Life is a journey that reflects an individual’s experiences, choices, decisions, and mistakes. However, the past is not what defines a person, it is the personality that an individual has developed and the lessons that life taught to become what they are today. Humans, unlike other creatures, are intelligent with a gift of metacognition, if used righteously can make wonders in overcoming daily hitches in life. We must find ways and strategies to overcome them healthily with the consideration of...
4 Pages
2048 Words
Source A is highly valuable when discussing how economic factors helped lead to the French Revolution as it portrays the unfair distribution of money among the French population. The source is a cartoon created by Isaac Cruikshank, a British artist known for his use of social and political satire in his works. Cruikshank produced the source on 12th November 1788, shortly after payments from the treasury were suspended in France. This meant that France was in great financial difficulty and...
4 Pages
1997 Words
This essay will discuss the capacity of communities to provide much-needed support to people with various disabilities in the United Kingdom communities. The task of this essay is to identify the role of the community’s involvement in health and social care policy, including a brief history concerning community care and its related legislation and its related impacts. Herein, potential and problems for effective support for the community in the provision of health and social care for disabled people will be...
4 Pages
2000 Words
The Garcia sisters experience severe moments of conflict between the two different cultural systems of America and the Dominican Republic and a subsequent alienation from both. The movement away from their roots and the inability to accept fully the culture of their host country results in confusion and the inability to develop a sense of self. The connection between trauma and development in the narrative is evident in the novel “How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents” by Julia Alvarez....
5 Pages
2124 Words
Discuss reasons why some social groups are more likely to find themselves in poverty An essay by George Gill Poverty is an issue that has permeated every society since civilization began. The ancient Greeks and Stoics had their theories about how to mitigate its effects and proceeding societies have attempted to do the same, however, poverty still exists, and it seems ironic that in a world where somebody can die through obesity, others die through starvation. Poverty not only substantially...
5 Pages
2116 Words
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“Live. Laugh. Love.” The classic wall decoration that over half of suburban mothers hang up somewhere in their house in hopes that their 16-year-old daughter will stop texting her friends and spend some time with the family. This horribly cliché sign is not just indicative of the poor taste of the masses, it also points to a solution to a problem that is a staple of life for everyone ever, stress. Stress is an inevitability in life, and along with...
5 Pages
2150 Words
Pride and Prejudice is written in the form of a generic Shakespearean comedy as with a fair few of Austin's novels. Most of these archaic comedies begin with mistaken identity, followed by a sudden revelation, and then, most commonly conclude with marriage or multiple marriages. Pride and Prejudice is a novel that fulfills all of these criteria. The contemporary idea of marriage also has a large presence in the novel and reflects strongly the ideas of Austin on the theme...
5 Pages
2111 Words
In this current era, nurses are encountering an ample amount of ethical and legal issues in their professional lives. These profuse legal and ethical concerns in nursing practice need to be highlighted as prominent issues that require special attention by healthcare professionals. Nurses are responsible for providing the best quality care, ensuring safe ethical, and legal approaches towards decision making and dealing with the best interest of patients. As a result, a few portions of healthcare professionals pose a serious...
5 Pages
2086 Words
Two legendary revolutions, 160 years apart, separated by 8,000km. One caused democracy while under a dictatorship. The other caused the beginning of a world powerhouse while making billions suffer. Filled with juxtaposition, these two revolutions are the symbol of classic revolution, two laboratories in which all the modern possibilities of governance, both positive and negative, were tested for the first time. [A New World Begins]. So similar and so different, the Chinese communist revolution and the French revolution have changed...
4 Pages
2027 Words
Lying has been utilized as a means of deception since before humans existed. Animals have been shown to exhibit primitive forms of deception for ages, but as humans came about, different forms of lying started to emerge as well. As people became more intelligent over time, our means of deception through lying quickly followed suit. Many authors, scientists, philosophers, and political theorists have dissected and pondered upon the reasons why people lie, the factors that lead to lying, and the...
4 Pages
2046 Words
Let me set the scene, you’re all dressed up in long skirts and layers of clothes spending your day practicing the piano, walking in the country, and reading, and a guy who’s related to your dad and is going to inherit his business from him, shows up to your house and proposes to you..... Now you are looking at this guy that you have no feelings of love for, what do you do? Decline his proposal? NOO! Because you’re supposed...
4 Pages
1976 Words
It could be argued that there are parallels between what has happened in manufacturing and what is happening in the construction industry today; that the construction industry is increasingly becoming like manufacturing as it adopts production techniques from manufacturing and starts to apply them to construction and infrastructure projects. Discuss how valid this argument is, backing up your argument with examples of practice and how this is informed by technology of both what we build and how we design and...
4 Pages
2094 Words
Introduction The Industrial Revolution started in the continent of Europe in Britain in the second half of the 18th century. It is traditionally viewed as the deepest mutation ever known to have affected men since Neolithic times. The Industrial Revolution shaped the face of new industrial and economically successful societies by modifying their social and economic structures and destabilizing all established hierarchies. It eventually influenced every aspect of people’s daily life. Thanks to the introduction of new high-impact inventions into...
4 Pages
1971 Words
Richard Nixon, former U.S. president during the late 60’s and early 70’s, is a historically controversial figure in American politics. Many people look back at him as a corrupt politician who made a fatal political blunder. Many view him as a sneaky president who attempted to do anything to stay in power. Nixonland, a book by author Rick Perlstein, takes a good look into the American society in which Nixon grew up politically and the way Nixon handled his career....
4 Pages
2024 Words
In the title, Sherry Simon (1996) refers to linguistic aspects of gender as opposed to biological or social gender. Linguistic gender breaks down into semantic and grammatical gender: semantic gender corresponds to a referent's biological sex; grammatical gender is assigned even to inanimate nouns. English follows a natural gender system, where the assigned gender corresponds to the perceived sex of the referent where inanimate objects are neuter in gender; French follows a grammatical gender system where gender is assigned to...
5 Pages
2125 Words
Critically assess the claim that religious controversy is always caused by broader changes within society. Religious norms, rituals, and restrictions have always influenced and enveloped intimate human interactions. Religions' emphasis on the issues of gender and sexuality has expanded, if anything, about other areas of society and its impact in the modern era. I have to agree with the title claim, and this assignment will look into how religions adapt to these changes in society, using material from the four-module...
4 Pages
2004 Words
This report will discuss Artificial intelligence and its impact on the industry we are working in. In other words, AI has changed the way both humans and computers interact with each other. It is considered to be the best technology in terms of speed and efficiency. As a result, organizations are always ready to accept changes in terms of new technology. In my opinion, Accountants are really happy with the advancement of AI as it has made their work easier...
5 Pages
2244 Words
With the emergence of modern technology, the issues of fraud can now be handled and managed reasonably. Fraud has continued to be the worst problem in the digital world, it certainly has affected a great number of individuals, organizations, institutions, and other aspects. So many measures have been used in managing and controlling fraud, but some of the measures have failed us and this results in a negative effect. In this paper, I am going introduce five latest technologies that...
5 Pages
2092 Words
Developing and progressing in the arts requires a lot of practice and commitment. Even if not pursued professionally, it may be used as an outlet to cope with a variety of pressures presented in society. Therefore, educating young children between birth and the age of five about art presents an opportunity for self-expression and self-actualization. Thus, a foundation in art may serve to stimulate creativity in thought patterns that can be applied to a variety of problem-solving practices. Some may...
5 Pages
2105 Words
Alexander the Great was an ancient Macedonian ruler of Macedonia and Persia. He is recognized as one of the world’s best leaders. Alexander the Great built the largest and most dominating empire in the world. He was born in Macedonia, Greece in three hundred fifty-six BC. Alexander the Great father was King Philip Two, and his mother’s name was Queen Olympias. His father was a Greek god, which we recognize today as “Zeus.” Alexander the Great succeeded his father at...
4 Pages
1953 Words
Describe the manner of Alexander the Great’s death After 13 years of campaigning to build the greatest empire in the world, Alexander the Great returned with his army to Babylon (near modern Baghdad) to rest and strategize for his next conquest. His push for endless campaigning had led his generals to threaten mutiny; and through his increasingly eccentric behavior, he had lost the loyalty of some of his close friends. On May 23, 323 BC, Alexander attended a dinner party...
4 Pages
2047 Words
Bullying is a worldwide issue plaguing schools and even the workplace. As Bernard, Johnston, and Rampersad indicate in their article, 'A new report from UNESCO (2019) states that nearly one in three students worldwide (32%) has been bullied at school at least once during the previous month”. The article further goes on to state that whether children go to school in high-resource countries or low-resource countries, bullying still takes place; in other words, bullying knows no borders. The authors relay...
5 Pages
2116 Words
Authority is a fundamental mechanism that undoubtedly plays a profound role in numerous aspects of modern society. It can be seen within governmental hierarchies, social relationships, as well as organizations. The majority of people tend to accept, or at least tolerate the various forms of authority encountered in everyday life. However, some find difficulty conforming to authority figures and symbols of authority that influence and exert control over their lives. Such is the case with Christopher McCandless in Jon Krakauer’s...
5 Pages
2244 Words
Throughout Western education, the concept of the winner writing the history books is truly embodied as great tales are spun about the accomplishments of the British Empire or American Veterans recalling the trauma of World War II. However, the Third World, which occupies four-fifths of the planet, is very much brushed to the side with the broad umbrella teachings of being poor, uneducated, uncivilized and ultimately needing to be saved by the West. The past fundamentally affects how we act...
4 Pages
2048 Words
You were born an enslaved person in the Caribbean. The stories of the elders in the ‘slave quarters’ inspire you to gain your freedom. Journal your efforts to be free as well as the consequences of those efforts: November 20th, 1853 Dear Diary, My name is Shinnel Haggard and I am currently thirteen (13) years of age. I was born on September 14th, 1840 to enslaved parents on Spring Hill Farm, a historic slave plantation located in Ellicott City in...
5 Pages
2130 Words
The denigration and stereotyping of single mothers, has endured a long history in Australia and throughout the world. Over the past 100 years, the societal and political response to unwed mothers and single motherhood has seen many changes. This essay will discuss the evolution of policies and financial support concerning unemployed single mothers with a focus on the present-day policies of ‘Welfare to Work’ and ‘ParentsNext’ policies. The essay will also discuss the shifts in societal and political discourses surrounding...
5 Pages
2080 Words
So, I have depression. Didn’t think you were going to hear that as an opening statement, did you? I have suffered from depression since I was 15 years old, however was only formally diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder this year. Like many people in the world, my symptoms got worse over the year due to the isolation and huge changes that occurred during the COVID pandemic however they started to come about again just after the Christmas period. 1999 and...
5 Pages
2082 Words
In today’s Western society, there are several misconceptions about Islam and its followers. Many people believe Islam is a violent religion with violent followers who advocate for the oppression of women. Looking from the outside in, it looks as though women are forced to wear hijabs and are being controlled by this religion; it’s telling them how to act, what rights they get, where they can and can not go, and ultimately, allows the male figure to be the decision...
5 Pages
2158 Words
'As far as I know, it takes effect immediately, without delay'. These famous words from Günter Schabowski ended the many years of separation between East and West Germany on 9 November 1989. In the following months, more and more people moved from East Berlin to the West and vice versa. Thus, step by step, the products of the West were also adopted in the East, while large parts of the culture of the GDR, the German Democratic Republic, disappeared. Some...
4 Pages
1990 Words
Introduction This Professional Development Portfolio aims to explain and critique my personal development goals in the form of SMART goals. Using my own skills to self-reflect on my strengths and weaknesses, I will be able to build and improve the skills that will be essential for my future as a student and as a future graduate seeking employment. This skill development will be assessed based on theoretical concepts, academic journals as well as results from group activities. As part of...
4 Pages
1998 Words