400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on DBQ Product Proposal

Introduction of the Product Couplet Timekeeper Ring is one of the innovative gadget with various features such as setting a noiseless alarm, GPS tracker, and 24-hour digital timer device. It can transform your waking up style in a very smooth way by not disturbing your partner who is sleeping very next to you. This modern waterproof and convenient device can be advantageous in various other situations, including siblings that share the same bedroom at home or roommates in a hostel...
1 Page 397 Words

What Does the Scar Symbolize in 'Lord of the Flies': Critical Essay

In Lord of the Flies, the author, William Golding, creates the novel to show the behaviors he noticed during the time of World War II. He depicts the different inner designs of the human body and soul. Golding helps detect one's inner savagery and civility. Golding demonstrates that the children are not conditioned by society to act evil or, that a satanic force is driving them towards such a malevolent and nefarious demeanor; it is an innate evil within that...
1 Page 425 Words

Motivational Speech on Cyber Bullying

Good morning everyone, today I’m standing in front of you to deliver my speech about cyberbullying. But before anything else, what is cyberbullying? As we hear the word cyber, the first thing that comes to our mind is, it is all about technology. Nowadays, as we see in our daily lives, everyone is using a mobile phone even a child is using one. Technology is very helpful in our everyday life, it makes somehow our life easier, easy to communicate...
1 Page 405 Words

Alan Parker's Film 'Mississippi Burning' and the Ideas It Explores

Different works of art can portray ideas in a variety of ways. An example can be Alan Parker's crime thriller film 'Mississippi Burning' (1988), which explores the ideas of racial prejudice and bigotry’s effects on a vulnerable community. As well as the injustice of the legal system and the way that perpetrators are sentenced in biased ways. This is shown through the detective's investigation of a small 1964 Mississippi town Jessup County, where the disappearance of 3 civil rights workers...
1 Page 402 Words

Is Modern Society Too Dependent on Technology: Essay

Our use of technology is becoming daily more essential and important to us, as most of our tasks are done using some type of technology that allows information to be more easily found and gathered. In a fast-running society like today, the use of technology may seem like the fastest and most efficient way to get things done, and to some extent, it is highly beneficial, but if it gets out of hand, this tool can do more harm than...
1 Page 412 Words

Review of Brent Staples' Personal Narrative ‘Night Walker’

‘Night Walker’ by Brent Staples is a personal narrative in which the theme is considered to be don’t assume who they are just on the appearance of a person. ‘Night Walker’ is about an African American man who has insomnia. To cope with this, he takes walks throughout the city he lives in to tire himself so that he can sleep. However, since he grew up in a small city, he had never faced problems in being an African American...
1 Page 411 Words

Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge: Essay

What is more important, imagination or knowledge? This is an eternal question. Knowledge is information that we receive thanks to the experience of our environment and our own experience at the moment. Information about everything discovered or experienced is knowledge. But imagination is needed to put that information together to come up with new results and solutions, that's why it's more important in my opinion. The famous physicist Albert Einstein once said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge...
1 Page 407 Words

What Lesson I Learned in High School: Personal Narrative Essay

The high school experience is something that will forever dominate the psyche of most teenagers. It was an unforgettable time of fun, rebel-rousing, summer love, and parties. It was a time of warm summer days at the pool and chilly autumn nights, watching the football team and wondering where the party was going to be that night. School dances and hotel parties. Seems like all I can remember are the good times. But with all those good, fun moments as...
1 Page 413 Words

The Rabies Theory of Edgar Allan Poe's Mysterious Death

Edgar Allan Poe, a well-known poet, mysteriously died one day with merely no evidence to prove how he passed. Is there still hope to find the cause of death? There are many theories as to what happened, one popular theory of the death of Poe is rabies. As mentioned above, Poe is explained to have died from a case of rabies. When Poe was admitted to the hospital, he was confused, delirious, and could not perform everyday actions easily. According...
1 Page 404 Words

Insanity Defence and Why Currently It Is Rarely Used: Critical Essay

The legal defence of ‘insanity’ states that the defendant is not capable of committing a crime as the individual is not aware of the nature or the quality of the act he has committed. Insanity is establishing that the mens rae (guilty mind) was in the individual’s control and if the act was his intention at the time of the offence and not the trial. It is only available as a defence in a murder charge. Using the defence of...
1 Page 412 Words

Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay

A brave woman, Rosa Parks played a key role in starting the civil rights movement for African Americans. Rosa Parks lived in Montgomery, Alabama, a city with a reputation as the first pro-slavery capital of the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Rosa Parks, a seamstress at a downtown department store, had a prior history as a civil rights campaigner, having served as a youth organizer for the local branch of America’s oldest and most effective civil rights organization, the...
1 Page 406 Words

Describing Ralph in 'Lord of the Flies'

In William Golding’s novel ‘Lord of the Flies’, Ralph is described as a leader, companion, and a civilized person, who runs on a democracy. That is why all the people from the island chose Ralph as their leader. Ralph also helps run the island. If the people had a different leader, I think that everyone's viewpoint would change. Ralph crafted the huts and helped with the idea of making the fire to try and help them get rescued. Ralph is...
1 Page 418 Words

Promotion in Marketing Management: Critical Essay

Promotion is one of the four Ps of marketing. In marketing management, promotion is a method of informing consumers about the relative advantages of a product, service, brand, or problem that is usually persuasive in nature. The primary goals of promotions are to increase product demand and differentiated it from competitors. A product may be promoted in a variety of ways using various forms of media. To publicize their goods, promoters employ Internet advertising, special events, endorsements, and newspapers or...
1 Page 415 Words

Picture Description Essay

Have you ever been passionate or dedicated about anything? The renowned photographer Gordon Parks got a chance to cover the boxing champion, Muhammad Ali for the Life magazine in 1966. The photographer Gordon Parks had taken close-ups of Muhammad Ali, revealing his courtesy and charm. Gordon Parks' photograph titled 'Muhammad Ali Trains in Hyde Park, London, England, 1966', three trees through which sun’s rays pass with a foggy background with bushes. It is a black-and-white photograph. Muhammad Ali was in...
1 Page 408 Words

Essay on Ocean Clean-up Project Solution to Pollution

Our ocean is flooded with two main types of pollution: chemicals and trash. Chemical contamination occurs when human activities, notably the use of fertilizer on farms, lead to the runoff of chemicals into waterways that ultimately flow into the ocean. The increased concentration of chemicals, such as nitrogen and phosphorous, promotes the growth of algal blooms, which can be toxic to wildlife and harmful to humans. Marine trash encompasses all manufactured products (most of them plastic) that end up in...
1 Page 407 Words

Intersectionality' Reference Essay

Introduction Intersectionality refers to the way race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, status, and other markers of differences intersect to inform individual realities and lived experiences. Intersectionality recognizes that individuals and groups are shaped by multiple and intersecting identities. These identities often inform an individual’s worldview, perspective, and relationship to others in society. The interdepartmental perspective or framework encourages policymakers and social change leaders to determine how race, class, gender, race, sexual orientation, ability, and status affect public policy...
1 Page 413 Words

Inclusion of Romeo and Juliet in School Curriculum

With long debate, is Shakespeare still relevant in the 21st century? William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ should be included in the ninth-grade curriculum because it offers an understanding of modern English and wrote various plays or poems that readers can create a connection towards. However, several opposers believe that Shakespeare’s material can be difficult to understand in today’s modern language. To begin with, William Shakespeare's plays and poems create a significant understanding of the idea of modern English. The article...
1 Page 421 Words

Hamlet as a Tragic Hero: Critical Essay

A defining characteristic of the Shakespearean famous tragedy ‘Hamlet’ is the presence of a ‘tragic hero’, a hero with a prominent flaw critical to their eventual demise, or a ‘fatal flaw’. Illustrated almost as a narrative, the flaw was a testament that sin is a feasible route for all men in society if one remains unknowledgeable of their fatal flaw or allows the flaw to remain uncontained. Literary critics and theorists have determined Hamlet’s fatal flaw to be his indecision,...
1 Page 402 Words

Why School Uniforms Are Good: Persuasive Essay

Should public schools have school uniforms? This question has been discussed for many years. Usually, students are strongly against this policy. First of all, they explain this by the fact that the school uniform violates their rights, it prevents them from freely expressing their personality and showing their identity. However, I think school uniforms are good. Wearing a school uniform has a number of advantages that I want to highlight in my essay. The first reason why school uniforms are...
1 Page 401 Words

No Child Left Behind Act: Analytical Essay

In this essay, a brief description of educational policy is discussed, showing how interested parties collaborate to form a new public policy within education. The various actors within the network are discussed, along with competing interests surrounding these policies. Next, an explanation is given of how policy networks influence democratic governance. This information will be used to draw a conclusion regarding the relationship between democratic governance and policy networks. Educational policy is continually changing. In 2001, a federal law called...
1 Page 404 Words

Why Everyone Should Learn to Cook: Persuasive Essay

I strongly believe that everyone should learn to cook, especially young children. This is because it can save money, give independence, and helps people who have allergies. First of all, I think that we should learn to cook because it can save money. This is because people usually buy takeaway and Uber Eats. We can save money by not purchasing these. If we buy food that we can cook with, we can have leftovers that can be eaten the next...
1 Page 408 Words

Domestic Violence Should Not Be in Our Society: Persuasive Essay

How many cases of domestic violence do you think are reported each year? About 13 million, with many who have gone unnoticed! I am completely convinced that there should be no domestic violence in our society. We cannot allow women and men who are suffering from violence to be unheard of. The only way to stop this horrific problem is to protest, for example, as a member of the ‘Say No to DV’ Campaign. Domestic violence is not always physical....
1 Page 406 Words

Mental Illness and Homelessness: Critical Essay

Although it seems that the United States doesn’t have a high rate of homelessness, in 2019 about 567,715 people were counted as homeless nationally. Unfortunately, in these almost two years approximately, this rate started to increase. There are many reasons why the rate of homelessness has been increasing for the past 2 years. One of them is due to mental illness. According to metalillnesspolicy.com, “Mental illness is a major contributor to homelessness. In 2008, a survey was performed by the...
1 Page 406 Words

MBA STEM Degree Application: Essay Example

I believe what was once a relatively straightforward role of supply chain manager has now become one that is complex and multifaceted. Anticipating consumer trends and demands for different goods is one way a superior supply chain manager is differentiated from a merely good one. To establish myself, I need a degree program that will provide me with a framework that will integrate different topics and create an understanding of the trade-offs and relationships between the core supply chain concepts....
1 Page 419 Words

Essay about Logo as an Important Step in Business Development

Creating a business requires making choices that will contribute to the success of the business: from the colors of the website to the price of products or services. But, in my opinion, one of the most important choices to make at the start of business creation is to create a logo. After all, the logo will be at the heart of the brand image. It's something people recognize, it has to be in line with the company's values and mission....
1 Page 406 Words

A Great 21st Century Leader: Informative Essay

To break things down first, we need to understand what the word leader means and know where it came from. According to Jia Lin, leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage, and discipline. Reliance on intelligence alone results in rebelliousness. Exercise of humaneness alone results in weakness. Fixation of trust results in folly. Helplessness on the power of courage results in inhumanity. Extreme discipline and disapproving rules result in cruelty. When one has all five virtues together, each...
1 Page 422 Words

Why I Want to Be in National Honor Society Essay

Example 1 I am passionate about academics, leadership, and community service, which is why I am eager to apply for the National Honor Society. From a young age, I have strived for academic excellence, constantly pushing myself to learn and grow in every subject. In addition, I have served in leadership roles in various extracurricular activities, such as student government and volunteering for local organizations. I also believe in giving back to my community, regularly volunteering for local charities and...
1 Page 405 Words

Prefect Application Letter Essay

Writing a perfect application letter can be challenging, but by following some key recommendations, you can create a standout letter that will impress potential employers. Before you start writing your letter, research the company and the position you're applying for. This will help you tailor your letter to the specific job and company, and show that you've done your homework. Your application letter should be professional and courteous in tone. Avoid slang or overly familiar language, and focus on presenting...
1 Page 400 Words

Martial Arts for Self-defence: Informative Essay

Self-defense is the ability to defend yourself when in danger. In the unpredictable world in which we live, a person can find himself in situations where he must defend himself. Self-defense is nothing more than a collection of physical techniques used to protect yourself from an attack. To protect oneself from being harmed, injured, or even worse killed, is a basic right of a human. Instead of being vulnerable and helpless, many people have learned self-defense and being able to...
1 Page 422 Words

Naturalistic Observation of Child as Research Method

Naturalistic observation is when researchers perform an observation by carefully watching and listening to children in their everyday environment. The observer must record everything the child speaks about and the movements the child are doing. When the researcher is doing a naturalistic observation, he observes how the child behaves, interacts during activities, expresses themselves, and how the child speaks without an adult intervening. There are two different types of observation: participant observation and non-participant observation. Participant observation is when the...
1 Page 423 Words
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