concern, especially for employers and employees. Previously, but more imperatively, managers and companies should be mindful of the legal ramifications that may happen if they neglect to properly understand the importance of discrimination in the workplace. Albeit union affiliations, Congress did not have a hand in many cases for discrimination until 1963, where Martin Luther King Jr. led the civil rights March on Washington. This march encompassed people of...
5 Pages 2215 Words

American Dream in Death of a Salesman

Introduction: The Illusion of the American Dream in 'Death of a Salesman' The American dream is most often defined as being successful and financially stable. To achieve the American dream, one must work hard and sometimes people can be so focused on their goals that they can be causing pain, both emotionally and physically, without noticing. The play, Death of a Salesman written by Arthur Miller in 1949, presents a family of four that has many conflicts which stem from...
5 Pages 2153 Words

The Kite Runner: Knowledge is Unrefined

The Kite Runner tells the story of a young boy in Afghanistan by the name of Amir who befriends the servant’s son, Hassan, and later decides to betray him. As Amir was always perceived as less than perfect to his indifferent father, the feat to become closer to him resulted in a deception that would affect the next few decades of his life. The novel continues to focus on Amir’s story integrated with Afghan culture and insight into various aspects...
4 Pages 2016 Words

HIV/AIDS in the LGBTQ Community in Arizona

Introduction Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is credited with weakening a person’s immune system by killing crucial CD4+ T cells that fight off infections (CDC, 2019). If untreated, HIV can progress to the last and most serious form of HIV often referred to as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. Some Americans are more likely to be at risk for HIV because of several factors, including their sexual behaviors, number of partners, where they live, stigma around their sexuality, and their...
5 Pages 2071 Words

The Behavioral Effects Of Various Genres Of Music

The study found that musical preference is something that might change with time or mood, while musical taste is a long term trait. This source brings up the interesting comparison between music and personality with the Big Five personality characteristics; instead of making five main categories of music based on music, they are based on personality traits. “The factor analysis revealed the presence of five major factors named as - Intense and Electronic; Devotional and Cultural; Emotional and Melodious; Spiritual...
5 Pages 2177 Words

Inequalities And Discrimination In The Workplace

Abstract This paper explores the many challenges minorities’ face in the workplace. Over the past 100 years African-Americans have struggled with being considered as equal as the white counterpart and women as equal to the male gender, in life and at work. African-American minorities have made major educational and career advances, but still struggle significantly with equality in pay and promotions in the workplace. Discrimination against minority groups starts outside of the workplace and it is a major issue still...
4 Pages 2007 Words

Preventing Domestic Violence Through Structured Program

Domestic violence is an egregious act against women in the Barbadian society, therefore, it is paramount that the implementation of a structured program can help mitigate the problems precipitated by domestic violence. This proposal focuses on the implementation of a facility which will act as a refuge and offer a combination of educational prevention, crisis intervention approaches and long-term treatments for victims of abuse. This program will help Barbados based on the successful implementation of similar programs in the United...
5 Pages 2099 Words

Childhood Trauma Influence on Serial Killers

Introduction Since the first records of a serial killer, dated back to the early 1890s, countless questions have been raised about what causes a person to act in this manner. “What goes on in the mind of a serial killer?” and “What is the cause of the urge to harm others?” Many questions have been asked in accordance with the mind of a killer, nature vs nurture being a common one. Is a killer created through genetics passed down through...
4 Pages 1964 Words

The Loss of Humanity: Exploring the Historical Issue of Dehumanization

Winston Churchill once commented on the Holocaust, “There is no doubt in my mind that we are in the presence of one of the greatest and most horrible crimes ever committed.” During the historical period of the 1930s to 40s, Germany’s National Socialist (Nazi) regime exterminate the Jews of Europe through brutal ways in order to cater to German racism, anti-Semitism, and economic factors. The estimated death of Jews during the Holocaust was tremendous: “while an exact number of those...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Business Intelligence And Data Warehousing

Executive summary Data is everything for an organization, but it will be nothing if the organization doesn’t have the appropriate solution to generate value from it. Business intelligence technology uses in the business organization to manage the organization operation and collect, analysis, and storage the information. It is working as data visualization tool. For this report, there is select the children vacation dataset to performed the data visualization process in the effective manner. Business intelligence helps them who planning to...
5 Pages 2217 Words

Things Fall Apart: Is Suicide a Choice?

His suicide is his prescribed fate and his punishment for his mistakes in life for which he is responsible. As Achebe wrote in his work Morning Yet on Creation Day the people of Igbo believed that : “…when a man’s misfortune is somehow beyond explanation [it] can only be attributable to an agreement he himself must have entered into, at the beginning, alone with his chi; for there is a fundamental justice in the universe and nothing so terrible can...
5 Pages 2105 Words

Artificial Intelligence VS Natural Intelligence

ABSTRACT This article is about Artificial Intelligence Vs Natural Intelligence by Lucas Kromann Bogehoj Nielsen. I have reviewed to understand the base of AI and understand the concept of Artificial Intelligence vs. Natural Intelligence. During the article, I also learned different concepts such as AAI and AGI. In this review, I have covered a few experiments and examples as well. INTRODUCTION Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term used to describe “intelligence” exhibited by machines. AI programs may bring an image...
5 Pages 2191 Words

Corporation and Ethics: Banks and other Financial Institutions

Introduction On 11th of February 2019 the Royal Banking commission presented its final report on the misconduct of banking and financial sector, revealing sickening behaviour of the financial industry. The investigation was on going since Dec 2017, highlighting unethical behaviour of banking, superannuation, mortgage and other financial industries and spotlighted some shocking facts about the big corporations. The need for the Royal commission surfaced after years of scandals and sharp decline in consumer’s trust in country’s financial services but on...
5 Pages 2167 Words

Ethical And Legal Implications In Nursing

Introduction This essay will depict ethical and legal issues involved in nursing, and each of the matters will be attributed to the provided case study to identify the ethical and legal steps that would have been taken during the scenario. The legal and federal boundaries are applicable in nursing under any circumstances. In addition to this, nurses should also act in an ethically manner to ensure the Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. As, the medical...
5 Pages 2109 Words

Refugee Women's Access to PPH in Australia: Barriers & Facilitators

Legislative factors were shown to potentially operate as both facilitators and barriers to refugee women’s access to PPH in Australia, and were evident in 31.5% of studies. At times, policies put in place with the intention of helping refugees, instead created barriers to their access of PPH. For instance, the requirement for all healthcare appointments with non-English speaking patients to be attended by an accredited interpreter, created challenges for PPH strategies involving bilingual workers who did not have this accreditation...
4 Pages 1960 Words

The Nature of Schizophrenia and its Relation to Cognitive Decline

A psychotic disorder involves a disconnection from reality (Bowie, et. Al, 2016). Whereas, a psychosis is a group of cohesive symptoms that can shape the way one can feel, think or behave (Fioravanti, et. Al, 2015). Psychotic episodes and the feeling attached to this can interfere with your work, family, friends and everyday tasks. People with psychosis tend to have hallucinations; this can involve seeing or hearing things around you that may seem present and ‘real’ but others are unable...
5 Pages 2053 Words

Music And Health: The Effects And Aspects

Introduction My playlist is compiled with the aim of aiding a physical exercise routine that I would typically do to maintain my physical health. I wanted to create a music listening experience that would enable me to have increased motivation and energy as I undertook moderate to high-intensity exercise, as well as elicit a calmer mood as I finished the exercise portion and entered the cool down/relaxation portion of my routine. I have an extensive playlist that I frequently use...
5 Pages 2243 Words

Factors Affecting HIV Spread Among Africa’s Disadvantaged Countries

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was first reported in 1981 among gay men in Los Angeles. HIV caused a severe infection that weakened their immune system. It was the beginning of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic (MHAF, 2019), which later in 2010 became the fifth leading cause of disability in all ages (Zulfiqar, 2017). Although these were the first incidents to be reported, many people have fallen victims of HIV and many have died before 1981. Although effective diagnosis, treatment...
4 Pages 2009 Words
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