400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Causes of Late 19th Century Imperialism

As the role of the United States grew globally in the late 19th century into the early 20th century, many motivating factors caused this growth. Americans looked to other lands and saw hope in potential territory gains and economic prosperity, but the main reason was two-sided in assisting other nations for humanitarian and Social Darwinist purposes. Americans' worth of freedom and democracy were trailblazing when a new government was established in 1776. Since then, many other nations looked up to...
1 Page 381 Words

Essay on Money Is Key to Happiness

People need to look at time the same way that they look at the value of money. The majority of people believe that money is more valuable than time but in reality, they end up wasting such an important thing which should be cherished. Time is much more valuable than money because time creates more memories, time brings more happiness than money and time is a healer, not money. You may be able to use your time to make money...
1 Page 400 Words

Essay on What Does Honour, Courage, Commitment Mean to You

Honor, duty, courage, and fame, are each pivotal elements to survive in society. Each one is indispensable. Honor brings pride; duty is a necessary condition for success; courage empowers and eliminates fear; and fame leads to success. With these components, it is possible to be a successful member of society. The honor represents status. It earns respect. Individuals can be successful only by learning to strive for a sense of honor, which is obtained through fair competition. To defend himself...
1 Page 412 Words

Of Mice and Men' Essay on Father and Son Relationships

In the novella, Of Mice of Men, George is described as being, “small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong hands, slender features. Every part of him was defined” (2). The other main character, Lennie, is expressed as, “his [George’s] opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws.” Lennie is different from most...
1 Page 376 Words

Essay on 'Capitalism a Love Story' Summary

The movie Capitalism: A Love Story by Michael Moore examines the effect of corporate dominance on the regular day-to-day existence of Americans. In this movie, I specifically chose Walmart because it is the world’s largest retail store and most people tend to buy food from Walmart; Walmart’s main focus is on the customers and they do anything for customer satisfaction. However, Michael Moore exposes the past practices of Walmart and shows how Walmart values its customers in the past through...
1 Page 379 Words

Clove of Seasons In ‘The Scarlet Ibis’ Essay

Introduction In the short story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, the author utilizes various symbols to convey deeper meanings and emotions. One such symbol is the clove of seasons, which plays a significant role in the narrative. This essay will explore the critical significance of the clove of seasons and its symbolic representation in the story. Body Symbolism of the Clove of Seasons The clove of seasons represents the passage of time and the cyclic nature of life. It...
1 Page 420 Words

Honesty Is the Best Policy: Personal Narrative Essay

First of all, the peers in this story will be kept anonymous for privacy reasons. So, I learned that honesty is the best policy, and here is how an incident in 7th grade and almost going to trial got me to learn that honesty can get you out of bad situations. It was 2nd period, me and my buddies, as we will call them, were in music. I did not expect anything of this to happen until suddenly one of...
1 Page 408 Words

My Dream House: Essay

Thinking about my dream house, it would be a house located in a place near a lake. I chose this place because it is better to go natural than artificial, like making swimming pools. In addition, I have the opportunity to enjoy fishing on the lake. My dream house is not just like the biggest home and all emanations are available, but I just want all natural things nearby. Even in my home, I do not want a big gate...
1 Page 398 Words

How Do Words Change the World We Live In: Personal Narrative Essay

Have you ever thought about how powerful the words we speak are? As for me, I firmly believe that the words we speak have the power to make or break. Undoubtedly, they can fundamentally change the world in which we live, both at the level of society and at the level of an individual. And my experience, which I am going to share further, only confirms this truth. In my elementary school, one of the things I wish I had...
1 Page 405 Words

Argumentative Essay on Late Marriage

Marriage is a socially or ceremonially perceived association or legitimate contract among people that sets up a base for the rise of family as a crucial social organization which thus turns into the establishment of a stable society. It is an obvious fact that the concept of marriage in our current highly changing society has changed, first of all in the question of when exactly it should be entered into. In our time, late marriage is no longer a rarity,...
1 Page 414 Words

Divorce Narrative Essay

I have heard many compliments from “You're doing a good job” “You're amazing when you put your mind to things” and of course “You're going to do great things when you get older.” I have always minimized my achievements and never took pride in any of my accomplishments. Deep down I felt I didn’t deserve any admiration no matter what I accomplished. I took Dual Enrollment and AP courses while achieving Honor roll, and being the most active volunteer in...
1 Page 420 Words

Essay about Probability and Statistics

Have you ever encountered the Statistics and Probability? Some people might think that is a particular subject that gives us a hard time but if we think a little more, it can affect our daily life. It can help us not just help but also benefit us. In everything we do and wherever we go, Statistics and Probability are all around us. Statistics and Probability are closely related because Statistics is where you can collect and gather more data. Every...
1 Page 393 Words

Essay on Why Is College Readiness Important

The Brookings authors did some further evaluation of their own on the influences of excessive faculty course-taking. After analyzing a national consultant database of U.S. students and controlling for academic, demographic, and individual-level variables, they found that, on average, superior high college publications do little to prepare students to succeed in university courses.[1] Brookings also looks to have busted the delusion that college students function higher in topics that they first studied in high school. For example, college students who...
1 Page 416 Words

Young Goodman Brown' Character Analysis Essay

Along with the setting, Hawthorne’s use of symbolism contributes to the portrayal of the theme of loss of innocence. (1) This is evident as the character’s names are used to symbolize innocence: The name Young Goodman Brown is symbolic of innocence, as “young” refers to his youth, and “goodman” refers to his good nature. He is also newly-wed, which adds to his youthful character. As Brown is used to portray someone of a good nature, he also shows corruptibility. This...
1 Page 411 Words

Beowulf and Sir Gawain: Compare and Contrast Essay

Beowulf is a member of the tribe of the Geats, who goes to serve in the court of Hrothgar and Sir Gawain is King Arthur's great knight. Both of them are the heroes facing the grim challenges in the stories. To compare the idea of the hero in Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, both of the heroes in the stories are brave. The braveness of Beowulf lies in trying his best to help the king of the...
1 Page 425 Words

Critical Essay on ‘Eleven’

"Eleven," a short story by Sandra Cisneros, delves into the complex nature of identity and perception, particularly through the lens of a young girl's experiences on her eleventh birthday. Through the vivid narration of Rachel's emotions and thoughts, Cisneros skillfully explores the discrepancy between how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. The story revolves around Rachel's eleventh birthday, a day that should symbolize newfound maturity and confidence. However, as Rachel faces an embarrassing situation in her classroom, she...
1 Page 378 Words

Essay on New Deal Failures

I. Introduction The New Deal, implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression, remains one of the most significant and debated economic programs in American history. While it aimed to alleviate the hardships of the Depression and restore economic stability, it encountered various challenges and criticisms. This essay explores the failures of the New Deal, examining different perspectives on its effectiveness and impact. II. Barton Bernstein's View: Protecting Capitalism Barton Bernstein offers a perspective that the New Deal...
1 Page 422 Words

Essay on King Arthur's Quests

Introduction The tales of King Arthur and his knights embarking on noble quests have captured the imagination of audiences for centuries. These stories, steeped in chivalry, honor, and adventure, have become an integral part of Western folklore and literature. However, the historicity of King Arthur and the authenticity of his quests have long been debated by scholars and historians. The Origins of King Arthur According to Ashe, the earliest mention of King Arthur can be traced back to the 12th-century...
1 Page 415 Words

Essay on Utilitarianism and Abortion

Introduction Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that posits the maximization of utility as the basis for moral decision-making. In the context of abortion, utilitarianism weighs the consequences of terminating a pregnancy against the potential benefits to determine the ethical course of action. This essay explores the utilitarian perspective on abortion, highlighting the ethical considerations and implications involved. Abortion: Definition and Context Abortion is the deliberate termination of human pregnancy, often performed under various circumstances. While some argue for its legality...
1 Page 404 Words

Essay on Walmart Negative Facts.

Introduction Mission and vision statements serve as guiding principles for organizations, outlining their purpose and goals. Walmart, one of the world's largest retailers, has a well-known mission and vision aimed at saving people money and improving lives. However, despite its positive reputation, Walmart has faced criticisms and controversies that shed light on negative aspects of its operations. Labor Practices Walmart has been criticized for its labor practices, including low wages, insufficient benefits, and poor working conditions for its employees. Reports...
1 Page 377 Words

Essay on How Did Gandhi Gemonstrate Perseverance

To him, every illness was but a breach of some unknown law of nature. As against the doctrine of majoritarian democracy, every issue to him needed to be judged from the touchstone of morality rather than in terms of numbers. Though Gandhi appeared very frail, he was a man of extraordinary courage, determination, and perseverance in the face of adversity. He had an original mind which probed into the matrix of human problems. His magnetic personality could command the loyalty...
1 Page 400 Words

Essay on Why Is Frida Kahlo Influential

More than a century after her birth, Frida’s influence remains alive and her transgressive vision of life is still relevant. Beyond the crown of flowers, Mexican folklore, and the populated frown, the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo is not only one of the most recognized and quoted painters in art history, but her life, unique personality, ideas, and the image she projected have turned her into a reference point for feminine empowerment, freedom, and personal improvement. She was one of the...
1 Page 403 Words

Essay on Frida Kahlo Impact on Society

Frida Kahlo is renowned for pushing the gender stereotype boundaries for women in her art. The artist confronts the traditional view of women in society and art, where she shows herself to be a confident figure pushing these patriarchal societal views of women. Many of her self-portraits show strong, self-assured women trapped in an emotional torment that has been long-standing in her life. Her self-portraits are her psychological response to the trauma happening in her life, to her illness, and...
1 Page 422 Words

Toni Morrison 'Beloved': Essay on Mother's Love

The characters in Toni Morrison’s novel undergo various changes throughout the novel. Each change is directly linked to the love and need to possess something, usually Beloved, in the novel. The protagonist of the novel, Sethe, starts as a proud and independent woman who has escaped slavery and is now living in a sort of freedom with her youngest child. As a result of slavery, Sethe barely knew her mother, as a result, Sethe’s motherly instinct became her most prominent...
1 Page 406 Words

Essay Natural Ability Hard Work

Talent is an inborn pleasant that that offers us a clever way to gain success. Talent is useless till we work difficult for it. One has to never sit down on a sofa and assume a correct result. Just due to the fact one has intelligence it would not mean that it can reap success immediately. Hard work can defeat intelligence if Genius fails to work hard. Hard work is the key to success. Hard work has usually been the...
1 Page 397 Words

Essay on 'The Lottery' Thesis Statement

In Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”, the lottery is an event that the town has done for years and it has become a very important tradition to them. The reason that the people participate in this deadly and unfair tradition is because they believe that it will ensure a good harvest. As Mr. Harvey says in the story, “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon” (Jackson Par.32). The connection between the story and the world is the idea of tradition. So,...
1 Page 409 Words

Beloved' by Toni Morrison: Literary Analysis Essay

“Beloved,” was written by Toni Morrison in 1987 and it is based on a true story. This difficult and gruesome novel tells the story of Margaret Garner, a young mother, who escaped from slavery. She was arrested for killing one of her children, attempting to kill all, rather than let them return to slavery. In her twisted way, she demonstrates her love for her children by wanting to end their lives rather than return them to life-long misery. Through the...
1 Page 401 Words

Essay on 'A Christmas Memory' Theme

The short story A Christmas Memory, which is written by Truman Capote, is a story about a small child and an older person celebrating Christmas together. They have many rituals that they complete every year, and the beginning talks about them. But, in the end, the 2 characters get separated, never seeing each other ever again. This invokes sorrow in the reader, knowing that the 2 best friends will never see each other again. Truman Capote structures the story in...
1 Page 401 Words

Why Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine: Essay

After watching lectures on the structure of bones, joints, and tissue made by cells, I became interested in the practice of manipulating the body to aid in the healing process. Through some research, I found a simple, non-invasive practice that physicians use that piqued my interest and made me want to master it - osteopathic manipulative medicine. Osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) or osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT) is a treatment method offered by doctors, more commonly referred to as DOs, who...
1 Page 405 Words

Essay on the Chinese Exclusion Act

In the 1880s, America started its period of rapid industrialization, and this would ignite the second big wave of immigration into America. Most of these immigrants were coming from Southern, Eastern, and Central Europe with some of them being Italians and Jews. Because many immigrants came here seeking jobs, a new life, and political and religious freedom, they were often discriminated against because they were the large majority who took on factory and hard labor jobs. This wasn’t the first...
1 Page 409 Words
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