In modern society, with an ever-increasing number of images posted to social media and the internet daily, the issue of appropriation within the creative industries is more prominent than ever before. Despite there being instances of appropriation within the arts before, such as Andy Warhol’s screen prints, the number of instances in which artists are using already existing images to create their own works is on the rise, this can be seen in the works of Richard Prince and Sherrie...
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2003 Words
It has been widely recognised in the language teaching profession that learners need not just knowledge and skill in the grammar of a language but also the ability to use the language in socially and culturally appropriate ways (Byram, Gribkova, Starkey, 2002). Hence the National Curriculum in England underlines the importance of “liberating learners from insularity” (DfE, 2014) and familiarising them with the target culture through a “variety of authentic resources” (DfE, 2014) such as stories, poems and songs. In...
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2214 Words
Introduction My proposed research will involve two key areas, storytelling and psychology. By looking into childhood adversity in top athletes, I would like to find out what effect the adversity had on their sporting career. The storytelling side will be in two parts, first the athletes will share their stories with me and I will use their stories to create a written creative piece. Robert McKee once said, “Storytelling is the most powerful way to put idea into the world...
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2001 Words
ABSTRACT The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high fat, low carbohydrate, and restricted protein diet that was framed in the 1920’s as an alternative therapy for refractory epilepsy. Refractory epilepsy poses high risk of morbidity and mortality for pediatric population. It is a desirable treatment modality for refractory epilepsy in children. The ketogenic diet can be used by people of all ages. In the hospital setting, patients are administered with 1 g of protein per 1 kg of bodyweight, 5-10...
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2021 Words
INTRODUCTION In Latin America, women face discrimination at all levels of employment and management. Some studies have concluded that Latin Americans, as compared to Europeans and North Americans, are more likely to put up with the fact that power is unequally distributed within companies. This creates an environment that encourages the acceptance of labor inequality between genders (Vergara, 2011). This research project attempts to understand women and their inclusion in the workplace, as well as the ways they are limited...
4 Pages
1999 Words
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Within British society today youth is generally defined biologically, by both puberty and age however the natural stages from childhood through to adulthood are open to questioning; leading the definition of youth to be progressively less clear. It has been said that ‘conceptions of the youth phase are historically and culturally specific’ (Cieslik and Simpson, 2013:3). The difficulty of insinuating a concise definition of both ‘youth’ and ‘generation’ could however, directly mirror why the current modern-day generation is considered ‘lost’....
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2107 Words
Introduction Communication is defined by Kourkouta & Papathanasiou as the “exchange of information, thoughts and feelings among people using speech or other means” (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou, 2014). Good communication is a vital skill for paramedics and is one of the core standards set out within the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) code of conduct (Health and Care Professions Council, 2018). During the year 2016 - 2017 poor communication by NHS staff was listed as the main cause of written...
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2126 Words
By definition gratitude means ‘the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.’ However, this does not mean to say everyone perceives gratefulness in the same way or even goes by the same definition. Gratitude itself is such a broad and complex topic, we cannot simply take it at face value. Throughout this essay we will explore the role gratitude has on our biology, such as neural correlates and neurotransmitters, and on our social interactions,...
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2142 Words
What is child-directed speech “In comparison to adult-directed speech, CDS or motherese talk is characterized by a drastically altered vocal pitch, amplitude and speech rate. The vocabulary is simplified, and melodic patterns are noticeable (Broesch and Bryant 2015: 1). The main features that makes child different from adult-directed speeches are its short utterances and its omission of past tenses as well as the fewer disfluencies in sentences. It is known that infants prefer child-directed speech more as it includes shorter...
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2080 Words
Introduction Anointing of sin is the second healing sacrament that has been performed for centuries, slowly being interpreted for the modern world. During this ritual a priest lays his/her hands on the participant and anoints with the Oil of the Infirm, first, on the forehead and then on the palm of the hands (Franciscan Media, 2020). Afterwards the priest says ‘’Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the Grace of the Holy...
4 Pages
2048 Words
There are two focal methods of how we can take a gander at the historical backdrop of a language: remotely – where, why and by whom the language was used; the political and social variables causing an alteration – and inside – the elocution, punctuation, jargon and composed part of the language; the inspirations for adjustment ascending from the structure of the language itself. All dialects experience change, after some time, and there can be numerous unmistakable purposes behind this....
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2221 Words
Introduction The comedy of manners may be a comedy genre that flourished during the Restoration era on English stage. Plays of this sort are typically set within the upper crust world, and mock the claims of these who see themselves as socially superior, deflating them with satire. Comedies of manners reflect on the norms and mores of society with witty dialog and cleverly crafted situations, and discuss the relationships between sexes. Marriage may be a hot topic. there's typically little...
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2184 Words
Python programming language stands out as a boastful yet simple language in the programming sphere. In my last two years as a programmer, Python has emerged as my go-to programming language whenever I want to complete any task from automation of my spreadsheets, scraping sites and even doing simple school projects such as data analysis. The programming language enjoys huge popularity in the programming community ranking first with a market share of 31.17% (Carbonelle, 2020). So, what makes programmers’ hearts...
5 Pages
2085 Words
When considering attending college, there are many questions to be asked. For some it may be as simple as, where should I go? For others, there are a multitude of questions. Can I afford college? Am I too young? What do I want to major in? It is not an easy choice, and the decision will affect your life for years, in some cases decades to come. Many students are not decided on majors or even the idea of college,...
4 Pages
1991 Words
The development of administration theories has been influenced by periodical developments in the discipline. The search is therefore a continuous one that has moved from the classical, to the neo-classical and onto the contemporary era. The term “administration” relates to the group of people who are in charge and are tasked with the creation and enforcement of rules and regulations. The president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa and the individuals he has appointed to support him, his cabinet, are an...
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2224 Words
Introduction Over the past five weeks I have been gathering data on my performance in badminton, determining which are my strongest and weakest shots and my shot trajectory, to see if I am moving the shuttle around the court make it harder for my opponents or if I am hitting it in the same spot. I have also been learning about different types of practice to use when wanting to improve your performance and types of feedback that is best...
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2073 Words
Introduction to WWII's Impact on Professional Sports World War ll was a very traumatic time period for many different countries. The war, lasting from 1939-1945 was ultimately won by the allied powers consisting of the United States, Japan, and the Soviet Union defeating Hitler and the axis powers. Huge countries including the United States, England, Germany, Italy, and Japan committed all their resources to the war effort and went to extreme measures to ensure a victory for their country and...
4 Pages
2099 Words
Analysis High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with the Pre-Column Fluorescence Derivatization is a method in which the separation and ultra-sensitive detection of a substances occur. This sensitive method simultaneously detects eight amino acids (AAs); glycine, alanine, serine, glutamic Acid, arginine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. These AAs has been developed and validated in different species of tea. Moreover, the method was validated and successfully applied to determine the AAs content in tea species (the tea products (green, black, oolong, and white)...
5 Pages
2248 Words
Introduction: The Unparalleled Journey of Lionel Messi 'I am not crazy enough to compare myself with Messi because he is the best there ever was and the best there will ever be'(Gomez). There are many professional soccer players in the world who have overcome adversity such as poverty but persevered and made it to the big leagues. Lionel Messi is no different. However, his accomplishments in world soccer stand out and above his peers. He is a six-time winner, with...
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2176 Words
Confidence Essay The ten letter word ‘Confidence’ is the prime key to success. Some people are born with this attribute; some have to work to achieve it, while others do not know how to acquire it. The significance of confidence lies in the belief in oneself and in one’s own potential. Without hope and confidence, it is almost impossible to achieve anything, as faith portrays optimism which guides to achievement and ultimate success in one’s life. Confidence or self-confidence cannot...
4 Pages
2062 Words
ABSTRACT Self-esteem has been described as the positive or negative attitudes and beliefs that a person holds about themselves, an evaluation of the emotional value and worth of self. Self-esteem is closely linked to social identity – by identifying with a group / gender, an association with the prestige and status of that group in society impacts on one’s own concept of self. The aim of this research is to establish if there is a gender difference between males and...
4 Pages
1958 Words
“During my work as a police officer, I encountered many emotional demanding situations in which my colleagues and I often seemed to act unfelt emotions or suppressed emotions that would better not be displayed at that particular moment. For instance, during my first weeks of duty I wondered how police officers could stay seemingly untouched while being confronted with drunk and offensive people. One colleague once told me: “I don’t take it personally, it’s part of the job and so...
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2069 Words
There is no agreed definition of child labor. Public discourse uses the phrase to refer to child time in activities that are somehow harmful to the child. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes the importance of protecting children from: ' work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child's education, or to be harmful to the child's health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development' (1989, Article 32). The society...
5 Pages
2097 Words
One of the main reasons parents leave their children to work abroad is to be able to provide the needs of their family. It is a difficult decision for the parents to sacrifice their obligation to be physically present to their children for a higher salary abroad. Most of the OFWs spend half of their lives working hard in a foreign country. Also going abroad means they are sacrificing the opportunity to spend their lives with their family for a...
4 Pages
1969 Words
It is widely believed that slavery, in all, has ceased to be practiced. However, despite the fact that many people falsely think slavery has completely ended, it truly hasn’t for everyone. Slavery is still a very present, brutal reality worldwide and has become a global problem. The number of people enslaved are higher today than ever in history. According to the Global Slavery Index, in 2018, “There are 40.3 million slaves still throughout the world.” This presents the idea that...
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2235 Words
Bio-ethanol as alternatives source of energy Bioethanol is obtained from plant biomass based waste materials or renewable sources. It can be used as a fuel, chemical feedstock, and solvent in various industries. It has certain advantages as petroleum substitutes, alcohol can be produced from a number of renewable resources, alcohol as fuel burns cleaner than petroleum this aspect is environmentally more acceptable. It is biodegradable and thus, keeps a check on pollution and it is far less toxic than fossil...
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2086 Words
A quick scan of online materials on the subject of women in the Koran reveals that this religious text can refract in multiple ways. Middle East correspondent Carla Power (2015) concurs with this judgment, further elucidating that a civil rights activist “may discover freedoms in the same chapter in which a twelfth-century Cairo cleric saw strictures” (p. 1). People holding different ideologists – terrorists, moralists, fundamentalists, democrats, and even egalitarians – can point to a certain Koranic passage in support...
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2067 Words
Throughout the history of mankind, an undiscovered world above us has fascinated us into studying and observing what could potentially lie behind nature’s secrets. A constant push to make discoveries has led us to several findings, recently and mostly related to the exploration of Mars, which could one day be a home for humans. NASA has already stated that humans would “absolutely” be on Mars in the future, but we should be considering the action-oriented aspect of these ideas rather...
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2099 Words
Introduction Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the human’s naked eye ( including Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoans, Parasites, and Viruses), usually called 'microbes'. (Schmacke et al., 2020) Some companies even use microbiology studies to develop new products that might kill the viruses and bacteria by helping to diagnose diseases such as meningitis and tuberculosis and to prevent the spread of diseases. Therefore, for such an important purpose, microbiology plays a significant...
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2187 Words
INTRODUCTION Jesus, since his time, has placed children and the youth at the heart of the Christian faith. He has primarily taught how children and their humility could be a model to His disciples, that people who follow Him must be ‘like children’ (cf. Matthew 18:1-5; Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 9:33-37; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 9:46-48; Luke 18:15-17). Jesus has also invited the youth to come and follow Him (Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30; Luke 24:13-35). According to the survey conducted...
4 Pages
2163 Words