In Walt Whitman’s poem, ‘A Noiseless Patient Spider’, Whitman explores the idea of a reserved individual taking on the unknown of his/her new step in life. The poem is voiced subjectively by an individual who has already reached the desired stance in his/her life. This speaker is attempting to reach many other individuals who have achieved their desired position life and now have no idea where to go from there. The poem’s purpose is to try to radiate inspiration and...
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409 Words
Introduction In this essay, I am going to discuss why cell phones should not be allowed in schools, and how banning cell phones in schools will benefit us in many ways. Students, according to this new rule, will be required to switch off their phones and store them securely in lockers from the start of the school day until the final bell. When emergencies occur, parents or guardians can reach their child by calling the school. Cell phones will be...
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418 Words
Patient Education is a process of empowering patients to be the in charge of their own wellbeing and be more independent concerning their health management (Yeh, Wu, & Tung, 2018). It is one of the most important responsibilities of the nurses to educate the patient properly to prevent hospital readmission, improve patient’s confidence in health care and avoid relapses. Moreover, nurses’ ability to instruct efficiently can optimize patient’s learning, skills, capacities of self-care, and capabilities to make informed choices (Falvo,...
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415 Words
Colonialism is a practice of domination which involves a powerful nation extending it powers to another country (Kohn, Margaret and Reddy, Kavita, 2017). This is considered a form of globalisation as in order to dominate one country it requires the powerful nation to sustain an economy in the country that they are taking control of. In order to do so, the powerful nation has to acquire the countries natural resources and materials so that they are able to trade with...
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410 Words
Bangladesh has currently 3025 newspapers in total. This total number includes 1078 daily newspaper, 1947 weekly newspaper and fortnightlies and monthlies. The newspaper media industry had its best time where the circulation of newspaper and the rate of newspaper reader were increasing until 2013. As the literacy rate increased, the number of newspaper reader increased as well. People would wake up and they would read the newspaper while having a cup of coffee; they would read the newspaper while going...
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411 Words
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Ayn Rand (her real name is Alice O'Connor) was a Russian-born American writer and philosopher. She is known for her fiction and for developing a philosophical system she named Objectivism. Widely known for her work 'Atlas Shrugged'. A long-time resident of New York City, Rand, 77, was found dead in her New York City residence this morning. Her cause of death has is said to be heart failure. She is buried next to her husband at Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla,...
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400 Words
Are you worried about the increasing number of dengue cases? Dengue is actually an infection and can severely affect it. 'Dengue fever' has become increasingly common in lots of areas and needs to be controlled. As dengue can take a serious turn in some cases, awareness of signs and symptoms of dengue is always helpful. Dengue is a viral infection that spreads through the bite of a female Aedes mosquito and can affect almost everyone. Mosquitoes are mainly involved in...
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422 Words
At the very young age of 18 years old, Malala Yousafzai had become the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Malala is a voice for women who don’t have one. She stands up for children's rights as well. Her speech that she gave on the 10th of December 2014, shows that she is very thankful for her parents and all the people that support her. To get her point across she uses logic and emotional language to ensure...
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415 Words
An online course refers to the course or medium of content that is provided to anyone irrespective of their age through a digital platform. Nowadays, these online courses have become important for the ones who are seeking job opportunities in accordance to some prescribed professional skills. Students are required to be familiar and well versed with the usage and applications of technology. The advancements in Information Technology (IT) has actually opened the way for students to shift from their traditional...
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402 Words
Is there a reason as to why I should vote for President Trump? President Trump is the current and the 45th president of the United States of America. Being born in the year 1946, he is currently at the age of 74 years. He has been married to Melania Trump, the current First Lady of the United States, since 2005. Before joining politics, Trump was a businessman and also a television personality. In this essay, I will come upon many...
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400 Words
Everyone has a passion whether it’s big or small. My number one passion is gymnastics. Gymnastics is a fun and very serious sport at sometimes. You can also receive a chance to meet new people. Statistics show that over 5,000 people do gymnastics to have something fun to do. By doing this sport you will most likely never be bored. So being able to have gymnastics as a passion means that you like to be active. I started gymnastics when...
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391 Words
Why do sexual assault (SHARP) violations keep rising despite all the training? SHARP stands for Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention. Sexual assault has captured the attention of the media for a long time. It is persistent in the Army and does not seem to stop soon. SHARP violation rises in the army regardless of all the training. The report has indicated that the most incidences of sexual harassment occur in the military and the airbases. Workers in this field experience...
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397 Words
I find these themes important to the retelling of gender because it can apply to males, females, animals, or objects. In every telling of “Little Red Riding Hood,” there was a common pattern of characters: the young girl, the grandmother, a wolf, with the occasional dwarf or huntsman thrown in. These themes apply to these genders or characters because they were different in each story. The women in the stories were either strong and fierce or innocent and helpless. The...
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400 Words
English, to me, is an empowering medium. The language is pivotal to many of us today in communicating with and understanding each other, not just through the words we say, but through a speaker's message and intentions. This is based around my unequivocal belief that 'All worthy work is open to interpretations the author did not intend', as Joss Whedon most eloquently versed, making literature a source of escapism and a way of putting to words the intricacies of the...
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416 Words
To lead, you need to motivate and positively inspire others whenever called upon, striving to improve the enlisted and your peers. The military constantly hears that Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) lead from the front and set the Standard but how can we improve and lead our Army when there is turmoil within itself. This is the reality that every soldier and leader faces when it comes to the Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program. The SHARP program has brought...
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424 Words
As a fellow Soldier and a former victim of sexual assault within military, this paper will discuss the improvements that can be done to the Sexual Harassment/ Assault Response and Prevention program (SHARP). SHARP is the military active effort to end sexual harassment/ assault in the military ranks. Why does SHARP occurs? What is the training we are doing? How are we ending it? These are the sub topics that we will go through to show why the program is...
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408 Words
Día de los Muertos celebrates the lives of our departed loved ones, and the new life that comes from death. The tradition helps us to recognize that death is just the next step in life’s journey, and that no one really dies as long as they live on in our memories. The history of the day traces all the way back to the Aztecs. The Aztecs believed that the souls of their ancestors went to an underworld called Mictlān, where...
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405 Words
Feudalism, in a nutshell, is a system that was used commonly in the middle ages. The system revolves around land ownership and duties. In this system, the king owned all the land and could choose to gift his land to lords and nobles, often called manors, in exchange for support. Then the lords and nobles could give their property to vassals who did labor for them. The lands given to them were called fiefs. In Feudalism, taxes were paid with...
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424 Words
Christopher Pike once said, “Nothing is as it seems.' John Proctor, from the play The Crucible, relates to this quote. John Proctor is a farm owner in Salem, Massachusetts. He was a well–respected man who went through some road bumps that made his characteristics change drastically. John Proctor changed throughout the play because of events that made him have to change his judgment, beliefs and emotions. The beginning of the play, John Proctor is not presented as a good man,...
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413 Words
My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke was published in 1942. The poem has a simple rhyme scheme. At first read, it is easy to assume that this little boy is commenting on dancing around with his dad after his father has been drinking. However, depending on the reader, this poem can be seen as a metaphor for the boy being abused by his father. For instance, the word “Waltz” can be used as a symbol, perhaps it could be interchangeable...
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423 Words
Imagine living in a black and white world were nobody has no true color. A novel written by Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 is series of complex characters such as the main character Montag as the protagonist and Captain Beatty as the antagonist. Montag lives in a world where books are prohibited, and firemen cause the fires not only that but, at night so the fire puts on a show for the world. In addition to the concept of burning books...
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421 Words
Abstract A conflict of interest may happen when an organization or an individual becomes bias because of a clash between personal interests and professional responsibilities. This conflict may happen when a company or person have an interest such as money, knowledge, relationships, personal interest that may affect their actions and decision-making. (Segal, 2020) I would like to use our current company that provides calibration services in the local UAE market as an example to this written assignment. The main conflict...
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380 Words
Women athletes are likely to be monitored for eating disorders these days. Representatives of aesthetic sports are more likely to establish an eating disorder than different type of female athletes (Sungot-Borgen & Torstveit, 2004). 'The prevalence of excessive training loads and the over emphasis on thinness is increasing in all aesthetically shaped sports' (Boros, 2009, p.1). Ballerinas, dancers, figure skaters, synchronized swimmers, just like rhythmic gymnasts are often subject of developing eating disorders by practicing unhealthy methods for weight loss...
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402 Words
Shakespeare’s Hamlet explores the freedom that madness provides through setting and the characterisation of Hamlet and Ophelia, presenting the freedom their changing speech and behaviour provide. Shakespeare emphasises the liberty of Hamlet and Ophelia’s seemingly irrational actions against their confined status and actions in a rigid social structure where women still “obey” a male figure and Princes feel trapped in a “prison.” Hamlet uses the façade of madness to “put on an antic disposition”, to find his father’s murderer. Shakespeare...
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378 Words
What morality means is how we attempt to define what is wrong or right of our actions and thoughts. It also indicates what is good or bad of being who we are. There are multiple types of morality. There are moral standards, with regard to behavior. Moral identity, someone who is capable of right or wrong. The final one is moral responsibility, referring to our conscience. We ensure morality in society for fair play and helps individuals to be good...
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401 Words
In The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, there is a common theme of class divide rich vs poor and greasers vs socs. In the novel The Outsiders is about two gangs on each side of a town. The socs and the greasers, who have a destructive rivalry and are very different. However throughout the course of the novel their true characteristics are proven to be fundamentally the same. Each side has its differences, for example, their opposing dress codes. The...
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408 Words
Woman empowerment is a tricky subject to write on. Balancing views from both sides of the spectrum are needed. Unfortunately, every discussion on it becomes a gender issue and the respective genders begin to defend their arguments taking rationality for a toss. My aim is to be neutral and aid you to understand what woman empowerment really is. First things first. What is empowerment? Granting someone the right or authority to do something. So you might be thinking were women...
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421 Words
In 2017, I was privileged to study, for a short period, in Kyungpook National University. Three other students and I, were given a task of reviewing latest studies, which showed the relationship between malnutrition and gut microbiome, and to think of an appropriate solution to malnutrition based on gut microbiota. This is what I will briefly share with you. Under-nutrition is caused by a lot of factors, the immediate causes being inadequate diet and diseases. However, research has shown that...
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422 Words
Obesity is currently a problem that causes serious health problems, especially in adolescents because it is a nutritional disorder presented by some factors such as psychological syndromes, anxiety, depression and the quality of life that each person has. In England, many young people are obese, especially adolescents who seriously compromise their health with diseases such as two different types of diabetes, heart diseases and certain types of cancer. In Ecuador, more than a quarter of the population is overweight and...
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399 Words
The, diseases contracted in human bodies are responsible for interfering with the homeostatic immune mechanisms in the body and this decrease with age. AIDS and STIs are viral diseases that weaken the body immune response and are transfused by direct sexual intimacy between partners. Currently, they are the most frequent diseases among the seniors due to a number of factors as discussed below. A research conducted by Susan et al., (2017), indicated that, among the population of entire Americans, older...
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403 Words