2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Feminism In Writings Of Kate Chopin And Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Throughout the early history of writing, primarily men were authors and would depict women in the grasp of authority. In the nineteenth century, feminism began to rise: “Since the beginning of the women’s movement, there has been a strong rise in the amount of literature that is self-consciously feminist in tone, clearly espousing the ideals of female equality (Amico 1).” Feminism is the women’s movement that empowers women by striving for equality. Feminist writing expresses the woman’s point of view...
4 Pages 2069 Words

Homosexuality in Dracula

Introduction to Sexuality in "Dracula" In Bram Stoker's “Dracula” a prominent theme is sexuality. I believe that this theme is buried throughout the whole novel with it being symbolised in many different quotes and actions of different characters. In my Dracula essay, I will demonstrate how this theme is intricately threaded into the narrative. The novel represents the sexual desire of a man in an extremely prejudice society, as the novel was written during the Victorian era of the nineteenth...
4 Pages 2078 Words

The Theme Of Perseverance In The Works Of Art

What is perseverance? Perseverance means to never give up and always keep trying your very best. The theme of perseverance is showcased in the following pieces; the short story “To Build A Fire” by Jack London, Miley Cyrus’ song, “The Climb” and the painting, “Washington Crossing the Delaware,” by Emanuel Leutze. “To Build A Fire” by Jack London is about a newcomer from the Yukon territory who senselessly goes out into the cold despite warnings not to. He plans to...
4 Pages 2036 Words

Comparing "Ode on A Grecian Urn" and "My Last Duchess"

In the world of poetry, John Keats and Robert Browning have remarkable contributions through their work. Though they belong to different literary era and have variety in their beliefs, writings, both of them have flourished the English literature with their individuality. In addition, “Ode” and “My last” are remarkable works of the respective poets, which showcases their mastery of writing. So, in this paper, the following discussions will explore the works of Keats and Brownings by analyzing two of their...
5 Pages 2213 Words

Chinese Chopsticks As An Element Of National Culture

Introduction According to Wikipedia, Chop sticks are eating utensils shaped in pairs of equal length and usually tapered at one end. They have been used in many parts of Asia especially in east Asia in countries like China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Korea, and others [1]. They trace their origin in China in the early days of Chinese history. In Chinese they are called “筷子” and exist in different colors in various places and in...
5 Pages 2151 Words

Socioeconomic Peculiarities Of College Education In The USA

A current ongoing controversy in the world today surrounds the topic of tuition free public college. The topic came to worldwide attention in the 60’s when the tuition-free state universities in the US started making social and legislative changes, which began the era of the student loan crisis. The changes began after WWII, as the GI Bill increased the number of Americans wanting to go to college, and continued into the 1960’s, culminating in Civil Rights and student protests. These...
4 Pages 2087 Words

The Representation Of The Supernatural In Doctor Faustus And Sir Orfeo

The influence of supernatural forces was a common theme among works written during the Renaissance and early medieval periods, and was often used to create moral conflict within the characters by introducing them to sin or strife. It was mainly used to support biblical lessons that the writer wished to convey to their audience. Doctor Faustus and Sir Orfeo are both examples of texts that use the supernatural to teach their respective lessons. However, the difference is that Doctor Faustus,...
5 Pages 2143 Words

American Culture: Food, Religion And Film Industry

Analyzing the culture of the USA is a complicated project that requires one to engage in expanded research to learn about the cultural variety in the U.S. The reason for this is that America has not only one perception of a single country but many others with different traditions and customs. This research study will start to address the areas of food, religion, art, and an interview. Culture is the primary indicator that people are part of civilization, and culture...
5 Pages 2149 Words

Pecola's Role in Racial Inequality in The Bluest Eye

Introduction Chloe Anthony Wofford Morrison (born as Chloe Ardelia Wofford) as known as Toni Morrison, was an American novelist, editor, teacher and Robert F. Goheen Professor at Princeton University. Toni Morrison has been hailed as “ black America’s best novelist and one of America’s best.” In her own words, she writes “village” or “peasant” literature about the American black experience and culture. But she does so with language of such lyrical power and such vivid dialogue that, regardless of her...
5 Pages 2189 Words

Immune Evasion Of Cancer Cells Review And Cancer Therapy Targets

In recent decades, the amount of scientific knowledge available related to cancer has grown exponentially. The publication of the Hallmarks of Cancer deserves a special highlight in this history and its revision provided further insight into the main features of cancer cells and reflected the advances in research so far. The hallmarks are still an extremely valuable framework for researchers across the world and an invaluable contribute to our understanding of the pathology of cancer. Each hallmark offers numerous research...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Maggie Anderson & Madam CJ Walker: Women's Rights Icons

The challenges women face today is nothing short of the barriers that women have faced since the beginning of time or human development. I'm not sure if those issues aroused when Eve took a bite of the apple that men really feel that women should be beneath them or if women are really not made to be of equal to them. I often hear men say things that can be degrading of women or attempt to stroke a woman's ego...
5 Pages 2075 Words

Exploring men's roles in Wide Sargasso Sea and The World's Wife

The presentation of relationships and marriage is a significant concept within literature and society. The writers of the texts; 'Wide Sargasso Sea' and 'The World’s Wife', investigate the male centric ideal that was upheld and strengthened by a social structure, wherein women had minimal political or financial force. They were financially, socially, and mentally reliant on men, particularly on the establishments of marriage and parenthood in the Victorian era when ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ was set. On the other hand, men...
5 Pages 2201 Words

Plot And Messages In The Novel The Namesake

The Ganaguli family lifestyle can be very different than others in America. Particularly, the Ratliff family. When Gogol meets Maxine, she invites him to dinner and mentions that she lives with her parents. Gogol asks if her parents mind, she laughs and responds with, “Why on earth would they mind?” (Lahiri 129). This displays the different morals between the two families. Gogol’s parents tend to be strict about who he is with and who he dates. Especially Gogol’s mother, who...
5 Pages 2242 Words

Fake News: Effects And Consequences

Answer this honestly, Have you ever read an article headline on social media and clicked ‘like’ or shared the post without digesting the entire article and thinking critically about its contents. And do the articles and posts you share on social media support your initial views or challenge them? The fake news that’s infecting our screens The way kiwis digest and consume news has revolutionised over the last 20 years. Since the inception of the internet, kiwis are flocking to...
5 Pages 2101 Words

Kindergarten: Play Based Learning And The Role Of The Teacher During Play

Introduction While play naturally occurs during childhood, its presence in early childhood development research was relatively unheard of until the twentieth century (Farné 2005). Much of the research on play within developmental psychology has been inspired by the theoretical writings of Vygotsky (1978). During play, when it is spontaneous and child-initiated, he argued, children exercise control over their own activity, set themselves appropriate challenges, and create their own ‘zone of proximal development’ within which learning is most powerfully enhanced. Karpov...
5 Pages 2087 Words

Rape: Reasons, Impacts And Preventions

Rape is known as a type of sexual assault which involves sexual intercourse or different structures of sexual infiltration carried out with a person without their assent. The action may be carried out by using physical force,coercion, Maltreatment of power or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious,incapacitated,or even someone who is has scholarly inability or the specific individual is below the legal age. The term rape is similarly known as...
5 Pages 2185 Words

Christian Symbolism in The Rime of The Ancient Mariner and More

Throughout centuries, Christian elements have been purposely hidden in various works of literature. The epic poem “Beowulf,” is a famous tale that displays a brave man named Beowulf, who fights evil monsters in order to save others. Beowulf is a confident man who is highly esteemed by many because of his arduous tasks and victories. Another story that exhibits the themes of Christianity is “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” This is a poem, written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, that...
4 Pages 2019 Words

Pitching And Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is the process of dealing with other people. Negotiation is a process in which two or more than two parties make an agreement to achieve their business goals. In a negotiation process, both parties define their aims and find a solution for their mutual interests. Making a deal and agreeing to it can be formulised in the contract forms with all legal requirements. It is an open and vivid process in which interested parties or stakeholders try to find...
4 Pages 2061 Words

The Relation Between Law, Human Rights And Morality

'What is the relationship between morality, the law, and human rights?' This essay aims to analyse and breakdown the relationship between Morality, law, and human rights. All topics have their respective directives and often intertwine with one another in numerous ways sharing similar content. Each subject of matter has been curated with profound thought, consideration, and with a fundamental understanding of human beings and what is needed for the safety, survival, and equality of mankind. When analysing the relationship between...
4 Pages 2000 Words

Ovarian Cancer Risk: Age Correlation & Pathogenesis

It is usually not possible to know the exact reason why one person develops cancer and others do not. However, studies have examined the reasoning for why certain risk factors may increase or decrease a person’s chances of developing cancer. A few important reasons such as a person’s lifestyle behaviors, environmental and dietary factors, and occupational exposure are contributed to the number of cancer cases and deaths (Huether & McCance, 2017). Research conducted by the American Cancer Society states that...
4 Pages 2004 Words

The Events Depicted In The Diary Of Anne Frank And Its Effects On Society

In the dark, silence was maintained. Being loud was dangerous and opening the blinds to see the outside world was forbidden. Anne Frank was shut out from the world, in order to be kept hidden and protected. Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl born on June 12, 1929. After World War one, a notorious fascist leader named Adolf Hitler took over her country. He enacted laws named the Nuremberg Laws that controlled the Jew’s freedom. With time, the restrictions...
5 Pages 2172 Words

Why Employee Motivation Is Important And How To Improve It

Motivation is the driving force within an individual that affects their attitudes and persistence towards a certain behavior (Bratton, 2007). Motivation in relation to a work setting is the attitude and persistence towards a work-related task. The well-known saying of ‘money motivates’ suggests that workers are motivated by monetary rewards such as pay, bonuses, and other incentives offered by a company. (Curtis and Upchurch, 2009) believed that hourly workers weren't motivated by programs designed to increase enthusiasm and loyalty but...
5 Pages 2058 Words

Theme Of Blindness By The American Dream In The Play Death Of A Salesman

The possibility of the American Dream is genuinely abstract. To a few, it is living in the lap of extravagance in all perspectives. To other people, it is an opportunity at a superior, more splendid open door for themselves or their families. In 'Death of a Salesman' by Arthur Miller, the author depicts the promise of the American Dream as the capacity to gain every material solace in American Life, and sacrifices one must make to accomplish it. Through his...
4 Pages 2058 Words

Advertising Effects On Consumerism: The Ways To Avoid Manipulation

Since the moment we were born, our consumerist society has been making an enormous effort to convince us that we’re not good enough simply by being the way we are. The advertising industry has made us believe that the only way to feel comfortable with ourselves is to buy products that are an unnecessary luxuries, that we’re convinced are necessities. Just look around and you will see billboards of models that none of us will ever look like, but we...
4 Pages 1950 Words

The Aryan Brotherhood Gang Profile: History, Members, Laws, Symbols

Gangs have been a top concern for law enforcement and families alike. As the population begins to increase, the amount of gang members increases. Gangs are known to be tough groups of members that range in ages and gender. Although there are many gangs, there are main gangs that rule over the others. These gangs are large in size and are known for their reckless violence. Large gangs have clearly articulated goals, can operate with financial efficiency, and can motivate...
5 Pages 2208 Words

Jane Eyre' and 'Wide Sargasso Sea': Comparison Essay

Section A: In this section I will be analysing Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, It is a prequel to English novelist Charlotte Brontë’s most prominent novel, Jane Eyre. This extract takes place in the latter half of the postcolonial novel, part three in section seven. In this essay, I am going to make a contextual linguistic analysis of Wide Sargasso Sea. In conclusion, I will compare the novel to its predecessor, Jane Eyre. This extract is the third and...
4 Pages 2004 Words

The Underlying Concepts Of Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance is a financial set up that had a big role in the growth and infrastructure systems for the region such as enabling the funding for the Shard and the London Gateway (Parmley, 2020) It operates in accordance with the Islamic law which is known as the Sharia which insinuates that it is sharia-compliant (Jamaldeen, 2012). It is like conventional banks in the sense that Islamic Finance contains an approach of banking and undertaking financial transactions (What Is Islamic...
5 Pages 2171 Words

Gender Discrimination at Swinburne: History, Reasons, Solutions

Introduction This first part of the report showcases information, reasons behind existence of gender discrimination and also contains Swinburne University community’s perspective and point of view on gender discrimination and also states techniques with which that information was obtained. Gender discrimination is when a person is treated unfairly based on their gender (Cambridge Dictionary n.d.). Since 2018, the gender disparity was already 32 % on average, according to the Global Gender Gap Report survey of the World Economic Forum. Women...
5 Pages 2130 Words

Gender Intersectionality With Race Or Class

Intersectionality describes the position of women of colour in the social hierarchy, of females. Gender is ultimately a constellation of norms given to a culture based on biological differences however, are performative expressions dictated and controlled by our conventional norms, thus resulting in conventionalised behaviours. With these two phenomenal beings combined only creates an intersection with the issues of race and gender which political discourses often ignore due to supposed complexities, as well as ignorance on the matter. Generalisations made...
5 Pages 2157 Words

Advantages And Limitations Of Mentoring And Distance Learning

Stereotypically, when considering how an individual can engage with CPD to enhance their knowledge, class room based learning would be what is thought about. However, there are now a number of ways for individuals to now engage with CPD due to the increasing use to technology and innovative ways to learn. There are a number of ways in which everyone can learn and develop their skills, whether this is for personal and professional reasons. This can include coaching, mentoring, workshops,...
4 Pages 1983 Words
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