4000 Word Essay Examples

132 samples in this category

Writing a 4000-word essay can be a daunting task for any student. It requires extensive research, careful planning, and the ability to communicate ideas concisely and coherently. This article will explore examples of 4000-word essays, research paper topics, and writing prompts to help you navigate this ...

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Social Issues

Exploring the Theme of Memory in Toni Morrison's Beloved

Introduction Memory, both individual and collective, plays a major role in the novel. Memory affects the story in many ways. The story is told in fragmented pieces that can only be connected by the memories of the characters. In the story, Sethe and Paul D's stories of their pasts are revealed. Sethe's past is one of physical and sexual abuse, while Paul D's is a jail cell. While these former slaves' memories lead them back to the lowest times in...
9 Pages 4225 Words

Psychotherapy and Depression Essay

A physical illness calls the need for medical attention, and our first instincts tell us to seek professional help. On the other hand, mental illness invites a lot of skepticism in looking out for psychiatric help (Thornicroft, 2007). Partly due to a lack of awareness and literacy in society (Thompson et al., 2004), and partly due to the inadequacy of treatment services. Additionally, mental illness carries with it a certain stigma (Barney et al., 2006; Cooper-Patrick et al., 1997; McNair...
8 Pages 3811 Words

Amazon Globalization Strategy Essay

1 Introduction Amazon is now a Fortune 500 e-commerce company that is headquartered in Seattle. It is one of the first large companies to introduce the idea of selling goods over the Internet. The company was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994. Amazon was initially an online bookstore which later diversified to selling other items such as DVDs, music, video games, electronics, and clothing. The company has been credited as being the reason for popularizing online shopping. Amazon is also...
8 Pages 3765 Words

Hate Crime Research Paper

Four Jewish teens were attacked and robbed by a group of teens On November 11, 2018, while walking near Fairholme Avenue and Bathurst Street in Toronto. Sunday when they passed another group of teens, the boys were subject to offensive remarks about their religion, and they were made fun of based on what they were wearing. According to the police spokesperson Katrina Arrogante the boys were wearing their makes on their heads. The police spokesperson reported she was not sure...
8 Pages 3802 Words

Research Essay about Effective Teacher

Effective teaching of arithmetic Arithmetic is the study of using numbers and working things out with them. Over the recent decades the meaning of ‘arithmetic’ has changed from being limited to achievement in standard procedures without full understanding to the one that establishes logical structures behind the numbers and their operations. Individuals living in the current century are required to take the initiative in making connections between mathematical representations and real-life problems. They also need to find appropriate ways of...
8 Pages 3788 Words

LGBT Community Research Paper

Abstract The older LGBT community is an extremely resilient group that faces additional unique intersectional stressors as they anticipate expected mental and physical health decline. Despite the advances (i.e., marriage equality) made worldwide towards positively evaluating the LGBT community as a whole, there is still a great need in educating service providers, the general public, and very importantly, healthcare providers, to address these diverse issues and enhance adequate care. The purpose of this experiment is to better understand attitudes towards...
9 Pages 4120 Words

How Did Mussolini Use Propaganda: Informative Essay

Italy was a relatively new state; it had only been recently united in 1861 and divisions among separate regions and social classes remained a predominant issue in the early 1920s. Following the Great War, the Italians were resentful of their “mutilated victory” and criticized the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 for being unjust to the Italians. The frustration of the people was contemplated further by the recession that followed the war, and an incapable government that failed to restrain the...
9 Pages 4129 Words

Sports Essay

In a diverse world, there is a common language that spans boundaries, ethnicities, and backgrounds: the language of sports. Sports have imprinted themselves profoundly into the tapestry of human history, from the deafening shouts of the stadium to the joyful companionship on the playground. They are more than just games; they encapsulate the essence of human spirit and tenacity, forming a bright mosaic that celebrates the victory of human endeavor. Sports have always been more than simply a showcase of...
9 Pages 4041 Words

Holi Festival Essay

Introduction When it comes to celebrations that carry deep cultural significance, vibrancy, and a touch of whimsy, few can rival the grandeur of Holi, the Indian "Festival of Colors." Holi's history, customs, and impact reach far beyond the mere spectacle, permeating deep into India's societal, religious, and cultural fabric and many other places where the Indian diaspora has made its home. This Holi festival essay aims to delve into the vivacious spirit of Holi, exploring the aspects that make this...
8 Pages 3871 Words

Hobby Essay

Hobby Essay 1 (100 words) Hobbies can be the simplest yet most fulfilling activities in our lives. They allow us to break free from the monotony of daily routines, offering an escape into a world where our passion lies. Whether painting, gardening, cooking, or collecting stamps, every hobby has a unique essence and beauty. These interests become our solace and often define our personalities in subtle ways. This hobby essay aims to shed light on the significance of hobbies, focusing...
8 Pages 3954 Words

Ethical Dilemma Faced by Self-driving Cars: Argumentative Essay

Abstract The application of artificial intelligence technology will soon permit large-scale deployment of self-driving cars for human daily lives. Self-driving cars are assumed to be safer than manually driven cars, but car collisions are sometimes unavoidable. It’s necessary to consider during the occurrence of a car accident, the ethical algorithms for different stages of the accident, which are the responsibilities and backward-looking responsibilities. Along with interests that are held by various stakeholders, seek forward-looking dilemma is produced. In other words,...
9 Pages 3987 Words

Essay on Trajectory of Irish Historiography

How did twentieth-century historians interpret the period known as the Great Famine? The history of any nation is an integral part of establishing sovereignty and recognition on a global scale. Certain events or individuals dominate these narratives and can be based on triumph or atrocity. As such, the period of the 1840s has become a key feature in what could be called the ‘Irish Story’. It was a period of widespread hunger and disease, with the obvious catalyst lying in...
9 Pages 4091 Words

Essays on Movies

Movies Essay 1 (100 words) Movies are more than just entertainment; they mirror human emotions, dreams, and experiences. Each frame tells a story that resonates with people all across the world. They take us to uncharted areas, stimulating our imaginations and creating empathy. Movies generate tremendous emotions, producing enduring impressions, from gripping action to touching love. The silver screen promotes understanding and togetherness by showcasing cultural variety. Directors, performers, and writers work together to create these masterpieces, which immortalize stories...
8 Pages 3928 Words

Analysis of ‘The Giver’: Compare and Contrast Essay

A society is essentially a community of people living together with there being a sort of order to everything. In novels, there can be two types of societies that can be present. The first is a utopian society which is defined by Merriam-webster.com as “a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions.”The second type of society is a dystopian society which is the complete opposite, in which there is an imaginary society where everything is unpleasant...
9 Pages 4140 Words

Essay about Putin (5000 Word)

1.1 Who is Putin? “We don't need a weakened government but a strong government that would take responsibility for the rights of the individual and cares for the society as a whole.” Vladimir Putin Putin is a Russian politician and a former intelligence officer who is now serving as President of Russia for the fourth time while he has served as the Prime Minister of the country from 2008 to 2012. Putin has been a significant figure regarding the matters...
9 Pages 4064 Words

The Help Movie Analysis: Race and Power in American Society

Introduction This paper is a cultural assessment of the movie “The Help.” The setting of the movie is Jackson, Mississippi, in the 1960s. During this time, racial discrimination was very prevalent, as well as the civil rights movement. The cultural assessment will include a description of the movie family, family processes, values, socialization and child-rearing, healthcare beliefs, adaptation, and assessment of development or functional competency. It is important to realize that cultural assessment entails being open-minded to others and understanding...
8 Pages 3805 Words

Art and Religion across Time and in Modern Society

Introduction At only first glance, this artwork of Andres Serrano is seen to be very provocative and blasphemous. This controversial artwork is a photograph of a 13-inch crucifix being submerged into a yellow liquid, which is implied to be urine as the title would suggest, and it is most likely to be his own. For many, the Piss Christ became a symbol of the secular assault and hatred against the Christian faith as it is said to be an act...
9 Pages 4250 Words

Big Band Jazz and Its History

Jazz has been a genre of music that stretches past racial boundaries, generational separation and societal norms. The barriers of race were broken down with the newfound expression of jazz in the early 1900s. Jazz has a breadth of emotional meaning that resonated with multiple ethnic groups aside from African Americans. In Europe, jazz was seen as a form of musical liberation. Jazz reflected that African Americans had created a music which was a profound, timely, reflection of the nation...
8 Pages 3860 Words

Analyzing Effect of Smoking Ban in Ireland

The topic I have chosen to discuss is the HSE (Irish Health Service Executive) Quit campaign, promoting the support which the HSE gives to those trying to quit smoking in Ireland. The initial advertising campaign was launched in 2011, when a series of three videos was broadcast. In my dissertation I will examine this contemporary Irish advertising campaign through its aims, visual strategies and effectiveness in communicating its message. I will also discuss how it relates to social values and...
8 Pages 3864 Words

Analysing Factors Reasoning Juvenile Delinquency Youth Violence

Theories of social deviance and concepts about the causes of crime are some of the most important pieces of literature in today's society. Without these explanations for crime commission, there would be no way to try and prevent it. The theories of General Strain and Social Disorganization both seek to understand the reasoning behind deviance and delinquency. These concepts have certain similarities and differences in which they relate to each other. Agnew and Shaw/McKay agree on some aspects of explaining...
9 Pages 4042 Words

Impact of US Systemic Youth Violence on Gang Cultures in Latin America

“Most people join a gang because they feel disconnected, alone, alienated. They just want to belong, to feel valued, to have a purpose. Looking back, is there any surprise why I joined MS-13? My ma worked around the clock, I was alone a lot and everybody around me was from a gang”, – Gerardo Lopez, ex MS-13 member [1: TEDx Talks, 2018]. Gerardo’s case is certainly not an isolated one. It is estimated that since the turn of the 21st...
8 Pages 3769 Words

Realism in Theatre

Essence of Realism Realism in drama is an artistic movement that started around the 1870s and continued up to the 20th century. The theatre of Realism simply examines the real and common problems of people. In addition, it centers on human manners__ what individuals do and why in certain social contexts. The theatre of Realism in England, during the late 19th century, functioned as a mirror reflecting to the audience and showing the true self of individuals when challenged with...
8 Pages 3778 Words

Vulnerability of Somali Dutch People: Analytical Essay

First I will discuss the context of Somali Dutch people in the Netherlands. Then I will elaborate a theoretical framework where I will discuss how stigmatization and non-rational components structure Somali Dutch people's vulnerability and limited psychological support. Following this, I discuss the shortcomings of the framework by elaborating a structural explanation about how demographical features influence the coping mechanisms of the Somali Dutch people. Finally, I will conceptualize the relevant concepts and discuss research ethics. Introduction There are 40.000...
9 Pages 3947 Words

Report on the Competitive Strategy of Starbucks

Introduction: Being the world’s largest coffee company both in terms of sales and market share, Starbucks Coffee Company (hereinafter referred to as “Starbucks”) has managed to position itself as a distinguished and successful provider of high-quality coffee products, attracting millions of customers worldwide. The company, which was founded in Seattle in 1971 as a mere roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffee, tea, and spices, first entered the market as a seller of brewed coffee in 1985, when...
9 Pages 3997 Words

Public’s Perception of Lawyers and the Legal System

Introduction A. Orient your Reader to Time, Place, and Issue Hollywood has long used the cinematic courtroom as a tool to make social and political statements or to manipulate public perception. The trial film genre has tried to explain the relationship between popular culture and law from the beginning of the film in 1895 to the present day. Does this paper seek to explore what kind of community legal popular culture creates? How do the law and film shape our...
9 Pages 4230 Words

Prostitution as a Feminist Issue: Argumentative Essay

Why is prostitution a feminist issue, and what should feminists say about it? Prostitution is often referred to as the world’s oldest profession (Dylewski and Prokop, 2018). A long debate stands regarding prostitution amongst feminists and sex work in general. In order to fully understand the issue of prostitution and what feminists should say about it, it is important to understand what we define as prostitution. Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual intercourse, especially for...
9 Pages 4224 Words

Outsourcing Versus In-house Production in Generators Industry

Abstract Many manufacturing firms entrust partners to provide manufacturing services on their behalf. However, it is not clear whether and when firms can capture the potential value advantages of outsourcing business services. The purpose of this project is to investigate the suitable manufacturing approach for Generators that is not in the main core business of the firm. The question regarding whether to produce in-house or to purchase from an external supplier is nowadays very common, it is highlighted as a...
8 Pages 3797 Words

History of Prostitution in India: Analytical Essay

Abstract This research paper focuses on Prostitution. It focuses on the history of prostitution in India, types of prostitutes, prostitution in various places in India, prostitutes' story, causation of prostitution in India, prostitution’s impact, legal perspective of prostitution, remedial measures, agencies for rehabilitation of prostitutes, and conclusion. Prostitution is legal in India. What is illegal is soliciting sex in a public place or keeping a brothel.[footnoteRef:2]A large number of sex workers are driven to earn their livelihood by indulging in...
9 Pages 4071 Words

Essay on Retributivist and Consequentialist Punishment Philosophies

To what extent can retributivist and consequentialist punishment philosophies, in conjunction with key sociological perspectives on the role and function of punishment be used to justify the use of the death penalty? Capital punishment is the government-sanctioned practice whereby an offender is legally executed by the state as punishment for a crime. Its usage dates back to the beginning of human civilizations for, without developed prison systems, there has historically been no other alternative to incapacitate and punish criminals. Today,...
8 Pages 3808 Words

Essay on Issues of Malnutrition in Modern Society

Abstract The issue of undernutrition in today’s world is applicable to many settings throughout society. The prevalence of this issue does not seem to be decreasing despite the many medical advances in this area in the 21st century and there does not seem to be as much significance on this issue despite its importance in clinical care. Therefore, this essay will investigate the nutritional care of malnourished patients in today’s society and will examine why despite the increase in emphasis...
9 Pages 3923 Words
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