2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The History Of Social Workers In The United States

During the Industrial Revolution, social workers were needed because of all the societal issues. Also, at this time, the economy was booming. Lots of people had jobs in factories, assembly lines, coal mines, etc. However, at the time, America was a capitalist economy which meant that people had the freedom to do whatever they wanted to, in order to make money. There was little government interference in the economy. In the result of this, there was no minimum wage, no...
4 Pages 2042 Words

The Reasons Why MMA Is Safer Than Boxing

The sweet science of boxing has been prime, household entertainment for over a century. To this day, it leaves us on the edge of our seat, craving more. However, past all the fun and fanfare, there are major safety concerns, as time and brute force have not been kind to its practitioners. With the popularity of MMA rising, a lot of boxing fans are turning to MMA as an alternative. It is a sport that encompasses all the best elements...
4 Pages 2059 Words

The Concept Of Work Life Balance in Modern World

As the name suggests, work life balance relates to the equilibrium between the professional life, personal life and family life of the individual. This is a relatively new concept being brought on by the seismic advances of technology, the stigma of being regarded as “average”, and the disruption of the traditional 9-5 work culture. Not exclusive too, but heavily weighted towards, the balance of work and family life especially with the involvement of children and family. Lack of organisations engaging...
5 Pages 2085 Words

Borderline Personality Disorder: Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Approaches

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a syndrome that begins in young adulthood, characterized by excessive impulsivity, imbalance in affect and interpersonal relationships, inability to perceive self and hypersensitivity to abandonment (APA, 2013) Borderline personality disorder is a complex and serious mental disorder due to severe dysfunction and high risk of suicide. Although Stern (1938) used the term borderline among psychiatrists and mental health professionals long after its emergence in the psychoanalytic literature, it was only in 1980 that it entered...
4 Pages 2010 Words

Mars Colonization Issues And Solutions

For centuries Humans have considered colonizingor even terraforming Mars. Today we will look at exactly that but insteaddiscuss the issues and challenges with traveling to Mars and forming a colony there. We’ll mainly focus on the issues with creatinga colony there as, in my experience, folks tend to usually only discuss the journey toMars. And I think it’s also really useful to knowwhy we would go there. Most folks know that companies such as NASAand SpaceX aim and have plans...
5 Pages 2220 Words

Does Bilingualism Affect Intelligence?

Introduction In a pan, corn kernels that do not pop into popcorn are dumped away. Without heat, none will pop. This heat is an allusion to intelligence , that is why a myriad of people work hard in the hope of improving their intelligence. To improve someone’s intelligence there are a sheer amount of things to do. However, bilingualism’s effect on intelligence is an important global debate, and it started since the 1920s (Antoniou, 2018) . To be able to...
4 Pages 2006 Words

Critiquing Semiotic Analysis in Old Spice Ads

Abstract This essay aims to view the semiotic analysis in advertisements and critically analyze its impact. We will be critiquing two ads of Old Spice’s ‘The Man Your Man Could Smell Like’ campaign using semiotic analysis and then measuring the efficacy of the analysis. Through this exercise, we will see a semiotic analysis in action and recognize the drawbacks in utilizing the same as method of examining advertisements The representation of masculinity has come a long way from its rigid...
4 Pages 2013 Words

Employment Prospects Of Psychology: Forensic Psychology

In several countries around the world, psychology is now among the top three most favoured subjects studied at university. Psychology is a highly significant aspect of life. Therefore, those that graduate with a psychology degree have an endless and diverse spectrum of jobs to choose from. Psychology graduates can enter almost every job considering how most roles utilise skills that are often learned through a psychology degree. A career that some find particularly interesting is forensic/criminal psychology. It covers a...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Microbes And Their Interaction With Humans

Microorganisms are very tiny organisms that has a great impact in life activities. These microorganisms have been a subject of research and more of microbial functions are yet to be discovered. The aim of this essay is to explore the classification, structure and functions of microorganisms, Microbial growth with growth curves and factors that affects microbial survival and lastly, the positive and negative interactions with humans and foods. Microorganisms are classified into eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells based on their structures....
4 Pages 2033 Words

The Meaning Of Happiness In Islam

Introduction From an Islamic point of view, happiness is expressed by the word sa'adah. Shaqawah, which normally conveys the sense of profound suffering and distress, is the word opposite to sa'adah. Two aspects of life are linked to the word sa'adah: the hereafter (ukhrawiyah) and the universe now (dunyawiyah). The word sa'adah has a strong association with both the realm of the afterlife and the present. In the case of Hereafter, sa'adah means the sense of the supreme type of...
5 Pages 2172 Words

How Do Pets Improve Our Quality Of Life?

‘Quality of life’ can be defined in many ways. It is a multi-faceted summation of how healthy, happy and comfortable we are within our lives. There are many factors that influence this standard, and this documentary investigates how pets and animals help to improve human quality of life. Humans and animals share a unique bond based upon love, trust and loyalty. The domestication of animals' dates back to at least 45,000 years ago, and since then, pets and their owners...
4 Pages 1994 Words

Knowledge Audit Review: Background And Approach

INTRODUCTION TO KNOWLEDGE AUDIT Currently all the organisations are adapting to knowledge management system and knowledge audit methodologies for the effective usage of knowledge in the growth of organisation. It also helps in effective decision making at the time of need. A knowledge audit is a process which is used for identifying and accessing the knowledge. Along with this, its availability, structure, flow, use, needs and importance to the organisation can be known. Knowledge audit is a planning document which...
5 Pages 2220 Words

To What Extent Did Scientists In The 20th Century Reject Race?

Scientists in the 20th century focused on previous research based on race and whether or not it had any substance today. The term ‘race’ is often rejected by scientists due to its prejudicial and mythical nature. Scientists today often claim that race is a human construct, not a scientific one. They reject scientists who argue that race is true, as they do so based on a sense of false ‘scientific’ evidence. Despite this, some scientists maintain race to be true,...
5 Pages 2080 Words

Self Awareness And Mental Health

Discussion The primary objective of the current study was to explore the level of awareness, access and usefulness of university mental health and wellbeing services in postgraduate taught students at University of Aberdeen. Secondary aims were to investigate students’ attitudes around help-seeking behaviours and to formulate a deeper understanding on taught students’ needs. The results indicated that most psychology taught students were aware of a variety of mental health services. Specifically, the highest frequencies of awareness were reported for AUSA,...
5 Pages 2169 Words

Equity Goals And Policies

When is equity achieved? According to the Portland Plan Progress Report, it is “when identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation has no detrimental effect on the distribution of resources, opportunities, and outcomes for group.” (Sustainability, 2017). Regions with greater inclusion and smaller racial income gaps attain more economic growth, yet most communities of color in the Portland metropolitan region experience the worst economic and social disparities (Metro, 2016b). Portland’s racial equity journey started with the Portland...
5 Pages 2032 Words

Covid 19 Reflection Essay

Before the pandemic, life was advancing and moving on faster than ever. There was a time and place for everything whether it was attending university lectures or visiting placement. Now that the pandemic has arrived, life changed drastically and it became limiting. Everything outside our homes came to a stand-still and it has completely changed the way society will now work and operate. I have realised because of this pandemic that it will never be the same, and that social...
5 Pages 2117 Words

Volunteering In The Community

Abstract This paper reviews the importance and impact volunteering brought to my personal experience and development. The paper begins with the understanding of volunteering, the organization and the motivation for me to be part of the organization. The report also provides a detailed explanation of my volunteering experiences how these experiences helped me to enhance my interest, development and academic skills. Furthermore, the paper concludes with my future plans on volunteering along with the appendices of attendance log and professional...
5 Pages 2232 Words

The Problem Of Eczema In Children

Introduction This report will be discussing eczema in children, specifically causes and treatment of eczema. According to James McIntosh (2017) eczema is defined as a condition where the skin becomes inflamed, flaky and red causing the child to be itchy and can sometimes result in bleeding. The main aim of this report is to determine whether eczema can affect a child’s life in terms of sleeping patterns, sleep quality and sleep deprivation, and the effects these will have on the...
5 Pages 2071 Words

Why is Teamwork Important in the Workplace Essay

A group of people working together for a common goal is a team. The Teams are driven by a particular set of activities. The team requires collaboration for achieving a particular objective or goal. When a group of individuals work together and perform various activities and tasks to achieve a specific goal is referred to as teamwork. The goal or objective of individuals may vary such as to make a decision, write a document, to deliver a service, or create...
4 Pages 2061 Words

Blake And Byron: A Comparative Imagining Of The Afterlife

Blake and Byron alike delve into the deconstruction of christian conventions utilising the afterlife and the doctrine of good versus evil as their stage upon which to expose the interwoven complexities and hypocrisies of religion. At a time born out of Newtonian thought and philosophical advancement from the likes of Locke & Rousseau an age of revolt burgeoned. Romanticisms fight against the age of reason and rationality sees religion dealt with in a newly found privatised manner, grounded in depictions...
4 Pages 2004 Words

What Is Peculiar About Millenial Workers

Introduction “There is a desire for change. There is a millennial generation that does not like what they're seeing, but doesn't quite know what the solution is” -Ken Moelis This report has been written to explore how the complexities, dynamics and uncertainties of the modern business environment impacts on the organisation of work and the contempered employment relationship. Specifically focusing on the relationship between a healthy psychological contract, employee resilience and engagement among millennial workers in the retail fashion industry....
5 Pages 2216 Words

Co-production Using Theories And Method In Social Work Practice

In this essay I will be evaluating co-production in relation to their strengths and limitations. I will explain how this concept promotes relationship-based and person centred in relation to social work practice. Social workers will also empower individuals and let people be independent and self-determined, living the lives they want and having control. Social workers will follow the guide of the PCF, the nine domains: professionalism, values and ethic, diversity and equality, rights, justice and economic wellbeing, knowledge, critical reflection...
4 Pages 2026 Words

How Does Korean Pop Music Support Laura Mulvey’s Theory Of The Male Gaze?

Laura Mulvey’s ‘Male Gaze’ theory suggests the media present women through the viewpoint and interests of a heterosexual man and as a result, denies women an identity as strong as their male counterpart. The theory expresses in the media, women’s aesthetic value is only important. The Male gaze theory is present within forms of popular Korean culture, as the media portrays the traditional gender inequality upheld in East Asia. I will analyse Korean popular culture concerning the ‘Male Gaze’ theory...
5 Pages 2200 Words

Managing Service Quality

This report is for the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), to help identify how to achieve service success through the service encounter. It could be argued that in a perfect world a customer should continuously have positive encounters when using any organisation, however that is not always the case and many customers may experience a negative encounter which could influence their consumer choices in the future(Clarke David, N.D). In this report, there will be an analysis of how significant the importance...
5 Pages 2248 Words

Involving Service Users

Introduction This report is aimed at all health services in the UK, these include NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Groups, With the aim to provide information on a range of ways to involve service users, patients and carers in these services. The report sets out several key points for health care services on how to involve service users, these include: co-production. Self-management (expert patient program). How CCG’s can involve patients in the commissioning process. How participation can be measured. Barriers...
4 Pages 1998 Words

The Role And Theme Of Past In The Glass Menagerie And Never Let Me Go

Both Ishiguro and Williams explore many aspects of the past, including how it defines and contours their characters’ identities. Characters like Amanda and Kathy dwell on their past to bring them comfort and an escape from the depressing reality of their situation. ‘Never Let Me Go,’ Ishiguro portrays the past to be a memory that Kathy desires to cling on to cope with her problems. Both of the authors to a certain extent show that ‘the past is not dead’...
4 Pages 1988 Words

The Importance Of Sibling Relationships And Maintaining Contact

This chapter provides a review of the literature and already existing data in relation to practitioners’ views on the impact of sibling separation on the emotional development of a child in care. ‘The foster care social service system is designed to ameliorate adverse family and environmental conditions that may interfere with typical child development. Currently, the system provides short- and long-term out of home placement to children whose parents are deemed unable to care adequately for them’(The impact of foster...
5 Pages 2215 Words

The Aspects Of The Unification Church

Introduction Various Christian-based groups have been associated with violence and cultic activities. The groups have been charged with brainwashing to increase and retain participants in churches. The literature review sets out to focus on the Unification Church, with conflict as an underlying theme. Focusing in on it as a new religious movement, criminal movement, cultic movement, brainwashing movement and business enterprise. With the intention to conclude on whether there is a consensus in the field or not, and where future...
4 Pages 1984 Words

Philanthrocapitalism: Saving The System Or Saving The People?

In his article titled The New Elite’s Phoney Crusade to Save the World Without Changing Anything Giridharadas argues it is becoming increasingly obvious that particularly within America, the capitalist system - otherwise the ‘service machine’ of human progress - is broken, with rising levels of global inequality and the exceedingly disproportionate distribution of global wealth increasingly recognised as symptomatic of a rigged system, designed to elevate and restore the wealth of already rich at the expense of others (Harvey, 2007,...
5 Pages 2182 Words

William Faulkner Biography And Analysis Of Barn Burning And Dry September

About author and his early life Americans have given the world great people among every field of life. If we look at the history of America we see that there are great novel writers, story writers, poets, actors, sportsmen or politicians. One of these great men was William Faulkner. William Cuthbert Faulkner was born on American soil on 25th September; 1897. He was born in New Albany. He was eldest his brothers and his parents were Murry Cuthbert Falkner and...
5 Pages 2112 Words
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