2500 Word Essay Examples

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Decision Making in Management Essay

Abstract This paper discusses topics in managerial decision-making. Some of the topics that are discussed in the paper are bounded awareness and rationality, overconfidence in business, effects of emotion in decision-making, handling emotional team members, escalation of commitment, and revamping the failed process and tools for value creation. The paper provides real-life examples for the different topics. Topics of Managerial Decision-making Decision-making is a process by which everyone considers the various opportunities and risks by evaluating alternatives and pursuing the...
5 Pages 2345 Words

Essay on Why Did Scrooge Hate Christmas

In this essay, I will be discussing how Dickens presents Scrooge as a reformed man. This is influenced by a clear combination of Scrooge's willingness to make the most of his transient life, as well as his desire for warmth in his once cold heart. Therefore it can be argued that Dickens uses the caricature of Scrooge as a manner in which he can criticize the alienating effects of the abstinence from religion as well as using Bob Cratchit to...
6 Pages 2741 Words

What Was the Impact of the Vietnam War on Johnson's Presidency Essay

The USA's involvement in Vietnam has become one of the most widely known embarrassments in the country's history. Whether USA should have even been involved in the war is a controversial opinion with many south Vietnamese peasants believing they should not have been hence the decision for many of them switching support from South Vietnam to the Vietcong. However, President Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to escalate the war by sending 100,000 ground troops into Vietnam in the July of 1965...
5 Pages 2269 Words

Essay on Salem Witch Trials Theories

The figure of the witch comes from a long history that precedes the United States by many millennia. The witch can be traced back to the mythology of Ancient Greece in which female association with magic is almost always portrayed as destructive or threatening. Examples of this include Circe, Medea, and, most famously, Medusa. The classicist, Mary Beard, states that Medusa's severed head remains 'one of the most potent ancient symbols of male mastery over the destructive dangers that the...
6 Pages 2699 Words

Social Media and Peer Pressure Essay

Introduction According to Goldberg (2018) drug and substance abuse can be defined as a disease that affects one’s brain as well as behavior. Once addicted to a specific substance or drug no matter how much damage it might be causing to the participant’s body both physically and mentally, it becomes almost impossible to fight or resist the desire or craving to use it. At first, it may be just an experimental phase where the participant just wanted to experiment with...
5 Pages 2501 Words

Volunteering at a Homeless Shelter Essay

What exactly do you think of when you hear the word homeless, shelter, or maybe even the word unsettled? Being homeless means living without a roof over your head, and being on the streets or even living from house to house. Realistically, unfortunate things happen to people, for instance losing a job, losing a house due to not being able to financially take care of yourself, or even having problems with mental health. Homelessness doesn’t only affect adults, kids are...
6 Pages 2656 Words

Essay on 1960s Counterculture Fashion

When you ask a person, what comes to mind when they think back to the 1960’s, the most common answers are; Hippies, Drugs, The Beatles, and the ‘weird’ vibrant clothes. Among other things, fashion seems to be what sticks in people’s heads. Many icons from that era were known mainly for their style, such as Jackie Kennedy, Twiggy, and Audrey Hepburn. The ’60s was a time of change, politically and culturally. There was a wave of liberal thinking and the...
5 Pages 2523 Words

Essay on Baseball Vs Basketball

Most times, when the word “sports” is brought up, what comes to mind is a thought full of excitement and fun. However, the fact that it’s not as commonly associated with participating in sports of any kind. The hazard of a potential injury, whether it be small or large, should always be accounted for. Injuries can occur anywhere, but by playing sports, these injuries increase. All sports, contact or not, individual or team, can bring the possibility of an injury....
5 Pages 2408 Words

Critical Reflection Essay on Philosophy

This review of the literature has led me to my research question. “Knowing that motivation, growth mindset, and expectations link to success, how can teachers integrate early opportunities for success into units of work to build confidence whilst also encouraging self-reflection? I feel that this question is particularly relevant to my setting as I perceive a lack of resilience and high expectations as a key barrier to success in my pupils. The studies I have considered have allowed me to...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Importance of Architecture Essay

After the independence, a lot of intellectual individuals pursued their studies overseas and developed as architects and engineers after they back to Malaysia. As a result, the philosophy and approach that they brought back no longer created local identity. Hence, our nation’s development is going ‘internationalism’ (Tahir, et al., 2010). The influence of modern architecture is entrenched in their mind and not easy to replace with the way of thinking about the local environment, climate, materials, and technique. In the...
5 Pages 2456 Words

Critical Thinking Reflection Essay about a Class

Critical Reflection on Learning Developing the proposal on increasing intrinsic motivation in the classroom gave me insight into how ideas are developed and how they would be applicable in a 21st century classroom. This is evident when examining 21st century skills from not only the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) but also the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). In putting together our proposal, a number of skills and capabilities were used, for example personal and social capability...
5 Pages 2487 Words

Essay on Gender Stereotypes in Video Games

It has been pointed out in Mark J.P Wolf and Bernard Perron’s (ed) The Video Game Theory Reader of 2003, that images of women and girls in computer games emphasize stereotypes, paralleling more traditional media (2003, p.172). How would you account for this? Computer games often come under scrutiny for what appears to be the persistent sexualization of female characters as Wolf and Perron said ‘Feminist researchers have started to systematically explore images of women in mainstream video games’ (2003,...
6 Pages 2653 Words

Essay on 'Cranes' Short Story

Have you ever felt that your opinions and beliefs oppose the wider set of beliefs held by your society? In the narrative “Shakespeare In The Bush”, Laura Bohannan explores this exact topic — whether the opinions humans hold are universal. Bohannan argues human nature is universal throughout the world in Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’. Bohannan gets a chance to confirm this idea during her stay with the Tiv tribe in Africa, due to the society being a drastic contrast to her modern...
6 Pages 2694 Words

Essay on Why Is Education Important for the Latino Community

Current statistics show that twenty-five percent of school-going children are Latinos and is projected that by 2050 these figures will rise to thirty percent. Nevertheless, 5.4 million Latino students can’t access basic education. As the Latino population increases it is crucial to have educated Latinos with quality education who can serve in decision-making platforms for overall population empowerment. Education is a key component of economic and political development. This can be seen by the wide gap in lifelong outcomes due...
5 Pages 2471 Words

Essay on Symbolism in 'The Odyssey'

In the epic, The Odyssey, the author, Homer, used symbolism in the description of Odysseus’ bed. He had carved the bed from a tree. The tree’s roots went deep which produced a sturdy, healthy, and long-lasting tree. Since the roots were a part of the foundation of the house, there is an implication that a strong family is fundamental to a strong society. The rooted tree also represents how loyal Penelope (Odysseus’ wife) and Odysseus were to each other despite...
5 Pages 2263 Words

Essay on How Did the Vietnam War Affect the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The 1960s in America were a turning point in world history. It’s marked by the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, antiwar protests, and the “generation gap”. The sixties were also called “the swinging sixties” because of the emergence of a wide range of music such as The Beatles, Bob Dylan, and Paul Simon. Kennedy vs. Nixon debates In the early 1960s, there were a series of debates between John. F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. These were the first...
5 Pages 2458 Words

Essay on Difference between Federalism and Separation of Powers

Introduction In the present time, the world is facing different challenges particularly when it comes to governance how to solve and address different problems of a country is dependent on the form of government it has. Since, this kind of form of government solves different aspects of the problems in terms of economic, social, and political. At the same time, it also affects the delivery of basic services to the people. As time goes by, as globalization expands, there’s a...
6 Pages 2572 Words

PTSD in Veterans Essay

The United States has been involved in wars from the beginning of its foundation. People fought and died defending their nation, enduring many traumas. Survivors are considered lucky as some would say, but I think otherwise. They may have lived to tell their stories, but the scars they walked away with, both physical and mental, caused grave damage to their lives. Some of these wounds cannot be seen, but consequently deprive them of living normal lives. As the nation took...
5 Pages 2462 Words

Essay on Literary Devices in 'The Outsiders'

Main Characters: Ponyboy Curtis: The novel's narrator who is fourteen years old and a greaser. He has 'light-brown, almost-red hair, and greenish-gray eyes,' and wears his hair 'longer than a lot of boys wear theirs, squared off in the back and long at the front and sides.' Darry Curtis: A muscular, tall man who has broad shoulders and dark brown that sticks out in the front of his head with a cowlick in the back. His eyes 'are like two...
5 Pages 2489 Words

Why Is Perseverance Important Essay

It is the year 1534, An explorer named Jaques Cartier has found new land. What was it called? Nouvelle-France or New France. In this new land, there are rumors of gold, fur, wood, and even people. When a captain named Pierre de Gua de Monts sailed over from France no one knew that he’d come with a man that would change the course of history. The name of this man? Samuel de Champlain. Introduction In this paper, I will argue...
5 Pages 2295 Words

Chinese Food Essay

Although I grew up with both Chinese and Vietnamese parents, my life is heavily influenced by Chinese culture and traditions. I always take off my shoes before walking into someone’s home, and I go to every Chinese New Year dinner expecting to eat the traditional Peking duck and roasted pig. I am very fortunate to have grown up in the San Gabriel Valley, which boasts one of the largest arrays of authentic Chinese restaurants in the United States. A variety...
5 Pages 2319 Words

Personal Experience of Discrimination Essay

My biography and critical reflection indicated a personal experience of discrimination, exclusion, and marginalization as a queer person of color in a gay dating mobile application called Grindr. Particularly, I was faced with the issue of toxic gay masculinity and subordination at the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, and sexuality. This experience of ‘othering’ reflects the dominant gendered stereotypes and social practices within the gay community wherein ‘racism’ and ‘whiteness’ are persistent features. I contend that this experience of difference...
6 Pages 2632 Words

Hidden Figures' Essay on Development of Characters

The representation of gender and female characters in film adaptations in the drama genre will be the main theme of discussion in this essay, with the use of three adaptations – each set within the 20th and 21st centuries. The topic of adaptation will be the focal point, as described by the OED (referenced by Maddox 2014) as, “an altered or amended version of text, musical composition, etc.” This essay will look more specifically at three popular film adaptations, The...
5 Pages 2298 Words

Essay on Why Is Frederick Douglass a Hero

As a historical source, what does Douglass’ Narrative reveal about the lives, culture, and psychological struggles of American slaves? In Douglass’ Narrative, he describes several different moments where he was a first-hand witness to the brutal nature and acts of masters towards their slaves. He tells several stories of real people who experienced real torture and mistreatment, such as the boy who was walking down the road, approached by a man and asked “Does your owner treat you well?”, although...
5 Pages 2533 Words

Essay on Nestle Corporate Social Responsibility

“Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow” - Jawaharlal Nehru. Unfortunately, child labor heartlessly engulfs children across the world. The term “child labor” is defined as children who “are either too young to work or are involved in hazardous activities that may compromise their physical, mental, social, and educational development” (UNICEF, 2019). According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) worldwide,...
5 Pages 2340 Words

Essay on Jim Jones and Ted Bundy

Criminals tend to view all information before committing a crime. Therefore, because they believe that the risk does not outweigh the rewards of said crime, they go through with it. In criminology, we call this Rational Choice Theory. “The view that criminality is a product of abnormal biological or psychological traits, is known as Trait Theory” (MindTap, Chapter 5). “This theory can then be subdivided into 2 important categories: 1) Those that stress biological makeup and 2) Those that stress...
5 Pages 2312 Words

Essay about Five Important Things about Going to College

The admission process to a college is a stressful process to go through, with many factors to consider and think about such as submitting high school transcripts, exam scores, essays, and partaking in interviews. With technology becoming increasingly more advanced every day, more information is available for others to see. Once reaching the internet, items posted including Instagram posts and uploaded TikTok videos are never erased even if deleted. Many posts, comments, and tweets, whether they be good or bad,...
5 Pages 2492 Words

The Things They Carried' Essay on PTSD

According to research conducted by Charles R. Hooper, former Navy Seal, and graduate of the University of North Carolina, approximately 20 war Veterans commit suicide every day. The main causes of suicide in Veterans include mental illnesses related to PTSD or trauma from wars such as the Vietnam War or World War II. Kurt Vonnegut, a popular 20th-century author of the bestselling novel Slaughterhouse-five, expresses his philosophical thinking by exploring the mind of a World War II veteran named Billy...
5 Pages 2497 Words

Essay on Individual Vs Community

Merges academic definitions of a community to conclude its description as, “A group of people living in the same defined area or sharing the same basic values, organization or interests. An informally organized social entity that is characterized by a sense of identity. Traditionally, the definitions of a community can be categorized into three extensive explanations. Geographical communities: based on geographical location such as neighborhood, village, city, or country. The community as a social network: when citizens living in the...
5 Pages 2361 Words

Companies Requiring Dress Code: Argumentative Essay

Summary Policies are significant in the working environment as they fortify and explain the standards expected of workers and assist bosses with overseeing staff all the more viable as they characterize what is worthy and unsuitable in the working environment. This paper focuses mainly on four policies: sexual harassment, non-discrimination, employee benefit, and dress code; particularly why they should be implemented in a small company. Human Resources Policies Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment keeps on being a problem in American workplaces....
5 Pages 2353 Words
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