400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Minimum Wage Reflections from Ehrenreich's 'Serving in Florida'

In the United States, there are many unjust laws that lead to social inequality. In today's world, wage inequality has grown over the past 30 years, which creates many problems for people. Currently, minimum wage workers don’t make enough money to sustain a comfortable life. In the article ‘Serving in Florida’, the author Barbara Ehrenreich decided to do a research assignment by working a series of low-paying jobs and wanted to see how it felt like working with minimum wage...
1 Page 407 Words

Review of Roderick Fraser Nash's Island Civilization

Roderick Frazier Nash's essay ‘Island Civilization: A Vision for Human Occupancy of Earth in the Fourth Millennium’ explains an argument that in order to correctly executed an island civilization, the populace needs to minimize to a quarter of today’s population, which would result to around 1.5 billion people, meaning there will be fewer of them. Personally, I do agree with the author's opinion that human beings are the primary purpose of destruction. As the author pointed out, when the Earth...
1 Page 407 Words

Reflective Essay about High School Life

I think my best learning experience was when I started as a high school student. When I first started high school, I had real friends who treated me like a family member, which I hadn't had in years as a child. I didn't expect that after my past, someone would take the time to approach me and ask if I wanted to be friends. I am a person who cannot see the joy in my eyes since only a few...
1 Page 407 Words

Reflective Essay on an Event

Committing to reflection and evaluation after an event entitled Holly Jolly December: Special Gift Giving Party for Community Children held at Brgy. Mainit Tayabas City. December is also the Christmas season which is why we came up with the idea that the participant of this event is the Children in the Community Since Christmas is the season for Children nothing compares to the tremendous delight that comes from giving and sharing. For me organizing an event is not as easy...
1 Page 414 Words

Reflective Essay about Biology

A biology teacher is an inspiring figure to the class and the school at large, this is mainly because of the understanding that is to come from the biology teacher as he/she illustrates to the student the importance of living things and how they relate to the environment in which they are in ( Tunnicliffe, S. D., & Ueckert, C, 2007pp 51-53). Biology comes from a Latin word that is a combination of bio and logos which means the knowledge...
1 Page 410 Words

Essay on My Trip to the Zoo

One day, my family and I decided to visit the zoo. For our family trip, we chose Melbourne Zoo, Australia's oldest zoo. Melbourne Zoo is located in Royal Park in Parkville. It has a variety of animals ranging from Australian animals to animals from Africa. They are involved with conservation programs in 6 countries, 8 grassroots community conservation campaigns, and more than 50 research projects. Some amazing thing Melbourne Zoo has achieved is successfully breeding the Baw Baw frog. They...
1 Page 420 Words

Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace: Essay

Professionalism is a notably crucial phase of forming a profitable agency with comfortable and loyal team members, all the stakeholders involved in the journey view such an organization as safeguarding their investment at the identical time and thus having a tremendous impact on productivity. Professionalism refers to an individual's habits at work, that is, how a person consists of him/herself, the frame of thinking, and the way he or she relates with others. In the workforce, employees who show off...
1 Page 406 Words

Homelessness and Unemployment: Essay

550,000 people are homeless in the United States. That is more than just a statistic. That is 550,000 Americans just like me and you. That is 550,000 people who are struggling to survive. That is 550,000 people who we drive by every day and assure ourselves that they are not our problems. That they did this to themselves. We could be helping, but we choose not to, and that is actually a big problem. What are the causes of this...
1 Page 397 Words

Why Visit Hawaii: Argumentative Essay

Traveling is one of the most educational experiences that a person can go undergo; it literally opens doors to new cultures, new people, and new places. There are hundreds of countries and many beautiful destinations in the world to discover, but the ones I would like to see most are some that I have been infatuated with since I was a child. Traveling with my family has opened my eyes to a plethora of exciting places and new cultures, and...
1 Page 405 Words

Why Visit Greece: Argumentative Essay

Greece is a Mediterranean country of incredible beauty. Its turquoise blue beaches, amazing locals, vibrant culture, and ancient history continue to attract tourists from all over the world. In this essay, I will present my point of view on why Greece is a country worth visiting. The first reason to visit Greece is its relaxing vibes. You can soak up the sun on a pristine beach and explore the remains of an ancient civilization, along with enjoying party scenes in...
1 Page 399 Words

Tourism in Egypt Affected by the Russian-Ukrainian War: Essay

As weeks of anxiety now turn to an open war between Russia and Ukraine, the effects on world trade, financial markets, and country-wide economies, including Egypt's economy, are becoming clear. Many of the furnish chain issues that are nevertheless with us from the pandemic are going to be aggravated by this. That skill world strength expenses will rise, and so will meal costs. Both Russia and Ukraine are among the world's largest grain exporters, which capacity that there will be...
1 Page 422 Words

What Is Electricity: Informative Essay

Electricity is an essential part of modern society. Many humans depend on it. Electricity helps power our computers and mobile devices, making work easier for millions of people. Electricity helps power stoves and microwaves, making it more convenient to cook and warm food. Electricity has made a huge impact on technological advancement and will continue to in the near future. There are many ways to generate electricity. One way is generators, where kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy. Another...
1 Page 408 Words

Essay on the Causes of Bullying in School

Bullying is conduct that someone shows when intentionally hurting somebody either emotionally or physically on a repetitive basis. Bullying can happen anywhere, but most often at school. Now that children have access to the Internet, it is sometimes much more difficult for a 'victim' to find a way to escape from his/her bullies. There may be no single reason why bullying happens, people can be bullied for a variety of different reasons. A few causes can be that the bully...
1 Page 407 Words

Fishing as a Great Family Activity: Essay

The family is the most important thing for everyone, that's why the time we spend together has a lot of value. Doing family activities reinforces the trust of each other and allows us to get to know each other better and build better family ties. With the days of good weather, one of the activities we can do is a day of family fishing. So, what makes fishing a great activity for the whole family? Firstly, fishing is a type...
1 Page 405 Words

What Can I Do to Unite Our Country as Prime Minister: Essay

Canada is a very diverse country, full of people of many different ethnicities, languages, cultures, and backgrounds. How can we unite our country? If I were elected, I would work on solutions to problems that are crucial and deeply affecting Canadians. Statistics show that millions of people avoid going to the dentist because of the cost, and many young people cannot afford to go at all. Growing up in a very busy and expensive town, I know that people struggle...
1 Page 423 Words

Introvert vs. Extrovert: Comparative Essay

According to Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary, personality is the visible aspect of a person's character. Your personality is what other people see, so it's not what you believe about yourself, it's how you come across to other people. The word 'personality' comes from the Latin word 'persona', which means a mask, and also has associations with the word 'role'. Personality, after all, is the sum total of all types of characteristics that an individual possesses, and is, therefore, the 'essential character...
1 Page 423 Words

Essay on a Visit to a National Park

Under the sweltering afternoon heat, it might have seemed like a bad decision to visit MacRitchie Reservoir. Barely minutes after setting foot in the park, I could feel my loose shirt starting to cling to my back in places, with perspiration trickling down my face. The searing heat from the sun was just unbearable. The beauty of nature, nonetheless, never ceases to amaze me. The water was a perfect mirror for the lush green scenery that surrounded it. It was...
1 Page 419 Words

Is Money the Root of All Evil: Opinion Essay

Money has many names, and with that, it's been called many things. It has been said to be the root of all evil, and that it rules the world of today. Money, most of the time, represents power. It allures us with its enchanting faces and the public's perception of it as something wonderful. However, money is not the source of all evil. Rather, it is only when our own desires tarnish the image of money. Deep inside our hearts,...
1 Page 414 Words

Impact of Christmas Online Shopping on Environment

Saving the planet is, without question, one of today’s most current topics. However, sometimes other issues may occupy one’s mind, for example, Christmas. Truth be told, during that time of the year, the environment is not everybody’s priority. Panic-buying gifts often take place online, and customers do not want to drive to the next mall to escape high traffic loads. Almost 65 percent of Germany’s population used the Internet for shopping in 2013. Now, seven years later, the number of...
1 Page 407 Words

World Bank Pros and Cons Essay

The World Bank is an international organization that has the largest sources of development assistance that help its group to develop countries with various goals to make sure people around the world can live a better life by eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development. The World Bank was founded...
1 Page 415 Words

Quality Education and Why It Is Important: Essay

Shockingly, 57 million children across the world don't have a school to go to. This is atrocious for the kids as well as the country they are in because without formal education it is hard for a country to develop. This information arises the question of how access to quality education positively impacts children as they become older. Access to quality education positively impacts children as they get older by providing them with new opportunities and improving a country’s economy....
1 Page 421 Words

My Father is My Inspiration: Essay

My father is my proposal for the reason that the day I was born. When I was little, the thinking I had for him was once as soon as there is nothing impossible for him. That used to be the definition for him. Still, it is in so many ways. He taught me to see dreams, better ones, and he additionally taught me to make them a reality. I was once in no way a lot less than a son...
1 Page 407 Words

Mental Health Is as Important as Physical Health: Persuasive Essay

In today’s generation, mental conditions are very rampant. We are suffering from a mental apocalypse. It is quite challenging to determine the signs of having a mental illness. People who experience mental health issues mask them so well and the sad thing is that nobody really knows how much anyone else is hurting. We could be standing next to somebody who is broken and we would not know about it. Worst, we made them feel completely broken. Even the strongest...
1 Page 409 Words

Free Speech on College Campuses as a Problem: Essay

Free speech on college campuses has been a problem that varies around the United States. The problem with the excluding of free speech on campus has resulted in protests, students having to transfer to different colleges, teachers losing their job, and censorship of T-shirts and newspapers. America’s premier editorial cartoonist, Michael Ramirez, effectively uses pathos and ethos to discuss the challenges of free speech on college campuses. Additionally, Michael Ramirez appeals to pathos in his cartoon by graphically showing a...
1 Page 403 Words

Fear Is Not Always a Harmful Emotion: Personal Narrative Essay

I didn’t understand until now, that fear is not always a harmful emotion and that you don’t have to fear the unexpected because it’s the very thing that could bring out the best in you. It all started at West Port High School when I was seconds away from performing my project piece for my Dance Repertory class. It was one of the last to show because my class and I had to travel from the classroom to the school’s...
1 Page 417 Words

Essay about the Role of Family in Socialization

Socializing is a process by which principles and traditions are transmitted to the young generation. It helps in nurturing the guidelines and performance of social groups to which they belong. Every society builds an institutional framework within which the socialization of children takes place. Several agents of socialization can be singled out, including family, schools and kindergartens, peers, and mass media, but, in my opinion, the most important among them is, of course, family. Family is a very significant intervention...
1 Page 403 Words

Essay about School Dropout, Its Causes and Consequences

From a historical point of view, early school leaving is an important theme in our societies. Indeed, although there are prevention campaigns against dropping out, some studies highlight the fact that school dropout rates have increased (Bong & Skaalvik, 2003). Societies are changing, children's compulsory schooling has been extended, and full employment is no longer available. All these elements make school dropout an important issue from now on. To begin with, it is obvious but important to note that dropping...
1 Page 417 Words

Essay about Children's Discipline and Who Is Responsible for It

Disciplining the kid is one of the foremost widespread problems spoken by people. There are those who believe that lecturers ought to be chargeable for youngsters’ discipline, whereas others believe that oldsters should handle this specific predicament. In my opinion, I believe parents play a necessary role in disciplining their children. First, most folks believe that discipline should be managed by parents and assert that this essential characteristic is determined by a reception from day one as a result of...
1 Page 422 Words

College Essay about My Working in a Restaurant

I obtained my first job when I was 18 years old and it was at a fast food restaurant called Taco Bell. I still remember my first day. I was put in the fryer to fry French fries, chalupas, cinnamon delights, etc. It got very hot and boring, but since I did not know yet how to do other things, they had to keep me there at first. At the end of that shift, I had to clean the bathrooms....
1 Page 397 Words

Self-Evaluation Essay on Informative Speech

During my speech and my retake, I experienced different emotions. I categorized my reflection into three parts; the first is my rehearsal of the speech, the second is for the research, and the third is my struggles with the actual speech. Before I went to do the first speech, I had rehearsed more than 20 times at my home. I listened to TED talks and tried copying their gestures. There was a long break before we had to do the...
1 Page 396 Words
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