2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Tragedy Medea: Representation Of Religion And Feminism

Consider a play of Sophocles or Aeschylus or Euripides or Aristophanes. Evaluate the play as a piece of historical evidence for understanding ancient Athens. ‘Tragedy could be said to be a manifestation of the city turning itself into theater, presenting itself on stage before its assembled citizens.’[footnoteRef:1] Literature broadly functions as a nuanced insight into the culture, values and concerns of a society, reflecting the contextual milieu to engage with their contemporary audience. Moreover, Athenian Tragedy stands as one of...
5 Pages 2101 Words

The Best Customer Archetype For A Car: Case Study Of Australia

Australia is about 25 million people where about half of its population possess a passenger car. It has been found that the best customer archetype for a car worthing around 25 000 AU$ are the young men between 25 and 34 years old. They represent 1.66 million people within the country and most of them lives on the Est-coast, when it comes to downsizing to a specific area, 10% of them lives in Brisbane. On the basis that only one...
5 Pages 2071 Words

Race, Gender, Identity, Society & Colonialism in Africa

I Introduction Global history indicates that humans continue to repeat the same patterns including repeated examples of Colonialism. Colonialism is defined by a foreign power gaining dominance over a country through state power. A prime example of this is Britain’s control of Nigeria during the period between 1900 and 1960. A key objective of colonialism on the part of the dominating country is the exploration of the chosen land, as evident during the occupation of Africa. The catalyst for the...
4 Pages 1984 Words

PESTEL Analysis of Facebook

Introduction As part of Assignment for Strategic Management I will be doing a PESTEL analysis of a company of my choice. For this analysis I have chosen to talk about Facebook. The four factors that I will be discussing will be Political, Economic, Social, and Technological. I will be discussing how these 4 factors will have an impact on a company like Facebook. Political Factors Political Stability: When we think about political factors in relation to Facebook, one of the...
4 Pages 2076 Words

Relationship Between Race And Identity In The Hate U Give

The novel written by American author Angie Thomas and published in 2017 titled, The Hate U Give explores the relationship between race and identity. The predominant theme (of The Hate U Give) is racism, especially how it manifests in violence and police brutality. Starr, the main protagonist, who faces discrimination and prejudice from her white classmates and white police officers, has witnessed several incidents where prejudice towards her friends has ended in fatality. In comparison, director, Joosje Duk communicates the...
4 Pages 2012 Words

Self-Interest and Prejudice in The Merchant of Venice

The human experience is the perception of human emotion, encompassing a wide range of conceptions about life and loss. Our capability to love and hate allows writers such as William Shakespeare to construct a world with binaries that highlights how experiences and motivations affect human behaviour. Shakespeare’s 16th-century play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ a comedic tragedy, discovers self-interested behaviours amidst prejudice within anti-Semitic values shaped by context in Roderigo Lopez and Christopher Marlowe’s ‘Jew of Malta’, featuring extensive racial prejudice...
5 Pages 2206 Words

Review on JPA Based ORM Data Persistence Framework

Introduction: Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) is a method toward transforming information since the object-oriented model is hooked on the personal database model. Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) remains founded happening units, while the social files management system (RDBMS) disreputable arranged families and fields towards stock information. Designed for a creator, separated charting sheet denounces the difficulty of the boilerplate cipher [1]. ORM hush-up the functionality of an ancient conservative Java Catalogue Connectivity (JDBC) software design classical [7] hooked on the persevered files. A...
4 Pages 2043 Words

Influenza: Increased Likelihood Of Health Risks For Older Patients

Have you ever experienced a combination of these symptoms: sore throat, coughing, rhinorrhea, body aches and a fever? The answer for most people would be yes, this means that for some they have contracted the disease known as influenza or as most commonly put, ‘the flu.’ The aim of this essay is to discuss what influenza is and mode of spread. Also, to identify knowledge of infection control practices, risk assessments, health team involvement and cultural safety. The essay will...
4 Pages 2044 Words

College Admissions Bribery Scandal: PR Theory & Practice

This essay will discuss the 2019 College Admissions Bribery Scandal, also known as Operation Varsity Blues, in relation to two public relations theories: the framing theory used by media and public relations practitioners and the rhetoric theory to persuade the public. Within the essay, there will be assertions to where framing is used by public relations advisors to repair students’ reputations damaged by their involvement in the scandal. Further, the essay will draw on the utilisation of rhetoric theory used...
5 Pages 2173 Words

Description Of Influenza And Explanation Of Infection Control Practices

The main purpose of this essay is to discuss influenza and what is the mode of action and risk factors for the older person and how to prevent the spread of infection in a residential aged care facility. This essay will discuss the risk assessment needed for a person who suffering from influenza and what nursing care is required following cultural safety and how multidisciplinary team help to assess the patient. Influenza spreads very quickly, and it may lead to...
4 Pages 1985 Words

King Lear: Reading Response and Developed Critical Essay

Part 1 Reading Responses Week 5. Describe the character of Lanval’s lady and the character of Queen Guinevere in Lanval by Marie de France. Compare and contrast them, commenting on their different characteristics, social standing, relationships with other characters, and roles/functions in the unfolding of the narrative. Gender role is at the heart of Marie’s lay Lanval. The two most bold and powerful characters are women. Although Lanval’s lady and Guinevere are strikingly different, they both challenge the stereotypical function...
4 Pages 2107 Words

Child Protection & Surrogacy in Australian Law

The contemporary issues of care and protection of children and surrogacy in the Australian legal system have led to the establishment of both legal and non-legal mechanisms in response to this matter. Many families and its members go through depraving situations sometimes together and sometimes on their own as individuals. These issues are what the law aims to demonstrate its effectiveness in as a source of aid as well as protecting individuals’ rights however there are many factors, legislation and...
4 Pages 2022 Words

Impact of Violent Video Games on Children's Aggression

In recent years, there has been a significant debate in the fields of child-rearing, gaming and psychological research about whether exposure to violent content in media leads to aggressive behaviour in children. Past research has focussed on violent television content. However, as video games become more popular, the concern about the effects of violent content in these games has continued to grow. It is suggested that approximately 76% of Australian citizens under 18 years of age play video games (Brand,...
4 Pages 1974 Words

Population Growth Report: Germany and Malawi

Introduction: This report is portraying a detailed comparison of the change in population in two contrasting countries; Germany and Malawi. Germany which is a high-income and developed country is bound to differ from Malawi which is a low-income and less developed country in terms of various population characteristics and trends. Map of Germany Map of Malawi ('The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency”) ('The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency”) Malawi has been ranked among the least developed countries in...
5 Pages 2137 Words

Lord of the Flies Versus Othello: Character Analysis

The author behind one of the most well-known television series once stated that, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one.” George R. R. Martin, the writer of the book series A Song of Ice and Fire later adapted into the HBO series Game of Thrones, modernized a once-popular William Shakespeare quote for one of his novels; who knew that this one quote would be heard by millions of people who...
5 Pages 2145 Words

Jane The Virgin And Fresh Off The Boat Influences American Identity

How do you identify yourself? People can identify themselves as an individual or by their ethnicity, gender, or religious affiliation. If it derives from race, then it is more likely a person will include their culture and prioritize their traditional values. However, have you ever thought how American TV shows can develop the identity of an American? After viewers continue watching tv shows which portray patterns of stereotypes, an individual can then raise a perspective toward individuals. According to “The...
5 Pages 2147 Words

Marginalization Through Mass Incarceration

The United States holds the highest rate of incarceration in the world, accounting for 25% of the incarcerated population, despite having only under 5% of the human population. (source 1). On top of this, the United States barely makes it in the top 50 crime index. So how exactly does the U.S get off having the highest incarceration rate? (Crime) The U.S uses incarceration as an abused platform to disenfranchise, criminalize, and physically remove people from society. The criminal justice...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Influence of Iago on Othello and Desdemona's Relations

Individuals discriminate for various reasons: dread, begrudge, the longing for power, or a need to disassociate themselves from others. They can, in this manner, utilize somebody's skin pigment, a natural characteristic that cannot be modified, to communicate their scorn. Othello, in Shakespeare's play Othello, is a joyfully hitched and broadly regarded general in the Venetian armed force in spite of his African legacy. He is from a land that Venetians think about outlandish and puzzling. Othello has had one of...
4 Pages 2011 Words

Non-directive Play Therapy: Personal Statement

Introduction Garry Landreth has been quoted as saying, “In play therapy toys are viewed as the child’s words and play as the child’s language – a language of activity. Play therapy, then, is to children what psychotherapy is to adults.” (Landreth & Bratton, 1999). This is the very basis of play therapy, describing a therapy modality in which kids can use play and toys to work through traumas and disruptions in functioning. Play therapy is especially crucial because oftentimes children...
5 Pages 2214 Words

Theory Of John Dewey And Paulo Freire: Critical Analysis

As a technical teacher in the Department of Correctional Services, I have experience in teaching adult offenders. I taught Mathematics and Motor Trade Theory N1 to offenders registered for a TVET Programme called Engineering Studies N1 Students. I never had an opportunity to teach at a school outside correctional services except when I was doing my teaching practice. During my experiential learning, I taught grade 10 to 11 learners. Before writing this assignment, I read through all the theorists provided...
4 Pages 2038 Words

Individual Style Of Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was an author, actress, dancer, poet, and civil rights activist. Opal Moore explains her work as “providing insight into American history and culture”(Telgen). This paper is about Maya Angelou, her greatest work “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. Maya Angelou was born Marguerite Annie Johnson. She was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. When Marguerite was three and her older brother Bailey was four their parents Bailey and Vivian Baxter divorced. The kids were...
5 Pages 2119 Words

Impact Of Social Media Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour

Meaning of Social Media Advertising Social media platforms. Social networking websites Social networking refers to the use of applications and websites to find people to establish communication with each other and build a good relationship with others. It enables the firm to directly communicate with its customers. People around the world can communicate in an informal manner, share ideas and interests among themselves. This strategy makes the consumers to feel better than the traditional methods of selling and advertising. Eg....
5 Pages 2094 Words

Drug Abuse Among High School Students in Joe-Bar Community, Liberia

1.0 Chapter One: 1.1 Introduction: Miss use of drug is a major public problem worldwide. It is estimated that 324 million individual globally, age between 15 to 65 years, have used illicit drugs. Many mental health problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, mood and anxiety disorders, antisocial personality disorder, and suicide attempts, are also associated with drug abuse. Prevalence and miss use of drug has increased and experts in the area of drug health have indicated that if the trend...
5 Pages 2185 Words

The Big Five Personality Traits: Review Of Literature And Reflection

Introduction Personality plays a big part of who you are as an individual. There are many types of personality traits. In this research paper it gives you a definition of what personality is, how does someone personality affect their development. It tells you about the “Big Five” personality traits, it then goes into details about every one of them to let you know how it affect you as a person whether it’s negative or positive. It explains how personality are...
5 Pages 2146 Words

Theme of Perseverance: Working Towards Equal Opportunity

Martin Luther King Jr once said, 'The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.' In ancient times, the ability to read separated the wealthy and the poor, the educated and the ignorant, the free and the enslaved. The theme of perseverance continues to be prominent themes in many peoples lives as they face adversary. These themes are even more explicit within...
5 Pages 2191 Words

Situation with Child Labour in West Africa: Analytical Essay

The conceptualization of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is essential for business and in good light with the environment in the modern-day world; due to globalization. The dynamic changes in the global market have an impact on the perception of firms towards society. The present work is an attempt to examine CSR practices of Nestle West Africa and how some of the practices have not been in line with the portrayed CSR of the multinational firm and how it has failed...
5 Pages 2110 Words

Contract Assignment: Scenario Analysis

The scenario must be analysed in order to advise Claire on whether any contracts have been made or not, and if so, on what terms they have been agreed. The key requirements for a valid contract are offer and acceptance (known as agreement), consideration and intention to create legal relations. The first issue to consider in this scenario is the legal status of the advertisement made by Virtue Plus. As a general rule adverts are considered an invitation to treat,...
5 Pages 2193 Words

Building Information Modelling for Collaboration

1. Introduction In AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) industry construction process is a vast course that includes different phases under it. Interdisciplinary teamwork has traditionally revolved around the distribution of 2D drawings and documents in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industries, until recently collaborative practices remained 2D-Based (Singh, Gu and Wang, 2011). Numerous individuals in professional have differentiated collaborative work within the team of consultants and contractors as a working technique that can enable corporations to become more competitive...
5 Pages 2056 Words

My Experience In Leadership Styles: Reflective Essay

I am writing this reflection to provide evidence of: Leadership. Leadership is the most influential factor in forming organisational culture and it is essential to ensure that the necessary behaviours, strategies and qualities of leadership are developed (Kings Fund, 2015). The royal college of nursing (RCN, 2020) states that nurses admire participatory, facilitative, and emotionally intelligent managers. Leadership styles lead to team cohesion, lower stress, and increased self-efficacy and empowerment. Authentic leaders present good role models that are aligned with...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Principles Of Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

The following claim “What are the processes that drive Earth towards non-equilibrium,” can be deconstructed into two key elements: How did Earth’s thermodynamic system evolve away from thermal equilibrium? And what processes drive it towards non-equilibrium? The present-day Earth system is notably unique when contrasted to its planetary neighbours. This uniqueness, in areas such as global cycling is result of an exclusive atmosphere that is far from thermal equilibrium. The atmospheric system encompasses a vast range of processes at different...
4 Pages 2049 Words
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