400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How Did Upton Sinclair Impact Society: Critical Essay

Upton Sinclair was a well-known muckraker, and progressive journalist in America who strove to lead reforms by exposing the exploitative nature of institutions and political leaders, The Jungle is a literary example of the muckraker movement. The problem the author identifies in the novel is the harsh working conditions and hostile living situations of immigrants in the United States in industrialized cities like Chicago. Sinclair assumes his readers are part of the American population, as well as members of the...
1 Page 416 Words

Impact of Confucianism on China: Analytical Essay

The key idea of Confucius's Philosophy was a united and good-running system. Its structure was to instruct individuals to act naturally propelled and self-controlled and to empower individuals to accept their obligations, which would, thus, develop a superior self and an agreeable society. Confucious lessons urge others to be deferential and have an agreeable society. Confucious lessons centered around morals of appropriate conduct, for people and governments. They trust in two standards or worry of others and furthermore good conduct....
1 Page 400 Words

The Value of Being Yourself

Primary school wasnā€™t as eventful as it was supposed to be for majority of children, instead it felt like I was drowning in what the world perceived me to be instead of who I wanted to be. As a child growing up, I never really knew who I was and how I should act. All I ever did was try to impress people that didnā€™t even like me. Coming into high school, Iā€™ve learnt how to stay true to oneā€™s...
1 Page 424 Words

Privacy Vs. National Security: What's More Important

In my essay I am going to answer the question of what is more important our privacy or national security. Both sides of the argument are considered in the work. I am convinced that national security will constantly be more necessary than privacy as long because the government continues to protect the rights of its citizens. However, immoderate measures of the invasion of peoples private privateness must not take place when it is now not necessary. In my opinion, I...
1 Page 408 Words

My Fascination with Roller Coasters

The sight of fair rides has invariably piqued my interest. It surprises me that your typical person is delighted in giving up the tranquility of the earth beneath you with the excitement of throwing themselves in the air like a food processorā€™s vegetables. At some point in history, someone believed that people could derive pleasure in it and created what had to be the first of these horrifying machines. For me, the joys and feelings of survival have kept me...
1 Page 414 Words

Cyber Libel Awareness among Adolescents

The 21st century shapes the modern face on how people communicate. The use of Internet information and communications technology hastily arises over the past years. These technologies are widely used by adolescents since it becomes a medium for getting excellent sources of news and information, yet they are the most ignorant about the risks of sharing information online. Adolescentā€™s level of awareness regarding cyber libel is still at a medium level (Zakaria & Harun, 2020). We often share sensitive information...
1 Page 410 Words

Being a Man in 2019

I feel being a man in 2019 is as complicated as ever. Let me start by talking about one of the things I believe are not talked about as much, mental health. Sadness, anger, happiness and fear are the four basic emotions we feel as humans. Of these four emotions, happiness is considered the most acceptable in our modern-day society. Yet anger, fear and sadness are universally felt by everyone. Men throughout history have been told not to express any...
1 Page 417 Words

Essay on One Unintended Consequence of the Columbian Exchange

Introduction The Columbian Exchange, a period of extensive cultural and biological exchange between the Old World and the New World following Christopher Columbus' voyages, had far-reaching consequences. While it brought about advancements in trade, agriculture, and the exchange of ideas, it also had unintended consequences that significantly impacted indigenous populations. This informative essay focuses on one of those unintended consequences: the devastating effects of disease brought by European explorers and colonizers to the Americas. By exploring the spread of diseases,...
1 Page 422 Words

Why I Want to Be a Firefighter: Personal Statement

I imagine waking up no longer knowing what every day is going to bring, the place the sudden is expected. With just the sound of a siren, you know you are about to put your life on the line for any individual else. Fire hostilities is an extremely necessary job. It saves many lives and property. You hazard the whole thing to store the lives of the endless strangers you encounter. This is the thrilling existence that firefighters endure. They...
1 Page 425 Words

Life without Education: Persuasive Essay on Importance of Education

Education is the essence of progress in society. It is very useful for every individual of all ages, and it has no limit. When Iā€™m thinking about education, ā€œWhat could it be the world like without education?ā€ Maybe no tremendous growth of technology, no scientists which can do investigations, trials, and experiments, no astronauts who can launch satellites and maintain spacecraft, and many other things. The continuous growth of technology will be like an illusion without education. Certain things that...
1 Page 408 Words

Informative Essay about the Names of the Original 13 Colonies

The thirteen colonies are also known as 13 British colonies or 13 American colonies. The name of the 13 colonies in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Providence. These colonies are also called mid-colonies, Sothern colonies, and northern colonies. Delaware, Pennsylvania, new jersey, and New York are considered middle colonies. Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Providence, are under northern colonies and southern...
1 Page 396 Words

Analysis of 'Life is Fine' by Langston Hughes

He basically opposes hell in this poem in a way where heā€™s explaining the common challenges that the black community faces with themselves. Always looking down on their own figures and those around them, as well as blaming white individuals for their failures when pointing fingers at them shouldnā€™t be their way of overcoming this challenge. By preventing failure aka ā€œopposing hellā€, he explains the alternative way of moving forward other than pointing fingers which are to face your individual...
1 Page 412 Words

What Is a Life Worth' by Amanda Ripley: Critical Essay

As being the only human on earth, in a planet, is quite a mystery how it all started from rock bottom to the point where we are now. To have an opportunity to make the choices we want to make and end up with having an accomplished future for ourselves. Iā€™m pretty sure everyone has their list to do what they want to do before they go on to the next life, go skydiving, meet a famous celebrity, travel the...
1 Page 411 Words

My Passions in Life: Narrative Essay

A passion is something or someone that you have a strong emotion towards. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for adventure, the search for a lasting friendship, and reaching out to help children. These passions are something that could make or break my day; for this reason, I enjoy them. First came my longing for adventure which started at an early age. Adventuring has led humans to new discoveries: it is a fun and...
1 Page 408 Words

Trust Vs Mistrust: Exemplification Essay

Children from infancy to one year old are learning at this stage the meaning of trust vs mistrust. Since children at this age canā€™t take care of themselves they will rely heavily on their caregivers to provide them with the tools they need to be able to trust people, to be happy and successful in their life. The only way to do so is by interacting constantly with your child through talking, listening, touching, and nurturing this is crucial in...
1 Page 402 Words

Conflict in 'Julius Caesar': Critical Analysis Essay

Conflicting perspectives emerge throughout Julius Caesar, as different characters hold different perspectives as each character has different motives and interests. In Julius Caesar these conflicting perspectives are shown through the stylistic features of a play, the representation of the perspectives through these features helps to portray the conflicting perspectives in a unique way. The stylistic features and characterization used in Julius Caesar allow the opposing motives and interests of numerous characters to be established throughout the play. One way this...
1 Page 422 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why Did the Colonies Break Away from England

The American Revolution, which officially began in 1776, was not simply the result of one event. Though it has direct causes, there were several underlying causes of the Revolution as well. Some indirect causes originated a long time before the idea of a revolution even existed. The combination of both direct and indirect causes sparked a drive in colonists to successfully carry out the American Revolution. The direct causes of the Revolution are those which affected the colonists directly, either...
1 Page 404 Words

Are Interest Groups Good or Bad for Democracy: Critical Essay

Pluralism is a theory that argues a group of people, not all individuals, govern the country. These groups of people include trade unions, professional organizations, civil rights groups, financial lobbies, environmental activists, formal or informal organizations, or like-minded people. These associations dictate and make administrative laws and policies. The general public only acts as bystanders because the participants only constitute a tiny fraction of the whole population. An excellent example of pluralism is the American government. According to pluralists, the...
1 Page 419 Words

Analytical Essay on Why Did Brutus Join the Conspiracy:

This play teaches us about deception and manipulation to create an environment where it seems no one can be trusted. This play is still relevant and can teach us a lot about modern-day society and the fundamental parts of politics. Looking over the past, nothing much has changed. Interpreting the play from different perspectives grants us not just knowledge, but a way of thinking. Elections seem to have changed little when we look at our current campaigns. Cassiusā€™ argument appeals...
1 Page 403 Words

Analytical Essay on Early Jamestown: Why Did So Many Colonists Died

Imagine being hated by a whole culture. In 1607 English ships sailed into the Chesapeake Bay located in Virginia and Maryland, bringing more than 100 passengers. King of England said, ā€œFaire meadows and goodly tall trees ahead lay possible richesā€. The passengers were confident they were going to find riches. At the beginning of Jamestown, a lot of settlers died for these reasons: sickness, natives, and poor leadership. The Powhatans (Indians that lived around James River) did not like the...
1 Page 415 Words

Five Sources of Law: Informative Essay

Introduction Laws may be described as a set of rules set up that direct humans or citizens residing in a state or a community. These Laws are set up to reduce the possibilities of friction and chaos in a State and in the event the same occurs, these laws still play a huge role in dealing with them. However, we should refer our minds to a popular maxim which goes thus; ā€˜Laws are made for me and not man for...
1 Page 416 Words

End of School Year: Reflection Essay

As 7th grade comes to an end, I reflect on the 20212022 school year and the changes I have experienced. Academically, I have been pronouncing words better. At first, I was having trouble pronouncing a bunch of words. I even had to use a translator. In math, I have been understanding circumferences more. It was confusing at first but with practice, I can finally understand it. I am also understanding how to use PEMDAS and the order of operations. Something...
1 Page 404 Words

Employee Self-Evaluation Essay

Evaluate performance and learning needs It is a framework for judging success completes in the picture. It gives agencies a practical guide to help them in developing valuable approaches to evaluating their learning and development initiatives. It is advocated by a sequence of user-friendly evaluation tools and further resources, accessible from the Commissionā€˜s website. For example, in 2002, in concurrence with the Australian national audit office, the commission developed building capability- a structure for managing learning and development in the...
1 Page 388 Words

Critical Essay on Santa Ana Winds by Joan Didion

The winds of Santa Ana, as explained by a well-respected author, Joan Didion, occur on a hill of a mountain and shift from cold air to a dry and humid wind as it travels down the mountains into Los Angeles. At the beginning of Didionā€™s story ā€œLos Angeles Notebook,ā€ she emphasizes that the Santa Ana winds can be very dangerous and have very negative effects. Didionā€™s unpleasant feelings toward the Santa Ana Winds are depicted through the tone and imagery....
1 Page 415 Words

How Will the Honours Program Benefit You: Narrative Essay

Honors at Iowa has been a dream of mine to gain entry to. I will be attending the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business this upcoming fall. Although I did not achieve all the requirements to be automatically admitted into Honors at Iowa, I believe that I still have many favorable qualities that would make me a great addition to this program. In this essay, I will explain why I believe that my entrance to this program will be...
1 Page 408 Words

Argumentative Essay on George Broderick and a Cat

It all started when a replica of a mummy came to haunt and in the process was destroying a bed and breakfast in Pleasantview. Who could it be? George Broderick is one of the suspects, and he is the mummy imposter. George Broderick has the best motive and opportunity, unlike Chester Gibbons. George Broderick's motive is money. A letter that George wrote to Agatha asking ā€œ Will you marry me and make me the happiest, the richest man in the...
1 Page 417 Words

Betrayal in 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar': Analysis

In his work, William Shakespeare uses the elements of drama to analyze and explain the universal themes present in each of his plays. The Shakespearean play ā€˜Julius Caesarā€™ demonstrates the universal themes of betrayal and tragedy. Julius Caesar is a tragedy play written in 1599. Itā€™s about a conflict/rivalry between two people, named Brutus and Caesar. In the end, Brutus ends up stabbing Caesar in the back and killing him all because he felt that Caesar had too much power....
1 Page 424 Words

Summary of 'A Wrinkle in Time' by Madeleine Lā€™Engle

ā€œA Wrinkle in Timeā€, authored by Madeleine Lā€™Engle, tells the wildly crazy story of three young children, Meg Murry, Charles Wallace Murry, and Calvin Oā€™Keefe. This amazing adventure commences when young Meg a distant child whoā€™s just trying to do the best she can, can't sleep because of the storm that's happening outside her bedroom window at night. She goes down to discover Charles Wallace, a remarkable young boy who is mature beyond his years making some warm milk for...
1 Page 394 Words

Short Story of Mulan

This story is about the adventure of a heroic young lady in the Ancient China period, who efficaciously defended her country against the opposition of the Hun Invasion, her name is Mulan. Mulan lived in a village with her family in Northern China. Her household determined to get Mulan a partner but eventually, it didn't work. Due to Hun's taking over the Chinese government recognized a situation of hardship and declares that every man of the family should join the...
1 Page 409 Words

Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln: Summary and Analysis

The Oration of Memory by Fedrick Douglass was a remembrance of the former president Lincoln, he wanted to tell his story and wanted people, especially African Americans to know what he did through his years of presidency. During the speech, Douglass needed to make decisions, decisions on how he will honor and address Lincoln's memory, he wanted to pinpoint the areas in Lincoln's life that affected people in a good way and that coincided with the freedom of slaves. Above...
1 Page 400 Words
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