400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teen Driving

Driving is always a fun experience as you get older. Driving gives you more freedom and it allows you to feel in control. “An advantage for me since I got my license has been being able to drive myself around, and allowing me more freedom. A disadvantage would be that it’s tiring and I don’t like parking” Sophomore Chelsy Cortes said. When you start driving, you take on a lot of responsibilities. According to Sophomore Tyson Gradwahl, he personally thinks...
1 Page 420 Words

The Harm of Cheating for Children

From cheating early kids are learning to coast off of other people’s accomplishments. Some kids can go through school without doing any work for themselves, growing up without achieving basic English, math and science skills needed in everyday life. Leading experts have said that cheating has become too easy as teachers don’t punish students harsh enough. Punishments need to be put in place early so kids understand it’s wrong. Otherwise they will finish school and need to seek education to...
1 Page 403 Words

Continuing Academic Success Essay

Academic success and vocational calling in college to me looks like giving it your all, no matter if you are struggling in a class or are the most intelligent student in the class, and being responsible for your duties, whether it is helping people out if they are struggling or finishing up work or studying for a test. Academic success is also your academic achievements, getting good grades, soaking in all the knowledge being fed to you, and seeing how...
1 Page 406 Words

Cosmetology Scholarship Essay Example

Growing up, multiple female figures in my family all took and had careers in cosmetology. I would watch them and constantly tell myself that hair, makeup, and nails were the life for me. I remember being so intrigued by hair care that I asked for a mannequin head for Christmas at least 3 years in a row. Needless to say, my grandmother DID NOT spend that much money for something I would’ve probably destroyed. As I grew up my interest...
1 Page 408 Words

Why Native American Mascots Should Be Banned Essay

I don't think that sports teams should use Native Americans as mascots. It is often offensive to Native Americans and their culture and they should start making the change. I think there are some names that are more offensive than others. Considering the Chiefs, although it still is not right that they use someone else's culture as a symbol of their team, this one seems less offensive and was maybe actually used as honor to their culture when they first...
1 Page 400 Words

General Overview of Gerrymandering: Analytical Essay

Gerrymandering is the practice of “dividing an area” into “political units” which ultimately helps one political party (Merriam-Webster). However, these divisions are typically unfair and leave one political party at a disadvantage. The philosophy behind gerrymandering is to not give an overwhelming amount of safe seats to the person who is probable to win, but to give the opponent a number of safe seats. While the person who is probable to win will still likely win, the playing field is...
1 Page 379 Words

Barack Obama Inauguration Essay

The speech that Barack Obama gave during his inauguration in the year 2009 utilized a central route to persuasion. A central route to persuasion has special features concerning the audience, processing, and the result. For example, there is a utilization of facts to convince the audience about a message's worthiness. Notably, the audience should possess analytical skills and be willing to process the information they receive. These qualities were fulfilled during Barack Obama's inauguration. The speech starts by acknowledging the...
1 Page 393 Words

Why Abortion Should Be Illegal Essay

Imagine holding that tiny, little life in your arms, feeling its heartbeat against your chest, staring at the love of your life just laying in your arms. You just want to protect it with all your life. Do you know some people could care less about that life? In 2014, nineteen percent of pregnancies ended in abortion. Abortion is murder, the fetus will feel pain, and it goes against the ten commandments that were created by god. First of all,...
1 Page 403 Words

The Power of Persuasion: Mark Antony Versus Brutus

Persuasion is the process or an instance of persuading, according to Merriam-Webster. Humans have been convincing each other to shine a light on their ideas and beliefs for a long time and will continue doing so. It is an underrated skill that if polished, can bring an individual great success. This ability is essential in running society and its power has often been used to create history, like Brutus in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar can reveal to us. A notable...
1 Page 411 Words

A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Devices

Rhetorical analysis Paragraphs In the text, “A Modest Proposal”, the author Jonathan Swift uses multiple different rhetorical devices. Hyperbole is definitely one rhetorical device that Swift uses throughout the text. This rhetorical device is a great exaggeration of fact, used whether for serious or comic effect. This clearly is used by Swift in his writing and using this rhetorical device makes the reader more engaged in the text and it just overall makes it more exciting to read. Swift says,...
1 Page 411 Words

Sarcasm in a Modest Proposal

Its normal to believe that if you have only grew in good living conditions and don't know anything better, then you'll automatically assume everyone else must also have good living conditions. When you first encounter someone who didn't live well you would think that it's because of something they did. This has been a common thing from the beginning of time and is still common today. “A Modest Proposal” published by Johnathan Swift in 1729 is set in Ireland where...
1 Page 409 Words

Depiction of the Effect of Deceit in All My Sons: Analytical Essay

However long there has been connecting between individuals, there has been untruthfulness. Everyone falsehoods and there are however many purposes behind the lie as there are individuals articulating lies. Individuals can deceive save somebody's inclination or to cause them to feel awful. In Arthur Miller's play 'Every one of My Sons', it appears to be that each character is lies; from a little innocent exaggeration, to a major, ruinous falsehood that destroys a family. The improper family patriarch, Joe, annihilates...
1 Page 394 Words

‘The Garden Party’ as a Complete Story: Argumentative Essay

Back in 1957, Warren S. Walker’s study has already provoked a discussion about whether “The Garden Party” is a united and complete story. He claimed that “‘The Garden Party’ often leaves readers with a feeling of dissatisfaction, a vague sense that the story somehow does not realize its potential”. He then pointed out that “the difficulty” is that “the conflict has a dual nature, only part of which is resolved effectively”, and as to the class question raised in the...
1 Page 407 Words

Comparing The Awakening and So Long A Letter

Many characters are often shown in literature being restricted and constrained by the traditions and cultures enforced by their society. This is true of Edna in The Awakening by Kate Chopin and Ramatoulaye in So Long A Letter by Mariama Bâ. The Awakening, a novel first published in 1899, is set in New Orleans and on the Gulf Coast at the end of the 19th century. Edna, the female protagonist, is a 19th-century wife and mother whose identity is defined...
1 Page 401 Words

Why Animals Should not be Kept in Zoos? Essay

Do you want animals to die out quicker? If not, I positively believe that animals should not be kept in zoos because animals suffer in captivity and many zoos fail to provide even a minimum standard care lastly healthy animals are killed. Firstly, Animals suffer in captivity because Captivity is living hell for animals, who are meant to be free. Enclosures in many zoos and safari parks are on average 100 times smaller than the minimum home range for animals...
1 Page 421 Words

Abraham Lincoln Pros and Cons

Lincoln’s stance on emancipation and slavery were clear. As Divine makes known in the text, “Lincoln had long believed slavery was an unjust institution that should be tolerated only to the extent that the Constitution and the tradition of sectional compromise required.” (Divine, et al., 340) Lincoln’s commitment to that ideal, also, is clear: “Lincoln was also effective because he identified wholeheartedly with the northern cause and could inspire others to make sacrifices for it.” (Divine, et al., 342) The...
1 Page 402 Words

“Doctor Faustus” as an Embodiment of the Spirit of the Renaissance

Dr. Faust portrays the spirit of the Renaissance in various ways. First, the author of Dr. Faustus Christopher Marlowe was himself a hallmark of the Renaissance period. He was inundated with the essence of the Renaissance through his immense thirst for vast knowledge, his desire for sensual enjoyment of natural life, his extreme determination and his ultimate desire for supremacy or power and wealth, and finally with his soul . rebel. against the elders: old-fashioned living, your conventional faith, and...
1 Page 417 Words

Essay on Electronic Waste Management

E-waste is the waste that is formed by the disposal of electronic goods. In the electronic driven world with very fast changing technology, the electronic goods are discarded every couple of years. They include mobile phones, laptops tablet, computers, television, refrigerators and batteries among other things. With new technology, the old ones become obsolete and are replaced by the latest models. Many times if equipment is not working properly, it is seen as more convenient to let go of it...
1 Page 396 Words

Generation X: History and Characteristics

Generation X—so named because of the generation’s refusal to be defined—witnessed some of the world’s greatest advancements, including space exploration and the development of the computer. Generation X is a relatively smaller generation than those that surround it. Because of the size and influence of Baby Boomers and Millennials, Generation X is sometimes referred to as the forgotten middle child of the generations. While this generation is certainly outnumbered, many of this generation have shaped the world during pivotal years...
1 Page 419 Words

Quality Improvement in Dementia using the Dementia Golden Ticket

Dementia is a condition in which there is a continuous decline in cognitive function and is most prevalent with the ageing population. Within England, dementia is most common amongst people living in East Sussex with prevalence of 13000. Suggested by the local review there is a lack of support and care available to patients with dementia; this is having a negative impact on the patients as well as resulting expensively on the NHS. In response to the National Dementia Strategy...
1 Page 392 Words

The Crucible': Danger of Making Assumptions

In the play, 'The Crucible' Arthur Miller writes about a fire and its representation of hysteria and a crucible to depict that in times of hysteria, making assumptions will only create additional chaos and paranoia by leading one further from the truth. The concept of fire through symbolism and a biblical allusion demonstrates that assumptions will only lead one further from the truth. In Act One, when Goody Putnam mentions the death of all her children but one, she justifies...
1 Page 421 Words

Mobile Phones Should be Banned From all Australian Schools

Nowadays, electronic device has gone widely into the modern college and helped students with their school life. However, these devices also have their negative aspects and affect some students with their studying, including: students’ distraction in class, cheating during class by using mobile devices and the most serious problem, it allows cyber bullying. Therefore, mobile phone should be banned from all Australia school. Mobile phones can transform from learning tools to classroom interference. During the class students always go on...
1 Page 409 Words

Socratic Method of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The Socratic method also has non-classroom applications. For example, it’s frequently used as a therapeutic technique to help patients explore and analyze their own thoughts and behaviors (Center for Deployment Psychology). When used in cognitive behavioral therapy, the Socratic method serves as a non-confrontational approach to challenging the client’s ideas (Clark and Egan 3), while also providing them an opportunity to sort out discrepancies in their rationale (5). Currently, research suggests that the Socratic method encourages cognitive reappraisal, which has...
1 Page 400 Words

Tri-State Tornado, The Deadliest Tornado in History

Tornados cause many deaths and injuries every year. “On average, tornados cause 70 deaths and 1,500 injuries in the United States every year.” (Rudolph 19). The deadliest tornado in United States history is the Tri-state tornado of 1925. The tornado struck before modern technology was available to record the actual strength of the tornado, but it is accepted that the tornado would have been recorded as an F5 if it were to happen now (Hyde). The Tri-State tornado started in...
1 Page 400 Words

We all Need Trees Essay

Trees are essential to our society because they provide the air we breathe, support much of the food we eat and provide most of the oxygen that fuels the planet. This value of trees essay help kids understand the importance of the trees. Trees offer more than just sustainable resources to us; they also help ensure a brighter future for all living things. Trees provide an abundance of things to the human race, including food, water, oxygen, and shelter. Trees...
1 Page 391 Words

The Four Pillars of Sustainability

Most answers to the sustainability challenges of today are easily given; however, these resolutions often do not satisfy all of the major perspectives that have a final say regarding this topic. Generally, sustainability requires consideration of a total of four key aspects; (1) environmental, (2) social, (3) cultural, and (4) economic. With these four sustainability pillars in mind, only then can effective solutions be reached in relation to sustainability problems. The purpose of this paper is to review the relationship...
1 Page 424 Words

The Strengths and Weaknesses of The Electoral College in The United States

The electoral college is the system used to elect the president in the USA. There are several strengths of the system, such as that it ensures candidates campaign in a variety of states not just a few. There are also many weaknesses of the electoral college system; states can become safe seats; the result can be unrepresentative of public wishes and smaller states may have disproportionate levels of influence. A strength of the Electoral college system is that it promotes...
1 Page 410 Words

Advantage of Recycling Essay

Introduction Recycling has become an important call in the world these days. With increasing population and rapid industrialization, the amount of waste being produced has increased manifold. It is important to recycle this waste so as to protect our environment. We need recycling for many reasons. But most importantly, it will help us to save our planet. Besides, recycling saves the earth by facilitating the reprocess of paper which will save millions of trees. Also, recycling saves a lot of...
1 Page 422 Words

Essay on Spring Season

The spring is of three months, however, due to the beauty of its surroundings, it seems that it remains only for a short time. Birds start singing in the sweet voice in reception of the Vasant Season. Temperature remains normal, this season does not have much cold and neither too much heat. Due to the greenery around it, it makes us feel that the whole nature has covered itself with a green sheet. All trees and plants receive new life...
1 Page 403 Words

Child Abuse: The School’s Role

Child abuse includes acts of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. It is estimated that about half of all children who are abused are of school age. The consequences of abuse can be profound for its victims, including physical and/or emotional injury, difficulty in building healthy relationships, and increased likelihood of engaging in child abuse as an adult. Teachers and other school staff bear a special responsibility in helping to identify child abuse. Because they spend much time with students, they...
1 Page 388 Words
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