Socratic dialogues are deemed as the inception of Western civilization in their distinguishing of tribalism from humanitarianism, thereby constructing the “Other” and Western consciousness. Each dialogue has contributed to the “ideal” teaching model in which new knowledge is created for both teacher and student. Interlocutors expand this method to facilitate the multilogical understandings of knowledge and truth, removing man from “unintellectual” foundations of tribalism (Popper 164). Such conversations have laid the groundwork for Western concepts of educational elitism. As authors...
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2057 Words
This paper will explain the power that companies and the government has over the citizenry of the United States within the influence(s) and confines of the cyber world, and how our introduced bill will stop, punish, and dismantle the easy ability that corporations and the government have in violating privacy for monetary and political gain(s). With the rise of the Internet, Companies and the government have committed numerous privacy invasions. This paper will explain the negative Informational Scandals, intrusive marketing...
4 Pages
1954 Words
The Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-borne virus in the member of the Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus. The virus was first found in 1947 in the blood of a monkey in Uganda’s Zika Forest giving the virus its name. There are two lineages of the Zika virus, African and Asia. The Asian strain caused outbreaks in Micronesia in 20019 and French Polynesia in 2013-2014. (White, Wollebo, David Beckham, Tyler, & Khalili, 2016) Zika was transmitted originally in a sylvatic cycle...
4 Pages
1978 Words
Has society become too politically correct? What was originally designed to prevent certain groups from being offended has turned into a witch hunt. From the television screens to the playground, we have all seen or heard something which is unambiguously offensive but on the flip side of the same coin terms such as 'racist' are flung at every minute contradiction. Even my own friends are guilty of this crime as is everyone else in the nation. Nationally it's a joke...
4 Pages
2034 Words
There always comes a time where a change in life needs to happen. Change is not always negative; it sometimes can be positive depending on the situation you are dealing with. You will never know how it can affect you if you never try to attempt it. In Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron”, there were people who feared change because of the possible consequences they may face. We only see that perspective from two main characters...
5 Pages
2180 Words
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Psychological Effects of Harassment Sexual Harassment is globally perceived to be an offensive act aimed at violating the fundamental human right of women and also violating their dignity. This negative trend has a very adverse effect when it occurs within an organizational setting. This is because apart from the physical and psychological trauma it exposes the victims to, their productivity are greatly affected.[1] Sexual harassment in the workplace is nothing new, but the issue is seeing a tidal wave of...
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2209 Words
This essay is going to explore the contemporary issue of suicide in adult males. I will be using epidemiology to justify this; epidemiology is the study of the determinants and distribution of population diseases. It is the key quantitative discipline that supports public health, this is often defined as the efforts taken to prevent disease and promote health by society (Cambridge University, 2010). Within this essay, the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and the Clinical Commissioning Process (CCG’s) will be...
5 Pages
2075 Words
Abstract The human mind has historically been the subject of research on cognitive ability and ways to measure intelligence. In the early 1900s and throughout the twentieth century, an increased interest in this field would lead to the development of theories by prominent psychologists such as Jean Piaget, Alfred Binet, Charles Spearman, and William Stern who coined the term “intelligence quotient” or “IQ” as it is commonly known. Recent offerings to this ever-expanding field, are Robert J Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory...
5 Pages
2132 Words
Abstract Behavior principals can be used to evaluate the future success of a student in the classroom environment. The types of consequences used, shaping, and antecedents should all be considered when tailoring a plan for a student. Learning in the classroom will be greatly determined by the students’ ability to access executive processing skills. Teachers need to be ever aware of current research on brain development and how memory works to affect learning. Keywords: Behavior, Learning, ADHD, Trauma, Social Learning,...
5 Pages
2056 Words
Section 1. In the first part of this assignment I will be writing about the key academic writing styles and why it is important. Academic writing is a formal type of writing that structures you to write professionally, using the right type of vocabulary and technique. Academic writing is a relatively formal, this means that in an essay a person should avoid colloquial words and expressions. Academic writing is well structured type of writing, it flows easily from one section...
5 Pages
2072 Words
Body-image is a multidimensional, subjective and dynamic concept that encompasses a person’s perceptions, thoughts and feelings about his/her body. It can be positive or negative. There are four dimensions by which the concept of body-image can be understood: Perceptual- The way an individual see himself. It is also called Body Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction and represents a global evaluation of one’s body. According to Grabe, Warde & Hyde (2008), it is the overall level of approval or lack thereof that an individual...
5 Pages
2210 Words
Introduction Medial collateral ligament (MCL) is the most common injured ligaments in the knee accounting up to 40% of all knee injuries (Andrews et al., 2017). Its frequent in sports involving valgus knee loading such as football. Knee braces have been studied for their benefits as they can provide 20-30% greater resistance to lateral blows and ACL is further protected (Albright, Saterback and Stokes, 1995). However other studies have shown how it can decrease performance. Najibi and Albright (2005) showed...
5 Pages
2042 Words
America was ‘founded’ in 1776 through the War of Independence against the British Empire. Since then the new world has known nothing but violence; from the elimination of the native Indian tribes to the onslaught of many military expeditions and wars. In this essay I will examine the fictional violence in Mark Twain’s, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and the factual violence in the Narrative Life of Fredrick Douglas. By looking at these texts, I will argue that...
4 Pages
1960 Words
Abstract This literature review will analyze the study of whether test anxiety interfered with how well students performed on the exam. This literature review will examine the different aspects of the study and how well it answered the question related to the study, also this review will breakdown the results within each area of the study to determine whether it worked. Finally, this literature review will dive into test anxiety to determine the background on it and how a student...
5 Pages
2078 Words
Abstract— Blood is an important part of human life, with no replacement. Blood donation is the only source of blood, and locating voluntary, unpaid donors is the most important activity in the world. Blood banks have a responsibility to provide adequate and safe blood to the community. The risk of transfusion-related heritable diseases is highest when blood is provided by paying donors. Blood donation is a type of location-based service where many lives can be lost due to the difficulties...
5 Pages
2248 Words
1. Introduction: Language is a versatile tool in the world of politics. The power of language in affecting and influencing political thought should not be underestimated. Hence, it is capable of inspiring, encouraging, and appealing to the brains of society. Individuals tend to use language as a tool to express their feelings and emotions. However, language is being used for other purposes, such as persuasion, shaping people’s attitudes and beliefs. The persuasive power of language is mostly highlighted in social...
5 Pages
2235 Words
The Historical Context of Postpartum Depression Treatment Throughout the late 1800s, isolation was seen as a normal treatment to “cure” women suffering from postpartum depression. This treatment was known as the “rest cure,” which consisted of isolating the patient completely to avoid any mental activity and provide rest. At the time, a well-known feminist writer, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, was prescribed this isolation treatment after the birth of her daughter that left her with a crippling depression (“Charlotte Perkins Gilman”379). “The...
5 Pages
2130 Words
Abstract— Breast Cancer is one of the most common disease that is responsible for a high number of deaths every year. Despite the fact that cancer is treatable and healable in earliest stages, A huge number of patients are examined with cancer very late. Data mining process and classification are efficient way to categorise the data particularly in medical fields, where those approaches are broadly used in diagnosis to make decision. Mining provides useful information from the huge volume of...
5 Pages
2130 Words
Abstract: The women writers in the 19th century represented themselves in the form of writings and presented their ideas through the medium of autobiography, a genre in the literary world. Genre, according to Collins dictionary is ‘a particular type of literature, painting, music, film or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics’. Autobiography is a tool to represent the ‘Self’ and during the 19th century, the women used it as one of her...
5 Pages
2208 Words
Madness. A word to describe a state of being mentally disturbed, deranged, coming off the path of normality and sanity defined by the society we live in. It describes a certain form of absurdity, something abnormal, possibly stupid in the eyes of others. But when does one become one become mad? It could creep up on them quietly, slowly, like a headache. Unnoticed by its new host, nestling into their thoughts behind bones and flesh, with a dangerous hunger for...
4 Pages
1978 Words
Introduction to Discrimination in "To Kill a Mockingbird" Discrimination has been present throughout human history for centuries. In Harper Lee’s classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird, there is a narration of happenings during the Great Depression and how discrimination was evident between black and white communities. Due to its instant success, a film adaptation was produced approximately two years later in 1962. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in the fictional small town of Maycomb, Alabama, Using different...
4 Pages
1981 Words
Personal Experience I feel glad to write about reflection in the class of Challenges in Educational Leadership. At the very start I was happy that it will be interesting to make connections with this course from my previous leadership experience. This subject seems to be fulfilling my dream as a student in the Master of Education programme in the context of Leadership. In the start of classes, I was struggling to adjust myself to this new World of Social Sciences...
4 Pages
1998 Words
Introduction: This essay talks about the Leviathan elements in the rule of Qaddafi of Libya, this essay divide into several parts first part talks about what is Libya country, and Qaddafi in power in 42 years, and third part talks about leviathan, Thomas Hobbes view on Libya, and in another part talks about the Arab spring in Libya when and how started and in other part talks about Libya after Qaddafi because after Qaddafi the civil war began in Libya,...
4 Pages
1999 Words
The LGBT is commonly phrased and labelled as a prohibited taboo in the society of the Peninsular of Malaysia. In the multiracial society with different cultures and ethnic groups, the idea of LGBT and the issue for this matter has manifested into the social stigma for the citizens of the Malaysia because we could not understand the reasons for the following trend that is happening right now. The definition for LGBT is abbreviated from Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgenders. According...
5 Pages
2079 Words
Nursing theories are important to the practice of nursing. More importantly, theory-guided practice is important, as a nurse in any role, particularly in the role as an advanced practice registered nurse. It enables the nurse to deliver effective, efficient, and holistic care (Saleh, 2018). Theory guided practice is becomingly increasingly important in nursing that it was suggested that it should become the future of nursing (Saleh, 2018).There are numerous theories in nursing practice taught in nursing school. Some of the...
5 Pages
2235 Words
Section 1: Executive Summary 1.1 Business idea and goals The main goal is to establish a small partnership company that specializes in alcohol-free beer. The services to be provided will include supplying our alcohol-free beer to other businesses such as café and we also have our own shop that selling alcohol-free beer as well. The owners plan to begin this business with another two shareholders and gradually grow up the business. The business intends to generate sales revenue of about...
5 Pages
2179 Words
The question I will be answering is Discuss the impact on an individual of a conflict between the structures of the mind identified by Freud. Some well-known psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, carl rogers, and Ivan Pavlov made major contributions in the field of psychology in the understanding of the human mind and behaviour, some of these psychologists were major thinkers and others caused controversy, however, all of them have a major impact on the psychology field, Sigmund...
4 Pages
1981 Words
Introduction Resilience and the ‘at risk’ paradigm are both widely used frameworks that help address health issues in youth. Both have been used to help youth with addressing the issues found in sexual health. Therefore, the purpose of this essay will be to define the two paradigms, explain how they link to health, compare the main ideas, explain the shift towards resilience, focus on a health promotion program and trend and how it uses the resilience paradigm. Define the paradigms...
5 Pages
2097 Words
Introduction Music is the universal language of mankind, allowing communication across cultural and linguistic boundaries. It is expressed and shared by all ages from an unborn child to an elderly person. Every culture around the world has some form of music and song, each with their purpose, some might be to accompany a dance, soothe an infant, express love or express grief or many other purposes. Whilst it has these enormous numbers of benefits, what specifically caught my interest was...
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2041 Words
Introduction: Acute traumatic, nontraumatic brain injuries, degenerative and metabolic brain disorders, and severe congenital malformations of the nervous system all lead to the state of unconsciousness. An individual who is medically induced or traumatically induced is in a deep state of prolonged unawareness and cannot be forcefully awakened. This may be due to the lack of oxygen and blood flow surrounding the brain, traumatic causes such as critical injuries (major car accidents), dysfunction in nerve cells, brain infections encephalitis inflammation)...
5 Pages
2204 Words