The term “acid rain” was first used by Robert Angus in 1872. “Literally it means the presence of excessive acids in rain waters.” Acid rain is in-fact cocktail of mainly H2SO4 and HNO3, where the ratio of these two may vary depending upon the relative quantities of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen emitted. H2SO4 is the major contributor (60-70%) to acid precipitation, HNO3 ranks second (30-40%) and HCl third. Acid rain is in fact a natural phenomenon occurring during any...
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392 Words
Conflicts of ethical principles within the field of psychology opens opportunities for ethical dilemmas. According to the Australian Psychology Society, psychologist are guided by ethical principles that promote professional conduct by adhering to a set of specific values. When ethical principles clash or override one another, Duncan, Hall and Knowles (2015) describes, “a push–pull relationship … increasing the complexity associated with the decision-making process”. Swancy (2019) discusses the dilemmas highlighted and the impacts this has on a psychologist and patient....
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411 Words
It was mid-July. There had been no rains for several months at a stretch. It was unbearably hot. All the pools and ponds had run dry. The sun shone brightly from the leaden sky. The earth was parched and dry. The cattle were dying in a large number. People and herds of cattle with their tongues lolling out, took rest in the shade of trees. Birds fluttered about helplessly in search of water, but alas! not a drop of water...
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418 Words
Our populous, fast-paced world demands quality food that is affordable – and lots of it. When it comes to agriculture and the need to meet our world’s growing needs, pesticide use is often a topic of controversy. In the short term, pesticides greatly assist pest control. In the long term, however, pesticides appear to harm the health of humans and the environment. Whether you’re a decision maker in the agricultural industry or a consumer, it is important to weigh the...
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409 Words
Some people are saying that our climate is changing because we are doing weird thing to our planet and it my be true because the first thing we are destroying are the trees and one day we might die because of that because trees gives us fresh new air to breath and if we cut down trees lots of carbon dioxide float up to the atmosphere and makes a cloud full of carbon dioxide and the sun’s heat will get...
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421 Words
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Fossil fuel derivatives are produced using plant and animal deposits. These sources are found in the earth’s deep layer and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be singed for energy (Strand, 2007). Coal is a solid raw material that is formed for an extended period by the rot of land vegetation. When layers are compacted and warmed over the long run, stores are transformed into coal (Sriramoju et al., 2020). Coal is generally extricated in mines. Coal has all the...
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394 Words
Characteristic of global trade[edit]Trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to new markets and products. Almost every kind of product can be found in the international market: food, clothes, spare parts, oil, jewelry, wine, stocks, currencies, and water. Services are also traded: tourism, banking, consulting, and transportation. A product that is sold to the global market is an export, and a product that is bought from the global market is an import. Imports and exports are...
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414 Words
The Hellenistic period starts in 323 BCE with the death of Alexander the great, and ends with the death of Actino in 31 BC. During this period, there was a important change in art style, specially in sculptures. The artists started to create more dramatic postures, more defined lines, high contrast of light, shadows and even emotions. The artist had freedom to explore its subjects from different points of view. Something that I found interesting, is how the sculptors were...
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412 Words
Mankind’s superfluous yet multifarious hounding for felicity has been a constant throughout history. Singapore’s stressful lifestyle and long working hours often leave one little time to indulge. Yet, contrary to Aristotle’s Nicomachean ethics, I believe happiness is achievable by all without the dedication of one’s entire life. Happiness is intrinsically important for me as a source of motivation, productivity or coping mechanism in times of need. My pursuit of happiness aligns with Stoicism, where we rationalize away ineffaceably disturbing issues...
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399 Words
Originally belonging to African territories, the Gambian rat quickly became an invasive species to Florida. In general, the natural habitat of this mammal is not densely populated residential areas, but for several decades the Gambian rat has been causing damage to Florida’s urban ecosystem, namely Grassy Key. Specifically, eight rodents were accidentally released by a local breeder (Perry et al., 2006). Over time, with an abundance of basement living space and garbage for subsistence, the rats quickly multiplied, and their...
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384 Words
It is correctly said that “when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. The most important thing one must remember is that trees do not need us, rather we need them. Apart from the countless benefits they have, trees our certainly our best friends. They are the friends who always give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. Trees have inherited this earth longer than...
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417 Words
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in his book ‘The Joyful Science’ that ‘God is dead’, and he was one of the first major philosophers to explore Nihilism.Nietzsche believed in the concept that Nihilism would eventually deeply affect and destroy potential moral and religious convictions. Nietzsche also believed that the European civilization lost hope in Christianity but was still abiding by its systems based on values and morality. He predicted that the European civilization was facing a catastrophic crisis, and predicted...
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402 Words
The current trend implies that the computers are used nearly everywhere. Firstly, in the paperwork, the extensive use of computer systems in most public and private companies or even schools and eventually, reduce amount of paperwork. Secondly, in education, it enhances the student’s knowledge at a faster pace compared to the traditional methods of teaching and learning. Thirdly, in law enforcement, it includes computer modelling of DNA, which has the ability to match traces of any form of criminal activities...
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410 Words
King Louis XIV of France was an extremely powerful individual and is the prime example of an absolute monarchy. King Louis is one of the most prominent figures when thinking about the French monarchy as under his rule France was considered a global superpower at the time. Being appointed the throne at only 5 years old after the death of King Louis XIII his mother became his regent until he was old enough to rule France himself. Due to being...
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402 Words
To begin with, the issue of fairness arises with companies’ attempt to gain an advantageous market position through the exploitation of consumers’ unalterable needs in an unusual market condition (Crane et al., 2019:375). Thus, the justification to exploitative pricing’s fairness is being debated with the following two ethical theories. Firstly, consequentialism determines morality and ethicality solely based on consequences (Robertson and Walter, 2007). Utilitarianism, as a paradigm, asserts a universalism and maximalism view where ethicality depends on maximizing the greatest...
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405 Words
Dorothea Lange was a photographer whose portraits of displaced farmers during the Great Depression greatly influenced later documentary photography. Her photographs focused on migrant workers during The Great Depression. Lange’s first exhibition, which was held in 1934, established her reputation as a documentary photographer. In 1940, she would also receive the Guggenheim Fellowship. Growing up art and literature were big parts of Lange’s upbringing. Her parents were both strong advocates for her education, and exposure to creative works filled her...
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415 Words
Today, our world became a place where everyone and everything is connected digitally. Technological achievements have an impact on every aspect of our life. Without digital literacy, which is the ability to use digital technology effectively, we can’t be successful. I completely agree that digital literacy should be required in all sectors for the following reasons. First of all, our daily life requires digital literacy. Starting with smart phones to smart home appliances, everything is made out of the latest...
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408 Words
‘A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age’ is an informal history of the European Middle Ages by American historian William Manchester. In the book, William Manchester caustically argues, as the title suggests, that the Middle Ages were ten centuries of technological stagnation, myopia, bloodshed, feudalism, and an oppressive church, sandwiched between the golden ages of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. William Manchester was not convincing because his article, ‘The Medieval...
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416 Words
Mother Teresa is a today’s prophet as she devoted her whole life to helping the sick, poor and homeless. She spent many years travelling and staying with people who were less fortunate. She was a Catholic Nun who later became a Saint through all her hard work and dedication. She never stopped putting God first and listening to him and what he had to say. Mother Teresa’s mother told her she can serve her life through God and that made...
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405 Words
Balance sheet method is an approach used by salesperson to gain commitment from consumers by telling them to think the pros and cons of all alternative available. It is also called Ben Franklin Method. Make two columns. List all the pros of the alternative in one column and all the cons in another. Then two conditions will arise: Any one column will become longer than the other so that will clearly imply if pros of the alternative is more or...
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411 Words
Amid the standard of Napoleon Bonaparte, the majority of European nations were disappointed about the way that they were under a standard of an outsider. Some of them were angry about the changes that Napoleon brought along; some of them loved the desire for recovering their old request. So, every single oversight of Bonaparte was intently watched and examined and everything he might do could be utilized against him. In 1813, Napoleon was vanquished by the joined multitudes of his...
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418 Words
“I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men; they are far superior and always have been”, - William Golding. In ancient epics, women are treated much differently than men, but perhaps not for the reasons readers often expect. Perhaps, the men are afraid of the great potential and strength women possess. Although women are not treated quite as poorly as they were in ancient times, they are still often overlooked and underestimated, just as they were...
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407 Words
The first emperor of the Holy Roman empire is known as Charlemagne. Charlemagne was one of the most impressive and dynamic of every medieval ruler. He started and energized a renaissance of learning and aesthetic undertaking that appeared to later ages as a Golden Age. A unique general, overseer and law-supplier, he was as talented on the front line as in the gathering chamber, and by sheer power of character held together a domain that equaled the Byzantines in the...
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403 Words
“Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of effort” (F. D. Roosevelt). The period of which the Great Depression took place was called the “Dirty Thirties”. Many people didn't know how to react to economic disaster. The Great Depression left many in poverty. It was arguably the largest tragic event in U.S. history. It left all in poverty and lasted for years. Roosevelt Put many agencies in place...
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424 Words
Modern kids below the age of 13 square measure growing up in a very world wherever the web is in their daily lives. Close to thirty million kids and adolescents go browsing annually, creating them the biggest teams of individuals to admit it. The web has grown up to be a central a part of life used in homes, schools, businesses, libraries among others. For kids, the utilization of the web is in doing assignment, human activity, taking part in...
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424 Words
By tracing a timeline through different art movements, not only are we able to see how modern and contemporary art has developed, but we can interpret it as a reflection of its time. In this essay, I will be discussing two art movements - surrealism and pop art. The Surrealism movement depicted bizarre scenes and dream imagery but retained a certain playfulness which would be later seen in pop art. Founded by poet André Breton in Paris 1924, surrealism was...
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406 Words
Dear Woman’s Club of Fort Worth, thank you for your generous scholarship. I was so excited and appreciative to hear that I would be the recipient for this scholarship. I am a Junior I nursing major, and I plan on graduating in the spring of 2021. I am from northern California, but I was drawn to Texas and TCU because of their excellent nursing program, which was recently ranked as the #1 program in Texas. Currently, I plan on becoming...
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404 Words
The original national anthem, forged through the perilous moments of the War of 1812, has a lasting impact on the patriotism and core beliefs of U.S. citizens. Today, the Star-Spangled Banner represents more than achieved independence, but additionally constitutes a national symbol for the country. The Houston Symphony Orchestra 2014 performance of the Star-Spangled Banner employs a variety of fermatas, crescendos, instrumentation, and supplementary alterations in music style in order to convey their central message of America’s strength, pride, unity,...
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413 Words
John F. Kennedy had a very powerful response after the increase of steel price in 1962. In his speech made on April 11, 1962, he is extremely effective in his use of rhetorical strategies to convey his message. Kennedy gives off a disapproving tone and strong diction in order to clearly get his point across. His main goal is to make the steel companies reverse the increase. John F. Kennedy was very skilled at taking situations and allowing all of...
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405 Words
'Charlotte's Web' is a book of children's literature by American author E.B.White; it was published on October 15, 1952, by Harper & Brothers. In 'Сharlotte’s web' main characters are the people and animals: Charlotte (a beautiful large gray spider that makes her efforts to save her friend’s life), Wilbur (a lovable pig who lives in the barn), Fern (a little girl who saves Wilbur from being slaughtered), Templeton (a rat that likes to collect things), Goose and Old sheep (animals...
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411 Words